# # # # sol2 # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Rapptz, ThePhD, and contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of # this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in # the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to # use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of # the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR # COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # # # sol2 # # # Required minimum version statement cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16.0) # # # Project Include - file that is included after project declaration is finished set(CMAKE_PROJECT_INCLUDE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Includes/Project.cmake") # # # project declaration project(sol2 VERSION 4.0.0 LANGUAGES CXX C) if (sol2-is-top-level-project) message(STATUS "sol2 is the top-level directory...") endif() # Include standard modules include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) include(CMakeDependentOption) include(GNUInstallDirs) include(FetchContent) # # # Configuration # # Cached defines, strings, paths and options set(SOL2_LUA_VERSION "5.4.4" CACHE STRING "The version of Lua needed. Can be 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, LuaJIT, or a more specific 3-part version number for a specifc Lua (e.g., 5.4.4 or luajit-2.0.5)") set(SOL2_BUILD_LUA TRUE CACHE BOOL "Always build Lua, do not search for it in the system") set(SOL2_PLATFORM "x64" CACHE STRING "Target platform to compile for when building binaries (x86, x64)") option(SOL2_CI "Whether or not we are in continguous integration mode" OFF) option(SOL2_SYSTEM_INCLUDE "Whether or not sol2 should be considered a system include. This helps suppress errors for when the sol2 author is a big derp and doesn't fix every single warning, ever." ON) option(SOL2_TESTS "Enable build of tests" OFF) option(SOL2_EXAMPLES "Enable build of examples" OFF) option(SOL2_INTEROP_EXAMPLES "Enable build of interop examples" OFF) option(SOL2_DYNAMIC_LOADING_EXAMPLES "Enable build of interop examples" OFF) option(SOL2_SINGLE "Enable generation and build of single header files" OFF) option(SOL2_DOCS "Enable build of documentation" OFF) option(SOL2_ENABLE_INSTALL "Enable installation of Sol2" ON) # Single tests and examples tests will only be turned on if both SINGLE and TESTS are defined CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(SOL2_TESTS_SINGLE "Enable build of tests using the premade single headers" ON "SOL2_SINGLE;SOL2_TESTS" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(SOL2_EXAMPLES_SINGLE "Enable build of examples using the generated single headers" OFF "SOL2_SINGLE;SOL2_EXAMPLES" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(SOL2_INTEROP_EXAMPLES_SINGLE "Enable build of interop examples using the generated single headers" OFF "SOL2_SINGLE;SOL2_INTEROP_EXAMPLES" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(SOL2_DYNAMIC_LOADING_EXAMPLES_SINGLE "Enable build of dynamic loading examples using the generated single headers" OFF "SOL2_SINGLE;SOL2_DYNAMIC_LOADING_EXAMPLES" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(SOL2_TESTS_EXAMPLES "Enable build of examples as tests" ON "SOL2_EXAMPLES" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(SOL2_TESTS_INTEROP_EXAMPLES "Enable build of interop examples as tests" ON "SOL2_INTEROP_EXAMPLES" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(SOL2_TESTS_DYNAMIC_LOADING_EXAMPLES "Enable build of dynamic loading examples as tests" ON "SOL2_DYNAMIC_LOADING_EXAMPLES" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(BUILD_LUA_AS_DLL "Build Lua as a DLL" ON "SOL2_BUILD_LUA" OFF) if (SOL2_SYSTEM_INCLUDE) set(sol2-system-include SYSTEM) endif() # # # sol2 Source Groups # # Sources everyone is going to need # Header files file(GLOB_RECURSE sol2-headers LIST_DIRECTORIES FALSE CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/sol*.hpp ) file(GLOB_RECURSE sol2-sources LIST_DIRECTORIES FALSE CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/source/** ) # # # sol2 Library # # Add a target for sol2's library to be included by external users add_library(sol2 INTERFACE) add_library(sol2::sol2 ALIAS sol2) target_include_directories(sol2 ${sol2-system-include} INTERFACE $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include> $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include>) # # Version configurations configure_package_config_file( cmake/sol2-config.cmake.in "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake/sol2-config.cmake" INSTALL_DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/cmake/sol2 NO_CHECK_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS_MACRO) write_basic_package_version_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake/sol2-config-version.cmake" COMPATIBILITY AnyNewerVersion) export(TARGETS sol2 FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake/sol2-targets.cmake") if(SOL2_ENABLE_INSTALL) install(TARGETS sol2 EXPORT sol2) install(EXPORT sol2 NAMESPACE sol2:: FILE sol2-targets.cmake DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/cmake/sol2") install(DIRECTORY include/sol DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}") install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake/sol2-config.cmake" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake/sol2-config-version.cmake" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/cmake/sol2") endif() # # # sol2 Library - Single header target if (SOL2_SINGLE) message(STATUS "sol2 adding single...") add_subdirectory(single) endif() # # # documentation # Generates the docs if (SOL2_DOCS) message(STATUS "sol2 adding docs...") add_subdirectory(documentation) endif() if(SOL2_ENABLE_INSTALL) # pkg-config support, except on Windows if(NOT WIN32 OR NOT CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES Windows) set(PKGCONFIG_INSTALL_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/pkgconfig" CACHE PATH "Path where sol2.pc is installed") configure_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/sol2.pc.in" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/sol2.pc" @ONLY) install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/sol2.pc" DESTINATION "${PKGCONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}") endif() endif() if (SOL2_CI) message(STATUS "sol2 Contiguous Integration is on") endif() if (SOL2_EXAMPLES OR SOL2_TESTS_EXAMPLES OR SOL2_EXAMPLES_SINGLE OR SOL2_INTEROP_EXAMPLES OR SOL2_TESTS_INTEROP_EXAMPLES OR SOL2_INTEROP_EXAMPLES_SINGLE OR SOL2_DYNAMIC_LOADING_EXAMPLES OR SOL2_TESTS_DYNAMIC_LOADING_EXAMPLES OR SOL2_DYNAMIC_LOADING_EXAMPLES_SINGLE) set(SOL2_DO_EXAMPLES TRUE) else() set(SOL2_DO_EXAMPLES FALSE) endif() if (SOL2_TESTS OR SOL2_TESTS_SINGLE) set(SOL2_DO_TESTS TRUE) else() set(SOL2_DO_TESTS FALSE) endif() # # # Tests, Examples and other CI suites that come with sol2 if (sol2-is-top-level-project) # # # General project output locations if (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4) set(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/x86/lib") set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/x86/bin") set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/x86/bin") else() set(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/x64/lib") set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/x64/bin") set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/x64/bin") endif() if (NOT CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD GREATER_EQUAL 17) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) endif() if (NOT CMAKE_C_STANDARD GREATER_EQUAL 11) set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD 11) endif() # Build Flag Settings # Basic/Normal flags check_compiler_flag(disable-permissive MSVC /permissive- GCC -pedantic) check_compiler_flag(utf8-literal-encoding MSVC /execution-charset:utf-8 GCC -fexec-charset=utf-8) check_compiler_flag(utf8-source-encoding MSVC /source-charset:utf-8 GCC -finput-charset=utf-8) check_compiler_flag(extra-constexpr-depth