local f0_local0 = "frontEnd.systemLinkMenu.serverBrowser" serverBrowserOffsets = { 10, 240, 360, 450 } local f0_local4 = function ( f5_arg0, f5_arg1 ) Engine.ExecNow( "xstopprivateparty", f5_arg1.controller ) Engine.SetDvarBool( "systemlink", false ) Engine.SetDvarBool( "systemlink_host", false ) Engine.StopGameMode() LUI.FlowManager.RequestLeaveMenu( f5_arg0, true ) end local f0_local6 = nil f0_local6 = function ( menu, controller, index ) local f9_local0 = menu:Wait( 250 ) f9_local0.onComplete = function () return f0_local6( menu, controller ) end Lobby.UpdateServerDisplayList( controller ) Lobby.CreateServersDataModels( controller ) end local f0_local7 = function ( f11_arg0, f11_arg1, f11_arg2 ) assert( f11_arg0.ServerBrowser ) assert( f11_arg0.ServerBrowser.ServerList ) f11_arg0:setPriority( -1 ) f11_arg0.isSignInMenu = true local f11_local0 = Engine.IsAliensMode() if f11_local0 then Engine.SetFrontEndSceneSection( "zm_main", 1 ) end if not f11_local0 then f11_arg0.MenuTitle.MenuBreadcrumbs:setText( ToUpperCase( Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_BREADCRUMB_2_ITEMS", "IW7-Mod", "MULTIPLAYER" ) ), 0 ) end f11_arg0.addButtonHelperFunction = function ( f12_arg0, f12_arg1 ) f11_arg0:AddButtonHelperText( { helper_text = Engine.Localize( "MENU_SB_TOOLTIP_BTN_REFRESH" ), button_ref = "button_alt1", side = "left", priority = 2, clickable = true } ) end f11_arg0:addEventHandler( "menu_create", f11_arg0.addButtonHelperFunction ) assert( Engine.IsUserSignedIn( f11_arg1 ) ) if f11_local0 then Engine.ExecNow( CPConfig.default_systemlink, f11_arg1 ) else Engine.ExecNow( MPConfig.default_systemlink, f11_arg1 ) end if not Lobby.IsInPrivateParty() then Engine.ExecNow( "xstartprivateparty", f11_arg1 ) end Engine.Exec( MPConfig.default_dvars ) f11_arg0:addEventHandler( "menu_create", function ( f13_arg0, f13_arg1 ) assert( f11_arg0.bindButton ) if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( f11_arg0 ) then ACTIONS.AnimateSequence( f11_arg0, "DisplayServerBrowser" ) end f11_arg0.bindButton:addEventHandler( "button_secondary", function ( f14_arg0, f14_arg1 ) local f14_local0 = LUI.FlowManager.GetScopedData( f11_arg0 ) if f14_local0.serverBrowserFocused then f14_local0.serverBrowserFocused = false ACTIONS.LoseFocus( f11_arg0, "ServerBrowser", f11_arg1 ) ACTIONS.GainFocus( f11_arg0.SystemLinkMenuButtons, "JoinGameButton", f11_arg1 ) else f0_local4( f14_arg0, f14_arg1 ) end end ) f11_arg0.bindButton:addEventHandler( "button_alt1", function ( f15_arg0, f15_arg1 ) Lobby.RefreshServerList( f11_arg1 ) ACTIONS.PlaySoundSetSound( f11_arg0, "selectAlt", false ) end ) end ) f11_arg0.SystemLinkMenuButtons:addEventHandler( "gain_focus", function ( f16_arg0, f16_arg1 ) local f16_local0 = LUI.FlowManager.GetScopedData( f11_arg0 ) if f16_local0.serverBrowserFocused then f16_local0.serverBrowserFocused = false ACTIONS.LoseFocus( f11_arg0, "ServerBrowser", f11_arg1 ) if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( f11_arg0 ) then ACTIONS.AnimateSequence( f11_arg0, "DisplayServerBrowser" ) f11_arg0:RemoveButtonHelperText( "button_alt1", "left" ) end end end ) Engine.PLMRefreshData() if Engine.IsCoreMode() then FrontEndScene.CurrentMissionTeam = MissionDirector.InvalidTeamID FrontEndScene.SetScene( "private_lobby_menu" ) ClientCharacter.SetCharacterVisible( FrontEndScene.ClientCharacters.Self, true ) if Fences.OfflineDataFetched( f11_arg1 ) then local f11_local1 = CoD.GetPrivateLoadoutDataSource() local f11_local2 = f11_local1.squadMembers.head:GetValue( f11_arg1 ) local f11_local3 = f11_local1.squadMembers.body:GetValue( f11_arg1 ) local f11_local4 = f11_local1.squadMembers.archetype:GetValue( f11_arg1 ) local f11_local5 = f11_local1.squadMembers.archetypeSuper:GetValue( f11_arg1 ) FrontEndScene.SetCharacterModelsByIndex( FrontEndScene.ClientCharacters.Self, f11_local3, f11_local2 ) FrontEndScene.SetWeaponForSuper( FrontEndScene.ClientCharacters.Self, f11_local5, f11_local4 ) FrontEndScene.PlayIdleForSuper( FrontEndScene.ClientCharacters.Self, f11_local5, f11_local4 ) ClientWeapon.SetWeaponIsViewModel( 0, true ) ClientWeapon.SetWeaponVisible( 0, false ) ClientCharacter.SetCharacterVisible( 0, true ) end end Lobby.SetPartyUIRoot( PartyUIRoot.SYSTEM_LINK ) local f11_local1 = LUI.FlowManager.GetScopedData( f11_arg0 ) if f11_local1.optionsMenuOpened then f11_local1.optionsMenuOpened = nil if f11_local1.serverBrowserFocused then f11_local1.serverBrowserFocused = false f11_arg0:clearSavedState() if f11_local0 then LUI.FlowManager.ClearSavedMenuState( "CPSystemLinkMenu" ) else LUI.FlowManager.ClearSavedMenuState( "MPSystemLinkMenu" ) end end else f11_local1.serverBrowserFocused = false end Lobby.BuildServerList( f11_arg1 ) Lobby.RefreshServerList( f11_arg1 ) assert( f11_arg0.ServerBrowser ) assert( f11_arg0.ServerBrowser.ServerList ) local f11_local2 = LUI.DataSourceInGlobalModel.new( f0_local0 .. ".serverCount" ) f11_arg0:SubscribeToModel( f11_local2:GetModel( f11_arg1 ), function () local f17_local0 = f11_local2:GetValue( f11_arg1 ) if f17_local0 ~= nil then if f17_local0 == 0 then local f17_local1 = LUI.FlowManager.GetScopedData( f11_arg0 ) if f17_local1.serverBrowserFocused then f17_local1.serverBrowserFocused = false ACTIONS.LoseFocus( f11_arg0, "ServerBrowser", f11_arg1 ) end end f11_arg0.ServerBrowser:SetBlurHeight( f17_local0 ) end end ) local f11_local3 = LUI.DataSourceFromList.new( f11_local2 ) f11_local3.MakeDataSourceAtIndex = function ( f18_arg0, f18_arg1, f18_arg2 ) local f18_local0 = f18_arg1 % 2 and COLORS.white or COLORS.black local f18_local1 = LUI.DataSourceInGlobalModel.new( f0_local0 .. "." .. f18_arg1 .. ".status" ) return { index = f18_arg1, color = f18_local0, host = LUI.DataSourceInGlobalModel.new( f0_local0 .. "." .. f18_arg1 .. ".host" ), map = LUI.DataSourceInGlobalModel.new( f0_local0 .. "." .. f18_arg1 .. ".map" ), players = LUI.DataSourceInGlobalModel.new( f0_local0 .. "." .. f18_arg1 .. ".players" ), type = LUI.DataSourceInGlobalModel.new( f0_local0 .. "." .. f18_arg1 .. ".type" ), status = f18_local1:Filter( "status", function ( f19_arg0, f19_arg1 ) local f19_local0 if f19_arg0 == 1 then f19_local0 = Engine.Localize( "MENU_LOBBY" ) if not f19_local0 then else return f19_local0 end end f19_local0 = Engine.Localize( "MENU_IN_GAME_CAPS" ) end ) } end f11_arg0.ServerBrowser.ServerList:SetGridDataSource( f11_local3 ) assert( f11_arg0.bindButton ) f11_arg0.bindButton:addEventHandler( "button_start", function ( f20_arg0, f20_arg1 ) local f20_local0 = LUI.FlowManager.GetScopedData( f11_arg0 ) f20_local0.optionsMenuOpened = true ACTIONS.OpenMenu( "OptionsMenu", true, f20_arg1.controller ) ACTIONS.PlaySoundSetSound( f11_arg0, "selectAlt", false ) end ) local f11_local4 = f11_arg0:Wait( 250 ) f11_local4.onComplete = function () return f0_local6( f11_arg0, f11_arg1 ) end Engine.StopMenuVideo() end MenuBuilder.m_types["SystemLinkMenu"] = function ( menu, controller ) local self = LUI.UIElement.new() self.id = "SystemLinkMenu" self._animationSets = {} self._sequences = {} local f22_local1 = controller and controller.controllerIndex if not f22_local1 and not Engine.InFrontend() then f22_local1 = self:getRootController() end assert( f22_local1 ) self.soundSet = "cpMainMenuDefault" self:playSound( "menu_open" ) local f22_local2 = self local f22_local3 = nil if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local3 = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "CPMenuOuterMask", { controllerIndex = f22_local1 } ) f22_local3.id = "OuterMaskTop" f22_local3:SetZRotation( -168, 0 ) f22_local3:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 0, 1, _1080p * -190, _1080p * 76, _1080p * -320, _1080p * 100 ) self:addElement( f22_local3 ) self.OuterMaskTop = f22_local3 end local f22_local4 = nil if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local4 = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "CPMenuOuterMask", { controllerIndex = f22_local1 } ) f22_local4.id = "OuterMaskBottom" f22_local4:SetZRotation( -168, 0 ) f22_local4:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * -83, _1080p * 183, _1080p * -205, _1080p * 215 ) self:addElement( f22_local4 ) self.OuterMaskBottom = f22_local4 end local f22_local5 = nil if CONDITIONS.IsCoreMultiplayer( self ) then f22_local5 = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "MenuTitle", { controllerIndex = f22_local1 } ) f22_local5.id = "MenuTitle" f22_local5.MenuTitle:setText( ToUpperCase( Engine.Localize( "SERVER BROWSER" ) ), 0 ) f22_local5.MenuBreadcrumbs:setText( ToUpperCase( Engine.Localize( "EXE_LOCAL_PLAY" ) ), 0 ) f22_local5.Icon:SetTop( _1080p * -28.5, 0 ) f22_local5.Icon:SetBottom( _1080p * 61.5, 0 ) f22_local5:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 96, _1080p * 1056, _1080p * 54, _1080p * 134 ) self:addElement( f22_local5 ) self.MenuTitle = f22_local5 end local ButtonHelperBar = nil ButtonHelperBar = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "ButtonHelperBar", { controllerIndex = f22_local1 } ) ButtonHelperBar.id = "ButtonHelperBar" ButtonHelperBar:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, _1080p * -85, 0 ) self:addElement( ButtonHelperBar ) self.ButtonHelperBar = ButtonHelperBar local SocialFeed = nil SocialFeed = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "SocialFeed", { controllerIndex = f22_local1 } ) SocialFeed.id = "SocialFeed" SocialFeed:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, _1080p * -115, _1080p * -85 ) self:addElement( SocialFeed ) self.SocialFeed = SocialFeed local SystemLinkMenuButtons = nil SystemLinkMenuButtons = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "SystemLinkMenuButtons", { controllerIndex = f22_local1 } ) SystemLinkMenuButtons.id = "SystemLinkMenuButtons" SystemLinkMenuButtons:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 130, _1080p * 630, _1080p * 216, _1080p * 438 ) self:addElement( SystemLinkMenuButtons ) self.SystemLinkMenuButtons = SystemLinkMenuButtons local f22_local9 = nil if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local9 = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "LobbyMembers", { controllerIndex = f22_local1 } ) f22_local9.id = "LobbyMembers" f22_local9:SetAlpha( 0, 0 ) f22_local9:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 1, 0, 0, 1, _1080p * -1790, _1080p * -1090, _1080p * 791.5, _1080p * 1435.5 ) self:addElement( f22_local9 ) self.LobbyMembers = f22_local9 end local ServerBrowser = nil ServerBrowser = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "ServerBrowser", { controllerIndex = f22_local1 } ) ServerBrowser.id = "ServerBrowser" ServerBrowser:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 659, _1080p * 1790, _1080p * 216, _1080p * 885 ) self:addElement( ServerBrowser ) self.ServerBrowser = ServerBrowser local f22_local11 = nil if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local11 = LUI.UIImage.new() f22_local11.id = "BloodSplat" f22_local11:SetAlpha( 0.5, 0 ) f22_local11:setImage( RegisterMaterial( "cp_menu_zombies_blood_splats_large" ), 0 ) f22_local11:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 48, _1080p * 678, _1080p * -71, _1080p * 441 ) self:addElement( f22_local11 ) self.BloodSplat = f22_local11 end local f22_local12 = nil if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local12 = LUI.UIImage.new() f22_local12.id = "ZombiesLogo" f22_local12:setImage( RegisterMaterial( "cp_menu_zombies_logo" ), 0 ) f22_local12:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 60, _1080p * 740, _1080p * 34, _1080p * 434 ) self:addElement( f22_local12 ) self.ZombiesLogo = f22_local12 end local f22_local13 = nil if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local13 = LUI.UIStyledText.new() f22_local13.id = "ZomLanPartyShadow" f22_local13:SetRGBFromInt( 0, 0 ) f22_local13:setText( Engine.Localize( "Server Browser" ), 0 ) f22_local13:SetFontSize( 36 * _1080p ) f22_local13:SetFont( FONTS.GetFont( FONTS.ZmClean.File ) ) f22_local13:SetAlignment( LUI.Alignment.Center ) f22_local13:SetOptOutRightToLeftAlignmentFlip( true ) f22_local13:SetShadowRGBFromInt( 0, 0 ) f22_local13:SetOutlineRGBFromInt( 0, 0 ) f22_local13:SetDecodeLetterLength( 25 ) f22_local13:SetDecodeMaxRandChars( 3 ) f22_local13:SetDecodeUpdatesPerLetter( 4 ) f22_local13:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 272, _1080p * 597.5, _1080p * 302, _1080p * 338 ) self:addElement( f22_local13 ) self.ZomLanPartyShadow = f22_local13 end local f22_local14 = nil if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local14 = LUI.UIStyledText.new() f22_local14.id = "ZomLanParty" f22_local14:SetRGBFromInt( 14042667, 0 ) f22_local14:setText( Engine.Localize( "Server Browser" ), 0 ) f22_local14:SetFontSize( 36 * _1080p ) f22_local14:SetFont( FONTS.GetFont( FONTS.ZmClean.File ) ) f22_local14:SetAlignment( LUI.Alignment.Center ) f22_local14:SetOptOutRightToLeftAlignmentFlip( true ) f22_local14:SetShadowRGBFromInt( 0, 0 ) f22_local14:SetOutlineRGBFromInt( 0, 0 ) f22_local14:SetDecodeLetterLength( 25 ) f22_local14:SetDecodeMaxRandChars( 3 ) f22_local14:SetDecodeUpdatesPerLetter( 4 ) f22_local14:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 272, _1080p * 597.5, _1080p * 302, _1080p * 338 ) self:addElement( f22_local14 ) self.ZomLanParty = f22_local14 end local MPLobbyMembersPlayercards = nil MPLobbyMembersPlayercards = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "MPLobbyMembersPlayercards", { controllerIndex = f22_local1 } ) MPLobbyMembersPlayercards.id = "MPLobbyMembersPlayercards" MPLobbyMembersPlayercards:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 1, 0, _1080p * 130, _1080p * 630, _1080p * -255, _1080p * -189 ) self:addElement( MPLobbyMembersPlayercards ) self.MPLobbyMembersPlayercards = MPLobbyMembersPlayercards local ButtonDescriptionText = nil ButtonDescriptionText = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "ButtonDescriptionText", { controllerIndex = f22_local1 } ) ButtonDescriptionText.id = "ButtonDescriptionText" ButtonDescriptionText:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 130, _1080p * 550, _1080p * 334, _1080p * 366 ) self:addElement( ButtonDescriptionText ) self.ButtonDescriptionText = ButtonDescriptionText self._animationSets.DefaultAnimationSet = function () ServerBrowser:RegisterAnimationSequence( "DefaultSequence", { { function () return self.ServerBrowser:SetAlpha( 1, 0 ) end }, { function () return self.ServerBrowser:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 659, _1080p * 1790, _1080p * 216, _1080p * 885, 0 ) end } } ) self._sequences.DefaultSequence = function () ServerBrowser:AnimateSequence( "DefaultSequence" ) end SystemLinkMenuButtons:RegisterAnimationSequence( "IntroCore", { { function () return self.SystemLinkMenuButtons:SetAlpha( 1, 0 ) end }, { function () return self.SystemLinkMenuButtons:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 130, _1080p * 630, _1080p * 216, _1080p * 438, 0 ) end } } ) ServerBrowser:RegisterAnimationSequence( "IntroCore", { { function () return self.ServerBrowser:SetAlpha( 1, 0 ) end }, { function () return self.ServerBrowser:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 659, _1080p * 1790, _1080p * 216, _1080p * 885, 0 ) end } } ) self._sequences.IntroCore = function () SystemLinkMenuButtons:AnimateSequence( "IntroCore" ) ServerBrowser:AnimateSequence( "IntroCore" ) end end self._animationSets.ThirdGameModeAnimationSet = function () self._sequences.DefaultSequence = function () end if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local3:RegisterAnimationSequence( "Intro", { { function () return self.OuterMaskTop:SetAlpha( 0, 0 ) end, function () return self.OuterMaskTop:SetAlpha( 