# EXIT CODES There are a bunch of different error codes and their corresponding error messages that may appear under error conditions. At the time of this writing, the exit codes are: ## 0 Success. The operation completed successfully according to the instructions. ## 1 Unsupported protocol. This build of curl has no support for this protocol. ## 2 Failed to initialize. ## 3 URL malformed. The syntax was not correct. ## 4 A feature or option that was needed to perform the desired request was not enabled or was explicitly disabled at build-time. To make curl able to do this, you probably need another build of libcurl. ## 5 Could not resolve proxy. The given proxy host could not be resolved. ## 6 Could not resolve host. The given remote host could not be resolved. ## 7 Failed to connect to host. ## 8 Weird server reply. The server sent data curl could not parse. ## 9 FTP access denied. The server denied login or denied access to the particular resource or directory you wanted to reach. Most often you tried to change to a directory that does not exist on the server. ## 10 FTP accept failed. While waiting for the server to connect back when an active FTP session is used, an error code was sent over the control connection or similar. ## 11 FTP weird PASS reply. Curl could not parse the reply sent to the PASS request. ## 12 During an active FTP session while waiting for the server to connect back to curl, the timeout expired. ## 13 FTP weird PASV reply, Curl could not parse the reply sent to the PASV request. ## 14 FTP weird 227 format. Curl could not parse the 227-line the server sent. ## 15 FTP cannot use host. Could not resolve the host IP we got in the 227-line. ## 16 HTTP/2 error. A problem was detected in the HTTP2 framing layer. This is somewhat generic and can be one out of several problems, see the error message for details. ## 17 FTP could not set binary. Could not change transfer method to binary. ## 18 Partial file. Only a part of the file was transferred. ## 19 FTP could not download/access the given file, the RETR (or similar) command failed. ## 21 FTP quote error. A quote command returned error from the server. ## 22 HTTP page not retrieved. The requested URL was not found or returned another error with the HTTP error code being 400 or above. This return code only appears if --fail is used. ## 23 Write error. Curl could not write data to a local filesystem or similar. ## 25 Failed starting the upload. For FTP, the server typically denied the STOR command. ## 26 Read error. Various reading problems. ## 27 Out of memory. A memory allocation request failed. ## 28 Operation timeout. The specified time-out period was reached according to the conditions. ## 30 FTP PORT failed. The PORT command failed. Not all FTP servers support the PORT command, try doing a transfer using PASV instead. ## 31 FTP could not use REST. The REST command failed. This command is used for resumed FTP transfers. ## 33 HTTP range error. The range "command" did not work. ## 34 HTTP post error. Internal post-request generation error. ## 35 SSL connect error. The SSL handshaking failed. ## 36 Bad download resume. Could not continue an earlier aborted download. ## 37 FILE could not read file. Failed to open the file. Permissions? ## 38 LDAP cannot bind. LDAP bind operation failed. ## 39 LDAP search failed. ## 41 Function not found. A required LDAP function was not found. ## 42 Aborted by callback. An application told curl to abort the operation. ## 43 Internal error. A function was called with a bad parameter. ## 45 Interface error. A specified outgoing interface could not be used. ## 47 Too many redirects. When following redirects, curl hit the maximum amount. ## 48 Unknown option specified to libcurl. This indicates that you passed a weird option to curl that was passed on to libcurl and rejected. Read up in the manual! ## 49 Malformed telnet option. ## 52 The server did not reply anything, which here is considered an error. ## 53 SSL crypto engine not found. ## 54 Cannot set SSL crypto engine as default. ## 55 Failed sending network data. ## 56 Failure in receiving network data. ## 58 Problem with the local certificate. ## 59 Could not use specified SSL cipher. ## 60 Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates. ## 61 Unrecognized transfer encoding. ## 63 Maximum file size exceeded. ## 64 Requested FTP SSL level failed. ## 65 Sending the data requires a rewind that failed. ## 66 Failed to initialize SSL Engine. ## 67 The username, password, or similar was not accepted and curl failed to log in. ## 68 File not found on TFTP server. ## 69 Permission problem on TFTP server. ## 70 Out of disk space on TFTP server. ## 71 Illegal TFTP operation. ## 72 Unknown TFTP transfer ID. ## 73 File already exists (TFTP). ## 74 No such user (TFTP). ## 77 Problem reading the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?). ## 78 The resource referenced in the URL does not exist. ## 79 An unspecified error occurred during the SSH session. ## 80 Failed to shut down the SSL connection. ## 82 Could not load CRL file, missing or wrong format (added in 7.19.0). ## 83 Issuer check failed (added in 7.19.0). ## 84 The FTP PRET command failed. ## 85 Mismatch of RTSP CSeq numbers. ## 86 Mismatch of RTSP Session Identifiers. ## 87 Unable to parse FTP file list. ## 88 FTP chunk callback reported error. ## 89 No connection available, the session is queued. ## 90 SSL public key does not matched pinned public key. ## 91 Invalid SSL certificate status. ## 92 Stream error in HTTP/2 framing layer. ## 93 An API function was called from inside a callback. ## 94 An authentication function returned an error. ## 95 A problem was detected in the HTTP/3 layer. This is somewhat generic and can be one out of several problems, see the error message for details. ## 96 QUIC connection error. This error may be caused by an SSL library error. QUIC is the protocol used for HTTP/3 transfers. ## 97 Proxy handshake error. ## 98 A client-side certificate is required to complete the TLS handshake. ## 99 Poll or select returned fatal error. ## 100 A value or data field grew larger than allowed. ## XX More error codes might appear here in future releases. The existing ones are meant to never change.