// This file is part of AsmJit project <https://asmjit.com> // // See asmjit.h or LICENSE.md for license and copyright information // SPDX-License-Identifier: (Zlib or Unlicense) (function($scope, $as) { "use strict"; function FAIL(msg) { throw new Error("[AArch64] " + msg); } // Import // ====== const base = $scope.base ? $scope.base : require("./base.js"); const exp = $scope.exp ? $scope.exp : require("./exp.js") const hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; const dict = base.dict; const NONE = base.NONE; const Parsing = base.Parsing; const MapUtils = base.MapUtils; // Export // ====== const arm = $scope[$as] = dict(); // Database // ======== arm.dbName = "isa_aarch64.json"; // asmdb.aarch64.Utils // =================== // Can be used to assign the number of bits each part of the opcode occupies. // NOTE: THUMB instructions that use halfword must always specify the width // of all registers as many instructions accept only LO (r0..r7) registers. const FieldInfo = { "P" : { "bits": 1 }, "U" : { "bits": 1 }, "W" : { "bits": 1 }, "S" : { "bits": 1 }, "R" : { "bits": 1 }, "H" : { "bits": 1 }, "F" : { "bits": 1 }, "post" : { "bits": 1 }, "!post" : { "bits": 1 }, "op" : { "bits": 1 }, // TODO: This should be fixed. "s" : { "bits": 1 }, "sz" : { "bits": 2 }, "msz" : { "bits": 2 }, "sop" : { "bits": 2 }, "cond" : { "bits": 4 }, "nzcv" : { "bits": 4 }, "cmode" : { "bits": 4 }, "CRn" : { "bits": 4 }, "CRm" : { "bits": 4 }, "Rx" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Rx2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Rdn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Rd" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Rd2" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Rs" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Rs2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Rn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Rm" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Ra" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Rt" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Rt2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Wx" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Wx2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Wdn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Wd" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Wd2" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Ws" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Ws2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Wn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Wm" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Wa" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Wt" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Wt2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Xx" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Xx2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Xdn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Xd" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Xd2" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Xs" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Xs2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Xn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Xm" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Xa" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Xt" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Xt2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Bx" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Bx2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Bdn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Bd" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Bd2" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Bs" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Bs2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Bn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Bm" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Ba" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Hx" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Hx2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Hdn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Hd" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Hd2" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Hs" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Hs2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Hn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Hm" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