@echo off
rem ***************************************************************************
rem *                                  _   _ ____  _
rem *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
rem *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
rem *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
rem *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
rem *
rem * Copyright (C) Steve Holme, <steve_holme@hotmail.com>.
rem *
rem * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
rem * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
rem * are also available at https://curl.se/docs/copyright.html.
rem *
rem * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
rem * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
rem * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
rem *
rem * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
rem * KIND, either express or implied.
rem *
rem * SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
rem *
rem ***************************************************************************

  rem Check we are running on a Windows NT derived OS
  if not "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto nodos

  rem Set our variables
  set VC_VER=

  rem Ensure we have the required arguments
  if /i "%~1" == "" goto syntax

  rem Calculate the program files directory
  if defined PROGRAMFILES (
    set OS_PLATFORM=x86
  if defined PROGRAMFILES(x86) (
    rem Visual Studio was x86-only prior to 14.3
    if /i "%~1" == "vc14.3" (
      set "PF=%PROGRAMFILES%"
    ) else (
      set "PF=%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%"
    set OS_PLATFORM=x64

  if not "%~1" == "" (
    if /i "%~1" == "vc10" (
      set VC_VER=10.0
      set VC_DESC=VC10
      set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC"
    ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc11" (
      set VC_VER=11.0
      set VC_DESC=VC11
      set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC"
    ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc12" (
      set VC_VER=12.0
      set VC_DESC=VC12
      set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC"
    ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc14" (
      set VC_VER=14.0
      set VC_DESC=VC14
      set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC"
    ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc14.1" (
      set VC_VER=14.1
      set VC_DESC=VC14.10

      rem Determine the VC14.1 path based on the installed edition in descending
      rem order (Enterprise, then Professional and finally Community)
      if exist "%PF%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC" (
        set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC"
      ) else if exist "%PF%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\VC" (
        set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\VC"
      ) else (
        set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC"
    ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc14.2" (
      set VC_VER=14.2
      set VC_DESC=VC14.20

      rem Determine the VC14.2 path based on the installed edition in descending
      rem order (Enterprise, then Professional and finally Community)
      if exist "%PF%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\VC" (
        set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\VC"
      ) else if exist "%PF%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\VC" (
        set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\VC"
      ) else (
        set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC"
    ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc14.3" (
      set VC_VER=14.3
      set VC_DESC=VC14.30

      rem Determine the VC14.3 path based on the installed edition in descending
      rem order (Enterprise, then Professional and finally Community)
      if exist "%PF%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC" (
        set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC"
      ) else if exist "%PF%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC" (
        set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC"
      ) else (
        set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC"
    ) else if /i "%~1%" == "x86" (
      set BUILD_PLATFORM=x86
    ) else if /i "%~1%" == "x64" (
      set BUILD_PLATFORM=x64
    ) else if /i "%~1%" == "debug" (
      set BUILD_CONFIG=debug
    ) else if /i "%~1%" == "release" (
      set BUILD_CONFIG=release
    ) else if /i "%~1" == "-?" (
      goto syntax
    ) else if /i "%~1" == "-h" (
      goto syntax
    ) else if /i "%~1" == "-help" (
      goto syntax
    ) else if /i "%~1" == "-VSpath" (
      if "%~2" == "" (
        echo Error. Please provide VS Path.
        goto error
      ) else (
        set "ABS_VC_PATH=%~2\VC"
    ) else if /i "%~1" == "-perlpath" (
      if "%~2" == "" (
        echo Error. Please provide Perl root Path.
        goto error
      ) else (
        set "PERL_PATH=%~2"
    ) else (
      if not defined START_DIR (
        set "START_DIR=%~1%"
      ) else (
        goto unknown

    shift & goto parseArgs

  rem Compiler is a required parameter
  if not defined VC_VER goto syntax

  rem Default the start directory if one isn't specified
  if not defined START_DIR set START_DIR=..\..\openssl

  if not defined ABS_VC_PATH (
    rem Check we have a program files directory
    if not defined PF goto nopf
    set "ABS_VC_PATH=%PF%\%VC_PATH%"

  rem Check we have Visual Studio installed
  if not exist "%ABS_VC_PATH%" goto novc

