#!/bin/sh die() { echo "$1 failed" echo "Exiting" exit $2 } # A linear congruential generator is sufficient for the purpose. SEED=3735928559 LCG() { SEED=$(((1103515245 * $SEED + 12345) % 2147483648)) echo $SEED } median() { # read everything besides the header from file $1 # | cut-out the required column $2 # | sort all the entries numerically # | show only the first $3 entries # | show only the last entry tail -n +2 $1 | cut -d' ' -f$2 | sort -n | head -n $3 | tail -n 1 } MPWD=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0")) FILE_NAME="tuning_list" TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H="$MPWD/../tommath_cutoffs.h" BACKUP_SUFFIX=".orig" RNUM=0 ############################################################################# # It would be a good idea to isolate these processes (with e.g.: cpuset) # # # # It is not a good idea to e.g: watch high resolution videos while this # # test are running if you do not have enough memory to avoid page faults. # ############################################################################# # Number of rounds overall. LIMIT=100 # Number of loops for each input. RLOOPS=10 # Offset ( > 0 ) . Runs tests with asymmetric input of the form 1:OFFSET # Please use another destination for TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H if you change OFFSET, because the numbers # with an offset different from 1 (one) are not usable as the general cut-off values # in "tommath_cutoffs.h". OFFSET=1 # Number ( >= 3 ) of positive results (TC-is-faster) accumulated until it is accepted. # Due to the algorithm used to compute the median in this Posix compliant shell script # the value needs to be 3 (three), not less, to keep the variation small. LAG=3 # Keep the temporary file $FILE_NAME. Set to 0 (zero) to remove it at the end. # The file is in a format fit to feed into R directly. If you do it and find the median # of this program to be off by more than a couple: please contact the authors and report # the numbers from this program and R and the standard deviation. This program is known # to get larger errors if the standard deviation is larger than ~50. KEEP_TEMP=1 echo "You might like to watch the numbers go up to $LIMIT but it will take a long time!" # Might not have sufficient rights or disc full. echo "km ks tc3m tc3s" > $FILE_NAME || die "Writing header to $FILE_NAME" $? i=1 while [ $i -le $LIMIT ]; do RNUM=$(LCG) printf "\r%d" $i "$MPWD"/tune -t -r $RLOOPS -L $LAG -S "$RNUM" -o $OFFSET >> $FILE_NAME || die "tune" $? i=$((i + 1)) done if [ $KEEP_TEMP -eq 0 ]; then rm -v $FILE_NAME || die "Removing $KEEP_TEMP" $? fi echo "Writing cut-off values to \"$TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H\"." echo "In case of failure: a copy of \"$TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H\" is in \"$TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H$BACKUP_SUFFIX\"" cp -v $TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H $TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H$BACKUP_SUFFIX || die "Making backup copy of $TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H" $? cat << END_OF_INPUT > $TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H || die "Writing header to $TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H" $? /* LibTomMath, multiple-precision integer library -- Tom St Denis */ /* SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense */ /* Current values evaluated on an AMD A8-6600K (64-bit). Type "make tune" to optimize them for your machine but be aware that it may take a long time. It took 2:30 minutes on the aforementioned machine for example. */ END_OF_INPUT # The Posix shell does not offer an array data type so we create # the median with 'standard tools'^TM # read the file (without the first line) and count the lines i=$(tail -n +2 $FILE_NAME | wc -l) # our median point will be at $i entries i=$(( (i / 2) + 1 )) TMP=$(median $FILE_NAME 1 $i) echo "#define MP_DEFAULT_MUL_KARATSUBA_CUTOFF $TMP" echo "#define MP_DEFAULT_MUL_KARATSUBA_CUTOFF $TMP" >> $TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H || die "(km) Appending to $TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H" $? TMP=$(median $FILE_NAME 2 $i) echo "#define MP_DEFAULT_SQR_KARATSUBA_CUTOFF $TMP" echo "#define MP_DEFAULT_SQR_KARATSUBA_CUTOFF $TMP" >> $TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H || die "(ks) Appending to $TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H" $? TMP=$(median $FILE_NAME 3 $i) echo "#define MP_DEFAULT_MUL_TOOM_CUTOFF $TMP" echo "#define MP_DEFAULT_MUL_TOOM_CUTOFF $TMP" >> $TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H || die "(tc3m) Appending to $TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H" $? TMP=$(median $FILE_NAME 4 $i) echo "#define MP_DEFAULT_SQR_TOOM_CUTOFF $TMP" echo "#define MP_DEFAULT_SQR_TOOM_CUTOFF $TMP" >> $TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H || die "(tc3s) Appending to $TOMMATH_CUTOFFS_H" $?