2024-08-13 05:15:34 -04:00

1200 lines
42 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# _ _ ____ _
# Project ___| | | | _ \| |
# / __| | | | |_) | |
# | (__| |_| | _ <| |___
# \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
# Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at https://curl.se/docs/copyright.html.
# You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
# KIND, either express or implied.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
# Starts sshd for use in the SCP and SFTP curl test harness tests.
# Also creates the ssh configuration files needed for these tests.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use Digest::MD5;
use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
use Digest::SHA;
use Digest::SHA 'sha256_base64';
use MIME::Base64;
use File::Basename;
# Variables and subs imported from sshhelp module
use sshhelp qw(
# Subs imported from serverhelp module
use serverhelp qw(
use pathhelp;
my $verbose = 0; # set to 1 for debugging
my $debugprotocol = 0; # set to 1 for protocol debugging
my $port = 8999; # our default SCP/SFTP server port
my $listenaddr = ''; # default address on which to listen
my $ipvnum = 4; # default IP version of listener address
my $idnum = 1; # default ssh daemon instance number
my $proto = 'ssh'; # protocol the ssh daemon speaks
my $path = getcwd(); # current working directory
my $logdir = $path .'/log'; # directory for log files
my $piddir; # directory for server config files
my $username = $ENV{USER}; # default user
my $pidfile; # ssh daemon pid file
my $identity = 'curl_client_key'; # default identity file
my $error;
my @cfgarr;
# Returns a path of the given file name in the log directory (PiddirPath)
sub pp {
my $file = $_[0];
return "$piddir/$file";
# TODO: do Windows path conversion here
# Parse command line options
while(@ARGV) {
if($ARGV[0] eq '--verbose') {
$verbose = 1;
elsif($ARGV[0] eq '--debugprotocol') {
$verbose = 1;
$debugprotocol = 1;
elsif($ARGV[0] eq '--user') {
if($ARGV[1]) {
$username = $ARGV[1];
shift @ARGV;
elsif($ARGV[0] eq '--id') {
if($ARGV[1]) {
if($ARGV[1] =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
$idnum = $1 if($1 > 0);
shift @ARGV;
elsif($ARGV[0] eq '--ipv4') {
$ipvnum = 4;
$listenaddr = '' if($listenaddr eq '::1');
elsif($ARGV[0] eq '--ipv6') {
$ipvnum = 6;
$listenaddr = '::1' if($listenaddr eq '');
elsif($ARGV[0] eq '--addr') {
if($ARGV[1]) {
my $tmpstr = $ARGV[1];
if($tmpstr =~ /^(\d\d?\d?)\.(\d\d?\d?)\.(\d\d?\d?)\.(\d\d?\d?)$/) {
$listenaddr = "$1.$2.$3.$4" if($ipvnum == 4);
shift @ARGV;
elsif($ipvnum == 6) {
$listenaddr = $tmpstr;
$listenaddr =~ s/^\[(.*)\]$/$1/;
shift @ARGV;
elsif($ARGV[0] eq '--pidfile') {
if($ARGV[1]) {
$pidfile = "$path/". $ARGV[1];
shift @ARGV;
elsif($ARGV[0] eq '--logdir') {
if($ARGV[1]) {
$logdir = "$path/". $ARGV[1];
shift @ARGV;
elsif($ARGV[0] eq '--sshport') {
if($ARGV[1]) {
if($ARGV[1] =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
$port = $1;
shift @ARGV;
else {
print STDERR "\nWarning: sshserver.pl unknown parameter: $ARGV[0]\n";
shift @ARGV;
# Initialize command line option dependent variables
# Default ssh daemon pid file name & directory
if($pidfile) {
# Use our pidfile directory to store server config files
$piddir = dirname($pidfile);
else {
# Use the current directory to store server config files
$piddir = $path;
$pidfile = server_pidfilename($piddir, $proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
# ssh and sftp server log file names
$sshdlog = server_logfilename($logdir, 'ssh', $ipvnum, $idnum);
$sftplog = server_logfilename($logdir, 'sftp', $ipvnum, $idnum);
$logfile = "$logdir/sshserver.log"; # used by logmsg
# Logging level for ssh server and client
my $loglevel = $debugprotocol?'DEBUG3':'DEBUG2';
# Validate username
if(!$username) {
$error = 'Will not run ssh server without a user name';
elsif($username eq 'root') {
$error = 'Will not run ssh server as root to mitigate security risks';
if($error) {
logmsg "$error\n";
exit 1;
# Find out ssh daemon canonical file name
my $sshd = find_sshd();
if(!$sshd) {
logmsg "cannot find $sshdexe\n";
exit 1;
# Find out ssh daemon version info
my ($sshdid, $sshdvernum, $sshdverstr, $sshderror) = sshversioninfo($sshd);
if(!$sshdid) {
# Not an OpenSSH or SunSSH ssh daemon
logmsg "$sshderror\n" if($verbose);
logmsg "SCP and SFTP tests require OpenSSH 2.9.9 or later\n";
exit 1;
logmsg "ssh server found $sshd is $sshdverstr\n" if($verbose);