  if not defined PERL_PATH (
    rem Check we have Perl in our path
    perl --version <NUL 1>NUL 2>&1
    if errorlevel 1 (
      rem It isn't so check we have it installed and set the path if it is
      if exist "%SystemDrive%\Perl" (
        set "PATH=%SystemDrive%\Perl\bin;%PATH%"
      ) else (
        if exist "%SystemDrive%\Perl64" (
          set "PATH=%SystemDrive%\Perl64\bin;%PATH%"
        ) else (
          goto noperl
  ) else (
    set "PATH=%PERL_PATH%\Perl\bin;%PATH%"

  rem Check the start directory exists
  if not exist "%START_DIR%" goto noopenssl

  if "%BUILD_PLATFORM%" == "" (
    if "%VC_VER%" == "6.0" (
      set BUILD_PLATFORM=x86
    ) else if "%VC_VER%" == "7.0" (
      set BUILD_PLATFORM=x86
    ) else if "%VC_VER%" == "7.1" (
      set BUILD_PLATFORM=x86
    ) else (

  if "%BUILD_PLATFORM%" == "x86" (
  ) else if "%BUILD_PLATFORM%" == "x64" (
    if "%VC_VER%" == "10.0" set VCVARS_PLATFORM=%BUILD_PLATFORM%
    if "%VC_VER%" == "11.0" set VCVARS_PLATFORM=amd64
    if "%VC_VER%" == "12.0" set VCVARS_PLATFORM=amd64
    if "%VC_VER%" == "14.0" set VCVARS_PLATFORM=amd64
    if "%VC_VER%" == "14.1" set VCVARS_PLATFORM=amd64
    if "%VC_VER%" == "14.2" set VCVARS_PLATFORM=amd64
    if "%VC_VER%" == "14.3" set VCVARS_PLATFORM=amd64

  if exist "%START_DIR%\ms\do_ms.bat" (
  ) else (

  set "SAVED_PATH=%CD%"

  if "%VC_VER%" == "14.1" (
    call "%ABS_VC_PATH%\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall" %VCVARS_PLATFORM%
  ) else if "%VC_VER%" == "14.2" (
    call "%ABS_VC_PATH%\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall" %VCVARS_PLATFORM%
  ) else if "%VC_VER%" == "14.3" (
    call "%ABS_VC_PATH%\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall" %VCVARS_PLATFORM%
  ) else (
    call "%ABS_VC_PATH%\vcvarsall" %VCVARS_PLATFORM%


  cd /d "%START_DIR%" || (echo Error: Failed cd start & exit /B 1)
  rem Save the full path of the openssl source dir
  set "SOURCE_PATH=%CD%"

  rem Set temporary paths for building and installing OpenSSL. If a temporary
  rem path is not the same as the source path then it is *removed* after the
  rem installation is completed.
  rem For legacy OpenSSL the temporary build path must be the source path.
  rem For OpenSSL 1.1.x the temporary paths must be separate not a descendant
  rem of the other, otherwise pdb files will be lost between builds.
  rem https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/10005
  if "%LEGACY_BUILD%" == "TRUE" (
  ) else (
    set "TMP_BUILD_PATH=%SOURCE_PATH%\build\tmp_build"
    set "TMP_INSTALL_PATH=%SOURCE_PATH%\build\tmp_install"


  rem Calculate our output directory
  set OUTDIR=build\Win64\%VC_DESC%
  if not exist %OUTDIR% md %OUTDIR%

  if not "%BUILD_CONFIG%" == "release" (
    rem Configuring 64-bit Static Library Debug Build
    call :configure x64 debug static %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Perform the build
    call :build x64 static %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Perform the install
    call :install debug static %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Configuring 64-bit Shared Library Debug Build
    call :configure x64 debug shared %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Perform the build
    call :build x64 shared %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Perform the install
    call :install debug shared %LEGACY_BUILD%

  if not "%BUILD_CONFIG%" == "debug" (
    rem Configuring 64-bit Static Library Release Build
    call :configure x64 release static %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Perform the build
    call :build x64 static %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Perform the install
    call :install release static %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Configuring 64-bit Shared Library Release Build
    call :configure x64 release shared %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Perform the build
    call :build x64 shared %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Perform the install
    call :install release shared %LEGACY_BUILD%

