377 lines
10 KiB
377 lines
10 KiB
#include <STDInclude.hpp>
#include "ScriptExtension.hpp"
#include "Script.hpp"
namespace Components::GSC
std::unordered_map<std::uint16_t, Game::ent_field_t> ScriptExtension::CustomEntityFields;
std::unordered_map<std::uint16_t, Game::client_fields_s> ScriptExtension::CustomClientFields;
std::unordered_map<const char*, const char*> ScriptExtension::ReplacedFunctions;
const char* ScriptExtension::ReplacedPos = nullptr;
void ScriptExtension::AddEntityField(const char* name, Game::fieldtype_t type,
const Game::ScriptCallbackEnt& setter, const Game::ScriptCallbackEnt& getter)
static std::uint16_t fieldOffsetStart = 15; // fields count
assert((fieldOffsetStart & Game::ENTFIELD_MASK) == Game::ENTFIELD_ENTITY);
CustomEntityFields[fieldOffsetStart] = {name, fieldOffsetStart, type, setter, getter};
void ScriptExtension::AddClientField(const char* name, Game::fieldtype_t type,
const Game::ScriptCallbackClient& setter, const Game::ScriptCallbackClient& getter)
static std::uint16_t fieldOffsetStart = 21; // fields count
assert((fieldOffsetStart & Game::ENTFIELD_MASK) == Game::ENTFIELD_ENTITY);
const auto offset = fieldOffsetStart | Game::ENTFIELD_CLIENT; // This is how client field's offset is calculated
// Use 'index' in 'array' as map key. It will be used later in Scr_SetObjectFieldStub
CustomClientFields[fieldOffsetStart] = {name, offset, type, setter, getter};
void ScriptExtension::GScr_AddFieldsForEntityStub()
for (const auto& [offset, field] : CustomEntityFields)
Game::Scr_AddClassField(Game::ClassNum::CLASS_NUM_ENTITY, field.name, field.ofs);
Utils::Hook::Call<void()>(0x4A7CF0)(); // GScr_AddFieldsForClient
for (const auto& [offset, field] : CustomClientFields)
Game::Scr_AddClassField(Game::ClassNum::CLASS_NUM_ENTITY, field.name, field.ofs);
// Because some functions are inlined we have to hook this function instead of Scr_SetEntityField
int ScriptExtension::Scr_SetObjectFieldStub(unsigned int classnum, int entnum, int offset)
if (classnum == Game::ClassNum::CLASS_NUM_ENTITY)
const auto entity_offset = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(offset);
if (const auto itr = CustomEntityFields.find(entity_offset); itr != CustomEntityFields.end())
itr->second.setter(&Game::g_entities[entnum], offset);
return 1;
// No custom generic field was found, let the game handle it
return Game::Scr_SetObjectField(classnum, entnum, offset);
// Offset was already converted to array 'index' following binop offset & ~Game::ENTFIELD_MASK
void ScriptExtension::Scr_SetClientFieldStub(Game::gclient_s* client, int offset)
const auto client_offset = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(offset);
if (const auto itr = CustomClientFields.find(client_offset); itr != CustomClientFields.end())
itr->second.setter(client, &itr->second);
// No custom field client was found, let the game handle it
Game::Scr_SetClientField(client, offset);
void ScriptExtension::Scr_GetEntityFieldStub(int entnum, int offset)
if ((offset & Game::ENTFIELD_MASK) == Game::ENTFIELD_CLIENT)
// If we have a ENTFIELD_CLIENT offset we need to check g_entity is actually a fully connected client
if (Game::g_entities[entnum].client != nullptr)
const auto client_offset = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(offset & ~Game::ENTFIELD_MASK);
if (const auto itr = CustomClientFields.find(client_offset); itr != CustomClientFields.end())
// Game functions probably don't ever need to use the reference to client_fields_s...