Ha" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Sx" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Sx2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Sdn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Sd" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Sd2" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Ss" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Ss2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Sn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Sm" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Sa" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Dx" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Dx2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Ddn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Dd" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Dd2" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Ds" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Ds2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Dn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Dn2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Dm" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Da" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Qx" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Qx2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Qdn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Qd" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Qd2" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Qs" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Qs2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Qn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Qn2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Qm" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Qa" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Vx" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Vx2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Vdn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Vd" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Vd2" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Vs" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Vs2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Vn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Vm" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Va" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Zx" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Zx2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Zda" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Zdn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Zdn2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": true }, "Zd" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Zd2" : { "bits": 5, "read": false, "write": true }, "Zs" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Zs2" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Zn" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Zm" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Zk" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Za" : { "bits": 5, "read": true , "write": false }, "Pdn" : { "bits": 4, "read": true , "write": true }, "Pdm" : { "bits": 4, "read": true , "write": true }, "Pd" : { "bits": 4, "read": false, "write": true }, "Ps" : { "bits": 4, "read": true , "write": false }, "Pn" : { "bits": 4, "read": true , "write": false }, "Pm" : { "bits": 4, "read": true , "write": false }, "Pg" : { "bits": 4, "read": true , "write": false } }; arm.FieldInfo = FieldInfo; // AArch64 utilities. class Utils { static splitInstructionSignature(s) { const names = s.match(/^[\w\|]+/)[0]; s = s.substring(names.length); const opOffset = s.indexOf(" ") const suffix = s.substring(0, opOffset).trim(); const operands = opOffset === -1 ? "" : s.substring(opOffset + 1).trim(); return { names: names.split("|").map((base)=>{ return base + suffix}), operands: operands } } static parseShiftOrExtendOp(s) { const space = s.indexOf(" "); if (space === -1) return ""; const ops = s.substring(0, space).trim(); for (let op of ops.split("|")) if (!/^(sop|extend|lsl|lsr|asr|uxtw|sxtw|sxtx|mul)$/.test(op)) return ""; return ops; } } arm.Utils = Utils; function normalizeNumber(n) { return n < 0 ? 0x100000000 + n : n; } function decomposeOperand(s) { let type = null; let element = null; let consecutive = 0; let maskType = ""; const elementM = s.match(/\[#(\w+)\]$/); if (elementM) { element = elementM[1]; s = s.substring(0, s.length - elementM[0].length); } const typeM = s.match(/\.