// sol2 // The MIT License (MIT) // Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Rapptz, ThePhD and contributors // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of // this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in // the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to // use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, // subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR // COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER // IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN // CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #include "sol_test.hpp" #include <catch2/catch_all.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <chrono> #include <thread> #include <mutex> #include <atomic> template <typename Name, typename Data> void write_file_attempt(Name&& filename, Data&& data) { bool success = false; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { try { std::ofstream file(std::forward<Name>(filename), std::ios::out); file.exceptions(std::ios_base::badbit | std::ios_base::failbit); file << std::forward<Data>(data) << std::endl; file.close(); } catch (const std::exception&) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10)); continue; } success = true; break; } if (!success) { throw std::runtime_error("cannot open file or write out"); } } struct write_file_attempt_object { template <typename... Args> void operator()(Args&&... args) { write_file_attempt(std::forward<Args>(args)...); } }; struct string_reader_load { const std::string& str; std::size_t reads; string_reader_load(const std::string& s) : str(s), reads(0) { } }; const char* string_reader(lua_State* L, void* vpstr, size_t* sz) { (void)L; string_reader_load& srl = *static_cast<string_reader_load*>(vpstr); if (srl.reads++ > 0) { *sz = 0; return NULL; } *sz = static_cast<size_t>(srl.str.size()); return srl.str.c_str(); } TEST_CASE("state/require_file", "opening files as 'requires'") { static const char file_require_file[] = "./tmp_thingy.lua"; static const char file_require_file_user[] = "./tmp_thingy_user.lua"; static const char require_file_code[] = "return { modfunc = function () return 221 end }"; static const char require_file_user_code[] = "return { modfunc = function () return foo.new(221) end }"; static std::atomic<int> finished(0); static std::once_flag flag_file = {}, flag_file_user = {}; std::call_once(flag_file, write_file_attempt_object(), file_require_file, require_file_code); std::call_once(flag_file_user, write_file_attempt_object(), file_require_file_user, require_file_user_code); auto clean_files = []() { if (finished.fetch_add(1) < 1) { return; } std::remove(file_require_file); std::remove(file_require_file_user); }; SECTION("with usertypes") { struct foo { foo(int bar) : bar(bar) { } const int bar; }; sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.new_usertype<foo>("foo", sol::constructors<sol::types<int>> {}, "bar", &foo::bar); const sol::table thingy1 = lua.require_file("thingy", file_require_file_user); REQUIRE(thingy1.valid()); const foo foo_v = thingy1["modfunc"](); int val1 = foo_v.bar; REQUIRE(val1 == 221); clean_files(); } SECTION("simple") { sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); const sol::table thingy1 = lua.require_file("thingy", file_require_file); const sol::table thingy2 = lua.require_file("thingy", file_require_file); REQUIRE(thingy1.valid()); REQUIRE(thingy2.valid()); int val1 = thingy1["modfunc"](); int val2 = thingy2["modfunc"](); REQUIRE(val1 == 221); REQUIRE(val2 == 221); // must have loaded the same table REQUIRE((thingy1 == thingy2)); clean_files(); } } TEST_CASE("state/require_script", "opening strings as 'requires' clauses") { const std::string code = "return { modfunc = function () return 221 end }"; sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); sol::table thingy1 = lua.require_script("thingy", code); sol::table thingy2 = lua.require_script("thingy", code); int val1 = thingy1["modfunc"](); int