itr->second.getter(Game::g_entities[entnum].client, &itr->second);
// Regular entity offsets can be searched directly in our custom handler
const auto entity_offset = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(offset);
if (const auto itr = CustomEntityFields.find(entity_offset); itr != CustomEntityFields.end())
itr->second.getter(&Game::g_entities[entnum], offset);
// No custom generic field was found, let the game handle it
Game::Scr_GetEntityField(entnum, offset);
const char* ScriptExtension::GetCodePosForParam(int index)
if (static_cast<unsigned int>(index) >= Game::scrVmPub->outparamcount)
Game::Scr_ParamError(static_cast<unsigned int>(index), "^1GetCodePosForParam: Index is out of range!");
return "";
const auto* value = &Game::scrVmPub->top[-index];
if (value->type != Game::VAR_FUNCTION)
Game::Scr_ParamError(static_cast<unsigned int>(index), "^1GetCodePosForParam: Expects a function as parameter!");
return "";
return value->u.codePosValue;
void ScriptExtension::GetReplacedPos(const char* pos)
if (ReplacedFunctions.contains(pos))
ReplacedPos = ReplacedFunctions[pos];
void ScriptExtension::SetReplacedPos(const char* what, const char* with)
if (!*what || !*with)
Logger::Warning(Game::CON_CHANNEL_SCRIPT, "Invalid parameters passed to ReplacedFunctions\n");
if (ReplacedFunctions.contains(what))
Logger::Warning(Game::CON_CHANNEL_SCRIPT, "ReplacedFunctions already contains codePosValue for a function\n");
ReplacedFunctions[what] = with;
__declspec(naked) void ScriptExtension::VMExecuteInternalStub()
push edx
call GetReplacedPos
pop edx
cmp ReplacedPos, 0
jne SetPos
movzx eax, byte ptr [edx]
inc edx
cmp eax, 0x8B
push ecx
mov ecx, 0x2045094
mov [ecx], eax
mov ecx, 0x2040CD4
mov [ecx], edx
pop ecx
push 0x61E944
mov edx, ReplacedPos
mov ReplacedPos, 0
movzx eax, byte ptr [edx]
inc edx
jmp Loc1
void ScriptExtension::AddFunctions()
Script::AddFunction("IsArray", [] // gsc: IsArray(<object>)
auto type = Game::Scr_GetType(0);
bool result;
if (type == Game::VAR_POINTER)
type = Game::Scr_GetPointerType(0);
assert(type >= Game::FIRST_OBJECT);
result = (type == Game::VAR_ARRAY);
assert(type < Game::FIRST_OBJECT);
result = false;
Script::AddFunction("ReplaceFunc", [] // gsc: ReplaceFunc(<function>, <function>)
if (Game::Scr_GetNumParam() != 2)
Game::Scr_Error("^1ReplaceFunc: Needs two parameters!");
const auto what = GetCodePosForParam(0);
const auto with = GetCodePosForParam(1);
SetReplacedPos(what, with);
Script::AddFunction("GetSystemMilliseconds", [] // gsc: GetSystemMilliseconds()
Script::AddFunction("Exec", [] // gsc: Exec(<string>)
const auto* str = Game::Scr_GetString(0);
if (!str)
Game::Scr_ParamError(0, "^1Exec: Illegal parameter!");
Command::Execute(str, false);
// Allow printing to the console even when developer is 0
Script::AddFunction("PrintConsole", [] // gsc: PrintConsole(<string>)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Game::Scr_GetNumParam(); ++i)
const auto* str = Game::Scr_GetString(i);
if (!str)
Game::Scr_ParamError(i, "^1PrintConsole: Illegal parameter!");
Logger::Print(Game::level->scriptPrintChannel, "{}", str);
void ScriptExtension::AddMethods()
// ScriptExtension methods
Script::AddMethod("GetIp", [](const Game::scr_entref_t entref) // gsc: self GetIp()
const auto* ent = Script::Scr_GetPlayerEntity(entref);
const auto* client = Script::GetClient(ent);
std::string ip = Game::NET_AdrToString(client->header.netchan.remoteAddress);
const auto extractIPAddress = [](const std::string& input) -> std::string
const auto colonPos = input.find(':');
if (colonPos == std::string::npos)
return input;
auto ipAddress = input.substr(0, colonPos);
return ipAddress;
ip = extractIPAddress(ip);
Script::AddMethod("GetPing", [](const Game::scr_entref_t entref) // gsc: self GetPing()
const auto* ent = Script::Scr_GetPlayerEntity(entref);
const auto* client = Script::GetClient(ent);
Script::AddMethod("SetPing", [](const Game::scr_entref_t entref) // gsc: self SetPing(<int>)
auto ping = Game::Scr_GetInt(0);
ping = std::clamp(ping, 0, 999);
const auto* ent = Script::Scr_GetPlayerEntity(entref);
auto* client = Script::GetClient(ent);
client->ping = ping;
// PlayerCmd_AreControlsFrozen GSC function from Black Ops 2
Script::AddMethod("AreControlsFrozen", [](Game::scr_entref_t entref) // Usage: self AreControlsFrozen();
const auto* ent = Script::Scr_GetPlayerEntity(entref);
Game::Scr_AddBool((ent->client->flags & Game::PF_FROZEN) != 0);
void ScriptExtension::AddEntityFields()
AddEntityField("entityflags", Game::F_INT,
[](Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] int offset)
ent->flags = Game::Scr_GetInt(0);
[](Game::gentity_s* ent, [[maybe_unused]] int offset)
void ScriptExtension::AddClientFields()
AddClientField("clientflags", Game::F_INT,
[](Game::gclient_s* pSelf, [[maybe_unused]] const Game::client_fields_s* pField)
pSelf->flags = Game::Scr_GetInt(0);
[](Game::gclient_s* pSelf, [[maybe_unused]] const Game::client_fields_s* pField)
Utils::Hook(0x4EC721, GScr_AddFieldsForEntityStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); // GScr_AddFieldsForEntity
Utils::Hook(0x41BED2, Scr_SetObjectFieldStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); // SetEntityFieldValue
Utils::Hook(0x5FBF01, Scr_SetClientFieldStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); // Scr_SetObjectField
Utils::Hook(0x4FF413, Scr_GetEntityFieldStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); // Scr_GetObjectField
Utils::Hook(0x61E92E, VMExecuteInternalStub, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x61E933, 1);