////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// S1 Server Configuration // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SERVER NAME & COLORS TIPS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // ^1 Red // // ^2 Green // // ^3 Yellow // // ^4 Blue // // ^5 Cyan // // ^6 Pink // // ^7 White // // ^8 Depends on the team colors playing. // // ^9 Grey // // ^0 Black // // ^: Rainbow colors // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// set sv_hostname "S1 Default ZM Server" // Sets the server hostname. set sv_motd "" // Sets a custom motd which is shown on the intel message loadscreen when a player joins. Leave blank for default intel messages. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ADMIN INFO (Optional) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// set _Admin "" // Your username. set _Email "" // E-mail address. you can leave blank set _Website "" // Website. (IW4MAdmin uses this.) set _Location "Earth" // Location ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NON-GAMEPLAY CONFIGURATION // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// set party_maxplayers "4" // Max players in your server. set rcon_password "" // Access to your server to change stuff remotely or ingame. (Empty = disabled) set g_password "" // Password Protected Server. Leave blank if you want players to join or set password if you want to keep public out. set sv_privateClients "0" // Maximum number of private clients allowed on the server (range 0-18 (clamped to sv_maxclients) ) set sv_privatePassword "" // Password for reserved slots. set sv_voice "2" // Server voice chat configuration ( 0 = "No Chat", 1 = "Free Chat", 2 = "Team Chat" (default) ) set g_allowVote "1" // Toggle voting for [player kick/map restart/next map] (0 or 1 (default) ) set g_deadChat "0" // Toggle allowing dead players to chat with living players (0 (default) or 1) set g_inactivity "420" // Time in seconds before the server will kick a user for inactivity (range 0 - 10000) set sv_kickBanTime "3600" // Time in seconds for a player temporary ban (on kick/tempban) (range 0 - 3600) set sv_allowClientConsole "1" // Enable or Disable players ability to access server commands set sv_timeout "60" // Timeout time period. You will timeout after (60) seconds when attempting to connect or if you are getting connection interruptions set sv_reconnectlimit "3" // How many times you can try to reconnect set sv_pure "1" // verifying cilent files set sv_floodProtect "1" // Chat Spam Protection set sv_sayName "console" // name server-side 'say' commands show up as set logfile "2" // Enable loging 1-2? enable. 0 disable. Leave it on if you plan on using B3 or IW4MAdmin. set g_logSync "1" // 1 always flush games_mp.log, 0 only flush on game end. Recommended to stay on for b3 and IW4MAdmin set g_log "s1/logs/games_zm.log" // Gamelog filename. If you edit this, Make sure you change B3.xml if you have bigbrotherbot. IW4MAdmin auto-detects however. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EXO ZOMBIES GAMETYPE SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// set scr_zombies_scorelimit "0" // Target score before the round ends. set scr_zombies_timelimit "0" // Duration in minutes for the game to end if the score limit isn't reached. set scr_zombies_numlives "1" // Number of lives per player 0 for unlimited. set scr_zombies_promode "0" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EXO ZOMBIE ROTATION LIST // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Outbreak - mp_zombie_lab // // Infection - mp_zombie_brg // // Carrier - mp_zombie_ark // // Descent - mp_zombie_h2o // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// set sv_maprotation "gametype zombies map mp_zombie_ark map mp_zombie_brg map mp_zombie_h2o map mp_zombie_lab"