#include #include "launcher/launcher.hpp" #include "loader/loader.hpp" #include "loader/module_loader.hpp" #include "game/game.hpp" #include "loader/binary_loader.hpp" #include "utils/string.hpp" //#define GENERATE_DIFFS __declspec(thread) char tls_data[TLS_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; DECLSPEC_NORETURN void WINAPI exit_hook(const int code) { module_loader::pre_destroy(); exit(code); } void verify_tls() { utils::nt::module self; const auto self_tls = reinterpret_cast(self.get_ptr() + self .get_optional_header() -> DataDirectory [IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TLS].VirtualAddress); const auto ref = DWORD(&tls_data); const auto tls_index = *reinterpret_cast(self_tls->AddressOfIndex); const auto tls_vector = *reinterpret_cast(__readfsdword(0x2C) + 4 * tls_index); const auto offset = ref - tls_vector; if (offset != 0 && offset != 8) // Actually 8 is bad, but I think msvc places custom stuff before { throw std::runtime_error(utils::string::va("TLS payload is at offset 0x%X, but should be at 0!", offset)); } } int main() { FARPROC entry_point; try { #ifdef GENERATE_DIFFS binary_loader::create(); return 0; #endif verify_tls(); module_loader::post_start(); launcher launcher; const auto mode = launcher.run(); if (mode == launcher::mode::none) return 0; loader loader(mode); loader.set_import_resolver([](const std::string& module, const std::string& function) -> FARPROC { if (module == "steam_api.dll") { return utils::nt::module().get_proc(function); } else if (function == "ExitProcess") { return FARPROC(exit_hook); } return nullptr; }); entry_point = loader.load({}); if (!entry_point) throw std::runtime_error("Unable to load inject binary into memory"); game::initialize(mode); module_loader::post_load(); } catch (std::exception& e) { MessageBoxA(nullptr, e.what(), "ERROR", MB_ICONERROR); return 1; } return entry_point(); }