require( "lua.Shared.LobbyData" ) require( "ui_mp.T6.Menus.CACUtility" ) Engine.SetDvar("scr_firstGumFree", 1) Engine.GetInventoryItemQuantity = function() return 999 end Engine.GetZMVials = function() return 9999 end Engine.GetLootItemQuantity = function() return 999 end Engine.GetRank = function() return 1000 end Engine.GetRankDisplayLevel = function() return 1000 end Engine.IsItemLocked = function() return false end Engine.IsItemLockedForAll = function() return false end Engine.IsItemLockedForRank = function() return false end Engine.IsItemPurchasedFromBuffer = function() return true end Engine.IsItemPurchased = function() return true end Engine.IsItemOptionLocked = function() return false end Engine.IsLootItemUnlockedByPreRequisites = function() return true end Engine.IsAttachmentLockedInWeaponBuildKits = function() return false end Engine.IsAttachmentSlotLocked = function() return false end Engine.IsItemAttachmentLocked = function() return false end Engine.GetItemUnlockPLevel = function() return 0 end Engine.GetItemUnlockLevel = function() return 0 end Engine.IsEmblemBackgroundLocked = function() return false end Engine.isRankedGame = function() return true end Engine.isOnlineGame = function() return true end Engine.SessionMode_IsOnlineGame = function() return true end Engine.GetChallengeCompleteForChallengeIndex = function() return true end IsLive = function() return true end IsProgressionEnabled = function() return true end CoD.LobbyButtons = {} CoD.LobbyButtons.DISABLED = 1 CoD.LobbyButtons.HIDDEN = 2 CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE = 3 local f0_local0 = function ( f1_arg0 ) local f1_local0 = Engine.GetMostRecentPlayedMode( Engine.GetPrimaryController() ) local f1_local1 = Engine.ToUpper( Dvar.ui_gametype:get() ) if f1_local0 == Enum.eModes.MODE_CAMPAIGN and f1_local1 == "DOA" then return true elseif f1_local0 == Enum.eModes.MODE_CAMPAIGN and f1_local1 == "CPZM" then return true elseif f1_local0 == Enum.eModes.MODE_MULTIPLAYER and f1_local1 == "FR" then return true else return false end end function IsMostRecentSessionMode( f2_arg0 ) local f2_local0 = Engine.GetMostRecentPlayedMode( Engine.GetPrimaryController() ) if f0_local0( f2_arg0 ) then return false else return f2_local0 == f2_arg0 end end function IsMpUnavailable() if CoD.isPC then return not Engine.IsMpOwned() else return Engine.IsMpInitialStillDownloading() end end local f0_local1 = function () if CoD.isPC then local f4_local0 = Engine.IsMpOwned() local f4_local1 = Engine.GetLobbyNetworkMode() == Enum.LobbyNetworkMode.LOBBY_NETWORKMODE_LIVE local f4_local2 = Engine.IsShipBuild() local f4_local3 = Mods_IsUsingMods() local f4_local4 if f4_local0 then if not f4_local3 and not f4_local1 then f4_local4 = f4_local2 else f4_local4 = false end else f4_local4 = true end return f4_local4 end local f4_local0 = Engine.IsMpInitialStillDownloading() if not f4_local0 then f4_local0 = Engine.IsMpStillDownloading() end return f4_local0 end local f0_local2 = function () if CoD.isPC then return not Engine.IsZmOwned() else return Engine.IsZmInitialStillDownloading() end end local f0_local3 = function () if CoD.isPC then return not Engine.IsZmOwned() end local f6_local0 = Engine.IsZmInitialStillDownloading() if not f6_local0 then f6_local0 = Engine.IsZmStillDownloading() end return f6_local0 end function IsCpUnavailable() if CoD.isPC then return not Engine.IsCpOwned() else return