# ssh daemon command line options we might use and version support
# -e: log stderr : OpenSSH 2.9.0 and later
# -f: sshd config file : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# -D: no daemon forking : OpenSSH 2.5.0 and later
# -o: command-line option : OpenSSH 3.1.0 and later
# -t: test config file : OpenSSH 2.9.9 and later
# -?: sshd version info : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# -e: log stderr : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# -f: sshd config file : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# -D: no daemon forking : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# -o: command-line option : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# -t: test config file : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# -?: sshd version info : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# Verify minimum ssh daemon version
if((($sshdid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshdvernum < 299)) ||
(($sshdid =~ /SunSSH/) && ($sshdvernum < 100))) {
logmsg "SCP and SFTP tests require OpenSSH 2.9.9 or later\n";
exit 1;
# Find out sftp server plugin canonical file name
my $sftpsrv = find_sftpsrv();
if(!$sftpsrv) {
logmsg "cannot find $sftpsrvexe\n";
exit 1;
logmsg "sftp server plugin found $sftpsrv\n" if($verbose);
# Find out sftp client canonical file name
my $sftp = find_sftp();
if(!$sftp) {
logmsg "cannot find $sftpexe\n";
exit 1;
logmsg "sftp client found $sftp\n" if($verbose);
# Find out ssh keygen canonical file name
my $sshkeygen = find_sshkeygen();
if(!$sshkeygen) {
logmsg "cannot find $sshkeygenexe\n";
exit 1;
logmsg "ssh keygen found $sshkeygen\n" if($verbose);
# Find out ssh client canonical file name
my $ssh = find_ssh();
if(!$ssh) {
logmsg "cannot find $sshexe\n";
exit 1;
# Find out ssh client version info
my ($sshid, $sshvernum, $sshverstr, $ssherror) = sshversioninfo($ssh);
if(!$sshid) {
# Not an OpenSSH or SunSSH ssh client
logmsg "$ssherror\n" if($verbose);
logmsg "SCP and SFTP tests require OpenSSH 2.9.9 or later\n";
exit 1;
logmsg "ssh client found $ssh is $sshverstr\n" if($verbose);
# ssh client command line options we might use and version support
# -D: dynamic app port forwarding : OpenSSH 2.9.9 and later
# -F: ssh config file : OpenSSH 2.9.9 and later
# -N: no shell/command : OpenSSH 2.1.0 and later
# -p: connection port : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# -v: verbose messages : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# -vv: increase verbosity : OpenSSH 2.3.0 and later
# -V: ssh version info : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# -D: dynamic app port forwarding : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# -F: ssh config file : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# -N: no shell/command : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# -p: connection port : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# -v: verbose messages : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# -vv: increase verbosity : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# -V: ssh version info : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# Verify minimum ssh client version
if((($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum < 299)) ||
(($sshid =~ /SunSSH/) && ($sshvernum < 100))) {
logmsg "SCP and SFTP tests require OpenSSH 2.9.9 or later\n";
exit 1;
# ssh keygen command line options we actually use and version support
# -C: identity comment : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# -f: key filename : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# -N: new passphrase : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# -q: quiet keygen : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# -t: key type : OpenSSH 2.5.0 and later
# -C: identity comment : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# -f: key filename : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# -N: new passphrase : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# -q: quiet keygen : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# -t: key type : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# Generate host and client key files for curl's tests
if((! -e pp($hstprvkeyf)) || (! -s pp($hstprvkeyf)) ||
(! -e pp($hstpubkeyf)) || (! -s pp($hstpubkeyf)) ||
(! -e pp($hstpubmd5f)) || (! -s pp($hstpubmd5f)) ||
(! -e pp($hstpubsha256f)) || (! -s pp($hstpubsha256f)) ||
(! -e pp($cliprvkeyf)) || (! -s pp($cliprvkeyf)) ||
(! -e pp($clipubkeyf)) || (! -s pp($clipubkeyf))) {
# Make sure all files are gone so ssh-keygen doesn't complain
unlink(pp($hstprvkeyf), pp($hstpubkeyf), pp($hstpubmd5f),
pp($hstpubsha256f), pp($cliprvkeyf), pp($clipubkeyf));
logmsg "generating host keys...\n" if($verbose);