  goto success

  rem Calculate our output directory
  set OUTDIR=build\Win32\%VC_DESC%
  if not exist %OUTDIR% md %OUTDIR%

  if not "%BUILD_CONFIG%" == "release" (
    rem Configuring 32-bit Static Library Debug Build
    call :configure x86 debug static %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Perform the build
    call :build x86 static %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Perform the install
    call :install debug static %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Configuring 32-bit Shared Library Debug Build
    call :configure x86 debug shared %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Perform the build
    call :build x86 shared %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Perform the install
    call :install debug shared %LEGACY_BUILD%

  if not "%BUILD_CONFIG%" == "debug" (
    rem Configuring 32-bit Static Library Release Build
    call :configure x86 release static %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Perform the build
    call :build x86 static %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Perform the install
    call :install release static %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Configuring 32-bit Shared Library Release Build
    call :configure x86 release shared %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Perform the build
    call :build x86 shared %LEGACY_BUILD%

    rem Perform the install
    call :install release shared %LEGACY_BUILD%

  goto success

rem Function to configure the build.
rem %1 - Platform (x86 or x64)
rem %2 - Configuration (release or debug)
rem %3 - Build Type (static or shared)
rem %4 - Build type (TRUE for legacy aka pre v1.1.0; otherwise FALSE)

  if "%1" == "" exit /B 1
  if "%2" == "" exit /B 1
  if "%3" == "" exit /B 1
  if "%4" == "" exit /B 1

  if not exist "%TMP_BUILD_PATH%" mkdir "%TMP_BUILD_PATH%"
  cd /d "%TMP_BUILD_PATH%" || (echo Error: Failed cd build & exit /B 1)

  if "%4" == "TRUE" (
    rem Calculate the configure options
    if "%1" == "x86" (
      if "%2" == "debug" (
        set options=debug-VC-WIN32
      ) else if "%2" == "release" (
        set options=VC-WIN32
      ) else (
        exit /B 1

      set options=!options! no-asm
    ) else if "%1" == "x64" (
      if "%2" == "debug" (
        set options=debug-VC-WIN64A
      ) else if "%2" == "release" (
        set options=VC-WIN64A
      ) else (
        exit /B 1
    ) else (
      exit /B 1
  ) else if "%4" == "FALSE" (
    rem Has configure already been ran?
    if exist makefile (
      rem Clean up the previous build
      nmake clean

      rem Remove the old makefile
      del makefile 1>nul

    rem Calculate the configure options
    if "%1" == "x86" (
      set options=VC-WIN32
    ) else if "%1" == "x64" (
      set options=VC-WIN64A
    ) else (
      exit /B 1

    if "%2" == "debug" (
      set options=!options! --debug
    ) else if "%2" == "release" (
      set options=!options! --release
    ) else (
      exit /B 1

    if "%3" == "static" (
      set options=!options! no-shared
    ) else if not "%3" == "shared" (
      exit /B 1

    set options=!options! no-asm
  ) else (
    exit /B 1

  rem Run the configure
  perl "%SOURCE_PATH%\Configure" %options% "--prefix=%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%"

  exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%

rem Main build function.
rem %1 - Platform (x86 or x64)
rem %2 - Build Type (static or shared)
rem %3 - Build type (TRUE for legacy aka pre v1.1.0; otherwise FALSE)

  if "%1" == "" exit /B 1
  if "%2" == "" exit /B 1
  if "%3" == "" exit /B 1

  cd /d "%TMP_BUILD_PATH%" || (echo Error: Failed cd build & exit /B 1)

  if "%3" == "TRUE" (
    if "%1" == "x86" (
      call ms\do_ms.bat
    ) else if "%1" == "x64" (
      call ms\do_win64a.bat
    ) else (
      exit /B 1

    if "%2" == "static" (
      nmake -f ms\nt.mak
    ) else if "%2" == "shared" (
      nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
    ) else (
      exit /B 1
  ) else if "%3" == "FALSE" (
  ) else (
    exit /B 1

  exit /B 0

rem Main installation function.
rem %1 - Configuration (release or debug)
rem %2 - Build Type (static or shared)
rem %3 - Build type (TRUE for legacy aka pre v1.1.0; otherwise FALSE)

