#define SOL_ALL_SAFETIES_ON 1 #include <sol/sol.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <memory> #include <mutex> struct SomeLib { private: SomeLib() { } public: static std::shared_ptr<SomeLib> getInstance(); int doSomething() const { return 20; } // destructor must be public to work with // std::shared_ptr and friends // if you need it to be private, you must implement // a custom deleter with access to the private members // (e.g., a deleter struct defined in this class) ~SomeLib() { } }; std::shared_ptr<SomeLib> SomeLib::getInstance() { static std::weak_ptr<SomeLib> instance; static std::mutex m; m.lock(); auto ret = instance.lock(); if (!ret) { ret.reset(new SomeLib()); instance = ret; } m.unlock(); return ret; } int main(int, char*[]) { std::cout << "=== singleton ===" << std::endl; sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.new_usertype<SomeLib>("SomeLib", "new", sol::no_constructor, "getInstance", &SomeLib::getInstance, "doSomething", &SomeLib::doSomething); lua.script(R"( -- note we use the `.` here, not `:` (there's no self to access) local sli = SomeLib.getInstance() -- we use the `:` here because there is something to access local value = sli:doSomething() -- check print('sli:doSomething() returned:', value) assert(value == 20) )"); std::cout << std::endl; return 0; }