if(system "\"$sshkeygen\" -q -t rsa -f " . pp($hstprvkeyf) . " -C 'curl test server' -N ''") {
logmsg "Could not generate host key\n";
exit 1;
logmsg "generating client keys...\n" if($verbose);
if(system "\"$sshkeygen\" -q -t rsa -f " . pp($cliprvkeyf) . " -C 'curl test client' -N ''") {
logmsg "Could not generate client key\n";
exit 1;
# Make sure that permissions are restricted so openssh doesn't complain
system "chmod 600 " . pp($hstprvkeyf);
system "chmod 600 " . pp($cliprvkeyf);
# Save md5 and sha256 hashes of public host key
open(my $rsakeyfile, "<", pp($hstpubkeyf));
my @rsahostkey = do { local $/ = ' '; <$rsakeyfile> };
if(!$rsahostkey[1]) {
logmsg "Failed parsing base64 encoded RSA host key\n";
exit 1;
open(my $pubmd5file, ">", pp($hstpubmd5f));
print $pubmd5file md5_hex(decode_base64($rsahostkey[1]));
if((! -e pp($hstpubmd5f)) || (! -s pp($hstpubmd5f))) {
logmsg "Failed writing md5 hash of RSA host key\n";
exit 1;
open(my $pubsha256file, ">", pp($hstpubsha256f));
print $pubsha256file sha256_base64(decode_base64($rsahostkey[1]));
if((! -e pp($hstpubsha256f)) || (! -s pp($hstpubsha256f))) {
logmsg "Failed writing sha256 hash of RSA host key\n";
exit 1;
# Convert paths for curl's tests running on Windows with Cygwin/Msys OpenSSH
my $clipubkeyf_config;
my $hstprvkeyf_config;
my $pidfile_config;
my $sftpsrv_config;
if ($sshdid =~ /OpenSSH-Windows/) {
# Ensure to use native Windows paths with OpenSSH for Windows
$clipubkeyf_config = pathhelp::sys_native_abs_path(pp($clipubkeyf));
$hstprvkeyf_config = pathhelp::sys_native_abs_path(pp($hstprvkeyf));
$pidfile_config = pathhelp::sys_native_abs_path($pidfile);
$sftpsrv_config = pathhelp::sys_native_abs_path($sftpsrv);
elsif (pathhelp::os_is_win()) {
# Ensure to use MinGW/Cygwin paths
$clipubkeyf_config = pathhelp::build_sys_abs_path($clipubkeyf_config);
$hstprvkeyf_config = pathhelp::build_sys_abs_path($hstprvkeyf_config);
$pidfile_config = pathhelp::build_sys_abs_path($pidfile_config);
$sftpsrv_config = "internal-sftp";
else {
$clipubkeyf_config = abs_path(pp($clipubkeyf));
$hstprvkeyf_config = abs_path(pp($hstprvkeyf));
$pidfile_config = $pidfile;
$sftpsrv_config = $sftpsrv;
my $sshdconfig_abs = pathhelp::sys_native_abs_path(pp($sshdconfig));
# ssh daemon configuration file options we might use and version support
# AFSTokenPassing : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later [1]
# AddressFamily : OpenSSH 4.0.0 and later
# AllowTcpForwarding : OpenSSH 2.3.0 and later
# AllowUsers : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# AuthorizedKeysFile : OpenSSH 2.9.9 and later
# AuthorizedKeysFile2 : OpenSSH 2.9.9 and later
# Banner : OpenSSH 2.5.0 and later
# ChallengeResponseAuthentication : OpenSSH 2.5.0 and later
# Ciphers : OpenSSH 2.1.0 and later [3]
# ClientAliveCountMax : OpenSSH 2.9.0 and later
# ClientAliveInterval : OpenSSH 2.9.0 and later
# Compression : OpenSSH 3.3.0 and later
# DenyUsers : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# ForceCommand : OpenSSH 4.4.0 and later [3]
# GatewayPorts : OpenSSH 2.1.0 and later
# GSSAPIAuthentication : OpenSSH 3.7.0 and later [1]
# GSSAPICleanupCredentials : OpenSSH 3.8.0 and later [1]
# GSSAPIKeyExchange : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later [1]
# GSSAPIStoreDelegatedCredentials : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later [1]
# GSSCleanupCreds : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later [1]
# GSSUseSessionCredCache : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later [1]
# HostbasedAuthentication : OpenSSH 2.9.0 and later
# HostbasedUsesNameFromPacketOnly : OpenSSH 2.9.0 and later
# HostKey : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# IgnoreRhosts : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# IgnoreUserKnownHosts : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# KbdInteractiveAuthentication : OpenSSH 2.3.0 and later
# KeepAlive : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# KerberosAuthentication : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later [1]
# KerberosGetAFSToken : OpenSSH 3.8.0 and later [1]
# KerberosOrLocalPasswd : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later [1]
# KerberosTgtPassing : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later [1]
# KerberosTicketCleanup : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later [1]
# KeyRegenerationInterval : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# ListenAddress : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# LoginGraceTime : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# LogLevel : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# LookupClientHostnames : SunSSH 1.0.0 and later
# MACs : OpenSSH 2.5.0 and later [3]
# Match : OpenSSH 4.4.0 and later [3]
# MaxAuthTries : OpenSSH 3.9.0 and later
# MaxStartups : OpenSSH 2.2.0 and later
# PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt : OpenSSH 2.9.0 and later [2]
# PasswordAuthentication : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# PermitEmptyPasswords : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# PermitOpen : OpenSSH 4.4.0 and later [3]
# PermitRootLogin : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# PermitTunnel : OpenSSH 4.3.0 and later
# PermitUserEnvironment : OpenSSH 3.5.0 and later
# PidFile : OpenSSH 2.1.0 and later
# Port : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# PrintLastLog : OpenSSH 2.9.0 and later
# PrintMotd : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# Protocol : OpenSSH 2.1.0 and later
# PubkeyAuthentication : OpenSSH 2.5.0 and later
# RhostsAuthentication : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# RhostsRSAAuthentication : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# RSAAuthentication : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# ServerKeyBits : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# SkeyAuthentication : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later [1]
# StrictModes : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# Subsystem : OpenSSH 2.2.0 and later
# SyslogFacility : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# TCPKeepAlive : OpenSSH 3.8.0 and later
# UseDNS : OpenSSH 3.7.0 and later
# UseLogin : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# UsePAM : OpenSSH 3.7.0 and later [1][2]
# UsePrivilegeSeparation : OpenSSH 3.2.2 and later
# VerifyReverseMapping : OpenSSH 3.1.0 and later
# X11DisplayOffset : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later [3]
# X11Forwarding : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# X11UseLocalhost : OpenSSH 3.1.0 and later
# XAuthLocation : OpenSSH 2.1.1 and later [3]
# [1] Option only available if activated at compile time
# [2] Option specific for portable versions
# [3] Option not used in our ssh server config file
# Initialize sshd config with options actually supported in OpenSSH 2.9.9
logmsg "generating ssh server config file...\n" if($verbose);
@cfgarr = ();
push @cfgarr, '# This is a generated file. Do not edit.';
push @cfgarr, "# $sshdverstr sshd configuration file for curl testing";
push @cfgarr, '#';
# AllowUsers and DenyUsers options should use lowercase on Windows
# and do not support quotes around values for some unknown reason.
if ($sshdid =~ /OpenSSH-Windows/) {
my $username_lc = lc $username;
if (exists $ENV{USERDOMAIN}) {
my $userdomain_lc = lc $ENV{USERDOMAIN};
$username_lc = "$userdomain_lc\\$username_lc";
$username_lc =~ s/ /\?/g; # replace space with ?
push @cfgarr, "DenyUsers !$username_lc";
push @cfgarr, "AllowUsers $username_lc";
} else {
push @cfgarr, "DenyUsers !$username";
push @cfgarr, "AllowUsers $username";
push @cfgarr, "AuthorizedKeysFile $clipubkeyf_config";
push @cfgarr, "AuthorizedKeysFile2 $clipubkeyf_config";
push @cfgarr, "HostKey $hstprvkeyf_config";
if ($sshdid !~ /OpenSSH-Windows/) {
push @cfgarr, "PidFile $pidfile_config";
push @cfgarr, '#';
if(($sshdid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshdvernum >= 880)) {
push @cfgarr, 'HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa';
push @cfgarr, 'PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa';
push @cfgarr, '#';
push @cfgarr, "Port $port";
push @cfgarr, "ListenAddress $listenaddr";
push @cfgarr, 'Protocol 2';
push @cfgarr, '#';
push @cfgarr, 'AllowTcpForwarding yes';
push @cfgarr, 'Banner none';
push @cfgarr, 'ChallengeResponseAuthentication no';
push @cfgarr, 'ClientAliveCountMax 3';
push @cfgarr, 'ClientAliveInterval 0';
push @cfgarr, 'GatewayPorts no';
push @cfgarr, 'HostbasedAuthentication no';
push @cfgarr, 'HostbasedUsesNameFromPacketOnly no';
push @cfgarr, 'IgnoreRhosts yes';
push @cfgarr, 'IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes';
push @cfgarr, 'KeyRegenerationInterval 0';
push @cfgarr, 'LoginGraceTime 30';
push @cfgarr, "LogLevel $loglevel";
push @cfgarr, 'MaxStartups 5';
push @cfgarr, 'PasswordAuthentication no';
push @cfgarr, 'PermitEmptyPasswords no';
push @cfgarr, 'PermitRootLogin no';
push @cfgarr, 'PrintLastLog no';
push @cfgarr, 'PrintMotd no';
push @cfgarr, 'PubkeyAuthentication yes';
push @cfgarr, 'RhostsRSAAuthentication no';
push @cfgarr, 'RSAAuthentication no';
push @cfgarr, 'ServerKeyBits 768';
push @cfgarr, 'StrictModes no';
push @cfgarr, "Subsystem sftp \"$sftpsrv_config\"";