Engine.IsCpStillDownloading() end end local f0_local4 = function () local f8_local0 = Engine.IsCpStillDownloading() if not f8_local0 then f8_local0 = f0_local3() end return f8_local0 end local f0_local5 = function () local f9_local0 = IsMpUnavailable() if not f9_local0 then f9_local0 = Engine.IsMpStillDownloading() end return f9_local0 end local f0_local6 = function () local f10_local0 = f0_local2() if not f10_local0 then f10_local0 = Engine.IsZmStillDownloading() end return f10_local0 end local f0_local7 = function () local f11_local0 = Engine.IsCpStillDownloading() if not f11_local0 then f11_local0 = Engine.IsZmStillDownloading() if not f11_local0 then f11_local0 = Engine.IsMpStillDownloading() end end return f11_local0 end local f0_local8 = function () local f12_local0 if Engine.GetLobbyClientCount( Enum.LobbyType.LOBBY_TYPE_GAME ) <= 1 and Engine.GetUsedControllerCount() <= 1 and Engine.GetLobbyClientCount( Enum.LobbyType.LOBBY_TYPE_GAME ) ~= 0 then f12_local0 = false else f12_local0 = true end return f12_local0 end function MPStartCustomButtonDisabled() if MapVoteTimerActive() then return true elseif Engine.GetLobbyClientCount( Enum.LobbyModule.LOBBY_MODULE_HOST, Enum.LobbyType.LOBBY_TYPE_GAME, Enum.LobbyClientType.LOBBY_CLIENT_TYPE_SPLITSCREEN_ALL ) > 0 and CompetitiveSettingsEnabled() then return true else return CoD.LobbyUtility.IsSomePlayersDoNotHaveMapTextShowing() end end function ZMStartCustomButtonDisabled() if MapVoteTimerActive() then return true else return CoD.LobbyUtility.IsSomePlayersDoNotHaveMapTextShowing() end end local f0_local9 = function () return false end function StoreButtonOpenSteamStore( f16_arg0, f16_arg1, f16_arg2, f16_arg3, f16_arg4 ) if IsStarterPack( f16_arg2 ) then OpenSteamStore( f16_arg0, f16_arg1, f16_arg2, 437351, f16_arg4 ) else OpenSteamStore( f16_arg0, f16_arg1, f16_arg2, f16_arg3, f16_arg4 ) end end CoD.LobbyButtons.BONUSMODES_ONLINE = { stringRef = "MENU_BONUSMODES", action = OpenBonusModesFlyout, customId = "btnBonusModes", selectedFunc = f0_local0 } CoD.LobbyButtons.BONUSMODES_LAN = { stringRef = "MENU_BONUSMODES", action = OpenBonusModesFlyout, customId = "btnBonusModes", selectedFunc = f0_local0 } CoD.LobbyButtons.MODS_LOAD = { stringRef = "MENU_MODS_CAPS", action = Mods_OpenLoadMenu, customId = "btnModsLoad", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.CP_ONLINE = { stringRef = "MENU_SINGLEPLAYER_CAPS", action = NavigateCheckForFirstTime, param = { targetName = "CPLobbyOnline", mode = Enum.eModes.MODE_CAMPAIGN, firstTimeFlowAction = OpenCPFirstTimeFlow }, customId = "btnCP", selectedFunc = IsMostRecentSessionMode, selectedParam = Enum.eModes.MODE_CAMPAIGN, starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE, disabledFunc = IsCpUnavailable } CoD.LobbyButtons.CP_LAN = { stringRef = "MENU_SINGLEPLAYER_CAPS", action = NavigateCheckForFirstTime, param = { targetName = "CPLobbyLANGame", mode = Enum.eModes.MODE_CAMPAIGN, firstTimeFlowAction = OpenCPFirstTimeFlow }, customId = "btnCP", selectedFunc = IsMostRecentSessionMode, selectedParam = Enum.eModes.MODE_CAMPAIGN, demo_gamescom = CoD.LobbyButtons.HIDDEN, starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE, disabledFunc = IsCpUnavailable } CoD.LobbyButtons.CPZM_ONLINE = { stringRef = "MENU_SINGLEPLAYER_NIGHTMARES_CAPS", action = NavigateToLobby_SelectionListCampaignZombies, param = { targetName = "CP2LobbyOnline", mode = Enum.eModes.MODE_CAMPAIGN, firstTimeFlowAction = OpenCPFirstTimeFlow }, customId = "btnCPZM", disabledFunc = f0_local4, starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE, visibleFunc = ShouldShowNightmares } CoD.LobbyButtons.CPZM_LAN = { stringRef = "MENU_SINGLEPLAYER_NIGHTMARES_CAPS", action = NavigateToLobby_SelectionListCampaignZombies, param = { targetName = "CP2LobbyLANGame", mode = Enum.eModes.MODE_CAMPAIGN, firstTimeFlowAction = OpenCPFirstTimeFlow }, customId = "btnCPZM", demo_gamescom = CoD.LobbyButtons.HIDDEN, disabledFunc = f0_local4, starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE, visibleFunc = ShouldShowNightmares } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_ONLINE = { stringRef = "MENU_MULTIPLAYER_CAPS", action = NavigateCheckForFirstTime, param = { targetName = "MPLobbyMain", mode = Enum.eModes.MODE_MULTIPLAYER, firstTimeFlowAction = OpenMPFirstTimeFlow }, customId = "btnMP", selectedFunc = IsMostRecentSessionMode, selectedParam = Enum.eModes.MODE_MULTIPLAYER, disabledFunc = f0_local1 } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_PUBLIC_MATCH = { stringRef = "MENU_MATCHMAKING_CAPS", action = NavigateToLobby_SelectionList, param = "MPLobbyOnline", customId = "btnPublicMatch", disabledFunc = f0_local1, unloadMod = true } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_ARENA = { stringRef = "MENU_ARENA_CAPS", action = NavigateToLobby_SelectionList, param = "MPLobbyOnlineArena", customId = "btnArena", unloadMod = true } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_LAN = { stringRef = "MENU_MULTIPLAYER_CAPS", action = NavigateToLobby_SelectionList, param = "MPLobbyLANGame", customId = "btnMP", selectedFunc = IsMostRecentSessionMode, selectedParam = Enum.eModes.MODE_MULTIPLAYER, demo_gamescom = CoD.LobbyButtons.HIDDEN, disabledFunc = f0_local1 } CoD.LobbyButtons.ZM_ONLINE = { stringRef = "MENU_ZOMBIES_CAPS", action = NavigateToLobby_SelectionList, param = "ZMLobbyOnline", customId = "btnZM", selectedFunc = IsMostRecentSessionMode, selectedParam = Enum.eModes.MODE_ZOMBIES, disabledFunc = f0_local3, starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.ZM_LAN = { stringRef = "MENU_ZOMBIES_CAPS", action = NavigateToLobby_SelectionList, param = "ZMLobbyLANGame", customId = "btnZM", selectedFunc = IsMostRecentSessionMode, selectedParam = Enum.eModes.MODE_ZOMBIES, demo_gamescom = CoD.LobbyButtons.HIDDEN, disabledFunc = f0_local2, starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.FR_LAN = { stringRef = "MENU_FREERUN_CAPS", action = NavigateToLobby_SelectionList, param = "FRLobbyLANGame", customId = "btnFRLan", selectedFunc = IsMostRecentSessionMode, selectedParam = Enum.eModes.MODE_MULTIPLAYER, disabledFunc = IsMpUnavailable } CoD.LobbyButtons.THEATER_MP = { stringRef = "MENU_THEATER_CAPS", action = NavigateToLobby_SelectionList, param = "MPLobbyOnlineTheater", customId = "btnTheater", disabledFunc = f0_local5, unloadMod = true } CoD.LobbyButtons.THEATER_ZM = { stringRef = "MENU_THEATER_CAPS", action = NavigateToLobby_SelectionList, param = "ZMLobbyOnlineTheater", customId = "btnTheater", disabledFunc = f0_local6, unloadMod = true } CoD.LobbyButtons.PLAY_LOCAL = { stringRef = "MENU_PLAY_LOCAL_CAPS", action = OpenLobbyToggleNetworkConfirmation, customId = "btnPlayLocal" } CoD.LobbyButtons.PLAY_ONLINE = { stringRef = "XBOXLIVE_PLAY_ONLINE_CAPS", action = OpenLobbyToggleNetworkConfirmation, customId = "btnPlayLocal", disabledFunc = CoD.LobbyBase.ChunkAllDownloading } CoD.LobbyButtons.STORE = { stringRef = "MENU_STORE_CAPS", action = OpenStore, customId = "btnStore", param = "StoreButton", disabledFunc = DisableStore } CoD.LobbyButtons.STEAM_STORE = { stringRef = "MENU_STORE_CAPS", action = StoreButtonOpenSteamStore, customId = "btnSteamStore", param = "StoreButton", disabledFunc = DisableSteamStore } CoD.LobbyButtons.FIND_LAN_GAME = { stringRef = "PLATFORM_FIND_LAN_GAME", action = OpenFindLANGame, customId = "btnFindGame" } CoD.LobbyButtons.QUIT = { stringRef = "MENU_QUIT_CAPS", action = OpenPCQuit, customId = "btnQuit" } CoD.LobbyButtons.BLACK_MARKET = { stringRef = "MENU_BLACK_MARKET", action = OpenBlackMarket, customId = "btnBlackMarket", newBreadcrumbFunc = IsBlackMarketBreadcrumbActive, disabledFunc = DisableBlackMarket } CoD.LobbyButtons.CP_START_GAME = { stringRef = "MENU_START_GAME_CAPS", action = StartNewGame, customId = "btnStartMatch", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.CP_LAN_START_GAME = { stringRef = "MENU_START_GAME_CAPS", action = StartNewGame, customId = "btnStartMatch", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.CP_RESUME_GAME = { stringRef = "MENU_RESUMESTORY_CAPS", action = ResumeFromCheckpoint, customId = "btnResumeGame", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.CP_GOTO_SAFEHOUSE = { stringRef = "MENU_GOTO_SAFEHOUSE_CAPS", action = GotoSafehouse, customId = "btnGotoSafehouse", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.CP_RESUME_GAME_LAN = { stringRef = "MENU_RESUMESTORY_CAPS", action = ResumeFromCheckpoint, customId = "btnResumeGame", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.CP_LAN_REPLAY_MISSION = { stringRef = "MENU_REPLAY_MISSION_CAPS", action = ReplaySelectedMission, customId = "btnReplayMission", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.CP_JOIN_PUBLIC_GAME = { stringRef = "MENU_JOIN_PUBLIC_GAME_CAPS", action = OpenPublicGameSelect, customId = "btnJoinPublicGame", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE, unloadMod = true } CoD.LobbyButtons.CP_MISSION_OVERVIEW = { stringRef = "MENU_MISSION_OVERVIEW_CAP", action = OpenMissionOverview, customId = "btnMissionOverview", disabledFunc = GrayOutMissionOverviewButton, starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.CP_SELECT_MISSION = { stringRef = "MENU_SELECT_MISSION_CAPS", action = OpenMissionSelect, customId = "btnSelectMission", disabledFunc = GrayOutReplayMissionButton, starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.CP_CHOOSE_DIFFICULTY = { stringRef = "MENU_CHANGE_DIFFICULTY_CAPS", action = OpenDifficultySelect, customId = "btnChooseDifficulty", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.CP_CUSTOM_START_GAME = { stringRef = "MENU_START_GAME_CAPS", action = LobbyOnlineCustomLaunchGame_SelectionList, customId = "btnStartGame", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.CPZM_START_GAME = { stringRef = "MENU_START_GAME_CAPS", action = StartNewGame, customId = "btnStartMatch", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.CPZM_RESUME_GAME = { stringRef = "MENU_RESUMESTORY_CAPS", action = ResumeFromCheckpoint, customId = "btnResumeGame", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.CPZM_FIND_MATCH = { stringRef = "MPUI_FIND_MATCH_CAPS", action = OpenFindMatch, customId = "btnFindMatch", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE, unloadMod = true } CoD.LobbyButtons.CPZM_SELECT_MISSION = { stringRef = "MENU_SELECT_MISSION_CAPS", action = OpenMissionSelect, customId = "btnSelectMission", disabledFunc = GrayOutReplayMissionButton, demo_CP = CoD.LobbyButtons.HIDDEN, starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_FIND_MATCH = { stringRef = "MPUI_FIND_MATCH_CAPS", action = OpenFindMatch, customId = "btnFindMatch", disabledFunc = f0_local1, unloadMod = true } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_CUSTOM_GAMES = { stringRef = "MENU_CUSTOMGAMES_CAPS", action = NavigateToLobby_SelectionList, param = "MPLobbyOnlineCustomGame", customId = "btnCustomMatch", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_CAC = { stringRef = "MENU_CREATE_A_CLASS_CAPS", action = OpenCAC, customId = "btnCAC", newBreadcrumbFunc = "IsCACAnythingInCACItemNew", warningFunc = CoD.CACUtility.AnyClassContainsRestrictedItems } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_CAC_NO_WARNING = { stringRef = CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_CAC.stringRef, action = CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_CAC.action, customId = CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_CAC.customId, newBreadcrumbFunc = CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_CAC.newBreadcrumbFunc } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_SPECIALISTS = { stringRef = "MPUI_HEROES_CAPS", action = OpenChooseCharacterLoadout, param = LuaEnums.CHOOSE_CHARACTER_OPENED_FROM.LOBBY, customId = "btnSpecialists", newBreadcrumbFunc = IsCACAnySpecialistsNew, warningFunc = EquippedSpecialistBanned } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_SPECIALISTS_NO_WARNING = { stringRef = CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_SPECIALISTS.stringRef, action = CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_SPECIALISTS.action, param = CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_SPECIALISTS.param, customId = CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_SPECIALISTS.customId, newBreadcrumbFunc = CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_SPECIALISTS.newBreadcrumbFunc } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_SCORESTREAKS = { stringRef = "MENU_SCORE_STREAKS_CAPS", action = OpenScorestreaks, customId = "btnScorestreaks", newBreadcrumbFunc = IsCACAnyScorestreaksNew, warningFunc = CoD.CACUtility.AnyEquippedScorestreaksBanned } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_CODCASTER_SETTINGS = { stringRef = "CODCASTER_CAPS", action = OpenEditCodcasterSettings, customId = "btnCodcasterSettings", disabledFunc = ShouldDisableEditCodCasterSettingsButton, visibleFunc = ShouldShowEditCodCasterSettingsButton } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_INVENTORY_TEST = { stringRef = "DW Inventory Test", action = OpenTest, customId = "btnInventoryTest" } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_PUBLIC_LOBBY_LEADERBOARD = { stringRef = "MENU_CUSTOM_LOBBY_LEADERBOARDS_CAPS", action = OpenMPPublicLobbyLeaderboard, customId = "btnLobbyLeaderboard" } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_CUSTOM_LOBBY_LEADERBOARD = { stringRef = "MENU_CUSTOM_LOBBY_LEADERBOARDS_CAPS", action = OpenMPCustomLobbyLeaderboard, customId = "btnLobbyLeaderboard" } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_CUSTOM_START_GAME = { stringRef = "MENU_START_GAME_CAPS", action = LobbyOnlineCustomLaunchGame_SelectionList, customId = "btnStartGame", disabledFunc = MPStartCustomButtonDisabled, starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_CUSTOM_SETUP_GAME = { stringRef = "MPUI_SETUP_GAME_CAPS", action = OpenSetupGameMP, customId = "btnSetupGame", disabledFunc = MapVoteTimerActive } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_ARENA_FIND_MATCH = { stringRef = "MENU_FIND_ARENA_MATCH_CAPS", action = NavigateToLobby_SelectionList, param = "MPLobbyOnlineArenaGame", customId = "btnArenaFindMatch", disabledFunc = f0_local1, unloadMod = true } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_ARENA_SELECT_ARENA = { stringRef = "MENU_SELECT_ARENA_CAPS", action = OpenCompetitivePlaylist, customId = "btnSelectArena", disabledFunc = f0_local1, unloadMod = true } CoD.LobbyButtons.MP_ARENA_LEADERBOARD = { stringRef = "MENU_LEADERBOARDS_CAPS", action = OpenArenaMasterLeaderboards, actionParam = 0, customId = "btnLeaderboards", disabledFunc = function () return IsBooleanDvarSet( "tu1_build" ) end } CoD.LobbyButtons.FR_ONLINE = { stringRef = "MENU_FREERUN_CAPS", action = NavigateToLobby_SelectionList, param = "FRLobbyOnlineGame", customId = "btnFROnline", disabledFunc = IsMpUnavailable } CoD.LobbyButtons.FR_LEADERBOARD = { stringRef = "MENU_LEADERBOARDS_CAPS", action = OpenFreerunLeaderboards, actionParam = 0, customId = "btnLeaderboards", disabledFunc = function () return IsBooleanDvarSet( "tu1_build" ) end } CoD.LobbyButtons.ZM_SOLO_GAME = { stringRef = "MENU_SOLO_GAME_CAPS", action = OpenZMMapSelectLaunch, customId = "btnSoloMatch", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.ZM_FIND_MATCH = { stringRef = "MENU_JOIN_PUBLIC_GAME_CAPS", action = OpenZMFindMatch, customId = "btnFindMatch", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE, unloadMod = true } CoD.LobbyButtons.ZM_CUSTOM_GAMES = { stringRef = "MENU_PRIVATE_GAME_CAPS", action = NavigateToLobby_SelectionList, param = "ZMLobbyOnlineCustomGame", customId = "btnCustomMatch", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.ZM_READY_UP = { stringRef = "MPUI_VOTE_TO_START_CAPS", action = SetPlayerReady, customId = "btnReadyUp", disabledFunc = f0_local9 } CoD.LobbyButtons.ZM_BUBBLEGUM_BUFFS = { stringRef = "MENU_BUBBLEGUM_BUFFS_CAPS", action = OpenBubbleGumPacksMenu, customId = "btnBubblegumBuffs", newBreadcrumbFunc = IsCACAnyBubblegumNew, starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.ZM_MEGACHEW_FACTORY = { stringRef = "MENU_MEGACHEW_FACTORY_CAPS", action = OpenMegaChewFactorymenu, customId = "btnMegaChewFactory", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.ZM_GOBBLEGUM_RECIPES = { stringRef = "MENU_NEWTONS_COOKBOOK_CAPS", action = OpenGobbleGumCookbookMenu, customId = "btnGobbleGumRecipes", visibleFunc = function () return IsIntDvarNonZero( "tu18_enable_newtons_cookbook" ) end, newBreadcrumbFunc = IsNewtonsCookbookBreadcrumbActive } CoD.LobbyButtons.ZM_BUILD_KITS = { stringRef = "MENU_WEAPON_BUILD_KITS_CAPS", action = OpenWeaponBuildKits, customId = "btnWeaponBuildKits", newBreadcrumbFunc = Gunsmith_AnyNewWeaponsOrAttachments, starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.ZM_LOBBY_LEADERBOARD = { stringRef = "MENU_LOBBY_LEADERBOARD_CAPS", action = LobbyNoAction, customId = "btnLobbyLeaderboard", disabledFunc = function () return IsBooleanDvarSet( "tu1_build" ) end } CoD.LobbyButtons.ZM_START_CUSTOM_GAME = { stringRef = "MENU_START_GAME_CAPS", action = LobbyOnlineCustomLaunchGame_SelectionList, customId = "btnStartCustomGame", disabledFunc = ZMStartCustomButtonDisabled, starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.ZM_START_LAN_GAME = { stringRef = "MENU_START_GAME_CAPS", action = LobbyLANLaunchGame, customId = "btnStartLanGame", disabledFunc = MapVoteTimerActive, starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.ZM_CHANGE_MAP = { stringRef = "MPUI_CHANGE_MAP_CAPS", action = OpenChangeMapZM, customId = "btnChangeMap", disabledFunc = MapVoteTimerActive, starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.ZM_CHANGE_RANKED_SETTTINGS = { stringRef = "MENU_CHANGE_RANKED_SETTINGS_CAPS", action = OpenChangeRankedSettingsPopup, customId = "btnChangeRankedSettings", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.ZM_SERVER_SETTINGS = { stringRef = "PLATFORM_SERVER_SETTINGS_CAPS", action = OpenServerSettings, customId = "btnServerSettings", starterPack = CoD.LobbyButtons.STARTERPACK_UPGRADE } CoD.LobbyButtons.FR_START_RUN_ONLINE = { stringRef = "MENU_START_RUN_CAPS", action = LobbyOnlineCustomLaunchGame_SelectionList, customId = "btnStartRun", disabledFunc = MapVoteTimerActive } CoD.LobbyButtons.FR_START_RUN_LAN = { stringRef = "MENU_START_RUN_CAPS", action = LobbyLANLaunchGame, customId = "btnStartRun", disabledFunc = MapVoteTimerActive } CoD.LobbyButtons.FR_CHANGE_MAP = { stringRef = "MENU_FREERUN_COURSES_CAPS", action = OpenFreerunMapSelection, customId = "btnChangeMap", disabledFunc = MapVoteTimerActive } CoD.LobbyButtons.TH_START_FILM = { stringRef = "MENU_START_CAPS", action = LobbyTheaterStartFilm, customId = "btnStartFilm", disabledFunc = IsStartFilmButtonDisabled } CoD.LobbyButtons.TH_SELECT_FILM = { stringRef = "MENU_SELECT_CAPS", action = OpenTheaterSelectFilm, customId = "btnSelectFilm", disabledFunc = MapVoteTimerActive, selectedFunc = IsFilmNotSelected } CoD.LobbyButtons.TH_CREATE_HIGHLIGHT = { stringRef = "MPUI_HIGHLIGHT_REEL_CAPS", action = LobbyTheaterCreateHighlightReel, customId = "btnCreateHighlightReel", disabledFunc = IsCreateHighlightReelButtonDisabled } CoD.LobbyButtons.TH_SHOUTCAST = { stringRef = "MPUI_SHOUTCAST_FILM_CAPS", action = LobbyTheaterShoutcastFilm, customId = "btnCoDCastFilm", disabledFunc = IsShoutcastFilmButtonDisabled } CoD.LobbyButtons.TH_RENDER = { stringRef = "MENU_DEMO_RENDER_CLIP_CAPS", customId = "btnRenderVideo", disabledFunc = AlwaysTrue } CoD.LobbyButtons.TH_OPTIONS = { stringRef = "MENU_FILM_OPTIONS", customId = "btnFilmOptions", disabledFunc = AlwaysTrue } CoD.LobbyButtons.CP_DOA_START_GAME = { stringRef = "MENU_START_GAME_CAPS", action = StartDOAGame, customId = "bthDOAStartMatch" } CoD.LobbyButtons.CP_DOA_JOIN_PUBLIC_GAME = { stringRef = "MENU_JOIN_PUBLIC_GAME_CAPS", action = LaunchDOAJoin, customId = "btnJoinPublicGame", unloadMod = true } CoD.LobbyButtons.CP_DOA_CREATE_PUBLIC_GAME = { stringRef = "MENU_CREATE_PUBLIC_GAME_CAPS", action = LaunchDOACreate, customId = "btnJCreatePublicGame", unloadMod = true, disabledFunc = function () local f21_local0, f21_local1 = Engine.CanHostServer( Engine.GetPrimaryController(), Engine.GetLobbyMaxClients( Enum.LobbyType.LOBBY_TYPE_GAME ) ) return not f21_local0 end } CoD.LobbyButtons.CP_DOA_LEADERBOARD = { stringRef = "MENU_LEADERBOARDS_CAPS", action = OpenDOALeaderboards, actionParam = 0, customId = "btnLeaderboards", disabledFunc = function () return IsBooleanDvarSet( "tu1_build" ) end }