#!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then cat < Example: $ $0 3.0.0 This script will download pre-built protoc binaries from maven repository and create the Google.Protobuf.Tools package. Well-known type .proto files will also be included. EOF exit 1 fi VERSION_NUMBER=$1 # pairs. declare -a FILE_NAMES=( \ windows_x86 windows-x86_32.exe \ windows_x64 windows-x86_64.exe \ macosx_x64 osx-x86_64.exe \ linux_x86 linux-x86_32.exe \ linux_x64 linux-x86_64.exe \ ) set -e mkdir -p protoc # Create a zip file for each binary. for((i=0;i<${#FILE_NAMES[@]};i+=2));do DIR_NAME=${FILE_NAMES[$i]} mkdir -p protoc/$DIR_NAME if [ ${DIR_NAME:0:3} = "win" ]; then TARGET_BINARY="protoc.exe" else TARGET_BINARY="protoc" fi BINARY_NAME=${FILE_NAMES[$(($i+1))]} BINARY_URL=http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/google/protobuf/protoc/${VERSION_NUMBER}/protoc-${VERSION_NUMBER}-${BINARY_NAME} if ! wget ${BINARY_URL} -O protoc/$DIR_NAME/$TARGET_BINARY &> /dev/null; then echo "[ERROR] Failed to download ${BINARY_URL}" >&2 echo "[ERROR] Skipped $protoc-${VERSION_NAME}-${DIR_NAME}" >&2 continue fi done nuget pack Google.Protobuf.Tools.nuspec