project('sol2', 'cpp') # Find lua dependency if get_option('lua_cpp') lua_cpp = 'true' else lua_cpp = 'false' endif lua_dep = dependency('lua', fallback: [ 'lua', 'lua_dep' ], default_options: [ 'lua_cpp=' + lua_cpp ]) # Set compiler flags if we're compiling lua as C++. compile_args = [] if get_option('lua_cpp') compile_args = [ '-DSOL_USING_CXX_LUA=1' ] endif # Expose standard dependency. sol2_dep = declare_dependency( include_directories: include_directories('./include'), compile_args: compile_args, dependencies: [ lua_dep ], ) # Single header targets requested. if get_option('single') # Check if we have python installed (required for creating single). python = find_program('python3', required: false) if not python.found() python = find_program('python', required: false) endif if not python.found() error('Could not locate Python. Python is required when building a single header.') endif # List all headers that the single header comprises of. cmd = run_command(python, '') if cmd.returncode() != 0 error('Could not list sol2 header files.') endif # Create our custom target to generate the single header file. sol2_single = custom_target('sol2_single', input: cmd.stdout().strip().split('\n'), output: 'sol.hpp', command: [ python, files('single/'), '--input', './include', '--output', '@OUTPUT@' ] ) # Expose the dependency. sol2_dep = declare_dependency( sources: [ sol2_single ], compile_args: compile_args, dependencies: [ lua_dep ], ) endif