[![build](https://github.com/alterware/master-server/workflows/Build/badge.svg)](https://github.com/alterware/master-server/actions) # AlterWare: Master Server This is the master server our clients use. It is based on the DP Master Server (ID Tech) protocol ## Build - Install [Premake5](premake5-link) and add it to your system PATH - Clone this repository using [Git][git-link] - Update the submodules using ``git submodule update --init --recursive`` - Run Premake with either of these two options ``premake5 vs2022`` (Windows) or ``premake5 gmake2`` (Linux/macOS) **IMPORTANT** Requirements for Unix systems: - Compilation: Please use Clang as the preferred compiler - Dependencies: Ensure the LLVM C++ Standard library is installed - Alternative compilers: If you opt for a different compiler such as GCC, use the [Mold][mold-link] linker - Customization: Modifications to the Premake5.lua script may be required - Platform support: Details regarding supported platforms are available in [build.yml][build-link] [premake5-link]: https://premake.github.io [git-link]: https://git-scm.com [mold-link]: https://github.com/rui314/mold [build-link]: https://github.com/alterware/master-server/blob/master/.github/workflows/build.yml