val2 = thingy2["modfunc"](); REQUIRE(val1 == 221); REQUIRE(val2 == 221); // must have loaded the same table REQUIRE((thingy1 == thingy2)); } TEST_CASE("state/require_script empty", "opening strings as 'requires' clauses that return nothing insert a bogus value") { sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::package, sol::lib::base); lua.set_function("print_to_console", [](std::string const& message) { std::cout << message << std::endl; }); const std::string code = "print_to_console('hello from required file') i = 20"; { int begintop = 0, endtop = 0; test_stack_guard guard(lua, begintop, endtop); lua.require_script("require_test", code, false); } sol::optional<sol::error> maybe_error = lua.safe_script(R"( require ("require_test") print_to_console("hello from script") assert(i == 20) )", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE_FALSE(maybe_error.has_value()); } TEST_CASE("state/require", "require using a function") { struct open { static int open_func(lua_State* L) { sol::state_view lua = L; return sol::stack::push(L, lua.create_table_with("modfunc", sol::as_function([]() { return 221; }))); } }; sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); sol::table thingy1 = lua.require("thingy", open::open_func); sol::table thingy2 = lua.require("thingy", open::open_func); int val1 = thingy1["modfunc"](); int val2 = thingy2["modfunc"](); REQUIRE(val1 == 221); REQUIRE(val2 == 221); // THIS IS ONLY REQUIRED IN LUA 5.3, FOR SOME REASON // must have loaded the same table // REQUIRE(thingy1 == thingy2); } TEST_CASE("state/multi require", "make sure that requires transfers across hand-rolled script implementation and standard requiref") { struct open { static int open_func(lua_State* L) { sol::state_view lua = L; return sol::stack::push(L, lua.create_table_with("modfunc", sol::as_function([]() { return 221; }))); } }; std::string code = "return { modfunc = function () return 221 end }"; sol::state lua; sol::table thingy1 = lua.require("thingy", open::open_func); sol::table thingy2 = lua.require("thingy", open::open_func); sol::table thingy3 = lua.require_script("thingy", code); int val1 = thingy1["modfunc"](); int val2 = thingy2["modfunc"](); int val3 = thingy3["modfunc"](); REQUIRE(val1 == 221); REQUIRE(val2 == 221); REQUIRE(val3 == 221); // must have loaded the same table // Lua is not obliged to give a shit. Thanks, Lua // REQUIRE(thingy1 == thingy2); // But we care, thankfully // REQUIRE(thingy1 == thingy3); REQUIRE((thingy2 == thingy3)); } TEST_CASE("state/require-safety", "make sure unrelated modules aren't harmed in using requires") { sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(); std::string t1 = lua.safe_script(R"(require 'io' return 'test1')"); sol::object ot2 = lua.require_script("test2", R"(require 'io' return 'test2')"); std::string t2 = ot2.as<std::string>(); std::string t3 = lua.safe_script(R"(require 'io' return 'test3')"); REQUIRE(t1 == "test1"); REQUIRE(t2 == "test2"); REQUIRE(t3 == "test3"); } TEST_CASE("state/leak check", "make sure there are no humongous memory leaks in iteration") { #if 0 sol::state lua; lua.safe_script(R"( record = {} for i=1,256 do record[i] = i end function run() for i=1,25000 do fun(record) end end function run2() for i=1,50000 do fun(record) end end )"); lua["fun"] = [](const sol::table &t) { //removing the for loop fixes the memory leak auto b = t.begin(); auto e = t.end(); for (; b != e; ++b) { } }; size_t beforewarmup = lua.memory_used(); lua["run"](); size_t beforerun = lua.memory_used(); lua["run"](); size_t afterrun = lua.memory_used(); lua["run2"](); size_t afterrun2 = lua.memory_used(); // Less memory used before the warmup REQUIRE(beforewarmup <= beforerun); // Iteration size and such does not bloat or affect memory // (these are weak checks but they'll warn us nonetheless if something goes wrong) REQUIRE(beforerun == afterrun); REQUIRE(afterrun == afterrun2); #else REQUIRE(true); #endif } TEST_CASE("state/script returns", "make sure