// This file is part of AsmJit project <https://asmjit.com> // // See asmjit.h or LICENSE.md for license and copyright information // SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib (function($scope, $as) { "use strict"; function FAIL(msg) { throw new Error("[BASE] " + msg); } // Import. const hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; const exp = $scope.exp ? $scope.exp : require("./exp.js"); // Export. const base = $scope[$as] = Object.create(null); base.exp = exp; function dict(src) { const dst = Object.create(null); if (src) Object.assign(dst, src); return dst; } base.dict = dict; const NONE = base.NONE = Object.freeze(dict()); // asmdb.base.Symbols // ================== const Symbols = Object.freeze({ Commutative: '~' }); base.Symbols = Symbols; // asmdb.base.Parsing // ================== // Namespace that provides functions related to text parsing. const Parsing = { // Get whether the string `s` representing an operand is <implicit>. isImplicit: function(s) { return s.startsWith("<") && s.endsWith(">"); }, // Clear <implicit> attribute from the given operand string `s`. clearImplicit: function(s) { return s.substring(1, s.length - 1); }, // Get whether the string `s` representing an operand is {optional}. isOptional: function(s) { return s.startsWith("{") && s.endsWith("}"); }, // Clear {optional} attribute from the given operand string `s`. clearOptional: function(s) { return s.substring(1, s.length - 1); }, // Get whether the string `s` representing an operand specifies commutativity. isCommutative: function(s) { return s.length > 0 && s.charAt(0) === Symbols.Commutative; }, // Clear commutative attribute from the given operand string `s`. clearCommutative: function(s) { return s.substring(1); }, // Matches a closing bracket in string `s` starting `from` the given index. // It behaves like `s.indexOf()`, but uses a counter and skips all nested // matches. matchClosingChar: function(s, from) { const len = s.length; const opening = s.charCodeAt(from); const closing = opening === 40 ? 31 : // (). opening === 60 ? 62 : // <>. opening === 91 ? 93 : // []. opening === 123 ? 125 : 0; // {}. let i = from; let pending = 1; do { if (++i >= len) break; const c = s.charCodeAt(i); pending += Number(c === opening); pending -= Number(c === closing); } while (pending); return i; }, // Split instruction operands into an array containing each operand as a // trimmed string. This function is similar to `s.split(",")`, however, // it matches brackets inside the operands and won't just blindly split // the string based on "," token. If operand contains metadata or it's // an address it would still be split correctly. splitOperands: function(s) { const result = []; s = s.trim(); if (!s) return result; let start = 0; let i = 0; let c = ""; for (;;) { if (i === s.length || (c = s[i]) === ",") { const op = s.substring(start, i).trim(); if (!op) FAIL(`Found empty operand in '${s}'`); result.push(op); if (i === s.length) return result; start = ++i; continue; } if ((c === "<" || c === ">") && i != start) { i++; continue; } if (c === "[" || c === "{" || c === "(" || c === "<") i = base.Parsing.matchClosingChar(s, i); else i++; } } } base.Parsing = Parsing; // asmdb.base.MapUtils // =================== const MapUtils = { cloneExcept(map, except) { const out = Object.create(null); for (let k in map) { if (k in except) continue out[k] = map[k]; } return out; } }; base.MapUtils = MapUtils; // asmdb.base.Operand // ================== const OperandFlags = Object.freeze({ Optional : 0x00000001, Implicit : 0x00000002, Commutative: 0x00000004, ZExt : 0x00000008, ReadAccess : 0x00000010, WriteAccess: 0x00000020 }); base.OperandFlags = OperandFlags; class Operand { constructor(data) { this.type = ""; // Type of the operand ("reg", "reg-list", "mem", "reg/mem", "imm", "rel"). this.data = data; // The operand's data (possibly processed). this.flags = 0; this.reg = ""; // Register operand's definition. this.mem = ""; // Memory operand's definition. this.imm = 0; // Immediate operand's size. this.rel = 0; // Relative displacement operand's size. this.restrict = ""; // Operand is restricted (specific register or immediate value). this.read = false; // True if the operand is a read-op from reg/mem. this.write = false; // True if the operand is a write-op to reg/mem. this.regType = ""; // Register operand's type. this.regIndexRel = 0; // Register index is relative to the previous register operand index (0 if not). this.memSize = -1; // Memory operand's size. this.immSign = ""; // Immediate sign (any / signed / unsigned). this.immValue = null; // Immediate value - `null` or `1` (only used by shift/rotate instructions). this.rwxIndex = -1; // Read/Write (RWX) index. this.rwxWidth = -1; // Read/Write (RWX) width. } _getFlag(flag) { return (this.flags & flag) != 0; } _setFlag(flag, value) { this.flags = (this.flags & ~flag) | (value ? flag : 0); return this; } get optional() { return this._getFlag(OperandFlags.Optional); } set optional(value) { this._setFlag(OperandFlags.Optional, value); } get implicit() { return this._getFlag(OperandFlags.Implicit); } set implicit(value) { this._setFlag(OperandFlags.Implicit, value); } get commutative() { return this._getFlag(OperandFlags.Commutative); } set commutative(value) { this._setFlag(OperandFlags.Commutative, value); } get zext() { return this._getFlag(OperandFlags.ZExt); } set zext(value) { this._setFlag(OperandFlags.ZExt, value); } toString() { return this.data; } isReg() { return !!this.reg && this.type !