  if "%1" == "" exit /B 1
  if "%2" == "" exit /B 1
  if "%3" == "" exit /B 1

  rem Copy the generated files to our directory structure
  if "%3" == "TRUE" (
    rem There's no actual installation for legacy OpenSSL, the files are copied
    rem from the build dir (for legacy this is same as source dir) to the final
    rem location.
    cd /d "%SOURCE_PATH%" || (echo Error: Failed cd source & exit /B 1)
    if "%1" == "debug" (
      if "%2" == "static" (
        rem Move the output directories
        if exist "%OUTDIR%\LIB Debug" (
          copy /y out32.dbg\* "%OUTDIR%\LIB Debug" 1>nul
          rd out32.dbg /s /q
        ) else (
          move out32.dbg "%OUTDIR%\LIB Debug" 1>nul

        rem Move the PDB files
        move tmp32.dbg\lib.pdb "%OUTDIR%\LIB Debug" 1>nul

        rem Remove the intermediate directories
        rd tmp32.dbg /s /q
      ) else if "%2" == "shared" (
        if exist "%OUTDIR%\DLL Debug" (
          copy /y out32dll.dbg\* "%OUTDIR%\DLL Debug" 1>nul
          rd out32dll.dbg /s /q
        ) else (
          move out32dll.dbg "%OUTDIR%\DLL Debug" 1>nul

        rem Move the PDB files
        move tmp32dll.dbg\lib.pdb "%OUTDIR%\DLL Debug" 1>nul

        rem Remove the intermediate directories
        rd tmp32dll.dbg /s /q
      ) else (
        exit /B 1
    ) else if "%1" == "release" (
      if "%2" == "static" (
        rem Move the output directories
        if exist "%OUTDIR%\LIB Release" (
          copy /y out32\* "%OUTDIR%\LIB Release" 1>nul
          rd out32 /s /q
        ) else (
          move out32 "%OUTDIR%\LIB Release" 1>nul

        rem Move the PDB files
        move tmp32\lib.pdb "%OUTDIR%\LIB Release" 1>nul

        rem Remove the intermediate directories
        rd tmp32 /s /q
      ) else if "%2" == "shared" (
        if exist "%OUTDIR%\DLL Release" (
          copy /y out32dll\* "%OUTDIR%\DLL Release" 1>nul
          rd out32dll /s /q
        ) else (
          move out32dll "%OUTDIR%\DLL Release" 1>nul

        rem Move the PDB files
        move tmp32dll\lib.pdb "%OUTDIR%\DLL Release" 1>nul

        rem Remove the intermediate directories
        rd tmp32dll /s /q
      ) else (
        exit /B 1
  ) else if "%3" == "FALSE" (
    cd /d "%TMP_BUILD_PATH%" || (echo Error: Failed cd build & exit /B 1)

    rem Perform the installation
    nmake install_sw

    cd /d "%SOURCE_PATH%" || (echo Error: Failed cd source & exit /B 1)

    rem Move the output directories
    if "%1" == "debug" (
      if "%2" == "static" (
        if not exist "%OUTDIR%\LIB Debug" (
          mkdir "%OUTDIR%\LIB Debug" 1>nul

        move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\*.lib" "%OUTDIR%\LIB Debug" 1>nul
        move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\*.pdb" "%OUTDIR%\LIB Debug" 1>nul
        move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\bin\*.exe" "%OUTDIR%\LIB Debug" 1>nul
        move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\bin\*.pdb" "%OUTDIR%\LIB Debug" 1>nul
        xcopy /E /I /Y "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\include" "%OUTDIR%\LIB Debug\include" 1>nul
      ) else if "%2" == "shared" (
        if not exist "%OUTDIR%\DLL Debug" (
          mkdir "%OUTDIR%\DLL Debug" 1>nul

        move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\*.lib" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Debug" 1>nul
        if exist "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\engines-3" (
          move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\engines-3\*.dll" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Debug" 1>nul
          move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\engines-3\*.pdb" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Debug" 1>nul
        ) else if exist "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\engines-1_1" (
          move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\engines-1_1\*.dll" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Debug" 1>nul
          move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\engines-1_1\*.pdb" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Debug" 1>nul
        move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\bin\*.dll" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Debug" 1>nul
        move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\bin\*.exe" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Debug" 1>nul
        move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\bin\*.pdb" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Debug" 1>nul
        xcopy /E /I /Y "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\include" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Debug\include" 1>nul
      ) else (
        exit /B 1
    ) else if "%1" == "release" (
      if "%2" == "static" (
        if not exist "%OUTDIR%\LIB Release" (
          mkdir "%OUTDIR%\LIB Release" 1>nul