MSVC /constexpr:depth2147483647 GCC -fconstexpr-depth=2147483647 CLANG -fconstexpr-depth=2147483647) check_compiler_flag(extra-constexpr-steps MSVC /constexpr:steps2147483647 GCC -fconstexpr-ops-limit=2147483647 CLANG -fconstexpr-steps=2147483647) check_compiler_flag(template-debugging-mode GCC -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0) check_compiler_flag(big-obj MSVC /bigobj) # Overall warning flags check_compiler_flag(pedantic GCC -pedantic) check_compiler_flag(warn-pedantic GCC -Wpedantic) check_compiler_flag(warn-all MSVC /W4 GCC -Wall) check_compiler_flag(warn-extra GCC -Wextra) check_compiler_flag(warn-errors MSVC /WX GCC -Werror) # Individual warnings/errors check_compiler_diagnostic(unknown-warning) check_compiler_diagnostic(unknown-warning-option) check_compiler_diagnostic(microsoft-cast) check_compiler_diagnostic(noexcept-type) check_compiler_diagnostic(unreachable-code MSVC 4702) check_compiler_diagnostic(padding-from-alignment MSVC 4324) # # # Libraries # Here, we pull in all the necessary libraries for building examples and tests # Find threading library find_package(Threads REQUIRED) string(TOLOWER ${SOL2_LUA_VERSION} NORMALIZED_LUA_VERSION) # Find way to get Lua: build if requested, or attempt to build if no matching version is found if (SOL2_BUILD_LUA) find_package(LuaBuild REQUIRED COMPONENTS ${SOL2_LUA_VERSION}) elseif (NOT SOL2_LUA_VERSION) find_package(LuaBuild REQUIRED) else () if (NORMALIZED_LUA_VERSION MATCHES "5.1") set(CREATE_LUALIB_TARGET TRUE) find_package(Lua 5.1 EXACT REQUIRED) elseif(NORMALIZED_LUA_VERSION MATCHES "5.2") set(CREATE_LUALIB_TARGET TRUE) find_package(Lua 5.2 EXACT REQUIRED) elseif(NORMALIZED_LUA_VERSION MATCHES "5.3") set(CREATE_LUALIB_TARGET TRUE) find_package(Lua 5.3 EXACT REQUIRED) elseif(NORMALIZED_LUA_VERSION MATCHES "5.4") set(CREATE_LUALIB_TARGET TRUE) find_package(Lua 5.4 EXACT REQUIRED) elseif(NORMALIZED_LUA_VERSION MATCHES "luajit") set(CREATE_LUALIB_TARGET TRUE) find_package(LuaJIT REQUIRED) else() find_package(LuaBuild ${SOL2_LUA_VERSION} REQUIRED) endif() endif() if (CREATE_LUALIB_TARGET AND LUA_FOUND) set(lualib lua_imported_lib_${SOL2_LUA_VERSION}) foreach(lua_search_lib ${LUA_LIBRARIES}) get_filename_component(lsl_fname ${lua_search_lib} NAME) if (lsl_fname MATCHES "lua" OR lsl_fname MATCHES "Lua" OR lsl_fname MATCHES "LUA") if (lsl_fname MATCHES "\.so|\.dylib|\.dll") set(lualibtype SHARED) set(lualiblocation ${lua_search_lib}) else() set(lualibtype STATIC) set(lualiblocation ${lua_search_lib}) endif() else() set(LUA_SEARCH_DEPENDENCY_LIBS ${LUA_SEARCH_DEPENDENCY_LIBS} "${lua_search_lib}") endif() endforeach() add_library(${lualib} ${lualibtype} IMPORTED) set_target_properties(${lualib} PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${LUA_INCLUDE_DIR} INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "${LUA_SEARCH_DEPENDENCY_LIBS} ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}" IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES C IMPORTED_LOCATION ${lualiblocation}) set(LUA_LIBRARIES ${lualib}) endif() if (NOT LUA_FOUND AND NOT LUABUILD_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "sol2 Lua \"${SOL2_LUA_VERSION}\" not found and could not be targeted for building") endif() # # Enable test harness for regular, example or single tests if (SOL2_DO_TESTS OR (SOL2_TESTS_EXAMPLES AND SOL2_DO_EXAMPLES)) # enable ctest message(STATUS "sol2 testing enabled...") enable_testing() endif() # # # Examples # # Enable examples to be built against the library if (SOL2_DO_EXAMPLES) # NOTE: will also add to tests if TESTS is defined message(STATUS "sol2 adding examples...") add_subdirectory(examples) endif() # # # Tests # # Add tests here if (SOL2_DO_TESTS) # add subdir to get going message(STATUS "sol2 adding tests...") add_subdirectory(tests) endif() # # # Scratch Space # # Scratch space for diagnosing bugs and other shenanigans if (SOL2_SCRATCH) message(STATUS "sol2 adding scratch space...") add_subdirectory(scratch) endif() endif()