if (game:issingleplayer() or not Engine.InFrontend()) then return end local SquadsModeButtonAction = function( f4_arg1 , f4_arg0) controller = f4_arg0.controller Engine.ExecNow( "forcenosplitscreencontrol main_XBOXLIVE_1", controller ) local f4_local0, f4_local1 = Engine.UserCanPlayOnline( controller ) if not f4_local0 then Engine.Exec( "xrequirelivesignin", controller ) Engine.Exec( "forcenosplitscreencontrol main_XBOXLIVE_2", controller ) else if SvS.IsSvS() then Engine.Exec( "profile_SetHasEverPlayed_SP", controller ) end Engine.ExecNow( "resetSplitscreenSignIn", controller ) Engine.ExecNow( "forcenosplitscreencontrol main_XBOXLIVE_3", controller ) Engine.SetDvarBool( "systemlink", false ) Engine.SetDvarBool( "splitscreen", false ) Engine.SetDvarBool( "onlinegame", true ) Engine.SetDvarBool( "xblive_privatematch", false ) Engine.SetDvarBool( "ui_opensummary", false ) Engine.SetDvarBool( "squad_match", false ) Engine.SetDvarInt( "allow_online_squads", 1 ) if Engine.GetDvarBool( "xblive_competitionmatch" ) then Engine.SetDvarBool( "xblive_competitionmatch", false ) Engine.Exec( "set remove_mlg_rules 1" ) end Engine.ExecNow( MPConfig.default_xboxlive, controller ) if not SvS.IsSvS() then Engine.ExecNow( "xstartprivateparty", controller ) end Engine.Exec( "startentitlements", controller ) Engine.CacheUserDataForController( controller ) if SvS.IsSvS() then LUI.FlowManager.RequestAddMenu( nil, "squads_mode_select_menu", false, controller, false ) else LUI.FlowManager.RequestAddMenu( nil, "menu_xboxlive", false, controller, false ) end end end local ModsMenuButtonAction = function() LUI.FlowManager.RequestAddMenu( nil, "mods_menu", false, controller, false ) end local main_menu_options_feeder = function( f17_arg0 ) local f17_local0 = Engine.IsAliensMode() local f17_local1 = SvS.IsSvS() local f17_local2 = false if Engine.GetDvarInt( "allow_online_squads" ) == 1 or not Engine.IsConsoleGame() then f17_local2 = true end local f17_local3 = Engine.DoWeNeedCompatibilityPacks() if f17_local1 then local f17_local4 = f17_local2 end local f17_local5 = f17_local4 or not f17_local1 local f17_local6 = {} if Engine.AllowOnline() and f17_local5 then local f17_local7, f17_local8 = nil if f17_local1 then f17_local8 = Engine.Localize( "@PLATFORM_PLAY_ONLINE_SQUADS_CAPS" ) f17_local7 = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_SQUADS_INTRO" ) elseif f17_local0 then f17_local8 = Engine.Localize( "@PLATFORM_PLAY_ONLINE_CAPS" ) f17_local7 = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_PLAY_EXTINCTION_ONLINE_DESC" ) else f17_local8 = Engine.Localize( "@PLATFORM_PLAY_ONLINE_CAPS" ) f17_local7 = Engine.Localize( "@PLATFORM_PLAY_ONLINE_DESC" ) end f17_local6[#f17_local6 + 1] = { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "btn_MPMain_0", disabled = f17_local3, disabledFunc = Engine.DoWeNeedCompatibilityPacks, properties = { button_text = f17_local8, button_action_func = LUI.mp_menus.MPMainMenu.xboxLiveButtonAction, desc_text = f17_local7, button_over_func = function ( f18_arg0, f18_arg1 ) PersistentBackground.SetToDefault() end } } end if SvS.IsSvS() then local f17_local7 = "@PLATFORM_PLAY_ONLINE_SQUADS_CAPS" local f17_local8 = #f17_local6 + 1 local f17_local9 = { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "btn_MPMain_1", disabled = f17_local3, disabledFunc = Engine.DoWeNeedCompatibilityPacks } local f17_local10 = { button_text = Engine.Localize( f17_local7 ), button_action_func = SquadsModeButtonAction } local f17_local11 if f17_local1 then f17_local11 = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_SQUADS_INTRO" ) if not f17_local11 then else f17_local10.desc_text = f17_local11 f17_local10.button_over_func = function ( f19_arg0, f19_arg1 ) PersistentBackground.SetToDefault() end f17_local9.properties = f17_local10 f17_local6[f17_local8] = f17_local9 end end f17_local11 = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_SPLITSCREEN_DESC" ) end f17_local6[#f17_local6 + 1] = { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "btn_MPMain_6", properties = { button_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_OPTIONS_CAPS" ), button_action_func = LUI.mp_menus.MPMainMenu.optionsButtonAction, desc_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_OPTIONS_DESC" ), button_over_func = function ( f22_arg0, f22_arg1 ) PersistentBackground.SetToDefault() end } } f17_local6[#f17_local6 + 1] = { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "btn_MPMain_10", disabled = f17_local3, disabledFunc = Engine.DoWeNeedCompatibilityPacks, properties = { button_text = "MODS", button_action_func = ModsMenuButtonAction, desc_text = "Load Mods", button_over_func = function ( f18_arg0, f18_arg1 ) PersistentBackground.SetToDefault() end } } f17_local6[#f17_local6 + 1] = { type = "generic_separator", id = "main_menu_spacer_id" } if not Engine.IsCoreMode() then f17_local6[#f17_local6 + 1] = { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "btn_MPMain_7", properties = { text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_MULTIPLAYER_CAPS" ), button_action_func = function ( f23_arg0, f23_arg1 ) Engine.StopMusic( 200 ) Engine.SwitchToCoreMode() Engine.PlayMusic( CoD.Music.MainMPMusic ) Engine.SetActiveMenu( ActiveMenus.None ) Engine.SetActiveMenu( ActiveMenus.Main ) end, button_over_func = function ( f24_arg0, f24_arg1 ) PersistentBackground.Set( PersistentBackground.Variants.MPBackground ) end, desc_text = Engine.Localize( "@PLATFORM_PLAY_ONLINE_DESC" ) } } end if not SvS.IsSvS() then f17_local6[#f17_local6 + 1] = { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "btn_MPMain_8", properties = { button_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_SQUAD_MODE_CAP" ), button_action_func = function ( f25_arg0, f25_arg1 ) Engine.StopMusic( 200 ) Engine.SwitchToSquadVsSquadMode() Engine.PlayMusic( CoD.Music.MainSquadMusic ) Engine.SetActiveMenu( ActiveMenus.None ) Engine.SetActiveMenu( ActiveMenus.Main ) end, button_over_func = function ( f26_arg0, f26_arg1 ) PersistentBackground.Set( PersistentBackground.Variants.SvSBackground ) end, desc_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_SVS_MAIN_MENU_DESC" ) } } end if not Engine.IsAliensMode() and Engine.UnlockedAliens() then f17_local6[#f17_local6 + 1] = { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "btn_MPMain_9", properties = { button_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_ALIENS_CAPS" ), button_action_func = function ( f27_arg0, f27_arg1 ) Engine.StopMusic( 200 ) Engine.SwitchToAliensMode() Engine.PlayMusic( CoD.Music.MainExtinctMusic ) Engine.SetActiveMenu( ActiveMenus.None ) Engine.SetActiveMenu( ActiveMenus.Main ) end, button_over_func = function ( f28_arg0, f28_arg1 ) PersistentBackground.Set( PersistentBackground.Variants.AliensBackground ) end, desc_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_ALIENS_MAIN_MENU_DESC" ), additional_handlers = { menu_create = LUI.mp_menus.MPMainMenu.AddExtinctionGlowBackground } } } end f17_local6[#f17_local6 + 1] = { type = "button_desc_text", id = "mp_menu_button_description_id", properties = { lines = SvS.IsSvS() and 8 or nil } } return f17_local6 end -- Remove social button LUI.MenuBuilder.m_definitions["online_friends_widget"] = function() return { type = "UIElement" } end f0_local0 = function () return { type = "UIVerticalList", id = "mp_main_menu_id", childrenFeeder = main_menu_options_feeder, states = { default = { topAnchor = true, bottomAnchor = false, leftAnchor = true, rightAnchor = false, top = GenericMenuDims.menu_top, bottom = GenericMenuDims.menu_bottom, left = GenericMenuDims.menu_left, right = GenericMenuDims.menu_right, alignment = LUI.Alignment.Top } }, handlers = { dlc_mount_complete = function ( f30_arg0, f30_arg1 ) f30_arg0:processEvent( { name = "menu_refresh" } ) end , dlc_mount_fail = function ( f31_arg0, f31_arg1 ) f31_arg0:processEvent( { name = "menu_refresh" } ) end , dlc_download_fail = function ( f32_arg0, f32_arg1 ) f32_arg0:processEvent( { name = "menu_refresh" } ) end } } end LUI.MenuBuilder.m_definitions[ "main_mp_menu_options"] = f0_local0