0.6, 500, LUI.EASING.outBack ) end }, { function () return self.OuterMaskTop:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 0, 1, _1080p * -190, _1080p * 76, _1080p * -635, _1080p * -215, 0 ) end, function () return self.OuterMaskTop:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 0, 1, _1080p * -190, _1080p * 76, _1080p * -635, _1080p * -215, 500, LUI.EASING.outBack ) end, function () return self.OuterMaskTop:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 0, 1, _1080p * -190, _1080p * 76, _1080p * -320, _1080p * 100, 500, LUI.EASING.outQuadratic ) end, function () return self.OuterMaskTop:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 0, 1, _1080p * -190, _1080p * 76, _1080p * -320, _1080p * 100, 139 ) end, function () return self.OuterMaskTop:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 0, 1, _1080p * -190, _1080p * 76, _1080p * -280, _1080p * 140, 9 ) end, function () return self.OuterMaskTop:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 0, 1, _1080p * -190, _1080p * 76, _1080p * -320, _1080p * 100, 200, LUI.EASING.outQuadratic ) end } } ) end if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local4:RegisterAnimationSequence( "Intro", { { function () return self.OuterMaskBottom:SetAlpha( 0, 0 ) end, function () return self.OuterMaskBottom:SetAlpha( 0.6, 500, LUI.EASING.outBack ) end }, { function () return self.OuterMaskBottom:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * -83, _1080p * 183, _1080p * 225, _1080p * 645, 0 ) end, function () return self.OuterMaskBottom:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * -83, _1080p * 183, _1080p * 225, _1080p * 645, 500, LUI.EASING.outBack ) end, function () return self.OuterMaskBottom:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * -83, _1080p * 183, _1080p * -205, _1080p * 215, 500, LUI.EASING.outQuadratic ) end, function () return self.OuterMaskBottom:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * -83, _1080p * 183, _1080p * -205, _1080p * 215, 139 ) end, function () return self.OuterMaskBottom:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * -83, _1080p * 183, _1080p * -245, _1080p * 175, 9 ) end, function () return self.OuterMaskBottom:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * -83, _1080p * 183, _1080p * -205, _1080p * 215, 200, LUI.EASING.outQuadratic ) end } } ) end SystemLinkMenuButtons:RegisterAnimationSequence( "Intro", { { function () return self.SystemLinkMenuButtons:SetAlpha( 0, 0 ) end, function () return self.SystemLinkMenuButtons:SetAlpha( 0, 1220 ) end, function () return self.SystemLinkMenuButtons:SetAlpha( 1, 490 ) end }, { function () return self.SystemLinkMenuButtons:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 130, _1080p * 630, _1080p * 406, _1080p * 628, 0 ) end } } ) if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local9:RegisterAnimationSequence( "Intro", { { function () return self.LobbyMembers:SetAlpha( 0, 0 ) end, function () return self.LobbyMembers:SetAlpha( 0, 2000 ) end } } ) end ServerBrowser:RegisterAnimationSequence( "Intro", { { function () return self.ServerBrowser:SetAlpha( 0, 0 ) end }, { function () return self.ServerBrowser:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 789, _1080p * 1920, _1080p * 133, _1080p * 802, 0 ) end } } ) if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local11:RegisterAnimationSequence( "Intro", { { function () return self.BloodSplat:SetAlpha( 0, 0 ) end, function () return self.BloodSplat:SetAlpha( 0, 1000 ) end, function () return self.BloodSplat:SetAlpha( 0, 140 ) end, function () return self.BloodSplat:SetAlpha( 0.5, 10 ) end, function () return self.BloodSplat:SetAlpha( 0.5, 200, LUI.EASING.outQuadratic ) end, function () return self.BloodSplat:SetAlpha( 0.4, 650, LUI.EASING.outQuadratic ) end }, { function () return self.BloodSplat:SetZRotation( -5, 1000 ) end, function () return