// This file is part of AsmJit project <https://asmjit.com> // // See asmjit.h or LICENSE.md for license and copyright information // SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib // C++ code generation helpers. const commons = require("./generator-commons.js"); const FATAL = commons.FATAL; // Utilities to convert primitives to C++ code. class Utils { static toHex(val, pad) { if (val < 0) val = 0xFFFFFFFF + val + 1; let s = val.toString(16); if (pad != null && s.length < pad) s = "0".repeat(pad - s.length) + s; return "0x" + s.toUpperCase(); } static capitalize(s) { s = String(s); return !s ? s : s[0].toUpperCase() + s.substr(1); } static camelCase(s) { if (s == null || s === "") return s; s = String(s); if (/^[A-Z]+$/.test(s)) return s.toLowerCase(); else return s[0].toLowerCase() + s.substr(1); } static normalizeSymbolName(s) { switch (s) { case "and": case "or": case "xor": return s + "_"; default: return s; } } static indent(s, indentation) { if (typeof indentation === "number") indentation = " ".repeat(indentation); var lines = s.split(/\r?\n/g); if (indentation) { for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i]; if (line) lines[i] = indentation + line; } } return lines.join("\n"); } } exports.Utils = Utils; // A node that represents a C++ construct. class Node { constructor(kind) { this.kind = kind; } }; exports.Node = Node; // A single line of C++ code that declares a variable with optional initialization. class Var extends Node { constructor(type, name, init) { super("var"); this.type = type; this.name = name; this.init = init || ""; } toString() { let s = this.type + " " + this.name; if (this.init) s += " = " + this.init; return s + ";\n"; } }; exports.Var = Var; // A single line of C++ code, which should not contain any branch or a variable declaration. class Line extends Node { constructor(code) { super("line"); this.code = code; } toString() { return String(this.code) + "\n"; } }; exports.Line = Line; // A block containing an array of `Node` items (may contain nested blocks, etc...). class Block extends Node { constructor(nodes) { super("block"); this.nodes = nodes || []; } isEmpty() { return this.nodes.length === 0; } appendNode(node) { if (!(node instanceof Node)) FATAL("Block.appendNode(): Node must be an instance of Node"); this.nodes.push(node); return this; } prependNode(node) { if (!(node instanceof Node)) FATAL("Block.prependNode(): Node must be an instance of Node"); this.nodes.unshift(node); return this; } insertNode(index, node) { if (!(node instanceof Node)) FATAL("Block.insertNode(): Node must be an instance of Node"); if (index >= this.nodes.length) this.nodes.push(node); else this.nodes.splice(index, 0, node); return this; } addVarDecl(type, name, init) { let node = type; if (!(node instanceof Var)) node = new Var(type, name, init); let i = 0; while (i < this.nodes.length) { const n = this.nodes[i]; if (n.kind === "var" && n.name === node.name && n.init === node.init) return this; if (n.kind !== "var") break; i++; } this.insertNode(i, node); return this; } addLine(code) { if (typeof code !== "string") FATAL("Block.addLine(): Line must be string"); this.nodes.push(new Line(code)); return this; } prependEmptyLine() { if (!this.isEmpty()) this.nodes.splice(0, 0, new Line("")); return this; } addEmptyLine() { if (!this.isEmpty()) this.nodes.push(new Line("")); return this; } toString() { let s = ""; for (let node of this.nodes) s += String(node); return s; } } exports.Block = Block; // A C++ 'condition' (if statement) and its 'body' if it's taken. class If extends Node { constructor(cond, body) { super("if"); if (body == null) body = new Block(); if (!(body instanceof Block)) FATAL("If() - body must be a Block"); this.cond = cond; this.body = body; } toString() { const cond = String(this.cond); const body = String(this.body); return `if (${cond}) {\n` + Utils.indent(body, 2) + `}\n`; } } exports.If = If; //! A C++ switch statement. class Case extends Node { constructor(cond, body) { super("case"); this.cond = cond; this.body = body || new Block(); } toString() { let s = ""; for (let node of this.body.nodes) s += String(node) if (this.cond !== "default") return `case ${this.cond}: {\n` + Utils.indent(s, 2) + `}\n`; else return `default: {\n` + Utils.indent(s, 2) + `}\n`; } }; exports.Case = Case; class Switch extends Node { constructor(expression, cases) { super("switch"); this.expression = expression; this.cases = cases || []; } addCase(cond, body) { this.cases.push(new Case(cond, body)); return this; } toString() { let s = ""; for (let c of this.cases) { if (s) s += "\n"; s += String(c); } return `switch (${this.expression}) {\n` + Utils.indent(s, 2) + `}\n`; } } exports.Switch = Switch;