local f0_local0 = function () if Engine.SplitscreenPlayerCount() > 0 then local f1_local0 = Engine.GetFirstActiveController() if f1_local0 and Engine.IsUserSignedIn( f1_local0 ) then Engine.PLMRefreshData() end end end local f0_local1 = function ( f2_arg0, f2_arg1 ) local f2_local0 = Engine.HasActiveLocalClient( f2_arg1.controller ) if f2_local0 then f2_local0 = not Engine.IsActiveLocalClientPrimary( f2_arg1.controller ) end if f2_local0 then local f2_local1 = LUI.FlowManager.GetScopedData( f2_arg0 ) if f2_local1 and f2_local1.focusedPage and f2_local1.focusedPage > 2 then f2_arg0:dispatchEventToRoot( { name = "lobby_slide_left", immediate = true } ) end elseif Lobby.IsNotAloneInPrivateParty() then LUI.FlowManager.RequestPopupMenu( f2_arg0, "LeaveCommonMPMainMenuPopup", true, f2_arg1.controller, false, { menu = f2_arg0 } ) else Lobby.LeaveCommonMPMainMenu( f2_arg0, f2_arg1.controller ) end return true end local f0_local2 = function ( f3_arg0, f3_arg1 ) local f3_local0 = Engine.GetFirstActiveController() if Engine.GetDvarBool( "xblive_competitionmatch" ) then Engine.SetDvarBool( "xblive_competitionmatch", false ) Engine.Exec( "set remove_mlg_rules 1" ) end Engine.ExecNow( MPConfig.default_xboxlive, f3_local0 ) end local f0_local3 = function ( f4_arg0, f4_arg1 ) if Lobby.IsInviteOnly( f4_arg1 ) then f4_arg0:AddButtonHelperText( { helper_text = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_LOBBY_ALLOW_JOIN" ), button_ref = "button_alt1", side = "left", clickable = true } ) else f4_arg0:AddButtonHelperText( { helper_text = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_LOBBY_BLOCK_JOIN" ), button_ref = "button_alt1", side = "left", clickable = true } ) end end local f0_local4 = function ( f5_arg0 ) local f5_local0 = Engine.GetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.Ranked, "postShipFlags", 3 ) if f5_local0 == nil or f5_local0 == false then local f5_local1 = Engine.GetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetypePreferences", 1, "head" ) local f5_local2 = Engine.GetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetypePreferences", 3, "head" ) local f5_local3 = Engine.GetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetypePreferences", 1, "body" ) local f5_local4 = Engine.GetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetypePreferences", 3, "body" ) if f5_local1 ~= nil and f5_local1 == "head_160" then Engine.SetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetypePreferences", 1, "head", "head_287" ) end if f5_local2 ~= nil and f5_local2 == "head_167" then Engine.SetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetypePreferences", 3, "head", "head_294" ) end if f5_local3 ~= nil and f5_local3 == "body_90" then Engine.SetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetypePreferences", 1, "body", "body_217" ) end if f5_local4 ~= nil and f5_local4 == "body_97" then Engine.SetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetypePreferences", 3, "body", "body_224" ) end local f5_local5 = Engine.GetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "head" ) local f5_local6 = Engine.GetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "body" ) if f5_local5 ~= nil and f5_local5 == 160 then Engine.SetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "head", 287 ) end if f5_local5 ~= nil and f5_local5 == 167 then Engine.SetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "head", 294 ) end if f5_local6 ~= nil and f5_local6 == 90 then Engine.SetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "body", 217 ) end if f5_local6 ~= nil and f5_local6 == 97 then Engine.SetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "body", 224 ) end local f5_local7 = Engine.GetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.PrivateLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetypePreferences", 1, "head" ) local f5_local8 = Engine.GetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.PrivateLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetypePreferences", 3, "head" ) local