push @cfgarr, 'SyslogFacility AUTH';
push @cfgarr, 'UseLogin no';
push @cfgarr, 'X11Forwarding no';
push @cfgarr, '#';
# Write out initial sshd configuration file for curl's tests
$error = dump_array(pp($sshdconfig), @cfgarr);
if($error) {
logmsg "$error\n";
exit 1;
# Verifies at run time if sshd supports a given configuration file option
sub sshd_supports_opt {
my ($option, $value) = @_;
my $err;
if((($sshdid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshdvernum >= 310)) ||
($sshdid =~ /SunSSH/)) {
# ssh daemon supports command line options -t -f and -o
$err = grep /((Unsupported)|(Bad configuration)|(Deprecated)) option.*$option/,
`\"$sshd\" -t -f $sshdconfig_abs -o \"$option=$value\" 2>&1`;
return !$err;
if(($sshdid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshdvernum >= 299)) {
# ssh daemon supports command line options -t and -f
$err = dump_array(pp($sshdconfig), (@cfgarr, "$option $value"));
if($err) {
logmsg "$err\n";
return 0;
$err = grep /((Unsupported)|(Bad configuration)|(Deprecated)) option.*$option/,
`\"$sshd\" -t -f $sshdconfig_abs 2>&1`;
unlink pp($sshdconfig);
return !$err;
return 0;
# Kerberos Authentication support may have not been built into sshd
if(sshd_supports_opt('KerberosAuthentication','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'KerberosAuthentication no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('KerberosGetAFSToken','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'KerberosGetAFSToken no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('KerberosOrLocalPasswd','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'KerberosOrLocalPasswd no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('KerberosTgtPassing','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'KerberosTgtPassing no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('KerberosTicketCleanup','yes')) {
push @cfgarr, 'KerberosTicketCleanup yes';
# Andrew File System support may have not been built into sshd
if(sshd_supports_opt('AFSTokenPassing','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'AFSTokenPassing no';
# S/Key authentication support may have not been built into sshd
if(sshd_supports_opt('SkeyAuthentication','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'SkeyAuthentication no';
# GSSAPI Authentication support may have not been built into sshd
my $sshd_builtwith_GSSAPI;
if(sshd_supports_opt('GSSAPIAuthentication','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'GSSAPIAuthentication no';
$sshd_builtwith_GSSAPI = 1;
if(sshd_supports_opt('GSSAPICleanupCredentials','yes')) {
push @cfgarr, 'GSSAPICleanupCredentials yes';
if(sshd_supports_opt('GSSAPIKeyExchange','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'GSSAPIKeyExchange no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('GSSAPIStoreDelegatedCredentials','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'GSSAPIStoreDelegatedCredentials no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('GSSCleanupCreds','yes')) {
push @cfgarr, 'GSSCleanupCreds yes';
if(sshd_supports_opt('GSSUseSessionCredCache','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'GSSUseSessionCredCache no';
push @cfgarr, '#';
# Options that might be supported or not in sshd OpenSSH 2.9.9 and later
if(sshd_supports_opt('AddressFamily','any')) {
# Address family must be specified before ListenAddress
splice @cfgarr, 11, 0, 'AddressFamily any';
if(sshd_supports_opt('Compression','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'Compression no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('KbdInteractiveAuthentication','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'KbdInteractiveAuthentication no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('KeepAlive','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'KeepAlive no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('LookupClientHostnames','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'LookupClientHostnames no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('MaxAuthTries','10')) {
push @cfgarr, 'MaxAuthTries 10';
if(sshd_supports_opt('PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('PermitTunnel','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'PermitTunnel no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('PermitUserEnvironment','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'PermitUserEnvironment no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('RhostsAuthentication','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'RhostsAuthentication no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('TCPKeepAlive','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'TCPKeepAlive no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('UseDNS','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'UseDNS no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('UsePAM','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'UsePAM no';
