container = []; $this->key_type = $key_type; $this->value_type = $value_type; $this->klass = $klass; if ($this->value_type == GPBType::MESSAGE) { $pool = DescriptorPool::getGeneratedPool(); $desc = $pool->getDescriptorByClassName($klass); if ($desc == NULL) { new $klass; // No msg class instance has been created before. $desc = $pool->getDescriptorByClassName($klass); } $this->klass = $desc->getClass(); $this->legacy_klass = $desc->getLegacyClass(); } } /** * @ignore */ public function getKeyType() { return $this->key_type; } /** * @ignore */ public function getValueType() { return $this->value_type; } /** * @ignore */ public function getValueClass() { return $this->klass; } /** * @ignore */ public function getLegacyValueClass() { return $this->legacy_klass; } /** * Return the element at the given key. * * This will also be called for: $ele = $arr[$key] * * @param int|bool|string $key The key of the element to be fetched. * @return object The stored element at given key. * @throws \ErrorException Invalid type for index. * @throws \ErrorException Non-existing index. * @todo need to add return type mixed (require update php version to 8.0) */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetGet($key) { return $this->container[$key]; } /** * Assign the element at the given key. * * This will also be called for: $arr[$key] = $value * * @param object $key The key of the element to be fetched. * @param object $value The element to be assigned. * @return void * @throws \ErrorException Invalid type for key. * @throws \ErrorException Invalid type for value. * @throws \ErrorException Non-existing key. * @todo need to add return type void (require update php version to 7.1) */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetSet($key, $value) { $this->checkKey($this->key_type, $key); switch ($this->value_type) { case GPBType::SFIXED32: case GPBType::SINT32: case GPBType::INT32: case GPBType::ENUM: GPBUtil::checkInt32($value); break; case GPBType::FIXED32: case GPBType::UINT32: GPBUtil::checkUint32($value); break; case GPBType::SFIXED64: case GPBType::SINT64: case GPBType::INT64: GPBUtil::checkInt64($value); break; case GPBType::FIXED64: case GPBType::UINT64: GPBUtil::checkUint64($value); break; case GPBType::FLOAT: GPBUtil::checkFloat($value); break; case GPBType::DOUBLE: GPBUtil::checkDouble($value); break; case GPBType::BOOL: GPBUtil::checkBool($value); break; case GPBType::STRING: GPBUtil::checkString($value, true); break; case GPBType::MESSAGE: if (is_null($value)) { trigger_error("Map element cannot be null.", E_USER_ERROR); } GPBUtil::checkMessage($value, $this->klass); break; default: break; } $this->container[$key] = $value; } /** * Remove the element at the given key. * * This will also be called for: unset($arr) * * @param object $key The key of the element to be removed. * @return void * @throws \ErrorException Invalid type for key. * @todo need to add return type void (require update php version to 7.1) */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetUnset($key) { $this->checkKey($this->key_type, $key); unset($this->container[$key]); } /** * Check the existence of the element at the given key. * * This will also be called for: isset($arr) * * @param object $key The key of the element to be removed. * @return bool True if the element at the given key exists. * @throws \ErrorException Invalid type for key. */ public function offsetExists($key): bool { $this->checkKey($this->key_type, $key); return isset($this->container[$key]); } /** * @ignore */ public function getIterator(): Traversable { return new MapFieldIter($this->container, $this->key_type); } /** * Return the number of stored elements. * * This will also be called for: count($arr) * * @return integer The number of stored elements. */ public function count(): int { return count($this->container); } /** * @ignore */ private function checkKey($key_type, &$key) { switch ($key_type) { case GPBType::SFIXED32: case GPBType::SINT32: case GPBType::INT32: GPBUtil::checkInt32($key); break; case GPBType::FIXED32: case GPBType::UINT32: GPBUtil::checkUint32($key); break; case GPBType::SFIXED64: case GPBType::SINT64: case GPBType::INT64: GPBUtil::checkInt64($key); break; case GPBType::FIXED64: case GPBType::UINT64: GPBUtil::checkUint64($key); break; case GPBType::BOOL: GPBUtil::checkBool($key); break; case GPBType::STRING: GPBUtil::checkString($key, true); break; default: trigger_error( "Given type cannot be map key.", E_USER_ERROR); break; } } }