function SystemLinkMenuButtons( menu, controller ) local self = self:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 500 * _1080p, 0, 300 * _1080p ) = "SystemLinkMenuButtons" local f1_local1 = controller and controller.controllerIndex if not f1_local1 and not Engine.InFrontend() then f1_local1 = self:getRootController() end assert( f1_local1 ) local f1_local2 = self self:SetSpacing( 10 * _1080p ) local f1_local5 = nil if CONDITIONS.IsCoreMultiplayer( self ) then f1_local5 = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "MenuButton", { controllerIndex = f1_local1 } ) = "CASButton" if CONDITIONS.IsCoreMultiplayer( self ) then else end if CONDITIONS.IsCoreMultiplayer( self ) then f1_local5.buttonDescription = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_DESC_CREATE_A_CLASS" ) end f1_local5.Text:setText( ToUpperCase( Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_CREATE_A_CLASS" ) ), 0 ) f1_local5:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * 500, _1080p * 80, _1080p * 110 ) self:addElement( f1_local5 ) self.CASButton = f1_local5 end local f1_local6 = nil if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f1_local6 = MenuBuilder.BuildRegisteredType( "MenuButton", { controllerIndex = f1_local1 } ) = "LoadoutButton" if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then else end if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f1_local6.buttonDescription = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_ZM_LOADOUT_DESC" ) end f1_local6.Text:setText( ToUpperCase( Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_ZM_LOADOUT_CAPS" ) ), 0 ) f1_local6:SetAnchorsAndPosition( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, _1080p * 500, _1080p * 120, _1080p * 150 ) self:addElement( f1_local6 ) self.LoadoutButton = f1_local6 end if CONDITIONS.IsCoreMultiplayer( self ) then f1_local5:addEventHandler( "button_action", function ( f2_arg0, f2_arg1 ) local f2_local0 = f2_arg1.controller or f1_local1 ClientWeapon.SetWeaponVisible( 0, true ) ClientCharacter.SetCharacterVisible( 0, true ) ACTIONS.OpenCreateAClass( self, f2_arg1 ) end ) end if CONDITIONS.IsThirdGameMode( self ) then f1_local6:addEventHandler( "button_action", function ( f3_arg0, f3_arg1 ) ACTIONS.OpenMenu( "CPLoadoutMenu", true, f3_arg1.controller or f1_local1 ) end ) end return self end MenuBuilder.m_types["SystemLinkMenuButtons"] = SystemLinkMenuButtons