2022-11-29 08:18:10 -06:00

366 lines
10 KiB

#include <STDInclude.hpp>
#include "Game/Engine/ScopedCriticalSection.hpp"
namespace Components
const Game::dvar_t* Debug::DebugOverlay;
const Game::dvar_t* Debug::BugName;
Game::dvar_t** Debug::PlayerDebugHealth = reinterpret_cast<Game::dvar_t**>(0x7A9F7C);
const char* Debug::PMFlagsValues[] =
const char* Debug::POFlagsValues[] =
const char* Debug::PLFlagsValues[] =
const char* Debug::PEFlagsValues[] =
const char Debug::strButtons[] =
'\x01', '\x02', '\x03', '\x04', '\x05', '\x06', '\x0E', '\x0F', '\x10',
'\x11', '\x12', '\x13', '\x14', '\x15', '\x16', '\x17', '\0'
const char Debug::strTemplate[] = "%s: %s All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.";
const float Debug::colorWhite[] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
std::string Debug::BuildPMFlagsString(const Game::playerState_s* ps)
std::string result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(PMFlagsValues); ++i)
result.append(Utils::String::VA("^%c%s\n", ((ps->pm_flags & (1 << i)) == 0) ? '7' : '2', PMFlagsValues[i]));
return result;
std::string Debug::BuildPOFlagsString(const Game::playerState_s* ps)
std::string result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(POFlagsValues); ++i)
result.append(Utils::String::VA("^%c%s\n", ((ps->otherFlags & (1 << i)) == 0) ? '7' : '2', POFlagsValues[i]));
return result;
std::string Debug::BuildPLFlagsString(const Game::playerState_s* ps)
std::string result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(PLFlagsValues); ++i)
result.append(Utils::String::VA("^%c%s\n", ((ps->linkFlags & (1 << i)) == 0) ? '7' : '2', PLFlagsValues[i]));
return result;
std::string Debug::BuildPEFlagsString(const Game::playerState_s* ps)
std::string result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(PEFlagsValues); ++i)
result.append(Utils::String::VA("^%c%s\n", ((ps->eFlags & (1 << i)) == 0) ? '7' : '2', PEFlagsValues[i]));
return result;
void Debug::CG_Debug_DrawPSFlags(const int localClientNum)
const auto* cgameGlob = Game::cgArray;
auto* const scrPlace = Game::ScrPlace_GetActivePlacement(localClientNum);
constexpr auto maxChars = 4096;
auto* const font1 = Game::UI_GetFontHandle(scrPlace, 6, MY_SCALE_2);
auto* const font2 = Game::UI_GetFontHandle(scrPlace, 6, MY_SCALE2);
Game::UI_DrawText(scrPlace, "Client View of Flags", maxChars, font2, -60.0f, 0, 1, 1,
MY_SCALE2, colorWhite, 1);
const auto pmf = BuildPMFlagsString(&cgameGlob->predictedPlayerState);
Game::UI_DrawText(scrPlace, pmf.data(), maxChars, font1, 30.0f, MY_Y, 1, 1, MY_SCALE_2, colorWhite, 3);
const auto pof = BuildPOFlagsString(&cgameGlob->predictedPlayerState);
Game::UI_DrawText(scrPlace, pof.data(), maxChars, font1, 350.0f, MY_Y, 1, 1, MY_SCALE_2, colorWhite, 3);
const auto plf = BuildPLFlagsString(&cgameGlob->predictedPlayerState);
Game::UI_DrawText(scrPlace, plf.data(), maxChars, font1, 350.0f, 250.0f, 1, 1, MY_SCALE_2, colorWhite, 3);
const auto pef = BuildPEFlagsString(&cgameGlob->predictedPlayerState);
Game::UI_DrawText(scrPlace, pef.data(), maxChars, font1, 525.0f, MY_Y, 1, 1, MY_SCALE_2, colorWhite, 3);
void Debug::CG_DrawDebugPlayerHealth(const int localClientNum)
float healtha;
constexpr float color1[] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
constexpr float color2[] = {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
const auto* cgameGlob = Game::cgArray;
if (cgameGlob->predictedPlayerState.stats[0] && cgameGlob->predictedPlayerState.stats[2])
const auto health = static_cast<float>(cgameGlob->predictedPlayerState.stats[0]) / static_cast<float>(cgameGlob->predictedPlayerState.stats[2]);
const auto stats = ((health - 1.0f) < 0.0f)
? static_cast<float>(cgameGlob->predictedPlayerState.stats[0]) / static_cast<float>(cgameGlob->predictedPlayerState.stats[2])
: 1.0f;
healtha = ((0.0f - health) < 0.0f)
? stats
: 0.0f;
healtha = 0.0f;
auto* const scrPlace = Game::ScrPlace_GetActivePlacement(localClientNum);
