if (game:issingleplayer()) then return end if (package.loaded["LUI.mp_hud.OptionsMenu"] == nil) then return end game:addlocalizedstring("LUA_MENU_QUIT_TO_DESKTOP_CAPS", "QUIT TO DESKTOP") package.loaded["LUI.mp_hud.OptionsMenu"].options_def = function() local f14_local0 = GameX.GetGameMode() local f14_local1 = Engine.TableLookup( GameTypesTable.File, GameTypesTable.Cols.Ref, f14_local0, GameTypesTable.Cols.ClassChoice ) == "1" if not f14_local1 then f14_local1 = GameX.UsesFakeLoadout() end local f14_local2 = LUI.mp_hud.OptionsMenu.checkTeamChoice( f14_local0 ) local f14_local3 = GameX.IsRankedMatch() local f14_local4 = Engine.GetDvarBool( "splitscreen_ingame" ) local f14_local5 = Game.GetOmnvar( "ui_team_selected" ) local f14_local6 = Game.GetOmnvar( "ui_loadout_selected" ) local f14_local7 = LUI.mp_hud.OptionsMenu.chooseClassCheck( f14_local3, f14_local5, f14_local2 ) local self = LUI.UIVerticalList.new() self.id = "pause_selections_Id" self:registerAnimationState("default", { topAnchor = true, leftAnchor = true, bottomAnchor = false, rightAnchor = false, top = GenericMenuDims.menu_top, left = GenericMenuDims.menu_left, bottom = GenericMenuDims.menu_bottom, right = GenericMenuDims.menu_right, alignment = LUI.Alignment.Top }) self:animateToState( "default", 0 ) self:makeFocusable() if f14_local0 ~= "aliens" and false == CoD.IsFireTeamMode() and GameX.IsSpectatingNotOnTeam() == false and f14_local1 == true and f14_local7 == true and not MLG.IsMLGSpectator() then LUI.MenuBuilder.BuildAddChild(self, { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "btn_MPPause_0", properties = { childNum = 1, button_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_CHOOSE_CLASS_CAPS" ), button_action_func = LUI.mp_hud.OptionsMenu.chooseClassButtonAction } }) end if f14_local0 ~= "aliens" and false == CoD.IsFireTeamMode() and f14_local2 == true and not MLG.IsMLGSpectator() then LUI.MenuBuilder.BuildAddChild(self, { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "btn_MPPause_1", properties = { childNum = 2, button_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_CHANGE_TEAM_CAPS" ), button_action_func = LUI.mp_hud.OptionsMenu.changeTeamButtonAction } }) end LUI.MenuBuilder.BuildAddChild(self, { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "btn_MPPause_2", disabledFunc = LUI.mp_hud.OptionsMenu.optionsLockedUpdate, properties = { childNum = 3, button_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_OPTIONS_CAPS" ), button_action_func = LUI.mp_hud.OptionsMenu.optionsButtonAction }, handlers = { refresh_options_button = LUI.mp_hud.OptionsMenu.refreshOptionDisable } }) if GameX.IsOnlineMatch() and (not Engine.IsAliensMode() or not Game.GetOmnvar( "ui_alien_is_solo" )) and not MLG.IsMLGSpectator() then LUI.MenuBuilder.BuildAddChild(self, { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "btn_MPPause_3", properties = { childNum = 4, button_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_MUTE_PLAYERS_CAPS" ), button_action_func = LUI.mp_hud.OptionsMenu.mutePlayersButtonAction } }) end LUI.MenuBuilder.BuildAddChild(self, { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "btn_MPPause_4", properties = { childNum = 5, button_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_END_GAME_CAPS" ), button_action_func = LUI.mp_hud.OptionsMenu.endGameButtonAction } }) LUI.MenuBuilder.BuildAddChild(self, { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "btn_MPPause_5", properties = { childNum = 6, button_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_QUIT_TO_DESKTOP_CAPS" ), button_action_func = MBh.PopupMenu( "quit_popmenu", false, false ) } }) return self end