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2023-12-11 20:30:44 -05:00
# MAKEFILE that is intended to be compatible with any kind of make (GNU make, BSD make, ...)
# works on: Linux, *BSD, Cygwin, AIX, HP-UX and hopefully other UNIX systems
# Please do not use here neither any special make syntax nor any unusual tools/utilities!
# using ICC compiler:
# make -f makefile.unix CC=icc CFLAGS="-O3 -xP -ip"
# using Borland C++Builder:
# make -f makefile.unix CC=bcc32
#The following can be overridden from command line e.g. "make -f makefile.unix CC=gcc ARFLAGS=rcs"
PREFIX = /usr/local
INCPATH = $(PREFIX)/include
CC = cc
AR = ar
2024-05-15 15:20:32 -04:00
VERSION = 1.3.0
2023-12-11 20:30:44 -05:00
#Compilation flags
#Library to be created (this makefile builds only static library)
LIBMAIN_S = libtommath.a
OBJECTS=mp_2expt.o mp_abs.o mp_add.o mp_add_d.o mp_addmod.o mp_and.o mp_clamp.o mp_clear.o mp_clear_multi.o \
mp_cmp.o mp_cmp_d.o mp_cmp_mag.o mp_cnt_lsb.o mp_complement.o mp_copy.o mp_count_bits.o mp_cutoffs.o \
mp_div.o mp_div_2.o mp_div_2d.o mp_div_d.o mp_dr_is_modulus.o mp_dr_reduce.o mp_dr_setup.o \
mp_error_to_string.o mp_exch.o mp_expt_n.o mp_exptmod.o mp_exteuclid.o mp_fread.o mp_from_sbin.o \
mp_from_ubin.o mp_fwrite.o mp_gcd.o mp_get_double.o mp_get_i32.o mp_get_i64.o mp_get_l.o mp_get_mag_u32.o \
mp_get_mag_u64.o mp_get_mag_ul.o mp_grow.o mp_hash.o mp_init.o mp_init_copy.o mp_init_i32.o mp_init_i64.o \
mp_init_l.o mp_init_multi.o mp_init_set.o mp_init_size.o mp_init_u32.o mp_init_u64.o mp_init_ul.o \
mp_invmod.o mp_is_square.o mp_kronecker.o mp_lcm.o mp_log.o mp_log_n.o mp_lshd.o mp_mod.o mp_mod_2d.o \
mp_montgomery_calc_normalization.o mp_montgomery_reduce.o mp_montgomery_setup.o mp_mul.o mp_mul_2.o \
mp_mul_2d.o mp_mul_d.o mp_mulmod.o mp_neg.o mp_or.o mp_pack.o mp_pack_count.o mp_prime_fermat.o \
mp_prime_frobenius_underwood.o mp_prime_is_prime.o mp_prime_miller_rabin.o mp_prime_next_prime.o \
mp_prime_rabin_miller_trials.o mp_prime_rand.o mp_prime_strong_lucas_selfridge.o mp_radix_size.o \
mp_radix_size_overestimate.o mp_rand.o mp_rand_source.o mp_read_radix.o mp_reduce.o mp_reduce_2k.o \
mp_reduce_2k_l.o mp_reduce_2k_setup.o mp_reduce_2k_setup_l.o mp_reduce_is_2k.o mp_reduce_is_2k_l.o \
mp_reduce_setup.o mp_root_n.o mp_rshd.o mp_sbin_size.o mp_set.o mp_set_double.o mp_set_i32.o mp_set_i64.o \
mp_set_l.o mp_set_u32.o mp_set_u64.o mp_set_ul.o mp_shrink.o mp_signed_rsh.o mp_sqrmod.o mp_sqrt.o \
mp_sqrtmod_prime.o mp_sub.o mp_sub_d.o mp_submod.o mp_to_radix.o mp_to_sbin.o mp_to_ubin.o mp_ubin_size.o \
2024-05-15 15:20:32 -04:00
mp_unpack.o mp_warray_free.o mp_xor.o mp_zero.o s_mp_add.o s_mp_copy_digs.o s_mp_div_3.o \
s_mp_div_recursive.o s_mp_div_school.o s_mp_div_small.o s_mp_exptmod.o s_mp_exptmod_fast.o s_mp_fp_log.o \
s_mp_fp_log_d.o s_mp_get_bit.o s_mp_invmod.o s_mp_invmod_odd.o s_mp_log_2expt.o \
s_mp_montgomery_reduce_comba.o s_mp_mul.o s_mp_mul_balance.o s_mp_mul_comba.o s_mp_mul_high.o \
s_mp_mul_high_comba.o s_mp_mul_karatsuba.o s_mp_mul_toom.o s_mp_prime_is_divisible.o s_mp_prime_tab.o \
s_mp_radix_map.o s_mp_radix_size_overestimate.o s_mp_rand_platform.o s_mp_sqr.o s_mp_sqr_comba.o \
s_mp_sqr_karatsuba.o s_mp_sqr_toom.o s_mp_sub.o s_mp_warray.o s_mp_warray_get.o s_mp_warray_put.o \
s_mp_zero_buf.o s_mp_zero_digs.o
2023-12-11 20:30:44 -05:00
HEADERS=tommath_private.h tommath_class.h tommath_superclass.h tommath_cutoffs.h $(HEADERS_PUB)
#The default rule for make builds the libtommath.a library (static)
default: $(LIBMAIN_S)
#Dependencies on *.h
#This is necessary for compatibility with BSD make (namely on OpenBSD)
.SUFFIXES: .o .c
$(CC) $(LTM_CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
#Create libtommath.a
#Build test_standalone suite
test: demo/shared.o demo/test.o $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) $(LTM_CFLAGS) $(LTM_LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@
@echo "NOTICE: start the tests by: ./test"
all: $(LIBMAIN_S) test
tune: $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(MAKE) -C etc tune
#NOTE: this makefile works also on cygwin, thus we need to delete *.exe
-@rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(LIBMAIN_S)
-@rm -f demo/main.o demo/opponent.o demo/test.o test test.exe
#Install the library + headers
install: $(LIBMAIN_S)
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INCPATH) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)/pkgconfig
@sed -e 's,^prefix=.*,prefix=$(PREFIX),' -e 's,^Version:.*,Version: $(VERSION),' > $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPATH)/pkgconfig/libtommath.pc