(\w+)$/); if (typeM) { type = typeM[1]; s = s.substring(0, s.length - typeM[0].length); } const maskM = s.match(/\/(M|Z|MZ)$/); if (maskM) { maskType = maskM[1]; s = s.substring(0, s.length - maskM[0].length); } if (s.endsWith("++")) { consecutive = 2; s = s.substring(0, s.length - 2); } else if (s.endsWith("+")) { consecutive = 1; s = s.substring(0, s.length - 1); } let m = s.match(/==|\!=|>=|<=|\*/); let restrict = false; if (m) { restrict = s.substring(m.index); s = s.substring(0, m.index); } return { data : s, maskType : maskType, type : type, element : element, restrict : restrict, consecutive: consecutive }; } function splitOpcodeFields(s) { const arr = s.split("|"); const out = []; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { const val = arr[i]; if (/^[0-1A-Z]{2,}$/.test(val)) out.push.apply(out, val.match(/([0-1]+)|[A-Z]/g)); else out.push(val); } return out.map((field)=>{return field.trim(); }); } // asmdb.aarch64.Operand // ===================== // ARM operand. class Operand extends base.Operand { constructor(def) { super(def); // Register. this.sp = ""; // GP register stack access: ["", "WSP" or "SP"]. this.mask = ""; // Masking specifier. } hasMemModes() { return Object.keys(this.memModes).length !== 0; } get name() { switch (this.type) { case "reg": return this.reg; case "mem": return this.mem; case "imm": return this.imm; case "rel": return this.rel; default : return ""; } } get scale() { if (this.restrict && this.restrict.startsWith("*")) return parseInt(this.restrict.substring(1), 10); else return 0; } } arm.Operand = Operand; // asmdb.aarch64.Instruction // ========================= function patternFromOperand(key) { return key; } // ARM instruction. class Instruction extends base.Instruction { constructor(db, data) { super(db, data); this.name = data.name; this.it = dict(); // THUMB's 'it' flags. this.apsr = dict(); this.fpcsr = dict(); this.calc = dict(); // Calculations required to generate opcode. this.immCond = []; // Immediate value conditions (array of conditions). this._assignOperands(data.operands); this._assignOpcode(data.op); for (let k in data) { if (k === "name" || k == "op" || k === "operands") continue; this._assignAttribute(k, data[k]); } this._updateOperandsInfo(); this._postProcess(); } _assignAttribute(key, value) { switch (key) { case "it": for (let it of value.split(" ")) this.it[it.trim()] = true; break; case "apsr": case "fpcsr": this._assignAttributeKeyValue(key, value); break; case "imm": this.imm = exp.parse(value); break; case "calc": for (let calcKey in value) this.calc[calcKey] = exp.parse(value[calcKey]); break; default: super._assignAttribute(key, value); } } _assignAttributeKeyValue(name, content) { const attributes = content.trim().split(/[ ]+/); for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) { const attr = attributes[i].trim(); if (!attr) continue; const eq = attr.indexOf("="); let key = eq === -1 ? attr : attr.substring(0, eq); let val = eq === -1 ? true : attr.substring(eq + 1); // If the key contains "|" it's a definition of multiple attributes. if (key.indexOf("|") !== -1) { const dot = key.indexOf("."); const base = dot === -1 ? "" : key.substring(0, dot + 1); const keys = (dot === -1 ? key : key.substring(dot + 1)).split("|"); for (let j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) this[name][base + keys[j]] = val; } else { this[name][key] = val; } } } _assignOperands(s) { if (!s) return; // Split into individual operands and push them to `operands`. const arr = base.Parsing.splitOperands(s); for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { let def = arr[i].trim(); const op = new Operand(def); const sp = def.match(/^(\w+)\|(SP|WSP)$/); if (sp) { def = sp[1]; op.sp = sp[2]; } const consecutive = def.match(/(\d+)x\{(.*)\}([+]?[+]?)/); if (consecutive) def = consecutive[2]; op.sign = false; op.element = null; op.shiftOp = ""; op.shiftImm = null; op.shiftCond = ""; // Handle {optional} attribute. if (Parsing.isOptional(def)) { op.optional = true; def = Parsing.clearOptional(def); } // Handle commutativity <-> symbol. if (Parsing.isCommutative(def)) { op.commutative = true; def = Parsing.clearCommutative(def); } // Handle shift operation. let shiftOp = Utils.parseShiftOrExtendOp(def); if (shiftOp) { op.shiftOp = shiftOp; def = def.substring(shiftOp.length + 1); } if (def.startsWith("[")) { op.type = "mem"; op.memModes = dict(); op.base = null; op.index = null; op.offset = null; let mem = def; let didHaveMemMode = false; for (;;) { if (mem.endsWith("!")) { op.memModes.preIndex = true; mem = mem.substring(0, mem.length - 1); didHaveMemMode = true; break; } if (mem.endsWith("@")) { op.memModes.postIndex = true; mem = mem.substring(0, mem.length - 1); didHaveMemMode = true; break; } if (mem.endsWith("{!