#define SOL_ALL_SAFETIES_ON 1 #include <sol/sol.hpp> int main() { const auto& code = R"( bark = { woof = { [2] = "arf!" } } )"; sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); lua.script(code); // produces table_proxy, implicitly converts to std::string, // quietly destroys table_proxy std::string arf_string = lua["bark"]["woof"][2]; // lazy-evaluation of tables auto x = lua["bark"]; auto y = x["woof"]; auto z = y[2]; // retrivies value inside of lua table above std::string value = z; SOL_ASSERT(value == "arf!"); // Can change the value later... z = 20; // Yay, lazy-evaluation! int changed_value = z; // now it's 20! SOL_ASSERT(changed_value == 20); lua.script("assert(bark.woof[2] == 20)"); lua["a_new_value"] = 24; lua["chase_tail"] = [](int chasing) { int r = 2; for (int i = 0; i < chasing; ++i) { r *= r; } return r; }; lua.script("assert(a_new_value == 24)"); lua.script("assert(chase_tail(2) == 16)"); return 0; }