if($sshdid =~ /OpenSSH/) {
# http://bugs.opensolaris.org/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6492415
if(sshd_supports_opt('UsePrivilegeSeparation','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'UsePrivilegeSeparation no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('VerifyReverseMapping','no')) {
push @cfgarr, 'VerifyReverseMapping no';
if(sshd_supports_opt('X11UseLocalhost','yes')) {
push @cfgarr, 'X11UseLocalhost yes';
push @cfgarr, '#';
# Write out resulting sshd configuration file for curl's tests
$error = dump_array(pp($sshdconfig), @cfgarr);
if($error) {
logmsg "$error\n";
exit 1;
# Verify that sshd actually supports our generated configuration file
if(system "\"$sshd\" -t -f $sshdconfig_abs > $sshdlog 2>&1") {
logmsg "sshd configuration file $sshdconfig failed verification\n";
exit 1;
# Generate ssh client host key database file for curl's tests
if((! -e pp($knownhosts)) || (! -s pp($knownhosts))) {
logmsg "generating ssh client known hosts file...\n" if($verbose);
if(open(my $rsakeyfile, "<", pp($hstpubkeyf))) {
my @rsahostkey = do { local $/ = ' '; <$rsakeyfile> };
if(close($rsakeyfile)) {
if(open(my $knownhostsh, ">", pp($knownhosts))) {
print $knownhostsh "$listenaddr ssh-rsa $rsahostkey[1]\n";
if(!close($knownhostsh)) {
$error = "Error: cannot close file $knownhosts";
else {
$error = "Error: cannot write file $knownhosts";
else {
$error = "Error: cannot close file $hstpubkeyf";
else {
$error = "Error: cannot read file $hstpubkeyf";
if($error) {
logmsg "$error\n";
exit 1;
# Convert paths for curl's tests running on Windows using Cygwin OpenSSH
my $identity_config;
my $knownhosts_config;
if ($sshdid =~ /OpenSSH-Windows/) {
# Ensure to use native Windows paths with OpenSSH for Windows
$identity_config = pathhelp::sys_native_abs_path(pp($identity));
$knownhosts_config = pathhelp::sys_native_abs_path(pp($knownhosts));
elsif (pathhelp::os_is_win()) {
# Ensure to use MinGW/Cygwin paths
$identity_config = pathhelp::build_sys_abs_path($identity_config);
$knownhosts_config = pathhelp::build_sys_abs_path($knownhosts_config);
else {
$identity_config = abs_path(pp($identity));
$knownhosts_config = abs_path(pp($knownhosts));
# ssh client configuration file options we might use and version support
# AddressFamily : OpenSSH 3.7.0 and later
# BatchMode : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# BindAddress : OpenSSH 2.9.9 and later
# ChallengeResponseAuthentication : OpenSSH 2.5.0 and later
# CheckHostIP : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# Cipher : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later [3]
# Ciphers : OpenSSH 2.1.0 and later [3]
# ClearAllForwardings : OpenSSH 2.9.9 and later
# Compression : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# CompressionLevel : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later [3]
# ConnectionAttempts : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# ConnectTimeout : OpenSSH 3.7.0 and later
# ControlMaster : OpenSSH 3.9.0 and later
# ControlPath : OpenSSH 3.9.0 and later
# DisableBanner : SunSSH 1.2.0 and later
# DynamicForward : OpenSSH 2.9.0 and later
# EnableSSHKeysign : OpenSSH 3.6.0 and later
# EscapeChar : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later [3]
# ExitOnForwardFailure : OpenSSH 4.4.0 and later
# ForwardAgent : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# ForwardX11 : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# ForwardX11Trusted : OpenSSH 3.8.0 and later
# GatewayPorts : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# GlobalKnownHostsFile : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# GSSAPIAuthentication : OpenSSH 3.7.0 and later [1]
# GSSAPIDelegateCredentials : OpenSSH 3.7.0 and later [1]
# HashKnownHosts : OpenSSH 4.0.0 and later
# Host : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# HostbasedAuthentication : OpenSSH 2.9.0 and later
# HostKeyAlgorithms : OpenSSH 2.9.0 and later [3]
# HostKeyAlias : OpenSSH 2.5.0 and later [3]
# HostName : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# IdentitiesOnly : OpenSSH 3.9.0 and later
# IdentityFile : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# IgnoreIfUnknown : SunSSH 1.2.0 and later
# KeepAlive : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# KbdInteractiveAuthentication : OpenSSH 2.3.0 and later
# KbdInteractiveDevices : OpenSSH 2.3.0 and later [3]
# LocalCommand : OpenSSH 4.3.0 and later [3]
# LocalForward : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later [3]
# LogLevel : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# MACs : OpenSSH 2.5.0 and later [3]
# NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost : OpenSSH 3.0.0 and later
# NumberOfPasswordPrompts : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# PasswordAuthentication : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# PermitLocalCommand : OpenSSH 4.3.0 and later
# Port : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# PreferredAuthentications : OpenSSH 2.5.2 and later
# Protocol : OpenSSH 2.1.0 and later
# ProxyCommand : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later [3]
# PubkeyAuthentication : OpenSSH 2.5.0 and later
# RekeyLimit : OpenSSH 3.7.0 and later
# RemoteForward : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later [3]
# RhostsRSAAuthentication : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# RSAAuthentication : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# ServerAliveCountMax : OpenSSH 3.8.0 and later
# ServerAliveInterval : OpenSSH 3.8.0 and later
# SmartcardDevice : OpenSSH 2.9.9 and later [1][3]
# StrictHostKeyChecking : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# TCPKeepAlive : OpenSSH 3.8.0 and later
# Tunnel : OpenSSH 4.3.0 and later
# TunnelDevice : OpenSSH 4.3.0 and later [3]
# UsePAM : OpenSSH 3.7.0 and later [1][2][3]
# UsePrivilegedPort : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# User : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# UserKnownHostsFile : OpenSSH 1.2.1 and later
# VerifyHostKeyDNS : OpenSSH 3.8.0 and later
# XAuthLocation : OpenSSH 2.1.1 and later [3]
# [1] Option only available if activated at compile time
# [2] Option specific for portable versions
# [3] Option not used in our ssh client config file
# Initialize ssh config with options actually supported in OpenSSH 2.9.9
logmsg "generating ssh client config file...\n" if($verbose);
@cfgarr = ();
push @cfgarr, '# This is a generated file. Do not edit.';
push @cfgarr, "# $sshverstr ssh client configuration file for curl testing";
push @cfgarr, '#';
push @cfgarr, 'Host *';
push @cfgarr, '#';
push @cfgarr, "Port $port";
push @cfgarr, "HostName $listenaddr";
push @cfgarr, "User $username";
push @cfgarr, 'Protocol 2';
push @cfgarr, '#';
# BindAddress option is not supported by OpenSSH for Windows
if (!($sshdid =~ /OpenSSH-Windows/)) {
push @cfgarr, "BindAddress $listenaddr";
push @cfgarr, '#';
push @cfgarr, "IdentityFile $identity_config";
push @cfgarr, "UserKnownHostsFile $knownhosts_config";
push @cfgarr, '#';
push @cfgarr, 'BatchMode yes';
push @cfgarr, 'ChallengeResponseAuthentication no';
push @cfgarr, 'CheckHostIP no';
push @cfgarr, 'ClearAllForwardings no';
push @cfgarr, 'Compression no';
push @cfgarr, 'ConnectionAttempts 3';
push @cfgarr, 'ForwardAgent no';
push @cfgarr, 'ForwardX11 no';
push @cfgarr, 'GatewayPorts no';
push @cfgarr, 'GlobalKnownHostsFile /dev/null';
push @cfgarr, 'HostbasedAuthentication no';
push @cfgarr, 'KbdInteractiveAuthentication no';
push @cfgarr, "LogLevel $loglevel";
push @cfgarr, 'NumberOfPasswordPrompts 0';
push @cfgarr, 'PasswordAuthentication no';
push @cfgarr, 'PreferredAuthentications publickey';
push @cfgarr, 'PubkeyAuthentication yes';
# RSA authentication options are not supported by OpenSSH for Windows
if (!($sshdid =~ /OpenSSH-Windows/)) {
push @cfgarr, 'RhostsRSAAuthentication no';
push @cfgarr, 'RSAAuthentication no';
# Disabled StrictHostKeyChecking since it makes the tests fail on my
# OpenSSH_6.0p1 on Debian Linux / Daniel
push @cfgarr, 'StrictHostKeyChecking no';
push @cfgarr, 'UsePrivilegedPort no';
push @cfgarr, '#';
# Options supported in ssh client newer than OpenSSH 2.9.9
if(($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 370)) {
push @cfgarr, 'AddressFamily any';
if((($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 370)) ||
(($sshid =~ /SunSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 120))) {
push @cfgarr, 'ConnectTimeout 30';
if(($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 390)) {
push @cfgarr, 'ControlMaster no';
if(($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 420)) {
push @cfgarr, 'ControlPath none';
if(($sshid =~ /SunSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 120)) {
push @cfgarr, 'DisableBanner yes';
if(($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 360)) {
push @cfgarr, 'EnableSSHKeysign no';
