// This file is part of AsmJit project <https://asmjit.com> // // See asmjit.h or LICENSE.md for license and copyright information // SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib #ifndef ASMJIT_TEST_PERF_H_INCLUDED #define ASMJIT_TEST_PERF_H_INCLUDED #include <asmjit/core.h> #include "asmjitutils.h" #include "performancetimer.h" namespace asmjit_perf_utils { class TestErrorHandler : public asmjit::ErrorHandler { void handleError(asmjit::Error err, const char* message, asmjit::BaseEmitter* origin) { (void)err; (void)origin; printf("ERROR: %s\n", message); abort(); } }; #ifndef ASMJIT_NO_BUILDER template<typename BuilderT, typename FuncT> static uint32_t calculateInstructionCount(asmjit::CodeHolder& code, asmjit::Arch arch, const FuncT& func) noexcept { BuilderT builder; TestErrorHandler eh; asmjit::Environment env(arch); code.init(env); code.setErrorHandler(&eh); code.attach(&builder); func(builder); uint32_t count = 0; asmjit::BaseNode* node = builder.firstNode(); while (node) { count += uint32_t(node->isInst()); node = node->next(); } code.reset(); return count; } #endif static inline double calculateMBPS(double duration, uint64_t outputSize) noexcept { if (duration == 0) return 0.0; double bytesTotal = double(outputSize); return (bytesTotal * 1000) / (duration * 1024 * 1024); } static inline double calculateMIPS(double duration, uint64_t instCount) noexcept { if (duration == 0) return 0.0; return double(instCount) * 1000.0 / (duration * 1e6); } template<typename EmitterT, typename FuncT> static void bench(asmjit::CodeHolder& code, asmjit::Arch arch, uint32_t numIterations, const char* testName, uint32_t instCount, const FuncT& func) noexcept { EmitterT emitter; TestErrorHandler eh; const char* archName = asmjitArchAsString(arch); const char* emitterName = emitter.isAssembler() ? "Assembler" : emitter.isCompiler() ? "Compiler" : emitter.isBuilder() ? "Builder" : "Unknown"; uint64_t codeSize = 0; asmjit::Environment env(arch); PerformanceTimer timer; double duration = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); for (uint32_t r = 0; r < numIterations; r++) { codeSize = 0; code.init(env); code.setErrorHandler(&eh); code.attach(&emitter); timer.start(); func(emitter); timer.stop(); codeSize += code.codeSize(); code.reset(); duration = asmjit::Support::min(duration, timer.duration()); } printf(" [%s] %-9s %-16s | CodeSize:%5llu [B] | Time:%8.4f [ms]", archName, emitterName, testName, (unsigned long long)codeSize, duration); if (codeSize) { printf(" | Speed:%7.1f [MiB/s]", calculateMBPS(duration, codeSize)); } else { printf(" | Speed: N/A "); } if (instCount) { printf(", %8.1f [MInst/s]", calculateMIPS(duration, instCount)); } printf("\n"); } } // {asmjit_perf_utils} #endif // ASMJIT_TEST_PERF_H_INCLUDED