// sol2 // The MIT License (MIT) // Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Rapptz, ThePhD and contributors // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of // this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in // the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to // use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, // subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR // COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER // IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN // CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #ifndef SOL_ERROR_HANDLER_HPP #define SOL_ERROR_HANDLER_HPP #include <sol/types.hpp> #include <sol/demangle.hpp> #include <cstdio> namespace sol { namespace detail { constexpr const char* not_a_number = "not a numeric type"; constexpr const char* not_a_number_or_number_string = "not a numeric type or numeric string"; constexpr const char* not_a_number_integral = "not a numeric type that fits exactly an integer (number maybe has significant decimals)"; constexpr const char* not_a_number_or_number_string_integral = "not a numeric type or a numeric string that fits exactly an integer (e.g. number maybe has significant decimals)"; constexpr const char* not_enough_stack_space = "not enough space left on Lua stack"; constexpr const char* not_enough_stack_space_floating = "not enough space left on Lua stack for a floating point number"; constexpr const char* not_enough_stack_space_integral = "not enough space left on Lua stack for an integral number"; constexpr const char* not_enough_stack_space_string = "not enough space left on Lua stack for a string"; constexpr const char* not_enough_stack_space_meta_function_name = "not enough space left on Lua stack for the name of a meta_function"; constexpr const char* not_enough_stack_space_userdata = "not enough space left on Lua stack to create a sol2 userdata"; constexpr const char* not_enough_stack_space_generic = "not enough space left on Lua stack to push valuees"; constexpr const char* not_enough_stack_space_environment = "not enough space left on Lua stack to retrieve environment"; constexpr const char* protected_function_error = "caught (...) unknown error during protected_function call"; inline void accumulate_and_mark(const std::string& n, std::string& aux_message, int& marker) { if (marker > 0) { aux_message += ", "; } aux_message += n; ++marker; } } // namespace detail inline std::string associated_type_name(lua_State* L, int index, type t) { switch (t) { case type::poly: return "anything"; case type::userdata: { #if SOL_IS_ON(SOL_SAFE_STACK_CHECK) luaL_checkstack(L, 2, "not enough space to push get the type name"); #endif // make sure stack doesn't overflow if (lua_getmetatable(L, index) == 0) { break; } lua_pushlstring(L, "__name", 6); lua_rawget(L, -2); size_t sz; const char* name = lua_tolstring(L, -1, &sz); std::string tn(name, static_cast<std::string::size_type>(sz)); lua_pop(L, 2); return tn; } default: break; } return lua_typename(L, static_cast<int>(t)); } inline int push_type_panic_string(lua_State* L, int index, type expected, type actual, string_view message, string_view aux_message) noexcept { const char* err = message.size() == 0 ? (aux_message.size() == 0 ? "stack index %d, expected %s, received %s" : "stack index %d, expected %s, received %s: %s%s") : "stack index %d, expected %s, received %s: %s %s"; const char* type_name = expected == type::poly ? "anything" : lua_typename(L, static_cast<int>(expected)); { std::string actual_name = associated_type_name(L, index, actual); lua_pushfstring(L, err, index, type_name, actual_name.c_str(), message.data(), aux_message.data()); } return 1; } inline int type_panic_string(lua_State* L, int index, type expected, type actual, string_view message = "") noexcept(false) { push_type_panic_string(L, index, expected, actual, message, ""); return lua_error(L); } inline int type_panic_c_str(lua_State* L, int index, type expected, type actual, const char* message = nullptr) noexcept(false) { push_type_panic_string(L, index, expected, actual, message == nullptr ? "" : message, ""); return lua_error(L); } struct type_panic_t { int operator()(lua_State* L, int index, type expected, type actual) const noexcept(false) { return type_panic_c_str(L, index, expected, actual, nullptr); } int operator()(lua_State* L, int index, type expected, type actual, string_view message) const noexcept(false) { return type_panic_c_str(L, index, expected, actual, message.data()); } }; const type_panic_t type_panic = {}; struct constructor_handler { int operator()(lua_State* L, int index, type expected, type actual, string_view message) const noexcept(false) { push_type_panic_string(L, index, expected, actual, message, "(type check failed in constructor)"); return lua_error(L); } }; template <typename F = void> struct argument_handler { int operator()(lua_State* L, int index, type expected, type actual, string_view message) const noexcept(false) { push_type_panic_string(L, index, expected, actual, message, "(bad argument to variable or function call)"); return lua_error(L); } }; template <typename R, typename... Args> struct argument_handler<types<R, Args...>> { int operator()(lua_State* L, int index, type expected, type actual, string_view message) const noexcept(false) { { std::string aux_message = "(bad argument into '"; aux_message += detail::demangle<R>(); aux_message += "("; int marker = 0; (void)detail::swallow { int(), (detail::accumulate_and_mark(detail::demangle<Args>(), aux_message, marker), int())... }; aux_message += ")')"; push_type_panic_string(L, index, expected, actual, message, aux_message); } return lua_error(L); } }; // Specify this function as the handler for lua::check if you know there's nothing wrong inline int no_panic(lua_State*, int, type, type, const char* = nullptr) noexcept { return 0; } inline void type_error(lua_State* L, int expected, int actual) noexcept(false) { luaL_error(L, "expected %s, received %s", lua_typename(L, expected), lua_typename(L, actual)); } inline void type_error(lua_State* L, type expected, type actual) noexcept(false) { type_error(L, static_cast<int>(expected), static_cast<int>(actual)); } inline void type_assert(lua_State* L, int index, type expected, type actual) noexcept(false) { if (expected != type::poly && expected != actual) { type_panic_c_str(L, index, expected, actual, nullptr); } } inline void type_assert(lua_State* L, int index, type expected) { type actual = type_of(L, index); type_assert(L, index, expected, actual); } } // namespace sol #endif // SOL_ERROR_HANDLER_HPP