;------------------------ ;DEFAULT NSIS CONFIG FILE ;------------------------ ;This header file will be included when compiling any NSIS installer, ;you can use it to add script code to every installer you compile. ;This file is treated as if it is in the directory of your script. ;When using relative paths, the files have to be in your build directory. ;------------------------ ;EXAMPLES ;------------------------ ;Compress installer exehead with an executable compressor (such as UPX / Petite). ;Paths should be absolute to allow building from any location. ;Note that your executable compressor should not compress the first icon. ;!packhdr temp.dat '"C:\Program Files\upx\upx" -9 -q temp.dat' ;!packhdr temp.dat '"C:\Program Files\petite\petite" -9 -b0 -r** -p0 -y temp.dat' ;------------------------ ;Set default compressor SetCompressor lzma ; etCompressor bzip2 ;------------------------ ;Change the default icons ;Icon "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\arrow-install.ico" ;UninstallIcon "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\arrow-uninstall.ico" ;------------------------ ;Define symbols ;!define COMPANYNAME "bla" ;------------------------ ;MODERN UI ;------------------------ ;The Modern UI will insert the MUI_NSISCONF macro just before processing the settings. ;Here you can set default settings for the Modern UI. ;------------------------ !define MUI_INSERT_NSISCONF !macro MUI_NSISCONF ;Example: Change the default Modern UI icons ;!ifndef MUI_ICON & MUI_UNICON ; !define MUI_ICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\arrow-install.ico" ; !define MUI_UNICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\arrow-uninstall.ico" ;!endif !macroend