2024-01-04 12:23:46 +02:00

217 lines
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#pragma once
#include "signature.hpp"
#include <asmjit/core/jitruntime.h>
#include <asmjit/x86/x86assembler.h>
using namespace asmjit::x86;
namespace utils::hook
namespace detail
template <size_t Entries>
std::vector<size_t(*)()> get_iota_functions()
if constexpr (Entries == 0)
std::vector<size_t(*)()> functions;
return functions;
auto functions = get_iota_functions<Entries - 1>();
return Entries - 1;
return functions;
// Gets the pointer to the entry in the v-table.
// It seems otherwise impossible to get this.
// This is ugly as fuck and only safely works on x64
// Example:
// ID3D11Device* device = ...
// auto entry = get_vtable_entry(device, &ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D);
template <size_t Entries = 100, typename Class, typename T, typename... Args>
void** get_vtable_entry(Class* obj, T(Class::* entry)(Args ...))
decltype(entry) func;
void* pointer;
func = entry;
auto iota_functions = detail::get_iota_functions<Entries>();
auto* object = iota_functions.data();
using fake_func = size_t(__thiscall*)(void* self);
auto index = static_cast<fake_func>(pointer)(&object);
void** obj_v_table = *reinterpret_cast<void***>(obj);
return &obj_v_table[index];
class assembler : public Assembler
using Assembler::Assembler;
using Assembler::call;
using Assembler::jmp;
void pushad64();
void popad64();
void prepare_stack_for_call();
void restore_stack_after_call();
template <typename T>
void call_aligned(T&& target)
asmjit::Error call(void* target);
asmjit::Error jmp(void* target);
class detour
detour(void* place, void* target);
detour(size_t place, void* target);
detour(detour&& other) noexcept
detour& operator=(detour&& other) noexcept
if (this != &other)
this->place_ = other.place_;
this->original_ = other.original_;
this->moved_data_ = other.moved_data_;
other.place_ = nullptr;
other.original_ = nullptr;
other.moved_data_ = {};
return *this;
detour(const detour&) = delete;
detour& operator=(const detour&) = delete;
void enable();
void disable();
void create(void* place, void* target);
void create(size_t place, void* target);
void clear();
void move();
void* get_place() const;
template <typename T>
T* get() const
return static_cast<T*>(this->get_original());
template <typename T = void, typename... Args>
T invoke(Args ... args)
return static_cast<T(*)(Args ...)>(this->get_original())(args...);
[[nodiscard]] void* get_original() const;
std::vector<uint8_t> moved_data_{};
void* place_{};
void* original_{};
void un_move();
std::optional<std::pair<void*, void*>> iat(const nt::library& library, const std::string& target_library,
const std::string& process, void* stub);
void nop(void* place, size_t length);
void nop(size_t place, size_t length);
void copy(void* place, const void* data, size_t length);
void copy(size_t place, const void* data, size_t length);
void copy_string(void* place, const char* str);
void copy_string(size_t place, const char* str);
bool is_relatively_far(const void* pointer, const void* data, int offset = 5);
bool is_relatively_far(size_t pointer, size_t data, int offset = 5);
void call(void* pointer, void* data);
void call(size_t pointer, void* data);
void call(size_t pointer, size_t data);
void jump(void* pointer, void* data, bool use_far = false, bool use_safe = false);
void jump(size_t pointer, void* data, bool use_far = false, bool use_safe = false);
void jump(size_t pointer, size_t data, bool use_far = false, bool use_safe = false);
void* assemble(const std::function<void(assembler&)>& asm_function);
void inject(void* pointer, const void* data);
void inject(size_t pointer, const void* data);
void inject(size_t pointer, size_t data);
std::vector<uint8_t> move_hook(void* pointer);
std::vector<uint8_t> move_hook(size_t pointer);
template <typename T>
T extract(void* address)
auto* const data = static_cast<uint8_t*>(address);
const auto offset = *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(data);
return reinterpret_cast<T>(data + offset + 4);
void* follow_branch(void* address);
template <typename T>
static void set(void* place, T value = false)
copy(place, &value, sizeof(value));
template <typename T>
static void set(const size_t place, T value = false)
return set<T>(reinterpret_cast<void*>(place), value);
template <typename T, typename... Args>
static T invoke(size_t func, Args ... args)
return reinterpret_cast<T(*)(Args ...)>(func)(args...);
template <typename T, typename... Args>
static T invoke(void* func, Args ... args)
return static_cast<T(*)(Args ...)>(func)(args...);