== "reg-list"; } isMem() { return !!this.mem; } isImm() { return !!this.imm; } isRel() { return !!this.rel; } isRegMem() { return this.reg && this.mem; } isRegOrMem() { return !!this.reg || !!this.mem; } isRegList() { return this.type === "reg-list" } isPartialOp() { return false; } } base.Operand = Operand; // asmdb.base.Instruction // ====================== // Defines interface and properties that each architecture dependent instruction // must provide even if that particular architecture doesn't use that feature(s). class Instruction { constructor(db) { Object.defineProperty(this, "db", { value: db }); this.name = ""; // Instruction name. this.arch = "ANY"; // Architecture. this.encoding = ""; // Encoding type. this.operands = []; // Instruction operands. this.implicit = 0; // Indexes of all implicit operands (registers / memory). this.commutative = 0; // Indexes of all commutative operands. this.opcodeString = ""; // Instruction opcode as specified in manual. this.opcodeValue = 0; // Instruction opcode as number (arch dependent). this.fields = dict(); // Information about each opcode field (arch dependent). this.operations = dict(); // Operations the instruction performs. this.io = dict(); // Instruction input / output (CPU flags, states, and other registers). this.ext = dict(); // ISA extensions required by the instruction. this.category = dict(); // Instruction categories. this.specialRegs = dict(); // Information about read/write to special registers. this.altForm = false; // This is an alternative form, not needed to create a signature. this.volatile = false; // Instruction is volatile and should not be reordered. this.control = "none"; // Control flow type (none by default). this.privilege = ""; // Privilege-level required to execute the instruction. this.aliasOf = ""; // Instruction is an alias of another instruction } get extArray() { const out = Object.keys(this.ext); out.sort(); return out; } get operandCount() { return this.operands.length; } get minimumOperandCount() { const count = this.operands.length; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (this.operands[i].optional) { return i; } } return count } _assignAttribute(key, value) { switch (key) { case "ext": case "io": case "category": return this._combineAttribute(key, value); default: if (typeof this[key] === undefined) FAIL(`Cannot assign ${key}=${value}`); this[key] = value; break; } } _combineAttribute(key, value) { if (typeof value === "string") value = value.split(" "); if (Array.isArray(value)) { for (let v of value) { let pKeys = v; let pValue = true; const i = v.indexOf("="); if (i !== -1) { pValue = v.substring(i + 1); pKeys = v.substring(0, i).trim(); } for (let pk of pKeys.trim().split("|").map(function(s) { return s.trim(); })) { this[key][pk] = pValue; } } } else { for (let k in value) this[key][k] = value[k]; } } _updateOperandsInfo() { this.implicit = 0; this.commutative = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.operands.length; i++) { const op = this.operands[i]; if (op.implicit) this.implicit |= (1 << i); if (op.commutative) this.commutative |= (1 << i); } } isAlias() { return !!this.aliasOf; } isCommutative() { return this.commutative !== 0; } hasImplicit() { return this.implicit !== 0; } hasAttribute(name, matchValue) { const value = this[name]; if (value === undefined) return false; if (matchValue === undefined) return true; return value === matchValue; } report(msg) { console.log(`${this}: ${msg}`); } toString() { return `${this.name} ${this.operands.join(", ")}`; } } base.Instruction = Instruction; // asmdb.base.InstructionGroup // =========================== // Instruction group is simply array of function that has some additional // functionality. class InstructionGroup extends Array { constructor() { super(); if (arguments.length === 1) { const a = arguments[0]; if (Array.isArray(a)) { for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) this.push(a[i]); } } } unionCpuFeatures(name) { const result = dict(); for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { const inst = this[i]; const features = inst.ext; for (let k in features) result[k] = features[k]; } return result; } checkAttribute(key, value) { let n = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) n += Number(this[i][key] === value); return n; } } base.InstructionGroup = InstructionGroup; const EmptyInstructionGroup = Object.freeze(new InstructionGroup()); // asmdb.base.ISA // ============== class ISA { constructor() { this._instructions = null; // Instruction array (contains all instructions). this._instructionNames = null; // Instruction names (sorted), regenerated when needed. this._instructionMap = dict(); // Instruction name to `Instruction[]` mapping. this._aliases = dict(); // Instruction aliases. this._cpuLevels = dict(); // Architecture versions. this._extensions = dict(); // Architecture extensions. this._attributes = dict(); // Instruction attributes. this._specialRegs = dict(); // Special registers. this._shortcuts = dict(); // Shortcuts used by instructions metadata. this.stats = { insts : 0, // Number of all instructions. groups: 0 // Number of grouped instructions (having unique name). }; } get instructions() { let array = this._instructions; if (array === null) { array = []; const map = this.instructionMap; const names = this.instructionNames; for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) array.push.apply(array, map[names[i]]); this._instructions = array; } return array; } get instructionNames() { let names = this._instructionNames; if (names === null) { names = Object.keys(this._instructionMap); names.sort(); this._instructionNames = names; } return names; } get instructionMap() { return this._instructionMap; } get aliases() { return this._aliases; } get cpuLevels() { return this._cpuLevels; } get extensions() { return this._extensions; } get attributes() { return this._attributes; } get specialRegs() { return this._specialRegs; } get shortcuts() { return this._shortcuts; } query(args, copy) { if (typeof args !== "object" || !args || Array.isArray(args)) return this._queryByName(args, copy); const filter = args.filter; if (filter) copy = false; let result = this._queryByName(args.name, copy); if (filter) result = result.filter(filter, args.filterThis); return result; } _queryByName(name, copy) { let result = EmptyInstructionGroup; const map = this._instructionMap; if (typeof name === "string") { const insts = map[name]; if (insts) result = insts; return copy ? result.slice() : result; } if (Array.isArray(name)) { const names = name; for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { const insts = map[names[i]]; if (!insts) continue; if (result === EmptyInstructionGroup) result = new InstructionGroup(); for (let j = 0; j < insts.length; j++) result.push(insts[j]); } return result; } result = this.instructions; return copy ? result.slice() : result; } forEachGroup(cb, thisArg) { const map = this._instructionMap; const names = this.instructionNames; for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { const name = names[i]; cb.call(thisArg, name, map[name]); } return this; } addData(data) { if (typeof data !== "object" || !data) FAIL("ISA.addData(): data argument must be object"); if (data.cpuLevels) this._addCpuLevels(data.cpuLevels); if (data.specialRegs) this._addSpecialRegs(data.specialRegs); if (data.shortcuts) this._addShortcuts(data.shortcuts); if (data.instructions) this._addInstructions(data.instructions); if (data.postproc) this._postProc(data.postproc); } _postProc(groups) { for (let group of groups) { for (let iRule of group.instructions) { const names = iRule.inst.split(" "); for (let name of names) { const insts = this._instructionMap[name]; if (!insts) FAIL(`Instruction ${name} referenced by '${group.group}' group doesn't exist`); for (let k in iRule) { if (k === "inst" || k === "data") continue; for (let inst of insts) { inst._assignAttribute(k, iRule[k]); } } } } } } _addCpuLevels(items) { if (!Array.isArray(items)) FAIL("Property 'cpuLevels' must be array"); for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { const item = items[i]; const name = item.name; const obj = { name: name }; this._cpuLevels[name] = obj; } } _addExtensions(items) { if (!Array.isArray(items)) FAIL("Property 'extensions' must be array"); for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { const item = items[i]; const name = item.name; const obj = { name: name, from: item.from || "" }; this._extensions[name] = obj; } } _addAttributes(items) { if (!Array.isArray(items)) FAIL("Property 'attributes' must be array"); for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { const item = items[i]; const name = item.name; const type = item.type; if (!/^(?:flag|string|string\[\])$/.test(type)) FAIL(`Unknown attribute type '${type}'`); const obj = { name: name, type: type, doc : item.doc || "" }; this._attributes[name] = obj; } } _addSpecialRegs(items) { if (!Array.isArray(items)) FAIL("Property 'specialRegs' must be array"); for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { const item = items[i]; const name = item.name; const obj = { name : name, group: item.group || name, doc : item.doc || "" }; this._specialRegs[name] = obj; } } _addShortcuts(items) { if (!Array.isArray(items)) FAIL("Property 'shortcuts' must be array"); for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { const item = items[i]; const name = item.name; const expand = item.expand; if (!name || !expand) FAIL("Shortcut must contain 'name' and 'expand' properties"); const obj = { name : name, expand: expand, doc : item.doc || "" }; this._shortcuts[name] = obj; } } _addInstructions(instructions) { FAIL("ISA._addInstructions() must be reimplemented"); } _addInstruction(inst) { let group; if (hasOwn.call(this._instructionMap, inst.name)) { group = this._instructionMap[inst.name]; } else { group = new InstructionGroup(); this._instructionNames = null; this._instructionMap[inst.name] = group; this.stats.groups++; } if (inst.aliasOf) this._aliases[inst.name] = inst.aliasOf; group.push(inst); this.stats.insts++; this._instructions = null; return this; } } base.ISA = ISA; }).apply(this, typeof module === "object" && module && module.exports ? [module, "exports"] : [this.asmdb || (this.asmdb = {}), "base"]);