# # udis86 autoconf # AC_PREREQ(2.60) AC_INIT([udis86], [1.7.2], [vivek.mt@gmail.com]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS(config.h) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(build) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([build/m4]) m4_include([m4/ax_compare_version.m4]) m4_include([m4/ax_prog_sphinx_version.m4]) m4_include([m4/ax_prog_yasm_version.m4]) m4_include([m4/ax_with_prog.m4]) m4_include([m4/ax_with_python.m4]) # Make sure $ACLOCAL_FLAGS are used during a rebuild. AC_SUBST([ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS], ["-I $ac_macro_dir \${ACLOCAL_FLAGS}"]) # # Determine the build host; we notify automake of Windows # builds, so it can pass proper parameters for building # DLLs to the linker. # AC_CANONICAL_HOST case "$host_os" in mingw32* ) TARGET_OS=windows AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL ;; esac # Initialize the automake subsystem. AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.11 -Wall -Wno-portability -Wno-extra-portability -Werror foreign]) AM_SILENT_RULES([yes]) # # In case we have a Windows build, we pass a # TARGET_WINDOWS conditional to automake. # AM_CONDITIONAL(TARGET_WINDOWS, test "$TARGET_OS" = windows) AC_PROG_CC AC_DISABLE_STATIC AC_PROG_LIBTOOL AM_PROG_CC_C_O # If this is a gnu compiler, pass -Wall if test "$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" = "yes"; then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall" fi # Look for python AX_WITH_PYTHON if test "x$PYTHON" = "x"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Python not found. Use --with-python to specify path to python binary]) fi # Yasm (>= 1.2.0) for testing AX_WITH_PROG(YASM,yasm) AX_PROG_YASM_VERSION([1.2.0],[ac_have_yasm_version=1],[]) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_YASM, [test -n "$ac_have_yasm_version"]) # Sphinx (>= 1.1.3) for documentation AX_WITH_PROG(SPHINX_BUILD,sphinx-build) AX_PROG_SPHINX([1.1.3],[ac_have_sphinx_version=1],[]) AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_SPHINX_DOC, [test -n "$ac_have_sphinx_version"]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([assert.h stdio.h]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([ Makefile scripts/Makefile libudis86/Makefile udcli/Makefile tests/Makefile docs/Makefile docs/manual/Makefile docs/x86/Makefile tests/difftest.sh ]) AC_OUTPUT