if (game:issingleplayer() or not Engine.InFrontend()) then return end local Lobby = luiglobals.Lobby local FindMatchAfterThrottleEvent = function( f4_arg0, f4_arg1 ) local f4_local0 = false local f4_local1 = -1 for f4_local2 = 0, Engine.GetMaxControllerCount() - 1, 1 do if Engine.HasActiveLocalClient( f4_local2 ) and IsFirstTimeFlowRequired( f4_local2 ) then f4_local0 = true if f4_local1 < 0 then f4_local1 = f4_local2 end end end if f4_local0 then LUI.FlowManager.RequestAddMenu( f4_arg0, "cac_member_select_main", true, f4_local1, false, { next_screen = "cac_edit_main", squad_location = "squadMembers", class_location = "loadouts", findMatch = true } ) elseif not LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.disableCreateGameButtons() then Engine.Exec( "xblive_privatematch 0" ) if Engine.IsAliensMode() then LUI.mp_menus.Aliens.AliensRunConfig( f4_arg1.controller ) end if LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.CheckHasRequiredDLC( f4_arg0 ) then if LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.DisplayLowRepWarning( f4_arg0, f4_arg1 ) then return elseif SvS.IsSvS() then local f4_local3 = SvS.GetCurrentSquadModeInfo() local f4_local4, f4_local5 = SvS.GetPlaylistFromSquadMode( f4_local3 ) local f4_local6 = false if f4_arg1.squadsPlayNow then f4_local6 = true end if not f4_arg1.squadsPlayNow and f4_local3.DynamicMatchmaking then Playlist.DoAction( f4_local4, f4_local5, true, f4_local6 ) else Playlist.DoAction( f4_local4, f4_local5, false, f4_local6 ) end if Engine.GetDvarBool( "squad_match" ) then Squad.StartMatch( f4_arg1.controller, true ) Engine.SetDvarBool( "squad_find_match", true ) end LUI.FlowManager.RequestAddMenu( f4_arg0, "menu_xboxlive_lobby", false, f4_arg1.controller, false ) else LUI.FlowManager.RequestPopupMenu( f4_arg0, "menu_systemlink_join" ) -- open server list instead of playlist_main end end end end local FindMatchAction = function( f5_arg0, f5_arg1 ) if Lobby.EnteringLobby() == true then LUI.FlowManager.RequestPopupMenu( f5_arg0, "popup_throttling", true, f5_arg1.controller, false, { eventData = f5_arg1 } ) else FindMatchAfterThrottleEvent( f5_arg0, f5_arg1 ) end end local BarracksAction = function( f9_arg0, f9_arg1 ) LUI.FlowManager.RequestAddMenu( f9_arg0, "menu_stats", true, f9_arg1.controller ) -- custom stats menu end package.loaded["LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu"].XboxLiveOptionsFeeder = function( f29_arg0 ) local f29_local0 = Engine.IsAliensMode() local f29_local1 = SvS.IsSvS() local f29_local2 = SvS.IsSvS() if f29_local2 then f29_local2 = SvS.GetCurrentSquadModeInfo() end local f29_local3 = {} local f29_local4 = nil if f29_local0 then f29_local4 = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_STORE_CAPS" ) -- Orginally @LUA_MENU_PUBLIC_MATCH_CAPS but we need to use @LUA_MENU_STORE_CAPS elseif f29_local1 then f29_local4 = Engine.Localize( "@PLATFORM_FIND_GAME_CAPS" ) else f29_local4 = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_STORE_CAPS" ) -- Orginally @PLATFORM_FIND_GAME_CAPS but we need to use @LUA_MENU_STORE_CAPS end f29_local3[#f29_local3 + 1] = { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "find_match_button_id", disabled = LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.disableCreateGameButtons(), properties = { button_text = f29_local4, button_action_func = FindMatchAction, desc_text = SvS.IsSvS() and Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_SQUADS_FIND_MATCH_DESC" ) or Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_STORE_DESC" ), -- Orginally @PLATFORM_DESC_FIND_GAME but we need to use @LUA_MENU_STORE_DESC disabledFunc = LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.disableCreateGameButtons, additional_handlers = { check_buttons = LUI.mp_menus.MPLivePrivateLobby.RefreshButtonDisable } } } if f29_local0 then f29_local3[#f29_local3 + 1] = { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "solo_match_button_id", disabled = LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.shouldDisableSoloMatch(), properties = { button_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_SOLO_MATCH_CAPS" ), button_action_func = LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.SoloMatchAction, desc_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_SOLO_MATCH_DESC" ), disabledFunc = LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.shouldDisableSoloMatch, additional_handlers = { check_buttons = LUI.mp_menus.MPLivePrivateLobby.RefreshButtonDisable } } } f29_local3[#f29_local3 + 1] = { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "private_match_button_id", disabled = LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.disableCreateGameButtons(), properties = { button_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_CUSTOM_MATCH_CAPS" ), button_action_func = LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.PrivateMatchAction, desc_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_DESC_PRIVATE_MATCH" ), disabledFunc = LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.disableCreateGameButtons, additional_handlers = { check_buttons = LUI.mp_menus.MPLivePrivateLobby.RefreshButtonDisable } } } end if not f29_local0 then f29_local3[#f29_local3 + 1] = { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "create_squad_button_id", disabled = false, properties = { button_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_CREATE_A_CLASS_CAPS" ), button_action_func = LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.CreateSquadAction, desc_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_DESC_CREATE_A_CLASS" ), additional_handlers = { refresh_new_icons = function ( f30_arg0, f30_arg1 ) if Cac.AnyUnseenMDLCItems( Engine.GetFirstActiveController(), NewIconsTable.CACItemTypes ) then f30_arg0:processEvent( { name = "show_new_icon" } ) end end } } } else f29_local3[#f29_local3 + 1] = LUI.mp_menus.AliensLoadout.GetAliensLoadoutButton() end -- Disable Leaderboard (Code Removed) -- Disable Squad Reports (Code Removed) if not f29_local0 and not f29_local1 then f29_local3[#f29_local3 + 1] = { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "operations_button_id", properties = { button_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_OPERATIONS_TITLE" ), button_action_func = LUI.mp_menus.MPBarracks.BarrackOperationsAction, desc_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_DESC_CHALLENGES" ) } } end if not f29_local0 then if not f29_local1 then f29_local3[#f29_local3 + 1] = { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "barracks_button_id", disabled = false, properties = { button_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_BARRACKS_CAPS" ), button_action_func = BarracksAction, desc_text = Clan.IsEnabled() and Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_DESC_BARRACKS" ) or Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_DESC_BARRACKS_PRIVATE" ) } } end if not f29_local1 or f29_local2 ~= SvS.SquadModes.SquadVsSquad then f29_local3[#f29_local3 + 1] = { type = "generic_separator" } end if not f29_local1 then f29_local3[#f29_local3 + 1] = { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "private_match_button_id", disabled = LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.disableCreateGameButtons(), properties = { button_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_PRIVATE_MATCH_CAPS" ), button_action_func = LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.PrivateMatchAction, desc_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_DESC_PRIVATE_MATCH" ), disabledFunc = LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.disableCreateGameButtons, additional_handlers = { check_buttons = LUI.mp_menus.MPLivePrivateLobby.RefreshButtonDisable } } } end -- Add Combat Training Button if not f29_local0 and not f29_local1 then game:addlocalizedstring("LUA_MENU_COMBAT", "COMBAT TRAINING"); game:addlocalizedstring("LUA_MENU_COMBAT_DESC", "Rank up offline with bots."); f29_local3[#f29_local3 + 1] = { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "find_match_button_id2", disabled = LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.disableCreateGameButtons(), properties = { button_text = Engine.Localize("@LUA_MENU_COMBAT"), -- Engine.Localize( "@PLATFORM_FIND_GAME_CAPS" ), button_action_func = LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.FindMatchAction, desc_text = Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_COMBAT_DESC" ), -- Engine.Localize( "@LUA_MENU_SQUADS_FIND_MATCH_DESC" ) disabledFunc = LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.disableCreateGameButtons, additional_handlers = { check_buttons = LUI.mp_menus.MPLivePrivateLobby.RefreshButtonDisable } } } end if f29_local1 then -- Disable Challenge Friend Button (Code Removed) if f29_local2 then f29_local3[#f29_local3 + 1] = { type = "UIGenericButton", id = "play_now_button_id", disabled = LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.disableCreateGameButtons(), properties = { button_text = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_PLAY_NOW_CAPS" ), button_action_func = function ( f36_arg0, f36_arg1 ) f36_arg1.squadsPlayNow = true FindMatchAction( f36_arg0, f36_arg1 ) end, desc_text = Engine.Localize( "LUA_MENU_PLAY_NOW_DESC" ), disabledFunc = LUI.mp_menus.MPXboxLiveMenu.disableCreateGameButtons, additional_handlers = { check_buttons = LUI.mp_menus.MPLivePrivateLobby.RefreshButtonDisable } } } end end end local f29_local6 = #f29_local3 + 1 local f29_local7 = { type = "button_desc_text", id = "prelobby_description_id" } local f29_local8 = {} local f29_local9 if (SvS.IsSvS() or f29_local2 ~= SvS.SquadModes.SquadAssault) or Engine.IsAliensMode() or Engine.IsCoreMode() then f29_local9 = 1 if f29_local9 then f29_local8.lines = f29_local9 f29_local7.properties = f29_local8 f29_local3[f29_local6] = f29_local7 f29_local3[#f29_local3 + 1] = { type = "UITimer", id = "bnt_lock_tmr", properties = { event = "check_buttons", interval = 500, disposable = false, broadcastToRoot = true } } return f29_local3 end end f29_local9 = nil end