local f0_local0 = function ( f1_arg0, f1_arg1 ) Engine.Exec( "xblive_privatematch 0" ) utils.cp.AliensUtils.AliensRunConfig( f1_arg1.controller ) LUI.FlowManager.RequestAddMenu( "SystemLinkMenu", false, f1_arg1.controller, false, {}, true ) end local f0_local1 = function ( f2_arg0, f2_arg1 ) f0_local0( f2_arg0, f2_arg1 ) end local f0_local2 = function ( f3_arg0, f3_arg1 ) Engine.Exec( MPConfig.default_xboxlive, f3_arg1.controller ) Engine.SetDvarBool( "xblive_privatematch", true ) SetIsAliensSolo( true ) Engine.SetDvarInt( "party_maxplayers", 1 ) Engine.Exec( "xstartprivatematch" ) LUI.FlowManager.RequestAddMenu( "CPPrivateMatchMenu", false, f3_arg1.controller, false, { showPlayNowButton = true, isPublicMatch = false } ) end local f0_local3 = function ( f4_arg0, f4_arg1 ) Engine.Exec( MPConfig.default_xboxlive, f4_arg1.controller ) Engine.SetDvarBool( "xblive_privatematch", true ) SetIsAliensSolo( false ) Engine.Exec( "xstartprivatematch" ) LUI.FlowManager.RequestAddMenu( "CPPrivateMatchMenu", false, f4_arg1.controller, false, { showPlayNowButton = true, isPublicMatch = false } ) end local f0_local4 = function ( f5_arg0, f5_arg1, f5_arg2 ) assert( f5_arg0.PublicMatch ) assert( f5_arg0.SoloMatch ) assert( f5_arg0.CustomMatch ) local f5_local0 = LUI.DataSourceInGlobalModel.new( "frontEnd.lobby.areWeGameHost" ) local f5_local1 = DataSources.frontEnd.lobby.memberCount local f5_local2 = function () return Lobby.IsInPrivateParty() and not Lobby.IsPrivatePartyHost() end local f5_local3 = function () local f7_local0 = f5_local2() f5_arg0.PublicMatch:SetButtonDisabled( f7_local0 ) f5_arg0.CustomMatch:SetButtonDisabled( f7_local0 ) end f5_arg0:SubscribeToModel( f5_local0:GetModel( f5_arg1 ), f5_local3 ) f5_arg0:SubscribeToModel( f5_local1:GetModel( f5_arg1 ), f5_local3 ) f5_arg0:SubscribeToModel( DataSources.frontEnd.lobby.isSolo:GetModel( f5_arg1 ), function () local f8_local0 = DataSources.frontEnd.lobby.isSolo:GetValue( f5_arg1 ) if f8_local0 ~= nil then f5_arg0.SoloMatch:SetButtonDisabled( not f8_local0 ) end end ) f5_arg0.PublicMatch:addEventHandler( "button_action", f0_local1 ) f5_arg0.SoloMatch:addEventHandler( "button_action", f0_local2 ) f5_arg0.Loadout:addEventHandler( "button_action", function ( f9_arg0, f9_arg1 ) LUI.FlowManager.RequestAddMenu( "CPLoadoutMenu", true, f9_arg1.controller ) end ) f5_arg0.Barracks:addEventHandler( "button_action", function ( f10_arg0, f10_arg1 ) LUI.FlowManager.RequestAddMenu( "Headquarters", true, f10_arg1.controller ) end ) f5_arg0.Armory:addEventHandler( "button_action", function ( f11_arg0, f11_arg1 ) if not Engine.IsUserAGuest( f11_arg1.controller ) then ACTIONS.OpenMenu( "Armory", true, f11_arg1.controller ) end end ) f5_arg0.CustomMatch:addEventHandler( "button_action", f0_local3 ) f5_arg0.ContractsButton:addEventHandler( "button_action", function ( f12_arg0, f12_arg1 ) ACTIONS.OpenMenu( "ContractMenu", true, f12_arg1.controller or f5_arg1 ) end ) f5_arg0.ModsButton:addEventHandler( "button_action", function ( arg0, arg1 ) LUI.FlowManager.RequestAddMenu( "ModSelectMenu", true, arg1.controller, false ) end ) end function CPMainMenuButtons( menu, controller ) local VNavigator = LUI.UIVerticalNavigator.new() VNavigator:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 500 * _1080p, 0, 400 * _1080p ) VNavigator.id = "CPMainMenuButtons" local f14_local1 = controller and controller.controllerIndex if not f14_local1 and not Engine.InFrontend() then f14_local1 = VNavigator:getRootController() end assert( f14_local1 ) local f14_local2 = VNavigator local ButtonDescription = nil ButtonDescription = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "ButtonDescriptionText", { controllerIndex = f14_local1 } ) ButtonDescription.id = "ButtonDescription" ButtonDescription:SetRGBFromTable( SWATCHES.genericButton.textDisabled, 0 ) ButtonDescription.Description:SetRight( _1080p * 415, 0 ) ButtonDescription:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, _1080p * 336, _1080p * 394 ) VNavigator:addElement( ButtonDescription ) VNavigator.ButtonDescription = ButtonDescription local PublicMatch = nil PublicMatch = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "MenuButton", { controllerIndex = f14_local1 } ) PublicMatch.id = "PublicMatch" PublicMatch.buttonDescription = "Browse for Custom Servers" PublicMatch.Text:setText( ToUpperCase( "Server Browser" ), 0 ) PublicMatch:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * 340, 0, _1080p * 30 ) VNavigator:addElement( PublicMatch ) VNavigator.PublicMatch = PublicMatch local SoloMatch = nil SoloMatch = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "MenuButton", { controllerIndex = f14_local1 } ) SoloMatch.id = "SoloMatch" SoloMatch.buttonDescription = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_ZM_SOLO_MATCH_DESC" ) SoloMatch.Text:setText( ToUpperCase( Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_SOLO_MATCH_CAPS" ) ), 0 ) SoloMatch:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * 340, _1080p * 40, _1080p * 70 ) VNavigator:addElement( SoloMatch ) VNavigator.SoloMatch = SoloMatch local CustomMatch = nil CustomMatch = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "MenuButton", { controllerIndex = f14_local1 } ) CustomMatch.id = "CustomMatch" CustomMatch.buttonDescription = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_ZM_CUSTOM_MATCH_DESC" ) CustomMatch.Text:setText( ToUpperCase( Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_CUSTOM_GAME_CAPS" ) ), 0 ) CustomMatch:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * 340, _1080p * 80, _1080p * 110 ) VNavigator:addElement( CustomMatch ) VNavigator.CustomMatch = CustomMatch local Loadout = nil Loadout = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "MenuButton", { controllerIndex = f14_local1 } ) Loadout.id = "Loadout" Loadout.buttonDescription = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_ZM_LOADOUT_DESC" ) Loadout.Text:setText( Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_ZM_LOADOUT_CAPS" ), 0 ) Loadout:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * 340, _1080p * 120, _1080p * 150 ) VNavigator:addElement( Loadout ) VNavigator.Loadout = Loadout local Barracks = nil Barracks = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "MenuButton", { controllerIndex = f14_local1 } ) Barracks.id = "Barracks" Barracks.buttonDescription = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_ZM_BARRACKS_DESC" ) Barracks.Text:setText( ToUpperCase( Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_ZM_BARRACKS_CAPS" ) ), 0 ) Barracks:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * 340, _1080p * 160, _1080p * 190 ) VNavigator:addElement( Barracks ) VNavigator.Barracks = Barracks local Armory = nil Armory = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "MenuButton", { controllerIndex = f14_local1 } ) Armory.id = "Armory" Armory.buttonDescription = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_ZM_SURVIVAL_DEPOT_DESC" ) Armory.Text:setText( ToUpperCase( Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_ZM_SURVIVAL_DEPOT" ) ), 0 ) Armory:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * 340, _1080p * 200, _1080p * 230 ) VNavigator:addElement( Armory ) VNavigator.Armory = Armory local ModsButton = nil ModsButton = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "MenuButton", { controllerIndex = f14_local1 } ) ModsButton.id = "ModsButton" ModsButton.buttonDescription = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_MODS_DESC" ) ModsButton.Text:setText( ToUpperCase( Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_MODS_CAPS" ) ), 0 ) ModsButton:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * 340, _1080p * 240, _1080p * 270 ) VNavigator:addElement( ModsButton ) VNavigator.ModsButton = ModsButton local ContractsButton = nil ContractsButton = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "ContractsButtonCP", { controllerIndex = f14_local1 } ) ContractsButton.id = "ContractsButton" ContractsButton:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * 340, _1080p * 280, _1080p * 340 ) VNavigator:addElement( ContractsButton ) VNavigator.ContractsButton = ContractsButton f0_local4( VNavigator, f14_local1, controller ) return VNavigator end MenuBuilder.m_types["CPMainMenuButtons"] = CPMainMenuButtons