thread ====== *a separate state that can contain and run functions* .. code-block:: cpp class thread : public reference { /* ... */ }; ``sol::thread`` is a separate runnable part of the Lua VM that can be used to execute work separately from the main thread, such as with :doc:`coroutines<coroutine>`. To take a table or a coroutine and run it specifically on the ``sol::thread`` you either pulled out of lua or created, just get that function through the :ref:`state of the thread<thread_state>` .. note:: A CPU thread is not always equivalent to a new thread in Lua: ``std::this_thread::get_id()`` can be the same for 2 callbacks that have 2 distinct Lua threads. In order to know which thread a callback was called in, hook into :doc:`sol::this_state<this_state>` from your Lua callback and then construct a ``sol::thread``, passing in the ``sol::this_state`` for both the first and last arguments. Then examine the results of the status and ``is_...`` calls below. free function ------------- .. code-block:: cpp :caption: function: main_thread main_thread(lua_State* current, lua_State* backup_if_bad_platform = nullptr); The function ``sol::main_thread( ... )`` retrieves the main thread of the application on Lua 5.2 and above *only*. It is designed for code that needs to be multithreading-aware (e.g., uses multiple :doc:`threads<thread>` and :doc:`coroutines<coroutine>`). .. warning:: This code function will be present in Lua 5.1/LuaJIT, but only have proper behavior when given a single argument on Lua 5.2 and beyond. Lua 5.1 does not support retrieving the main thread from its registry, and therefore it is entirely suggested if you are writing cross-platform Lua code that you must store the main thread of your application in some global storage accessible somewhere. Then, pass this item into the ``sol::main_thread( possibly_thread_state, my_actual_main_state )`` and it will select that ``my_actual_main_state`` every time. If you are not going to use Lua 5.1 / LuaJIT, you can ignore the last parameter. members ------- .. code-block:: cpp :caption: constructor: thread thread(stack_reference r); thread(lua_State* L, int index = -1); thread(lua_State* L, lua_State* actual_thread); Takes a thread from the Lua stack at the specified index and allows a person to use all of the abstractions therein. It can also take an actual thread state to make a thread from that as well. .. code-block:: cpp :caption: function: view into thread_state()'s state state_view state() const; This retrieves the current state of the thread, producing a :doc:`state_view<state>` that can be manipulated like any other. :doc:`Coroutines<coroutine>` pulled from Lua using the thread's state will be run on that thread specifically. .. _thread_state: .. code-block:: cpp :caption: function: retrieve thread state object lua_State* thread_state () const; This function retrieves the ``lua_State*`` that represents the thread. .. code-block:: cpp :caption: current thread status thread_status status () const; Retrieves the :doc:`thread status<types>` that describes the current state of the thread. .. code-block:: cpp :caption: main thread status bool is_main_thread () const; Checks to see if the thread is the main Lua thread. .. code-block:: cpp :caption: function: thread creation :name: thread-create thread create(); static thread create (lua_State* L); Creates a new thread from the given a ``lua_State*``.