f5_local9 = Engine.GetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.PrivateLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetypePreferences", 1, "body" ) local f5_local10 = Engine.GetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.PrivateLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetypePreferences", 3, "body" ) if f5_local7 ~= nil and f5_local7 == "head_160" then Engine.SetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.PrivateLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetypePreferences", 1, "head", "head_287" ) end if f5_local8 ~= nil and f5_local8 == "head_167" then Engine.SetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.PrivateLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetypePreferences", 3, "head", "head_294" ) end if f5_local9 ~= nil and f5_local9 == "body_90" then Engine.SetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.PrivateLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetypePreferences", 1, "body", "body_217" ) end if f5_local10 ~= nil and f5_local10 == "body_97" then Engine.SetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.PrivateLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetypePreferences", 3, "body", "body_224" ) end local f5_local11 = Engine.GetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.PrivateLoadouts, "squadMembers", "head" ) local f5_local12 = Engine.GetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.PrivateLoadouts, "squadMembers", "body" ) if f5_local11 ~= nil and f5_local11 == 160 then Engine.SetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.PrivateLoadouts, "squadMembers", "head", 287 ) end if f5_local11 ~= nil and f5_local11 == 167 then Engine.SetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.PrivateLoadouts, "squadMembers", "head", 294 ) end if f5_local12 ~= nil and f5_local12 == 90 then Engine.SetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.PrivateLoadouts, "squadMembers", "body", 217 ) end if f5_local12 ~= nil and f5_local12 == 97 then Engine.SetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.PrivateLoadouts, "squadMembers", "body", 224 ) end local f5_local13 = Engine.GetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "head" ) local f5_local14 = Engine.GetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "body" ) local f5_local15 = Engine.GetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetypeSuper" ) local f5_local16 = Engine.GetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.RankedLoadouts, "squadMembers", "archetype" ) if f5_local13 ~= nil and f5_local14 ~= nil then FrontEndScene.SetCharacterModelsByIndex( FrontEndScene.ClientCharacters.Self, f5_local14, f5_local13 ) end if f5_local15 ~= nil and f5_local16 ~= nil then FrontEndScene.SetWeaponForSuper( FrontEndScene.ClientCharacters.Self, f5_local15, f5_local16 ) FrontEndScene.PlayIdleForSuper( FrontEndScene.ClientCharacters.Self, f5_local15, f5_local16 ) end Engine.SetPlayerDataEx( f5_arg0, CoD.StatsGroup.Ranked, "postShipFlags", 3, true ) Engine.ExecNow( "uploadstats", f5_arg0 ) end end local f0_local5 = function ( f6_arg0 ) f0_local4( f6_arg0 ) end local f0_local6 = function ( f7_arg0, f7_arg1 ) Engine.SetDvarString( "ui_version_show", "0" ) Engine.SetDvarBool( "ui_onlineRequired", false ) FrontEndScene.CurrentMissionTeam = MissionDirector.InvalidTeamID FrontEndScene.SetScene( "mp_main" ) local f7_local0 = f7_arg1.controller if not f7_local0 then f7_local0 = Engine.GetFirstActiveController() end CheckTURequirement( f7_arg0, f7_local0 ) local f7_local1 = DataSources.alwaysLoaded.playerData.MP.rankedloadouts.squadMembers local f7_local2 = Cac.GetRigFrontEndProfileAnim( f7_local1.archetype:GetValue( f7_local0 ) ) FrontEndScene.SetCharacterModelsByIndex( FrontEndScene.ClientCharacters.Profile, f7_local1.body:GetValue( f7_local0 ), f7_local1.head:GetValue( f7_local0 ) ) ClientCharacter.SetCharacterWeapons( FrontEndScene.ClientCharacters.Profile, nil ) ClientCharacter.PlayCharacterAnim( FrontEndScene.ClientCharacters.Profile, f7_local2 ) ClientCharacter.SetCharacterVisible( FrontEndScene.ClientCharacters.Profile, true ) ClientWeapon.SetWeaponIsViewModel( 0, true ) ClientWeapon.SetWeaponVisible( 0, false ) f0_local2( f7_arg0, f7_arg1 ) if Engine.GetDvarBool( "enable_unlock_sync" ) then local f7_local3 = {} for f7_local7, f7_local8 in pairs( AAR.UnlockTypes ) do table.insert( f7_local3, f7_local8 ) end Rewards.SyncUnlocks( f7_local0, f7_local3, #f7_local3 ) end if not Lobby.IsInPrivateParty() then Engine.ExecNow( "xstartprivateparty", f7_arg1.controller ) end f7_arg0:registerEventHandler( "not_below_blocking_fence", function ( element, event ) Engine.SetDvarBool( "cg_mlg_gamebattles_match", false ) if not MLG.IsGameBattleMatch() then Lobby.WakePrivateParty( f7_local0 ) end end ) Lobby.SetPartyUIRoot( PartyUIRoot.MAIN_MENU ) f7_arg0.nextLocation = CRM.locations.MP_MOTD CRM.OpenNextCRMWindow( f7_arg0 ) f7_arg0:addEventHandler( "gain_focus", CRM.OpenNextCRMWindow ) f7_arg0:addEventHandler( "restore_focus", CRM.OpenNextCRMWindow ) end local f0_local7 = function ( f9_arg0, f9_arg1, f9_arg2 ) Engine.SetDvarBool( "onlinegame", true ) if MLG.GetGameBattleMatchId( f9_arg1 ) == GAMEBATTLES.INVALID_MATCH_ID then Engine.SetDvarBool( "xblive_privatematch", false ) end end local f0_local8 = function ( f10_arg0, f10_arg1, f10_arg2 ) if GAMEBATTLES.ScheduleRefreshRequest then GAMEBATTLES.ScheduleRefreshRequest = false OpenGameBattlesLobby( f10_arg1 ) else local f10_local0 = GAMEBATTLES.GetCurrentMatch( f10_arg1 ) if f10_local0 ~= nil then if GAMEBATTLES.MatchForfeitWinningTeamIndex ~= 0 then GAMEBATTLES.ShowMatchForfeitPopup( f10_arg1, f10_local0, GAMEBATTLES.MatchForfeitWinningTeamIndex ) GAMEBATTLES.MatchForfeitWinningTeamIndex = 0 else local f10_local1, f10_local2 = GAMEBATTLES.GetMatchProgressInfo( f10_local0 ) if f10_local2 then local f10_local3, f10_local4, f10_local5 = GAMEBATTLES.GetMatchVictoryInfo( f10_local0 ) if not f10_local5 then LUI.FlowManager.RequestPopupMenu( f10_arg0, "MLGGamebattlesMatchResultsPopup", false, f10_arg1, false, { controllerIndex = f10_arg1, gbMatch = f10_local0, alliesWins = f10_local3, axisWins = f10_local4 } ) end else local f10_local3 = MLG.GetGameBattleDSAcquisitionState( f10_arg1 ) if f10_local3 == GAMEBATTLES.MLG_DS_ACQUISITION_STATE.COULD_NOT_ACQUIRE or f10_local3 == GAMEBATTLES.MLG_DS_ACQUISITION_STATE.ACQUISITION_ERROR then MLG.ResetGameBattleDSAcquisitionState() LUI.FlowManager.RequestPopupMenu( f10_arg0, "MLGGamebattlesMatchCancelledPopup", false, f10_arg1, false, { matchID = f10_local0.matchId } ) end end end MLG.ResetGameBattleMatchId( f10_arg1 ) end end assert( f10_arg0.bindButton ) f10_arg0.isSignInMenu = true f10_arg0.bindButton:addEventHandler( "button_secondary", f0_local1 ) f10_arg0:addEventHandler( "menu_create", f0_local6 ) if not CONDITIONS.IsGameBattlesAllowed() then local f10_local0, f10_local1, f10_local2, f10_local3 = f10_arg0.ButtonDescription:getLocalRect() local f10_local4 = f10_arg0.MPMainMenuButtons.buttonSpacing f10_arg0.ButtonDescription:SetTop( f10_local1 - f10_local4 ) f10_arg0.ButtonDescription:SetBottom( f10_local3 - f10_local4 ) end if false == CODTV.IsCODTVEnabled() then local f10_local0, f10_local1, f10_local2, f10_local3 = f10_arg0.ButtonDescription:getLocalRect() local f10_local4 = f10_arg0.MPMainMenuButtons.buttonSpacing f10_arg0.ButtonDescription:SetTop( f10_local1 - f10_local4 ) f10_arg0.ButtonDescription:SetBottom( f10_local3 - f10_local4 ) end if Engine.GetDvarFloat( "r_filmGrainAtten" ) == 1 then Engine.SetDvarFloat( "r_filmGrainAtten", 0.25 ) Engine.ExecNow( "profile_setFilmGrain " .. tostring( 0.25 ), f10_arg1 ) end local f10_local0 = Lobby.GetNATType() if f10_local0 then if f10_local0 == "NETWORK_STRICT" and false == Engine.GetDvarBool( "strict_nat_warning_viewed" ) then LUI.FlowManager.RequestPopupMenu( f10_arg0, "strict_nat_warning", true, f10_arg1, false, data ) Engine.SetDvarBool( "strict_nat_warning_viewed", true ) end f10_arg0:processEvent( { name = "add_button_helper_text", button_ref = "nat", helper_text = Engine.Localize( "NETWORK_YOURNATTYPE", f10_local0 ), side = "right", clickable = false } ) end Engine.SetDvarInt( "lui_mc_numGamesFinishedInLobby", 0 ) MissionDirector.PlayTeamMusic() Engine.StopMenuVideo() local f10_local1 = LUI.FlowManager.GetScopedData( f10_arg0 ) if CONDITIONS.IsTrialLicense() and not f10_local1.trialPopupShown then f10_local1.trialPopupShown = true LUI.FlowManager.RequestPopupMenu( f10_arg0, "TrialFullWindow", true, f10_arg1, false ) end f10_arg0:addElement( Lobby.GetMPMapMaterialStreamer() ) f0_local5( f10_arg1 ) end function MPMainMenu( menu, controller ) local self = LUI.UIHorizontalNavigator.new() self.id = "MPMainMenu" local f11_local1 = controller and controller.controllerIndex if not f11_local1 and not Engine.InFrontend() then f11_local1 = self:getRootController() end assert( f11_local1 ) f0_local7( self, f11_local1, controller ) self:playSound( "menu_open" ) local f11_local2 = self local HelperBar = nil HelperBar = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "ButtonHelperBar", { controllerIndex = f11_local1 } ) HelperBar.id = "HelperBar" HelperBar:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, _1080p * -85, 0 ) self:addElement( HelperBar ) self.HelperBar = HelperBar local ButtonDescription = nil ButtonDescription = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "ButtonDescriptionText", { controllerIndex = f11_local1 } ) ButtonDescription.id = "ButtonDescription" ButtonDescription.Description:SetRight( _1080p * 415, 0 ) ButtonDescription:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 130, _1080p * 645, _1080p * 554, _1080p * 654 ) self:addElement( ButtonDescription ) self.ButtonDescription = ButtonDescription local SocialFeed = nil SocialFeed = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "SocialFeed", { controllerIndex = f11_local1 } ) SocialFeed.id = "SocialFeed" SocialFeed:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * 1920, _1080p * 965, _1080p * 995 ) self:addElement( SocialFeed ) self.SocialFeed = SocialFeed local MPMainMenuButtons = nil MPMainMenuButtons = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "MPMainMenuButtons", { controllerIndex = f11_local1 } ) MPMainMenuButtons.id = "MPMainMenuButtons" MPMainMenuButtons:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 130, _1080p * 630, _1080p * 360, _1080p * 564 ) self:addElement( MPMainMenuButtons ) self.MPMainMenuButtons = MPMainMenuButtons local LobbyMembers = nil LobbyMembers = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "LobbyMembers", { controllerIndex = f11_local1 } ) LobbyMembers.id = "LobbyMembers" LobbyMembers:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 1, 0, 0, 1, _1080p * -700, 0, _1080p * 273, _1080p * 917 ) self:addElement( LobbyMembers ) self.LobbyMembers = LobbyMembers local CODLogo = nil CODLogo = LUI.UIImage.new() CODLogo.id = "CODLogo" CODLogo:setImage( RegisterMaterial( "cod_logo" ), 0 ) CODLogo:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 0, 0, 0, _1080p * 108, _1080p * -1272, _1080p * 120, _1080p * -825 ) self:addElement( CODLogo ) self.CODLogo = CODLogo self.addButtonHelperFunction = function ( f12_arg0, f12_arg1 ) f12_arg0:AddButtonHelperText( { helper_text = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_SELECT" ), button_ref = "button_primary", side = "left", clickable = true } ) f12_arg0:AddButtonHelperText( { helper_text = Engine.Localize( "MENU_BACK" ), button_ref = "button_secondary", side = "left", priority = 1, clickable = true } ) f12_arg0:AddButtonHelperText( { helper_text = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_OPTIONS_CAPS" ), button_ref = "button_start", side = "left", priority = 4, clickable = true } ) end self:addEventHandler( "menu_create", self.addButtonHelperFunction ) local bindButton = LUI.UIBindButton.new() bindButton.id = "selfBindButton" self:addElement( bindButton ) self.bindButton = bindButton self.bindButton:addEventHandler( "button_start", function ( f13_arg0, f13_arg1 ) ACTIONS.OpenMenu( "OptionsMenu", true, f13_arg1.controller