#define SOL_ALL_SAFETIES_ON 1 #include <sol/sol.hpp> #include <tuple> #include <utility> // for std::pair int main() { sol::state lua; /* lua.script_file("variables.lua"); */ lua.script(R"( config = { fullscreen = false, resolution = { x = 1024, y = 768 } } )"); // the type "sol::state" behaves // exactly like a table! bool isfullscreen = lua["config"] ["fullscreen"]; // can get nested variables sol::table config = lua["config"]; SOL_ASSERT(!isfullscreen); // can also get it using the "get" member function // auto replaces the unqualified type name auto resolution = config.get<sol::table>("resolution"); // table and state can have multiple things pulled out of it // too std::tuple<int, int> xyresolutiontuple = resolution.get<int, int>("x", "y"); SOL_ASSERT(std::get<0>(xyresolutiontuple) == 1024); SOL_ASSERT(std::get<1>(xyresolutiontuple) == 768); // test variable auto bark = lua["config"]["bark"]; if (bark.valid()) { // branch not taken: config and/or bark are not // variables } else { // Branch taken: config and bark are existing variables } // can also use optional sol::optional<int> not_an_integer = lua["config"]["fullscreen"]; if (not_an_integer) { // Branch not taken: value is not an integer } sol::optional<bool> is_a_boolean = lua["config"]["fullscreen"]; if (is_a_boolean) { // Branch taken: the value is a boolean } sol::optional<double> does_not_exist = lua["not_a_variable"]; if (does_not_exist) { // Branch not taken: that variable is not present } // this will result in a value of '24' // (it tries to get a number, and fullscreen is // not a number int is_defaulted = lua["config"]["fullscreen"].get_or(24); SOL_ASSERT(is_defaulted == 24); // This will result in the value of the config, which is // 'false' bool is_not_defaulted = lua["config"]["fullscreen"]; SOL_ASSERT(!is_not_defaulted); return 0; }