#define SOL_ALL_SAFETIES_ON 1 #include <sol/sol.hpp> #include <iostream> int main(int, char*[]) { std::cout << "=== coroutine state transfer ===" << std::endl; sol::state lua; lua.open_libraries(); sol::function transferred_into; lua["f"] = [&lua, &transferred_into]( sol::object t, sol::this_state this_L) { std::cout << "state of main : " << (void*)lua.lua_state() << std::endl; std::cout << "state of function : " << (void*)this_L.lua_state() << std::endl; // pass original lua_State* (or // sol::state/sol::state_view) transfers ownership from // the state of "t", to the "lua" sol::state transferred_into = sol::function(lua, t); }; lua.script(R"( i = 0 function test() co = coroutine.create( function() local g = function() i = i + 1 end f(g) g = nil collectgarbage() end ) coroutine.resume(co) co = nil collectgarbage() end )"); // give it a try lua.safe_script("test()"); // should call 'g' from main thread, increment i by 1 transferred_into(); // check int i = lua["i"]; SOL_ASSERT(i == 1); std::cout << std::endl; return 0; }