}")) { op.memModes.offset = true; op.memModes.preIndex = true; mem = mem.substring(0, mem.length - 3); didHaveMemMode = true; continue; } if (mem.endsWith("{@}")) { op.memModes.offset = true; op.memModes.postIndex = true; mem = mem.substring(0, mem.length - 3); didHaveMemMode = true; continue; } break; } if (!mem.endsWith("]")) FAIL(`Unknown memory operand '${mem}' in '${def}'`); let parts = mem.substring(1, mem.length - 1).split(",").map(function(s) { return s.trim() }); for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { const part = parts[i]; const m = part.match(/^\{(([a-z]+)(\|[a-z]+)*)\s+#(\w+)\s*(\*\s*\d+\s*)?\}$/); if (m) { op.shiftOp = m[1]; op.shiftImm = m[2]; if (m[3]) op.shiftCond = m[3] continue; } if (i === 0) { op.base = dict(); op.base.field = part; op.base.exp = null; const m = part.match(/^([A-Za-z]\w*(?:\.\w+)?)/); if (m && m[1].length < part.length) { op.base.exp = exp.parse(part); op.base.field = m[1]; } } else if (part.startsWith("#")) { let p = part.substring(1); let u = "1"; let offExp = null; let offMul = 1; if (p.startsWith("+/-")) { u = "U"; p = p.substring(3); } const expMatch = p.match(/^([A-Za-z]\w*)==/); if (expMatch) { offExp = exp.parse(p); p = p.substring(0, expMatch[1].length); } const mulMatch = p.match(/\s*\*\s*(\d+)$/); if (mulMatch) { offMul = parseInt(mulMatch[1]); p = p.substring(0, mulMatch.index); } op.offset = dict(); op.offset.field = p; op.offset.u = u; op.offset.exp = offExp; op.offset.mul = offMul; } else { let p = part; let u = "1"; if (p.startsWith("+/-")) { u = "U"; p = p.substring(3); } op.index = dict(); op.index.field = p; op.index.u = u; const m = p.match(/^([A-Za-z\|]\w*(?:\.\w+)?)/); if (m && m[1].length < p.length) { op.index.exp = exp.parse(p); op.index.field = m[1]; } } } if (!op.hasMemModes() && (op.offset || op.index)) op.memModes.offset = true; op.mem = mem; } else if (def.startsWith("#")) { const obj = decomposeOperand(def); const imm = obj.data; op.type = "imm"; op.imm = imm.substring(1); // Immediate operand name. op.immSize = 0; // Immediate size in bits. op.restrict = obj.restrict; // Immediate condition. } else { // Some instructions use Reg! to specify that the register increments. if (def.endsWith("!")) { def = def.substring(0, def.length - 1) op.regInc = true } const obj = decomposeOperand(def); const reg = obj.data; const type = reg.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase(); const info = FieldInfo[reg]; if (!info) FAIL(`Unknown register operand '${reg}' in '${def}'`); op.type = info.list ? "reg-list" : "reg"; op.reg = reg; // Register name (as specified in manual). op.regType = type; // Register type. op.regList = !!info.list; // Register list. op.maskType = obj.maskType; // Mask type. op.elementType = obj.type // Element type or t, ta, tb. op.read = info.read; // Register access (read). op.write = info.write; // Register access (write). op.element = obj.element; // Register element[] access. op.restrict = obj.restrict; // Register condition. op.consecutive = obj.consecutive; } this.operands.push(op); if (consecutive) { const count = parseInt(consecutive[1]); for (let n = 2; n <= count; n++) { const def = consecutive[3].replace(op.reg, op.reg + n); const opN = new Operand(def); opN.type = "reg"; opN.reg = op.reg + n; opN.regType = op.regType; opN.read = op.read; opN.write = op.write; opN.element = op.element; opN.consecutive = consecutive[3].length; opN.artificial = true; this.operands.push(opN); } } } } _assignOpcode(s) { this.opcodeString = s; let opcodeIndex = 0; let opcodeValue = 0; let patternMap = {}; // Split opcode into its fields. const arr = splitOpcodeFields(s); const dup = dict(); const fields = this.fields; const pattern = []; const fieldMap = Object.create(null); for (let field of arr) { fieldMap[field] = true; } for (let i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let key = arr[i].trim(); let m; if (/^[0-1]+$/.test(key)) { // This part of the opcode is RAW bits, they contribute to the `opcodeValue`. opcodeValue |= parseInt(key, 2) << opcodeIndex; opcodeIndex += key.length; pattern.unshift("_".repeat(key.length)); } else { pattern.unshift(patternFromOperand(key)); patternMap[patternFromOperand(key)] = true; let size = 0; let mask = 0; let