self.BloodSplat:SetZRotation( -5, 150 ) end, function () return self.BloodSplat:SetZRotation( 0, 850, LUI.EASING.outQuadratic ) end }, { function () return self.BloodSplat:playSound( "splat", false, 1150 ) end }, { function () return self.BloodSplat:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 218.92, _1080p * 547.08, _1080p * 51.65, _1080p * 318.35, 1149 ) end, function () return self.BloodSplat:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 88, _1080p * 718, _1080p * -71, _1080p * 441, 70 ) end, function () return self.BloodSplat:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 80, _1080p * 710, _1080p * -71, _1080p * 441, 129, LUI.EASING.outQuadratic ) end } } ) end if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local12:RegisterAnimationSequence( "Intro", { { function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAlpha( 0, 0 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAlpha( 0, 1000 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAlpha( 1, 150 ) end }, { function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetZRotation( 5, 1000 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetZRotation( 5, 150 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetZRotation( 0, 850, LUI.EASING.outQuadratic ) end }, { function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * -429.8, _1080p * 1249.8, _1080p * -260, _1080p * 728, 1000 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 80, _1080p * 720, _1080p * 51.65, _1080p * 416.35, 149 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 70, _1080p * 750, _1080p * 34, _1080p * 434, 200 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 70, _1080p * 750, _1080p * 36, _1080p * 436, 49 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 68, _1080p * 748, _1080p * 35.68, _1080p * 435.68, 50 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 70.35, _1080p * 750.35, _1080p * 33.39, _1080p * 433.39, 49 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 70.28, _1080p * 750.28, _1080p * 31.51, _1080p * 431.51, 49 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 68.22, _1080p * 748.22, _1080p * 34.03, _1080p * 434.03, 50 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 70.64, _1080p * 750.64, _1080p * 34.02, _1080p * 434.02, 49 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 70.47, _1080p * 750.47, _1080p * 36.01, _1080p * 436.01, 50 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 68.33, _1080p * 748.33, _1080p * 35.4, _1080p * 435.4, 49 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 68.93, _1080p * 748.93, _1080p * 32.9, _1080p * 432.9, 59 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 69.4, _1080p * 749.4, _1080p * 35.38, _1080p * 435.38, 40 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 69.73, _1080p * 749.73, _1080p * 36.61, _1080p * 436.61, 49 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 71.93, _1080p * 751.93, _1080p * 34.65, _1080p * 434.65, 50 ) end, function () return self.ZombiesLogo:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 70, _1080p * 750, _1080p * 34, _1080p * 434, 49, LUI.EASING.outQuadratic ) end } } ) end if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local13:RegisterAnimationSequence( "Intro", { { function () return self.ZomLanPartyShadow:SetAlpha( 0, 0 ) end, function () return self.ZomLanPartyShadow:SetAlpha( 0, 1710 ) end, function () return self.ZomLanPartyShadow:SetAlpha( 1, 290 ) end } } ) end if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local14:RegisterAnimationSequence( "Intro", { { function () return self.ZomLanParty:SetAlpha( 0, 0 ) end, function () return self.ZomLanParty:SetAlpha( 0, 1220 ) end, function () return self.ZomLanParty:SetAlpha( 1, 490 ) end }, { function () return self.ZomLanParty:SetRGBFromInt( 14042667, 0 ) end } } ) end MPLobbyMembersPlayercards:RegisterAnimationSequence( "Intro", { { function () return