script returns are done properly") { std::string script = R"( local example = { str = "this is a string", num = 1234, func = function(self) print(self.str) return "fstr" end } return example; )"; auto bar = [&script](sol::this_state l) { sol::state_view lua = l; sol::table data = lua.safe_script(script); std::string str = data["str"]; int num = data["num"]; std::string fstr = data["func"](data); REQUIRE(str == "this is a string"); REQUIRE(fstr == "fstr"); REQUIRE(num == 1234); }; auto foo = [&script](int, sol::this_state l) { sol::state_view lua = l; sol::table data = lua.safe_script(script); std::string str = data["str"]; int num = data["num"]; std::string fstr = data["func"](data); REQUIRE(str == "this is a string"); REQUIRE(fstr == "fstr"); REQUIRE(num == 1234); }; auto bar2 = [&script](sol::this_state l) { sol::state_view lua = l; sol::table data = lua.do_string(script); std::string str = data["str"]; int num = data["num"]; std::string fstr = data["func"](data); REQUIRE(str == "this is a string"); REQUIRE(fstr == "fstr"); REQUIRE(num == 1234); }; auto foo2 = [&script](int, sol::this_state l) { sol::state_view lua = l; sol::table data = lua.do_string(script); std::string str = data["str"]; int num = data["num"]; std::string fstr = data["func"](data); REQUIRE(str == "this is a string"); REQUIRE(fstr == "fstr"); REQUIRE(num == 1234); }; sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); lua.open_libraries(); lua.set_function("foo", foo); lua.set_function("foo2", foo2); lua.set_function("bar", bar); lua.set_function("bar2", bar2); lua.safe_script("bar() bar2() foo(1) foo2(1)"); } TEST_CASE("state/copy and move", "ensure state can be properly copied and moved") { sol::state lua; lua["a"] = 1; sol::state lua2(std::move(lua)); int a2 = lua2["a"]; REQUIRE(a2 == 1); lua = std::move(lua2); int a = lua["a"]; REQUIRE(a == 1); } TEST_CASE("state/requires-reload", "ensure that reloading semantics do not cause a crash") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); lua.open_libraries(); lua.safe_script("require 'io'\nreturn 'test1'"); lua.require_script("test2", "require 'io'\nreturn 'test2'"); lua.safe_script("require 'io'\nreturn 'test3'"); } TEST_CASE("state/script, do, and load", "test success and failure cases for loading and running scripts") { const static std::string bad_syntax = "weird\n%$@symb\nols"; static const char file_bad_syntax[] = "./temp.bad_syntax.lua"; const static std::string bad_runtime = "bad.code = 20"; static const char file_bad_runtime[] = "./temp.bad_runtime.lua"; const static std::string good = "a = 21\nreturn a"; static const char file_good[] = "./temp.good.lua"; static std::once_flag flag_file_bs = {}, flag_file_br = {}, flag_file_g = {}; static std::atomic<int> finished(0); std::call_once(flag_file_bs, write_file_attempt_object(), file_bad_syntax, bad_syntax); std::call_once(flag_file_br, write_file_attempt_object(), file_bad_runtime, bad_runtime); std::call_once(flag_file_g, write_file_attempt_object(), file_good, good); auto clean_files = []() { if (finished.fetch_add(1) < 14) { return; } std::remove(file_bad_syntax); std::remove(file_bad_runtime); std::remove(file_good); }; SECTION("script") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); int ar = lua.safe_script(good); int a = lua["a"]; REQUIRE(a == 21); REQUIRE(ar == 21); clean_files(); } SECTION("unsafe_script") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); int ar = lua.unsafe_script(good); int a = lua["a"]; REQUIRE(a == 21); REQUIRE(ar == 21); clean_files(); } SECTION("script-handler") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); auto errbs = lua.safe_script(bad_syntax, sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(!errbs.valid()); auto errbr = lua.safe_script(bad_runtime, sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(!errbr.valid()); auto result = lua.safe_script(good, sol::script_pass_on_error); int a = lua["a"]; int ar = result; REQUIRE(result.valid()); REQUIRE(a == 