bits = 0; let from = -1; let lbit = key.startsWith("'"); let hbit = key.endsWith("'"); if ((m = key.match(/\[\s*(\d+)\s*\:\s*(\d+)\s*\]$/))) { const a = parseInt(m[1], 10); const b = parseInt(m[2], 10); if (a < b) FAIL(`Invalid bit range '${key}' in opcode '${s}'`); from = b; size = a - b + 1; mask = ((1 << size) - 1) << b; key = key.substring(0, m.index).trim(); } else if ((m = key.match(/\[\s*(\d+)\s*\]$/))) { from = parseInt(m[1], 10); size = 1; mask = 1 << from; key = key.substring(0, m.index).trim(); } else if ((m = key.match(/\:\s*(\d+)$/))) { size = parseInt(m[1], 10); bits = size; key = key.substring(0, m.index).trim(); } else { const key_ = key; if (lbit || hbit) { from = 0; if (lbit && hbit) FAIL(`Couldn't recognize the format of '${key}' in opcode '${s}'`); if (lbit) { key = key.substring(1); } if (hbit) { key = key.substring(0, key.length - 1); from = 4; } size = 1; } else if (FieldInfo[key]) { // Sizes of some standard fields can be assigned automatically. size = FieldInfo[key].bits; bits = size; if (fieldMap["'" + key]) from = 1; } else if (key.length === 1) { // Sizes of one-letter fields (like 'U', 'F', etc...) is 1 if not specified. size = 1; bits = 1; } else { FAIL(`Couldn't recognize the size of '${key}' in opcode '${s}'`); } if (dup[key_] === true) { bits = 0; lbit = 0; hbit = 0; } else { dup[key_] = true; } } let field = fields[key]; if (!field) { field = { index: opcodeIndex, values: [], bits: 0, mask: 0, lbit: 0, hbit: 0 // Only 1 if a single quote (') was used. } fields[key] = field; } if (from === -1) from = field.bits; field.mask |= mask; field.bits += bits; field.lbit += lbit; field.hbit += hbit; field.values.push({ index: opcodeIndex, from: from, size: size }); opcodeIndex += size; } } for (let i = 0; i < pattern.length; i++) if (pattern[i] === 'U') pattern[i] = "_"; // Normalize all fields. for (let key in fields) { const field = fields[key]; // There should be either number of bits or mask, there shouldn't be both. if (!field.bits && !field.mask) FAIL(`Part '${key}' of opcode '${s}' contains neither size nor mask`); if (field.bits && field.mask) FAIL(`Part '${key}' of opcode '${s}' contains both size and mask`); if (field.bits) field.mask = ((1 << field.bits) - 1); else if (field.mask) field.bits = 32 - Math.clz32(field.mask); // Handle field that used single-quote. if (field.lbit) { field.mask = (field.mask << 1) | 0x1; field.bits++; } if (field.hbit) { field.mask |= 1 << field.bits; field.bits++; } const op = this.operandByName(key); if (op && op.isImm()) op.immSize = field.bits; } // Check if the opcode value has the correct number of bits. if (opcodeIndex !== 32) FAIL(`The number of bits '${opcodeIndex}' used by the opcode '${s}' doesn't match 32`); this.opcodeValue = normalizeNumber(opcodeValue); } _assignSpecificAttribute(key, value) { switch (key) { case "it": { const values = String(value).split("|"); for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { const value = values[i]; switch (value) { case "in" : this.it.IN = true; break; case "out" : this.it.OUT = true; break; case "any" : this.it.IN = true; this.it.OUT = true; break; case "last": this.it.LAST = true; break; case "def" : this.it.DEF = true; break; default: this.report(`${this.name}: Unhandled IT value '${value}'`); } } return true; } } return false; } _postProcess() {} operandByName(name) { const operands = this.operands; for (let i = 0; i < operands.length; i++) { const op = operands[i]; if (op.name === name) return op; } return null; } } arm.Instruction = Instruction; // asmdb.aarch64.ISA // ================= function mergeGroupData(data, group) { for (let k in group) { switch (k) { case "group": case "data": break; case "ext": data[k] = (data[k] ? data[k] + " " : "") + group[k]; break; default: if (data[k] === undefined) data[k] = group[k] break; } } } class ISA extends base.ISA { constructor(data) { super(data); this.addData(data || NONE); } _addInstructions(groups) { for (let group of groups) { for (let inst of group.data) { const sgn = Utils.splitInstructionSignature(inst.inst); const data = MapUtils.cloneExcept(inst, { "inst": true }); mergeGroupData(data, group) for (let j = 0; j < sgn.names.length; j++) { data.name = sgn.names[j]; data.operands = sgn.operands; if (j > 0) data.aliasOf = sgn.names[0]; this._addInstruction(new Instruction(this, data)); } } } return this; } } arm.ISA = ISA; }).apply(this, typeof module === "object" && module && module.exports ? [module, "exports"] : [this.asmdb || (this.asmdb = {}), "aarch64"]);