self.MPLobbyMembersPlayercards:SetAlpha( 0, 0 ) end, function () return self.MPLobbyMembersPlayercards:SetAlpha( 0, 700 ) end, function () return self.MPLobbyMembersPlayercards:SetAlpha( 0, 1010 ) end, function () return self.MPLobbyMembersPlayercards:SetAlpha( 1, 290 ) end } } ) ButtonDescriptionText:RegisterAnimationSequence( "Intro", { { function () return self.ButtonDescriptionText:SetAlpha( 0, 0 ) end, function () return self.ButtonDescriptionText:SetAlpha( 0, 1220 ) end, function () return self.ButtonDescriptionText:SetAlpha( 1, 490 ) end }, { function () return self.ButtonDescriptionText:SetRGBFromTable( SWATCHES.text.primaryText, 0 ) end }, { function () return self.ButtonDescriptionText:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 132, _1080p * 552, _1080p * 524, _1080p * 556, 0 ) end } } ) self._sequences.Intro = function () if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local3:AnimateSequence( "Intro" ) end if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local4:AnimateSequence( "Intro" ) end SystemLinkMenuButtons:AnimateSequence( "Intro" ) if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local9:AnimateSequence( "Intro" ) end ServerBrowser:AnimateSequence( "Intro" ) if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local11:AnimateSequence( "Intro" ) end if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local12:AnimateSequence( "Intro" ) end if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local13:AnimateSequence( "Intro" ) end if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f22_local14:AnimateSequence( "Intro" ) end MPLobbyMembersPlayercards:AnimateSequence( "Intro" ) ButtonDescriptionText:AnimateSequence( "Intro" ) end ServerBrowser:RegisterAnimationSequence( "DisplayServerBrowser", { { function () return self.ServerBrowser:SetAlpha( 0, 0 ) end, function () return self.ServerBrowser:SetAlpha( 1, 80 ) end }, { function () return self.ServerBrowser:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 727, _1080p * 1858, _1080p * 216, _1080p * 885, 0 ) end } } ) self._sequences.DisplayServerBrowser = function () ServerBrowser:AnimateSequence( "DisplayServerBrowser" ) end ServerBrowser:RegisterAnimationSequence( "HideServerBrowser", { { function () return self.ServerBrowser:SetAlpha( 1, 0 ) end, function () return self.ServerBrowser:SetAlpha( 0, 80 ) end } } ) self._sequences.HideServerBrowser = function () ServerBrowser:AnimateSequence( "HideServerBrowser" ) end end self._animationSets.DefaultAnimationSet() self.addButtonHelperFunction = function ( f117_arg0, f117_arg1 ) f117_arg0:AddButtonHelperText( { helper_text = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_SELECT" ), button_ref = "button_primary", side = "left", clickable = true } ) f117_arg0:AddButtonHelperText( { helper_text = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_BACK" ), button_ref = "button_secondary", side = "left", priority = 1, clickable = true } ) f117_arg0:AddButtonHelperText( { helper_text = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_OPTIONS_CAPS" ), button_ref = "button_start", side = "left", priority = 4, clickable = true } ) end self:addEventHandler( "menu_create", self.addButtonHelperFunction ) local bindButton = LUI.UIBindButton.new() bindButton.id = "selfBindButton" self:addElement( bindButton ) self.bindButton = bindButton f0_local7( self, f22_local1, controller ) ACTIONS.AnimateSequence( self, "DefaultSequence" ) if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then ACTIONS.SetAnimationSet( self, "ThirdGameModeAnimationSet" ) ACTIONS.AnimateSequence( self, "Intro" ) end if CONDITIONS.IsCoreMultiplayer( self ) then ACTIONS.SetAnimationSet( self, "DefaultAnimationSet" ) ACTIONS.AnimateSequence( self, "IntroCore" ) end return self end LUI.FlowManager.RegisterStackPushBehaviour( "SystemLinkMenu", PushFunc ) LUI.FlowManager.RegisterStackPopBehaviour( "SystemLinkMenu", f0_local3 )