or f11_local1 ) end ) f0_local8( self, f11_local1, controller ) return self end MenuBuilder.m_types["MPMainMenu"] = MPMainMenu LUI.FlowManager.RegisterStackPushBehaviour( "MPMainMenu", f0_local0 ) -- LockTable( _M ) --- Menu Buttons --- buttonSpacing = 40 buttonPadding = 10 f0_local2Buttons = function ( f1_arg0, f1_arg1, f1_arg2 ) if 0 < f1_arg2 then local f1_local0, f1_local1, f1_local2, f1_local3 = f1_arg0:getLocalRect() local f1_local4 = f1_local3 - f1_local1 f1_arg0:SetTop( f1_local1 - (f1_local4 + f1_arg1) * f1_arg2 ) f1_arg0:SetBottom( f1_local3 - (f1_local4 + f1_arg1) * f1_arg2 ) end end local f0_local3Buttons = function ( f2_arg0, f2_arg1, f2_arg2 ) assert( f2_arg0.ConquestButton ) local f2_local0 = not CONDITIONS.IsTrialLicense( f2_arg0 ) if f2_local0 then assert( f2_arg0.CustomGameButton ) end f2_arg0.buttonSpacing = _1080p * buttonSpacing local f2_local1 = function () return Lobby.IsInPrivateParty() and not Lobby.IsPrivatePartyHost() end local f2_local2 = function () local f4_local0 = f2_local1() f2_arg0.ConquestButton:SetButtonDisabled( f4_local0 ) end local f2_local3 = LUI.DataSourceInGlobalModel.new( "frontEnd.lobby.areWeGameHost" ) local f2_local4 = DataSources.frontEnd.lobby.memberCount f2_arg0:SubscribeToModel( f2_local3:GetModel( f2_arg1 ), f2_local2 ) f2_arg0:SubscribeToModel( f2_local4:GetModel( f2_arg1 ), f2_local2 ) f2_arg0.ConquestButton:addEventHandler( "button_action", function ( f5_arg0, f5_arg1 ) Engine.SetDvarBool( "cg_mlg_gamebattles_match", false ) local f5_local0 = function () LUI.FlowManager.RequestAddMenu( "SystemLinkMenu", false, f5_arg1.controller, false, {}, true ) end f5_local0() end ) if f2_local0 then f2_arg0.CustomGameButton:addEventHandler( "button_action", function ( f8_arg0, f8_arg1 ) OpenPrivateMatchLobby( f8_arg1 ) end ) end local f2_local5 = _1080p * buttonPadding local f2_local6 = 1 if f2_arg0.CustomGameButton then f0_local2Buttons( f2_arg0.CustomGameButton, f2_local5, f2_local6 ) else f2_local6 = f2_local6 + 1 end f2_local6 = f2_local6 + 1 end function MPMainMenuButtons( menu, controller ) local self = LUI.UIVerticalNavigator.new() self:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 500 * _1080p, 0, 190 * _1080p ) self.id = "MPMainMenuButtons" local f11_local1 = controller and controller.controllerIndex if not f11_local1 and not Engine.InFrontend() then f11_local1 = self:getRootController() end assert( f11_local1 ) local f11_local2 = self local ConquestButton = nil ConquestButton = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "MenuButton", { controllerIndex = f11_local1 } ) ConquestButton.id = "ConquestButton" ConquestButton.buttonDescription = Engine.Localize( "Browse for Custom Servers" ) ConquestButton.Text:setText( ToUpperCase( Engine.Localize( "Server Browser" ) ), 0 ) ConquestButton:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * 500, 0, _1080p * 30 ) self:addElement( ConquestButton ) self.ConquestButton = ConquestButton local f11_local5 = nil if not CONDITIONS.IsTrialLicense( self ) then f11_local5 = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "MenuButton", { controllerIndex = f11_local1 } ) f11_local5.id = "CustomGameButton" if not CONDITIONS.IsTrialLicense( self ) then f11_local5.buttonDescription = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_CUSTOM_GAME_DESC" ) end f11_local5.Text:setText( Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_CUSTOM_GAME_CAPS" ), 0 ) f11_local5:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * 500, _1080p * 80, _1080p * 110 ) self:addElement( f11_local5 ) self.CustomGameButton = f11_local5 end local CRMMain = nil CRMMain = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "CRMMain", { controllerIndex = f11_local1 } ) CRMMain.id = "CRMMain" CRMMain:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, _1080p * 6, _1080p * 317, _1080p * 385, _1080p * 579 ) self:addElement( CRMMain ) self.CRMMain = CRMMain f0_local3Buttons( self, f11_local1, controller ) return self end MenuBuilder.m_types["MPMainMenuButtons"] = MPMainMenuButtons