21); REQUIRE(ar == 21); clean_files(); } SECTION("do_string") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); auto errbs = lua.do_string(bad_syntax); REQUIRE(!errbs.valid()); auto errbr = lua.do_string(bad_runtime); REQUIRE(!errbr.valid()); auto result = lua.do_string(good); int a = lua["a"]; int ar = result; REQUIRE(result.valid()); REQUIRE(a == 21); REQUIRE(ar == 21); clean_files(); } SECTION("load_string") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); auto errbsload = lua.load(bad_syntax); REQUIRE(!errbsload.valid()); sol::load_result errbrload = lua.load(bad_runtime); REQUIRE(errbrload.valid()); sol::protected_function errbrpf = errbrload.get<sol::protected_function>(); auto errbr = errbrpf(); REQUIRE(!errbr.valid()); sol::load_result resultload = lua.load(good); REQUIRE(resultload.valid()); sol::protected_function resultpf = resultload.get<sol::protected_function>(); auto result = resultpf(); int a = lua["a"]; int ar = result; REQUIRE(result.valid()); REQUIRE(a == 21); REQUIRE(ar == 21); clean_files(); } SECTION("load") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); string_reader_load bssrl(bad_syntax); void* vpbssrl = static_cast<void*>(&bssrl); auto errbsload = lua.load(&string_reader, vpbssrl, bad_syntax); REQUIRE(!errbsload.valid()); string_reader_load brsrl(bad_runtime); void* vpbrsrl = static_cast<void*>(&brsrl); sol::load_result errbrload = lua.load(&string_reader, vpbrsrl, bad_runtime); REQUIRE(errbrload.valid()); sol::protected_function errbrpf = errbrload.get<sol::protected_function>(); auto errbr = errbrpf(); REQUIRE(!errbr.valid()); string_reader_load gsrl(good); void* vpgsrl = static_cast<void*>(&gsrl); sol::load_result resultload = lua.load(&string_reader, vpgsrl, good); REQUIRE(resultload.valid()); sol::protected_function resultpf = resultload.get<sol::protected_function>(); auto result = resultpf(); int a = lua["a"]; int ar = result; REQUIRE(result.valid()); REQUIRE(a == 21); REQUIRE(ar == 21); clean_files(); } SECTION("load_string (text)") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); auto errbsload = lua.load(bad_syntax, bad_syntax, sol::load_mode::text); REQUIRE(!errbsload.valid()); sol::load_result errbrload = lua.load(bad_runtime, bad_runtime, sol::load_mode::text); REQUIRE(errbrload.valid()); sol::protected_function errbrpf = errbrload.get<sol::protected_function>(); auto errbr = errbrpf(); REQUIRE(!errbr.valid()); sol::load_result resultload = lua.load(good, good, sol::load_mode::text); REQUIRE(resultload.valid()); sol::protected_function resultpf = resultload.get<sol::protected_function>(); auto result = resultpf(); int a = lua["a"]; int ar = result; REQUIRE(result.valid()); REQUIRE(a == 21); REQUIRE(ar == 21); clean_files(); } SECTION("load (text)") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); string_reader_load bssrl(bad_syntax); void* vpbssrl = static_cast<void*>(&bssrl); auto errbsload = lua.load(&string_reader, vpbssrl, bad_syntax, sol::load_mode::text); REQUIRE(!errbsload.valid()); string_reader_load brsrl(bad_runtime); void* vpbrsrl = static_cast<void*>(&brsrl); sol::load_result errbrload = lua.load(&string_reader, vpbrsrl, bad_runtime, sol::load_mode::text); REQUIRE(errbrload.valid()); sol::protected_function errbrpf = errbrload.get<sol::protected_function>(); auto errbr = errbrpf(); REQUIRE(!errbr.valid()); string_reader_load gsrl(good); void* vpgsrl = static_cast<void*>(&gsrl); sol::load_result resultload = lua.load(&string_reader, vpgsrl, good, sol::load_mode::text); REQUIRE(resultload.valid()); sol::protected_function resultpf = resultload.get<sol::protected_function>(); auto result = resultpf(); int a = lua["a"]; int ar = result; REQUIRE(result.valid()); REQUIRE(a == 21); REQUIRE(ar == 21); clean_files(); } SECTION("script_file") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); int ar = lua.safe_script_file(file_good); int a = lua["a"]; REQUIRE(a == 21); REQUIRE(ar == 21); clean_files(); } SECTION("unsafe_script_file") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); int