#define SOL_ALL_SAFETIES_ON 1 #include <sol/sol.hpp> #include <tuple> #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "=== multi results ===" << std::endl; sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); // multi-return functions are supported using // std::tuple as the transfer type, // sol::as_returns for containers, // and sol::variadic_results for more special things lua.set_function("multi_tuple", [] { return std::make_tuple(10, "goodbye"); }); lua.script("print('calling multi_tuple')"); lua.script("print(multi_tuple())"); lua.script("x, y = multi_tuple()"); lua.script("assert(x == 10 and y == 'goodbye')"); auto multi = lua.get<sol::function>("multi_tuple"); int first; std::string second; // tie the values sol::tie(first, second) = multi(); // use the values SOL_ASSERT(first == 10); SOL_ASSERT(second == "goodbye"); // sol::as_returns // works with any iterable, // but we show off std::vector here lua.set_function("multi_containers", [](bool add_extra) { std::vector<int> values { 55, 66 }; if (add_extra) { values.push_back(77); } return sol::as_returns(std::move(values)); }); lua.script("print('calling multi_containers')"); lua.script("print(multi_containers(false))"); lua.script("a, b, c = multi_containers(true)"); int a = lua["a"]; int b = lua["b"]; int c = lua["c"]; SOL_ASSERT(a == 55); SOL_ASSERT(b == 66); SOL_ASSERT(c == 77); // sol::variadic_results // you can push objects of different types // note that sol::this_state is a transparent // argument: you don't need to pass // that state through Lua lua.set_function( "multi_vars", [](int a, bool b, sol::this_state L) { sol::variadic_results values; values.push_back( { L, sol::in_place_type<int>, a }); values.push_back( { L, sol::in_place_type<bool>, b }); values.push_back({ L, sol::in_place, "awoo" }); return values; }); lua.script("print('calling multi_vars')"); lua.script("print(multi_vars(2, false))"); lua.script("t, u, v = multi_vars(42, true)"); int t = lua["t"]; bool u = lua["u"]; std::string v = lua["v"]; SOL_ASSERT(t == 42); SOL_ASSERT(u); SOL_ASSERT(v == "awoo"); return 0; }