2024-08-13 05:15:34 -04:00

102 lines
2.5 KiB

#include <sol/sol.hpp>
#include <iostream>
struct my_type {
int value = 10;
my_type() {
std::cout << "my_type at " << static_cast<void*>(this)
<< " being default constructed!"
<< std::endl;
my_type(const my_type& other) : value(other.value) {
std::cout << "my_type at " << static_cast<void*>(this)
<< " being copy constructed!" << std::endl;
my_type(my_type&& other) : value(other.value) {
std::cout << "my_type at " << static_cast<void*>(this)
<< " being move-constructed!" << std::endl;
my_type& operator=(const my_type& other) {
value = other.value;
std::cout << "my_type at " << static_cast<void*>(this)
<< " being copy-assigned to!" << std::endl;
return *this;
my_type& operator=(my_type&& other) {
value = other.value;
std::cout << "my_type at " << static_cast<void*>(this)
<< " being move-assigned to!" << std::endl;
return *this;
~my_type() {
std::cout << "my_type at " << static_cast<void*>(this)
<< " being destructed!" << std::endl;
int main() {
std::cout << "=== unique_ptr support ===" << std::endl;
sol::state lua;
"my_type", "value", &my_type::value);
std::unique_ptr<my_type> unique
= std::make_unique<my_type>();
lua["unique"] = std::move(unique);
std::cout << "getting reference to unique_ptr..."
<< std::endl;
std::unique_ptr<my_type>& ref_to_unique_ptr
= lua["unique"];
my_type& ref_to_my_type = lua["unique"];
my_type* ptr_to_my_type = lua["unique"];
ptr_to_my_type == ref_to_unique_ptr.get());
&ref_to_my_type == ref_to_unique_ptr.get());
SOL_ASSERT(ref_to_unique_ptr->value == 10);
// script affects all of them equally
lua.script("unique.value = 20");
SOL_ASSERT(ptr_to_my_type->value == 20);
SOL_ASSERT(ref_to_my_type.value == 20);
SOL_ASSERT(ref_to_unique_ptr->value == 20);
std::cout << "getting copy of unique_ptr..."
<< std::endl;
my_type copy_of_value = lua["unique"];
SOL_ASSERT(copy_of_value.value == 20);
// script still affects pointer, but does not affect
// copy of `my_type`
lua.script("unique.value = 30");
SOL_ASSERT(copy_of_value.value == 20);
// set to nil and collect garbage to destroy it
lua.script("unique = nil");
std::cout << "garbage has been collected" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;