31 lines
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31 lines
1.3 KiB
@echo off
::// S1-Mod Server Configuration startup file //
::// This config best view with Notepad++ or other non-windows notepad //
::// Your edited server_zm.cfg goes in the "s1/" folder //
::// This is were you edit your hostname, map & gamemodes from //
set cfg=server_zm.cfg
set port=27016
set name="S1 ZM 1"
::// You're done! WARNING! Do not mess with anything below this line //
set game_exe=s1-mod.exe
title S1 - %name% - Server restarter
echo Server "%name%" will load %cfg% and listen on port %port% UDP!
echo To shut down the server close this window first!
echo (%date%) - (%time%) %name% server start.
cd /D "%~dp0"
start /wait /abovenormal %game_exe% -dedicated +set zombiesMode 1 +set net_port "%port%" +exec %cfg% +map_rotate
echo (%date%) - (%time%) WARNING: %name% server closed or dropped... server restarts.
goto server