ar = lua.unsafe_script_file(file_good); int a = lua["a"]; REQUIRE(a == 21); REQUIRE(ar == 21); clean_files(); } SECTION("script_file-handler") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); auto errbs = lua.safe_script_file(file_bad_syntax, sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(!errbs.valid()); auto errbr = lua.safe_script_file(file_bad_runtime, sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(!errbr.valid()); auto result = lua.safe_script_file(file_good, sol::script_pass_on_error); int a = lua["a"]; int ar = result; REQUIRE(result.valid()); REQUIRE(a == 21); REQUIRE(ar == 21); clean_files(); } SECTION("safe_script_file-handler") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); auto errbs = lua.safe_script_file(file_bad_syntax, sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(!errbs.valid()); auto errbr = lua.safe_script_file(file_bad_runtime, sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(!errbr.valid()); auto result = lua.safe_script_file(file_good, sol::script_pass_on_error); int a = lua["a"]; int ar = result; REQUIRE(result.valid()); REQUIRE(a == 21); REQUIRE(ar == 21); clean_files(); } SECTION("do_file") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); auto errbs = lua.do_file(file_bad_syntax); REQUIRE(!errbs.valid()); auto errbr = lua.do_file(file_bad_runtime); REQUIRE(!errbr.valid()); auto result = lua.do_file(file_good); int a = lua["a"]; int ar = result; REQUIRE(result.valid()); REQUIRE(a == 21); REQUIRE(ar == 21); clean_files(); } SECTION("load_file") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); auto errbsload = lua.load_file(file_bad_syntax); REQUIRE(!errbsload.valid()); sol::load_result errbrload = lua.load_file(file_bad_runtime); REQUIRE(errbrload.valid()); sol::protected_function errbrpf = errbrload.get<sol::protected_function>(); auto errbr = errbrpf(); REQUIRE(!errbr.valid()); sol::load_result resultload = lua.load_file(file_good); REQUIRE(resultload.valid()); sol::protected_function resultpf = resultload.get<sol::protected_function>(); auto result = resultpf(); int a = lua["a"]; int ar = result; REQUIRE(result.valid()); REQUIRE(a == 21); REQUIRE(ar == 21); clean_files(); } SECTION("load_file (text)") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); auto errbsload = lua.load_file(file_bad_syntax, sol::load_mode::text); REQUIRE(!errbsload.valid()); sol::load_result errbrload = lua.load_file(file_bad_runtime, sol::load_mode::text); REQUIRE(errbrload.valid()); sol::protected_function errbrpf = errbrload.get<sol::protected_function>(); auto errbr = errbrpf(); REQUIRE(!errbr.valid()); sol::load_result resultload = lua.load_file(file_good, sol::load_mode::text); REQUIRE(resultload.valid()); sol::protected_function resultpf = resultload.get<sol::protected_function>(); auto result = resultpf(); int a = lua["a"]; int ar = result; REQUIRE(result.valid()); REQUIRE(a == 21); REQUIRE(ar == 21); clean_files(); } } TEST_CASE("state/script return converts", "make sure that script return values are convertable from one to another") { sol::state lua; sol::protected_function_result r1 = lua.unsafe_script("return 2"); sol::unsafe_function_result r2 = lua.safe_script("return 3"); int v1 = r1; int v2 = r2; REQUIRE(v1 == 2); REQUIRE(v2 == 3); } TEST_CASE("state/script function returns", "make sure that returned functions are converitble from a result to a function") { SECTION("from result move constructor") { sol::state lua; sol::protected_function pf = lua.safe_script("return function () return 2 end", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(pf.valid()); int v1 = pf(); REQUIRE(v1 == 2); } SECTION("from result operator=") { sol::state lua; sol::protected_function_result r1 = lua.safe_script("return function () return 1 end", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(r1.valid()); sol::protected_function pf = r1.get<sol::protected_function>(); int v1 = pf(); REQUIRE(v1 == 1); } }