// sol2 // The MIT License (MIT) // Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Rapptz, ThePhD and contributors // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of // this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in // the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to // use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, // subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR // COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER // IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN // CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #include "sol_test.hpp" #include "common_classes.hpp" #include <catch2/catch_all.hpp> #include <mutex> #include <thread> #include <string_view> #include <variant> struct utility_counter { sol::stack_count count(sol::this_state s) { return sol::stack::multi_push(s, 1, 2, 3, 4); }; }; struct optional_ref_t { int x = 0; }; std::mutex basic_init_require_mutex; void basic_initialization_and_lib_open() { sol::state lua; try { lua.open_libraries(); lua["a"] = 24; int a = lua["a"]; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(basic_init_require_mutex); REQUIRE(a == 24); } } catch (const sol::error& e) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(basic_init_require_mutex); INFO(e.what()); REQUIRE(false); } catch (...) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(basic_init_require_mutex); REQUIRE(false); } } TEST_CASE("utility/variant", "test that variant can be round-tripped") { SECTION("okay") { sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.set_function("f", [](int v) { return v == 2; }); lua.set_function("g", [](std::variant<int, float, std::string> vv) { int v = std::get<int>(vv); return v == 2; }); lua["v"] = std::variant<int, float, std::string>(2); { auto result = lua.safe_script("assert(f(v))", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(result.valid()); }; { auto result = lua.safe_script("assert(g(v))", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(result.valid()); }; } SECTION("throws") { sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.set_function("f", [](int v) { return v == 2; }); lua.set_function("g", [](std::variant<float, int, std::string> vv) { int v = std::get<int>(vv); return v == 2; }); lua["v"] = std::variant<float, int, std::string>(std::string("bark")); { auto result = lua.safe_script("assert(f(v))", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE_FALSE(result.valid()); }; { auto result = lua.safe_script("assert(g(v))", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE_FALSE(result.valid()); }; } } namespace detail { template <typename T> struct optional_rebinder; template <template <class> class Optional, typename T> struct optional_rebinder<Optional<T>> { template <typename U> using type = Optional<U>; }; struct dummy { }; } // namespace detail #define Optional typename detail::optional_rebinder<TestType>::template type using OptionalsToTest = std::tuple<sol::optional<detail::dummy>, std::optional<detail::dummy>>; TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE("utility/optional-conversion", "test that regular optional will properly catch certain types", OptionalsToTest) { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.new_usertype<vars>("vars"); lua["test"] = [](Optional<vars> x) { return static_cast<bool>(x); }; const auto result = lua.safe_script(R"( assert(test(vars:new())) assert(not test(3)) assert(not test(nil)) )", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(result.valid()); } TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE("utility/optional-value-or", "test that regular optional will properly handle value_or", OptionalsToTest) { Optional<std::string> str; auto x = str.value_or("!"); Optional<unsigned int> un; auto y = un.value_or(64); optional_ref_t def_custom; sol::optional<optional_ref_t&> custom; auto z = custom.value_or(def_custom); const auto& z_ref = custom.value_or(def_custom); REQUIRE(x == "!"); REQUIRE(y == 64); REQUIRE(&def_custom == &z_ref); REQUIRE(&z != &def_custom); } TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE("utility/optional", "test that shit optional can be round-tripped", OptionalsToTest) { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); SECTION("okay") { lua.set_function("f", [](int v) { return v == 2; }); lua.set_function("g", [](Optional<int> vv) { return vv && *vv == 2; }); lua.set_function("h", [](Optional<sol::object> v) { return !v; }); lua["v"] = Optional<int>(2); { auto result = lua.safe_script("assert(f(v))", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(result.valid()); } { auto result = lua.safe_script("assert(g(v))", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(result.valid()); } { auto result = lua.safe_script("assert(h())", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(result.valid()); } } SECTION("throws") { lua.set_function("f", [](int v) { return v == 2; }); lua.set_function("g", [](Optional<int> vv) { return vv && *vv == 2; }); lua["v"] = Optional<int> {}; { auto result = lua.safe_script("assert(f(v))", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE_FALSE(result.valid()); }; { auto result = lua.safe_script("assert(g(v))", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE_FALSE(result.valid()); }; } SECTION("in