if(($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 440)) {
push @cfgarr, 'ExitOnForwardFailure yes';
if((($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 380)) ||
(($sshid =~ /SunSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 120))) {
push @cfgarr, 'ForwardX11Trusted no';
if(($sshd_builtwith_GSSAPI) && ($sshdid eq $sshid) &&
($sshdvernum == $sshvernum)) {
push @cfgarr, 'GSSAPIAuthentication no';
push @cfgarr, 'GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no';
if($sshid =~ /SunSSH/) {
push @cfgarr, 'GSSAPIKeyExchange no';
if((($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 400)) ||
(($sshid =~ /SunSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 120))) {
push @cfgarr, 'HashKnownHosts no';
if(($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 390)) {
push @cfgarr, 'IdentitiesOnly yes';
if(($sshid =~ /SunSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 120)) {
push @cfgarr, 'IgnoreIfUnknown no';
if((($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum < 380)) ||
($sshid =~ /SunSSH/)) {
push @cfgarr, 'KeepAlive no';
if((($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 300)) ||
($sshid =~ /SunSSH/)) {
push @cfgarr, 'NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost no';
if(($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 430)) {
push @cfgarr, 'PermitLocalCommand no';
if((($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 370)) ||
(($sshid =~ /SunSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 120))) {
push @cfgarr, 'RekeyLimit 1G';
if((($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 380)) ||
(($sshid =~ /SunSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 120))) {
push @cfgarr, 'ServerAliveCountMax 3';
push @cfgarr, 'ServerAliveInterval 0';
if(($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 380)) {
push @cfgarr, 'TCPKeepAlive no';
if(($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 430)) {
push @cfgarr, 'Tunnel no';
if(($sshid =~ /OpenSSH/) && ($sshvernum >= 380)) {
push @cfgarr, 'VerifyHostKeyDNS no';
push @cfgarr, '#';
# Write out resulting ssh client configuration file for curl's tests
$error = dump_array(pp($sshconfig), @cfgarr);
if($error) {
logmsg "$error\n";
exit 1;
# Initialize client sftp config with options actually supported.
logmsg "generating sftp client config file...\n" if($verbose);
splice @cfgarr, 1, 1, "# $sshverstr sftp client configuration file for curl testing";
for(my $i = scalar(@cfgarr) - 1; $i > 0; $i--) {
if($cfgarr[$i] =~ /^DynamicForward/) {
splice @cfgarr, $i, 1;
if($cfgarr[$i] =~ /^ClearAllForwardings/) {
splice @cfgarr, $i, 1, "ClearAllForwardings yes";
# Write out resulting sftp client configuration file for curl's tests
$error = dump_array(pp($sftpconfig), @cfgarr);
if($error) {
logmsg "$error\n";
exit 1;
@cfgarr = ();
# Generate client sftp commands batch file for sftp server verification
logmsg "generating sftp client commands file...\n" if($verbose);
push @cfgarr, 'pwd';
push @cfgarr, 'quit';
$error = dump_array(pp($sftpcmds), @cfgarr);
if($error) {
logmsg "$error\n";
exit 1;
@cfgarr = ();
# Prepare command line of ssh server daemon
my $cmd = "\"$sshd\" -e -D -f $sshdconfig_abs > $sshdlog 2>&1";
logmsg "SCP/SFTP server listening on port $port\n" if($verbose);
logmsg "RUN: $cmd\n" if($verbose);
# Start the ssh server daemon on Windows without forking it
if ($sshdid =~ /OpenSSH-Windows/) {
# Fake pidfile for ssh server on Windows.
if(open(my $out, ">", "$pidfile")) {
print $out $$ . "\n";
# Flush output.
$| = 1;
# Put an "exec" in front of the command so that the child process
# keeps this child's process ID by being tied to the spawned shell.
exec("exec $cmd") || die "Can't exec() $cmd: $!";
# exec() will create a new process, but ties the existence of the
# new process to the parent waiting perl.exe and sh.exe processes.
# exec() should never return back here to this process. We protect
# ourselves by calling die() just in case something goes really bad.
die "error: exec() has returned";
# Start the ssh server daemon without forking it
# "exec" avoids the shell process sticking around
my $rc = system("exec " . $cmd);
if($rc == -1) {
logmsg "\"$sshd\" failed with: $!\n";
elsif($rc & 127) {
logmsg sprintf("\"$sshd\" died with signal %d, and %s coredump\n",
($rc & 127), ($rc & 128)?'a':'no');
elsif($verbose && ($rc >> 8)) {
logmsg sprintf("\"$sshd\" exited with %d\n", $rc >> 8);
# Clean up once the server has stopped
unlink(pp($hstprvkeyf), pp($hstpubkeyf), pp($hstpubmd5f), pp($hstpubsha256f),
pp($cliprvkeyf), pp($clipubkeyf), pp($knownhosts),
pp($sshdconfig), pp($sshconfig), pp($sftpconfig));
exit 0;