#!/bin/bash set -e if [ "$TRAVIS_CI" == "private" ]; then exit 0 fi if [ "$#" != "5" ]; then echo "Usage is: ${0} \"coverage\" \"<prepend CFLAGS>\" \"<makefile>\" \"<append CFLAGS>\" <math library to link to>" echo "CC=gcc ${0} \"coverage\" \" \" \"makefile\" \"-DUSE_LTM -DLTM_DESC -I../libtommath\" ../libtommath/libtommath.a" exit -1 fi if [ -z "$(echo $CC | grep "gcc")" ]; then echo "no gcc detected, early exit success" exit 0 fi if [ "$(echo $3 | grep -v 'makefile[.]')" == "" ]; then echo "only run $0 for the regular makefile, early exit success" exit 0 fi # output version bash .ci/printinfo.sh bash .ci/build.sh " $1" " $2" " $3 COVERAGE=1" "$4" "$5" if [ -a testok.txt ] && [ -f testok.txt ]; then echo else echo echo "Test failed" exit 1 fi bash .ci/coverage_more.sh "$5" > test_coverage_more.txt || { rm -f testok.txt && exit 1 ; } make lcov-single # if this isn't run on CI create coverage locally if [ "$CI" == "" ]; then make lcov-html else coveralls-lcov coverage.info --service-job-id="$GITHUB_RUN_ID" --service-name="github" --repo-token="$REPO_TOKEN" --branch="$GITHUB_REF_NAME" --service-pull-request="$PR_NUMBER" fi exit 0 # ref: $Format:%D$ # git commit: $Format:%H$ # commit time: $Format:%ai$