classes") { struct opt_c { Optional<int> member; }; auto uto = lua.new_usertype<opt_c>("opt_c", "value", &opt_c::member); opt_c obj; lua["obj"] = std::ref(obj); lua.safe_script("print(obj.value) obj.value = 20 print(obj.value)"); REQUIRE(obj.member == 20); lua.safe_script("print(obj.value) obj.value = nil print(obj.value)"); REQUIRE(!obj.member); } SECTION("accepts nil") { lua.set_function("f_int", [](Optional<int> v) { return !v; }); lua.set_function("f_object", [](Optional<sol::object> v) { return !v; }); lua.set_function("f_table", [](Optional<sol::table> v) { return !v; }); lua.set_function("f_function", [](Optional<sol::function> v) { return !v; }); REQUIRE(lua.safe_script("assert(f_int())").valid()); REQUIRE(lua.safe_script("assert(f_object())").valid()); REQUIRE(lua.safe_script("assert(f_table())").valid()); REQUIRE(lua.safe_script("assert(f_function())").valid()); } SECTION("returns nil") { lua.set_function("f_int", [] { return Optional<int> {}; }); lua.set_function("f_object", [] { return Optional<sol::object> {}; }); lua.set_function("f_table", [] { return Optional<sol::table> {}; }); lua.set_function("f_function", [] { return Optional<sol::function> {}; }); REQUIRE(lua.safe_script("assert(not f_int())").valid()); REQUIRE(lua.safe_script("assert(not f_object())").valid()); REQUIRE(lua.safe_script("assert(not f_table())").valid()); REQUIRE(lua.safe_script("assert(not f_function())").valid()); } } #undef Optional TEST_CASE("utility/string_view", "test that string_view can be taken as an argument") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.set_function("f", [](std::string_view v) { return v == "bark!"; }); lua["v"] = "bark!"; REQUIRE_NOTHROW([&]() { lua.safe_script("assert(f(v))"); }()); } TEST_CASE("utility/thread", "fire up lots of threads at the same time to make sure the initialization changes do not cause horrible crashing data races") { REQUIRE_NOTHROW([]() { std::thread thrds[16]; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { thrds[i] = std::thread(&basic_initialization_and_lib_open); } for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { thrds[i].join(); } }()); } TEST_CASE("utility/pointer", "check we can get pointer value from references") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); lua.set_function("f", [](bool aorb, sol::reference a, sol::stack_reference b) { if (aorb) { return a.pointer(); } return b.pointer(); }); auto result0 = lua.safe_script("v0 = 'hi'", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(result0.valid()); auto result1 = lua.safe_script("v1 = f(true, v0)", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(result1.valid()); auto result2 = lua.safe_script("v2 = f(false, nil, v0)", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(result2.valid()); const void* ap = lua["v1"]; const void* bp = lua["v2"]; REQUIRE(ap == bp); } TEST_CASE("utility/this_state", "Ensure this_state argument can be gotten anywhere in the function.") { struct bark { int with_state(sol::this_state l, int a, int b) { lua_State* L = l; int c = lua_gettop(L); return a + b + (c - c); } static int with_state_2(int a, sol::this_state l, int b) { INFO("inside with_state_2"); lua_State* L = l; INFO("L is" << (void*)L); int c = lua_gettop(L); return a * b + (c - c); } }; sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); INFO("created lua state"); lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.new_usertype<bark>("bark", "with_state", &bark::with_state); INFO("setting b and with_state_2"); bark b; lua.set("b", &b); lua.set("with_state_2", bark::with_state_2); INFO("finished setting"); INFO("getting fx"); sol::function fx = lua["with_state_2"]; INFO("calling fx"); int a = fx(25, 25); INFO("finished setting fx"); INFO("calling a script"); lua.safe_script("a = with_state_2(25, 25)"); INFO("calling c script"); lua.safe_script("c = b:with_state(25, 25)"); INFO("getting a"); int la = lua["a"]; INFO("getting b"); int lc = lua["c"]; REQUIRE(lc == 50); REQUIRE(a == 625); REQUIRE(la == 625); } TEST_CASE("safety/check_stack", "check to make sure that if we overflow the stack in safety mode, we get the appropriate error thrown") { sol::state lua; sol::stack_guard luasg(lua); lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua["okay"] = []() { // clang-format off return std::make_tuple(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37); // clang-format on }; lua["bad"] = [](lua_State* L) { constexpr int max_stack_guess = 1000000 * 2 * 4; int p = 0; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < max_stack_guess; ++i) { p += sol::stack::push(L, i); } return p; }; auto result1 = lua.safe_script("okay()", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE(result1.valid()); auto result2 = lua.safe_script("bad()", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE_FALSE(result2.valid()); } TEST_CASE("stack/stack_count", "Ensure that the stck count type is treated properly and does not obliterate the stack values on retuurn.") { sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.set_function("count", &utility_counter::count, utility_counter {}); sol::optional<sol::error> result0 = lua.safe_script(R"( local x, y, z, w = count() assert(x == 1) assert(y == 2) assert(z == 3) assert(w == 4) )", sol::script_pass_on_error); REQUIRE_FALSE(result0.has_value()); }