        move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\*.lib" "%OUTDIR%\LIB Release" 1>nul
        move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\*.pdb" "%OUTDIR%\LIB Release" 1>nul
        move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\bin\*.exe" "%OUTDIR%\LIB Release" 1>nul
        move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\bin\*.pdb" "%OUTDIR%\LIB Release" 1>nul
        xcopy /E /I /Y "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\include" "%OUTDIR%\LIB Release\include" 1>nul
      ) else if "%2" == "shared" (
        if not exist "%OUTDIR%\DLL Release" (
          mkdir "%OUTDIR%\DLL Release" 1>nul

        move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\*.lib" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Release" 1>nul
        if exist "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\engines-3" (
          move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\engines-3\*.dll" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Release" 1>nul
          move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\engines-3\*.pdb" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Release" 1>nul
        ) else if exist "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\engines-1_1" (
          move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\engines-1_1\*.dll" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Release" 1>nul
          move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\lib\engines-1_1\*.pdb" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Release" 1>nul
        move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\bin\*.dll" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Release" 1>nul
        move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\bin\*.exe" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Release" 1>nul
        move "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\bin\*.pdb" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Release" 1>nul
        xcopy /E /I /Y "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%\include" "%OUTDIR%\DLL Release\include" 1>nul
      ) else (
        exit /B 1
    ) else (
      exit /B 1

    rem Remove the output directories
    if not "%SOURCE_PATH%" == "%TMP_BUILD_PATH%" (
      rd "%TMP_BUILD_PATH%" /s /q
    if not "%SOURCE_PATH%" == "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%" (
      rd "%TMP_INSTALL_PATH%" /s /q
  ) else (
    exit /B 1

  exit /B 0

  rem Display the help
  echo Usage: build-openssl ^<compiler^> [platform] [configuration] [directory] [-VSpath] ["VSpath"] [-perlpath] ["perlpath"]
  echo Compiler:
  echo vc10      - Use Visual Studio 2010
  echo vc11      - Use Visual Studio 2012
  echo vc12      - Use Visual Studio 2013
  echo vc14      - Use Visual Studio 2015
  echo vc14.1    - Use Visual Studio 2017
  echo vc14.2    - Use Visual Studio 2019
  echo vc14.3    - Use Visual Studio 2022
  echo Platform:
  echo x86       - Perform a 32-bit build
  echo x64       - Perform a 64-bit build
  echo Configuration:
  echo debug     - Perform a debug build
  echo release   - Perform a release build
  echo Other:
  echo directory - Specifies the OpenSSL source directory
  echo -VSpath - Specify the custom VS path if Visual Studio is not located at
  echo           "C:\<ProgramFiles>\Microsoft Visual Studio <version>"
  echo           For e.g. -VSpath "C:\apps\MVS14"
  echo -perlpath - Specify the custom perl root path if perl is not located at
  echo             "C:\Perl" and it is a portable copy of perl and not
  echo             installed on the win system.
  echo             For e.g. -perlpath "D:\strawberry-perl-"
  goto error

  echo Error: Unknown argument '%1'
  goto error

  echo Error: Only a Windows NT based Operating System is supported
  goto error

  echo Error: Cannot obtain the directory for Program Files
  goto error

  echo Error: %VC_DESC% is not installed
  echo Error: Please check whether Visual compiler is installed at the path "%ABS_VC_PATH%"
  echo Error: Please provide proper VS Path by using -VSpath
  goto error

  echo Error: Perl is not installed
  echo Error: Please check whether Perl is installed or it is at location "C:\Perl"
  echo Error: If Perl is portable please provide perl root path by using -perlpath
  goto error

  echo Error: %VC_DESC% does not support 64-bit builds
  goto error

  echo Error: Cannot locate OpenSSL source directory
  goto error

  if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" endlocal
  exit /B 1

  cd /d "%SAVED_PATH%"
  exit /B 0