/** * @fileoverview Tests for Int64. */ goog.module('protobuf.Int64Test'); goog.setTestOnly(); const Int64 = goog.require('protobuf.Int64'); const Long = goog.require('goog.math.Long'); describe('Int64', () => { it('can be constructed from bits', () => { const int64 = Int64.fromBits(0, 1); expect(int64.getLowBits()).toEqual(0); expect(int64.getHighBits()).toEqual(1); }); it('zero is defined', () => { const int64 = Int64.getZero(); expect(int64.getLowBits()).toEqual(0); expect(int64.getHighBits()).toEqual(0); }); it('max value is defined', () => { const int64 = Int64.getMaxValue(); expect(int64).toEqual(Int64.fromBits(0xFFFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF)); expect(int64.asLong()).toEqual(Long.getMaxValue()); }); it('min value is defined', () => { const int64 = Int64.getMinValue(); expect(int64).toEqual(Int64.fromBits(0, 0x80000000)); expect(int64.asLong()).toEqual(Long.getMinValue()); }); it('Can be converted to long', () => { const int64 = Int64.fromInt(1); expect(int64.asLong()).toEqual(Long.fromInt(1)); }); it('Negative value can be converted to long', () => { const int64 = Int64.fromInt(-1); expect(int64.getLowBits()).toEqual(0xFFFFFFFF | 0); expect(int64.getHighBits()).toEqual(0xFFFFFFFF | 0); expect(int64.asLong()).toEqual(Long.fromInt(-1)); }); it('Can be converted to number', () => { const int64 = Int64.fromInt(1); expect(int64.asNumber()).toEqual(1); }); it('Can convert negative value to number', () => { const int64 = Int64.fromInt(-1); expect(int64.asNumber()).toEqual(-1); }); it('MAX_SAFE_INTEGER can be used.', () => { const int64 = Int64.fromNumber(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); expect(int64.getLowBitsUnsigned()).toEqual(0xFFFFFFFF); expect(int64.getHighBits()).toEqual(0x1FFFFF); expect(int64.asNumber()).toEqual(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); }); it('MIN_SAFE_INTEGER can be used.', () => { const int64 = Int64.fromNumber(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER); expect(int64.asNumber()).toEqual(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER); }); it('constructs fromInt', () => { const int64 = Int64.fromInt(1); expect(int64.getLowBits()).toEqual(1); expect(int64.getHighBits()).toEqual(0); }); it('constructs fromLong', () => { const int64 = Int64.fromLong(Long.fromInt(1)); expect(int64.getLowBits()).toEqual(1); expect(int64.getHighBits()).toEqual(0); }); // TODO: Use our own checking system here. if (goog.DEBUG) { it('asNumber throws for MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1', () => { expect(() => Int64.fromNumber(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1).asNumber()) .toThrow(); }); it('fromInt(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) throws', () => { expect(() => Int64.fromInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)).toThrow(); }); it('fromInt(1.5) throws', () => { expect(() => Int64.fromInt(1.5)).toThrow(); }); } const decimalHexPairs = { '0x0000000000000000': {signed: '0'}, '0x0000000000000001': {signed: '1'}, '0x00000000ffffffff': {signed: '4294967295'}, '0x0000000100000000': {signed: '4294967296'}, '0xffffffffffffffff': {signed: '-1', unsigned: '18446744073709551615'}, '0x8000000000000000': {signed: '-9223372036854775808', unsigned: '9223372036854775808'}, '0x8000000080000000': {signed: '-9223372034707292160', unsigned: '9223372039002259456'}, '0x01b69b4bacd05f15': {signed: '123456789123456789'}, '0xfe4964b4532fa0eb': {signed: '-123456789123456789', unsigned: '18323287284586094827'}, '0xa5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5': {signed: '-6510615555426900571', unsigned: '11936128518282651045'}, '0x5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a': {signed: '6510615555426900570'}, '0xffffffff00000000': {signed: '-4294967296', unsigned: '18446744069414584320'}, }; it('serializes to signed decimal strings', () => { for (const [hex, decimals] of Object.entries(decimalHexPairs)) { const int64 = hexToInt64(hex); expect(int64.toSignedDecimalString()).toEqual(decimals.signed); } }); it('serializes to unsigned decimal strings', () => { for (const [hex, decimals] of Object.entries(decimalHexPairs)) { const int64 = hexToInt64(hex); expect(int64.toUnsignedDecimalString()) .toEqual(decimals.unsigned || decimals.signed); } }); it('serializes to unsigned hex strings', () => { for (const [hex, decimals] of Object.entries(decimalHexPairs)) { const int64 = hexToInt64(hex); let shortHex = hex.replace(/0x0*/, '0x'); if (shortHex == '0x') { shortHex = '0x0'; } expect(int64.toHexString()).toEqual(shortHex); } }); it('parses decimal strings', () => { for (const [hex, decimals] of Object.entries(decimalHexPairs)) { const signed = Int64.fromDecimalString(decimals.signed); expect(int64ToHex(signed)).toEqual(hex); if (decimals.unsigned) { const unsigned = Int64.fromDecimalString(decimals.unsigned); expect(int64ToHex(unsigned)).toEqual(hex); } } }); it('parses hex strings', () => { for (const [hex, decimals] of Object.entries(decimalHexPairs)) { expect(int64ToHex(Int64.fromHexString(hex))).toEqual(hex); } expect(int64ToHex(Int64.fromHexString('-0x1'))) .toEqual('0xffffffffffffffff'); }); // TODO: Use our own checking system here. if (goog.DEBUG) { it('throws when parsing empty string', () => { expect(() => Int64.fromDecimalString('')).toThrow(); }); it('throws when parsing float string', () => { expect(() => Int64.fromDecimalString('1.5')).toThrow(); }); it('throws when parsing non-numeric string', () => { expect(() => Int64.fromDecimalString('0xa')).toThrow(); }); } it('checks if equal', () => { const low = Int64.fromInt(1); const high = Int64.getMaxValue(); expect(low.equals(Int64.fromInt(1))).toEqual(true); expect(low.equals(high)).toEqual(false); expect(high.equals(Int64.getMaxValue())).toEqual(true); }); it('returns unique hashcode', () => { expect(Int64.fromInt(1).hashCode()).toEqual(Int64.fromInt(1).hashCode()); expect(Int64.fromInt(1).hashCode()) .not.toEqual(Int64.fromInt(2).hashCode()); }); }); /** * @param {string} hexString * @return {!Int64} */ function hexToInt64(hexString) { const high = hexString.slice(2, 10); const low = hexString.slice(10); return Int64.fromBits(parseInt(low, 16), parseInt(high, 16)); } /** * @param {!Int64} int64 * @return {string} */ function int64ToHex(int64) { const ZEROS_32_BIT = '00000000'; const highPartialHex = int64.getHighBitsUnsigned().toString(16); const lowPartialHex = int64.getLowBitsUnsigned().toString(16); const highHex = ZEROS_32_BIT.slice(highPartialHex.length) + highPartialHex; const lowHex = ZEROS_32_BIT.slice(lowPartialHex.length) + lowPartialHex; return `0x${highHex}${lowHex}`; }