////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// S1 Server Configuration // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SERVER NAME & COLORS TIPS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // ^1 Red // // ^2 Green // // ^3 Yellow // // ^4 Blue // // ^5 Cyan // // ^6 Pink // // ^7 White // // ^8 Depends on the team colors playing. // // ^9 Grey // // ^0 Black // // ^: Rainbow colors // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// set sv_hostname "S1 Default MP Server" // Sets the server hostname. set sv_motd "" // Sets a custom motd which is shown on the intel message loadscreen when a player joins. Leave blank for default intel messages. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ADMIN INFO (Optional) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// set _Admin "" // Your username. set _Email "" // E-mail address. you can leave blank set _Website "" // Website. (IW4MAdmin uses this.) set _Location "Earth" // Location ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NON-GAMEPLAY CONFIGURATION // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// set scr_game_high_jump 1 // Disable Exos? set party_maxplayers "18" // Max players in your server. set rcon_password "" // Access to your server to change stuff remotely or ingame. (Empty = disabled) set g_password "" // Password Protected Server. Leave blank if you want players to join or set password if you want to keep public out. set sv_privateClients "0" // Maximum number of private clients allowed on the server (range 0-18 (clamped to sv_maxclients) ) set sv_privatePassword "" // Password for reserved slots. set sv_voice "2" // Server voice chat configuration ( 0 = "No Chat", 1 = "Free Chat", 2 = "Team Chat" (default) ) set g_allowVote "1" // Toggle voting for [player kick/map restart/next map] (0 or 1 (default) ) set g_deadChat "0" // Toggle allowing dead players to chat with living players (0 (default) or 1) set g_inactivity "420" // Time in seconds before the server will kick a user for inactivity (range 0 - 10000) set sv_kickBanTime "3600" // Time in seconds for a player temporary ban (on kick/tempban) (range 0 - 3600) set sv_allowClientConsole "1" // Enable or Disable players ability to access server commands set sv_timeout "60" // Timeout time period. You will timeout after (60) seconds when attempting to connect or if you are getting connection interruptions set sv_reconnectlimit "3" // How many times you can try to reconnect set sv_pure "1" // verifying cilent files set sv_floodProtect "1" // Chat Spam Protection set sv_sayName "console" // name server-side 'say' commands show up as set logfile "2" // Enable loging 1-2? enable. 0 disable. Leave it on if you plan on using B3 or IW4MAdmin. set g_logSync "1" // 1 always flush games_mp.log, 0 only flush on game end. Recommended to stay on for b3 and IW4MAdmin set g_log "s1/logs/games_mp.log" // Gamelog filename. If you edit this, Make sure you change B3.xml if you have bigbrotherbot. IW4MAdmin auto-detects however. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BASE GAME CONFIGURATION // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // dm - Free-for-all // // war - Team Deathmatch // // twar - Momentum // // ball - Uplink // // sd - Search and Destroy // // sr - Search and Rescue // // dom - Domination // // conf - Kill Confirmed // // ctf - Capture the Flag // // hp - Hardpoint // // infect - Infected // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// set g_gametype "war" // Default gametype in case map rotation doesn't have any gametypes. Choose a gametype from the list above. set scr_game_allowkillcam "1" // Allow Killcam set team_rebalance "1" // Auto Balance teams? set scr_teambalance "1" // Enable or Disable auto balance. set scr_game_spectatetype "2" // Allow Spectators. 0 Disabled, 1 Team/Player only, 2 Free set scr_thirdPerson "0" // third-person mode set scr_game_hardpoints "1" // Enable/Disable Killstreak rewards set scr_game_perks "1" // Allow players to have perks set scr_nukeTimer "10" // Timer when nuke goes off set scr_game_killstreakdelay "12" // Delay killstreak from the start of the round. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HARDCORE CONFIGURATION // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // uncomment below commands for some hardcore // // by removing the // before each set dvar. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set g_hardcore "1" // Enable hardcore mode // set scr_hardcore "1" // Enable hardcore mode again... // set ui_hud_hardcore "1" // Removes Heads up display which can be used both regular and HC // set scr_player_maxhealth "30" // Percent of Health players will have on Respawn. (100 is normal. 30 is hardcore) // set scr_team_fftype "1" // Enable or Disable Friendly Fire. (1 on, 2 reflect, 3 shared) // set scr_player_healthregentime "0" // Time it takes you to recover damage. (5 is normal, 0 is hardcore) // set scr_game_onlyheadshots "0" // Enable/Disable Only Headshots mode. You can only kill players by taking headshots. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FREE FOR ALL GAMETYPE SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// set scr_dm_scorelimit "30" // Score limit to win the game. set scr_dm_timelimit "10" // Duration in minutes for the game to end if the score limit isn't reached. set scr_dm_playerrespawndelay "-1" // How long player will wait until respawn. set scr_dm_numlives "0" // Number of lives per player. 0 for unlimited. set scr_dm_roundlimit "1" // Rounds per game. set scr_dm_winlimit "1" // amount of wins needed to win a round-based game set scr_dm_promode "0" ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TEAM DEATHMATCH GAMETYPE SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// set scr_war_scorelimit "75" // Score limit to win the game. set scr_war_timelimit "10" // Duration in minutes for the game to end if the score limit isn't reached. set scr_war_playerrespawndelay "0" // How long player will wait until respawn. set scr_war_waverespawndelay "0" // Duration is seconds before the first respawn in each round. set scr_war_numlives "0" // Number of lives per player 0 for unlimited. set scr_war_roundlimit "1" // Rounds per game. set scr_war_winlimit "1" // amount of wins needed to win a round-based game set scr_war_promode "0" ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SEARCH AND DESTROY GAMETYPE SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// set scr_sd_scorelimit "1" // Score limit required to win the game. set scr_sd_timelimit "2.5" // Duration in minutes for the game to end if the score limit isn't reached. set scr_sd_playerrespawndelay "0" // How long player will wait until respawn. set scr_sd_waverespawndelay "0" // Duration is seconds before the first respawn in each round. set scr_sd_numlives "1" // Number of lives per player per game. set scr_sd_roundlimit "0" // Rounds the game is limited to 0 for unlimited. set scr_sd_winlimit "4" // amount of wins needed to win a round-based game. set scr_sd_roundswitch "3" // after X rounds, switch sides. set scr_sd_bombtimer "45" // Time taken for the bomb to detonate. set scr_sd_defusetime "5" // Time taken to defuse the bomb. set scr_sd_multibomb "0" // allow multiple people to 'have the bomb'. set scr_sd_planttime "5" // How long will it take player to 'plant the bomb'. set scr_sd_promode "0" ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SEARCH AND RESCUE GAMETYPE SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// set scr_sr_scorelimit "1" // Score limit required to win the game. set scr_sr_timelimit "2.5" // Duration in minutes for the game to end if the score limit isn't reached. set scr_sr_playerrespawndelay "0" // How long player will wait until respawn. set scr_sr_waverespawndelay "0" // Duration is seconds before the first respawn in each round. set scr_sr_numlives "1" // Number of lives per player per game. set scr_sr_roundlimit "0" // Rounds the game is limited to 0 for unlimited. set scr_sr_winlimit "4" // amount of wins needed to win a round-based game. set scr_sr_roundswitch "3" // after X rounds, switch sides. set scr_sr_bombtimer "45" // Time taken for the bomb to detonate. set scr_sr_defusetime "5" // Time taken to defuse the bomb. set scr_sr_multibomb "0" // allow multiple people to 'have the bomb'. set scr_sr_planttime "5" // How long will it take player to 'plant the bomb'. set scr_sr_promode "0" ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DOMINATION GAMETYPE SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// set scr_dom_scorelimit "200" // Score limit to win the game. set scr_dom_timelimit "0" // Duration in minutes for the game to end if the score limit isn't reached. set scr_dom_playerrespawndelay "0" // How long player will wait until respawn. set scr_dom_waverespawndelay "0" // Duration is seconds before the first respawn in each round. set scr_dom_numlives "0" // Number of lives per player per game. 0 is unlimited. set scr_dom_roundlimit "1" // Rounds per game set scr_dom_winlimit "1" // amount of wins needed to win a round-based game set scr_dom_promode "0" ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // KILL CONFIRMED GAMETYPE SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// set scr_conf_scorelimit "65" // Score limit to win the game. set scr_conf_timelimit "10" // Duration in minutes for the game to end if the score limit isn't reached. set scr_conf_playerrespawndelay "0" // How long player will wait until respawn. set scr_conf_waverespawndelay "0" // Duration is seconds before the first respawn in each round. set scr_conf_numlives "0" // Number of lives per player 0 for unlimited. set scr_conf_roundlimit "1" // Rounds per game. set scr_conf_winlimit "1" // amount of wins needed to win a round-based game set scr_conf_promode "0" ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CAPTURE THE FLAG GAMETYPE SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// set scr_ctf_scorelimit "0" // Target score before the round ends. set scr_ctf_timelimit "10" // Duration in minutes for the game to end if the score limit isn't reached. set scr_ctf_numlives "0" // Number of lives per player 0 for unlimited. set scr_ctf_halftime "1" // Half-Time set scr_ctf_roundlimit "1" // How many rounds match would last. set scr_ctf_returntime "30" // How many seconds before flag returns to base without nobody touching it. set scr_ctf_playerrespawndelay "0" // Respawn wait in seconds. set scr_ctf_waverespawndelay "10" // Time delay for first respawn before the game. set scr_ctf_promode "0" ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INFECTED GAMETYPE SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// set scr_infect_timelimit "10" // Duration in minutes for the game to end if the score limit isn't reached. set scr_infect_playerrespawndelay "0" // How long player will wait until respawn. set scr_infect_waverespawndelay "0" // Duration is seconds before the first respawn in each round. set scr_infect_numlives "0" // Number of lives per player 0 for unlimited. set scr_infect_roundlimit "1" // Rounds per game. set scr_infect_winlimit "1" // amount of wins needed to win a round-based game set scr_infect_promode "0" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MAP SHORT NAMES ROTATION LIST // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Ascend - mp_refraction // // Bio Lab - mp_lab2 // // Comeback - mp_comeback // // Defender - mp_laser2 // // Detroit - mp_detroit // // Greenband - mp_greenband // // Horizon - mp_levity // // Instinct - mp_instinct // // Recovery - mp_recovery // // Retreat - mp_venus // // Riot - mp_prison // // Solar - mp_solar // // Terrace - mp_terrace // // // // Atlas Gorge - mp_dam // // Chop Shop - mp_spark // // Climate - mp_climate_3 // // Compound - mp_sector17 // // Core - mp_lost // // Drift - mp_torqued // // Fracture - mp_fracture // // Kremlin - mp_kremlin // // Overload - mp_lair // // Parliament - mp_bigben2 // // Perplex - mp_perplex_1 // // Quarantine - mp_liberty // // Sideshow - mp_clowntown3 // // Site 244 - mp_blackbox // // Skyrise - mp_highrise2 // // Swarm - mp_seoul2 // // Urban - mp_urban // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// set sv_maprotation "gametype war map mp_refraction map mp_lab2 map mp_comeback map mp_laser2 map mp_detroit map mp_greenband map mp_levity map mp_instinct map mp_recovery map mp_venus map mp_prison map mp_solar map mp_terrace map mp_dam map mp_torqued map mp_clowntown3 map mp_lost map mp_urban map mp_blackbox map mp_climate_3 map mp_perplex_1 map mp_kremlin map mp_bigbend map mp_sector17 map mp_fracture map mp_lair map mp_liberty map mp_seoul2"