Game::CL_DrawStretchPic(scrPlace, 10.0f, 10.0f, 100.0f, 10.0f, 1, 1, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, color1, *Game::whiteMaterial);
Game::CL_DrawStretchPic(scrPlace, 10.0f, 10.0f, 100.0f * healtha, 10.0f, 1, 1, 0.0f, 0.0f, healtha, 1.0f, color2, *Game::whiteMaterial);
void Debug::CG_Debug_DrawFontTest(const int localClientNum)
char strFinal[0x200]{};
auto* const scrPlace = Game::ScrPlace_GetActivePlacement(localClientNum);
auto* const font1 = Game::UI_GetFontHandle(scrPlace, 1, 0.4f);
auto* const font2 = Game::UI_GetFontHandle(scrPlace, 2, 0.4f);
auto* const font3 = Game::UI_GetFontHandle(scrPlace, 3, 0.4f);
auto* const font5 = Game::UI_GetFontHandle(scrPlace, 5, 0.4f);
auto* const font6 = Game::UI_GetFontHandle(scrPlace, 6, 0.4f);
sprintf_s(strFinal, strTemplate, font1->fontName, strButtons);
Game::UI_FilterStringForButtonAnimation(strFinal, sizeof(strFinal));
Game::UI_DrawText(scrPlace, strFinal, std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), font1, MY_X, 10.0f, 1, 1, 0.4f, colorWhite, 3);
sprintf_s(strFinal, strTemplate, font2->fontName, strButtons);
Game::UI_FilterStringForButtonAnimation(strFinal, sizeof(strFinal));
Game::UI_DrawText(scrPlace, strFinal, std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), font2, MY_X, 35.0f, 1, 1, 0.4f, colorWhite, 3);
sprintf_s(strFinal, strTemplate, font3->fontName, strButtons);
Game::UI_FilterStringForButtonAnimation(strFinal, sizeof(strFinal));
Game::UI_DrawText(scrPlace, strFinal, std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), font3, MY_X, 60.0f, 1, 1, 0.4f, colorWhite, 3);
sprintf_s(strFinal, strTemplate, font5->fontName, strButtons);
Game::UI_FilterStringForButtonAnimation(strFinal, sizeof(strFinal));
Game::UI_DrawText(scrPlace, strFinal, std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), font5, MY_X, 85.0f, 1, 1, 0.4f, colorWhite, 3);
sprintf_s(strFinal, strTemplate, font6->fontName, strButtons);
Game::UI_FilterStringForButtonAnimation(strFinal, sizeof(strFinal));
Game::UI_DrawText(scrPlace, strFinal, std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), font6, MY_X, 110.0f, 1, 1, 0.4f, colorWhite, 3);
void Debug::CG_DrawDebugOverlays_Hk(const int localClientNum)
switch (DebugOverlay->current.integer)
case 2:
case 5:
if ((*PlayerDebugHealth)->current.enabled)
void Debug::Com_Assert_f()
assert(0 && "a");
void Debug::Com_Bug_f(Command::Params* params)
char newFileName[0x105]{};
char to_ospath[MAX_PATH]{};
char from_ospath[MAX_PATH]{};
const char* bug;
if (!*Game::logfile)
Logger::PrintError(Game::CON_CHANNEL_ERROR, "CopyFile failed: logfile wasn't opened\n");
if (params->size() == 2)
bug = params->get(1);
bug = BugName->current.string;
sprintf_s(newFileName, "%s_%s.log", bug, Game::Live_GetLocalClientName(0));
Game::Engine::ScopedCriticalSection _(Game::CRITSECT_CONSOLE, Game::Engine::SCOPED_CRITSECT_NORMAL);
if (*Game::logfile)
*Game::logfile = 0;
Game::FS_BuildOSPath(Game::Sys_DefaultInstallPath(), "", "logs/console_mp.log", from_ospath);
Game::FS_BuildOSPath(Game::Sys_DefaultInstallPath(), "", newFileName, to_ospath);
const auto result = CopyFileA(from_ospath, to_ospath, 0);
if (!result)
Logger::PrintError(1, "CopyFile failed({}) {} {}\n", GetLastError(), "console_mp.log", newFileName);
void Debug::Com_BugNameInc_f()
char buf[260]{};
if (std::strlen(BugName->current.string) < 4)
Game::Dvar_SetString(BugName, "bug0");
if (std::strncmp(BugName->current.string, "bug", 3) != 0)
Game::Dvar_SetString(BugName, "bug0");
const auto n = std::strtol(BugName->current.string + 3, nullptr, 10);
sprintf_s(buf, "bug%d", n + 1);
Game::Dvar_SetString(BugName, buf);
void Debug::CL_InitDebugDvars()
static const char* debugOverlayNames_0[] =
"Playerstate Flags",
"Entity Counts",
DebugOverlay = Game::Dvar_RegisterEnum("debugOverlay", debugOverlayNames_0, 0,
Game::DVAR_NONE, "Toggles the display of various debug info.");
BugName = Game::Dvar_RegisterString("bug_name", "bug0",
Game::DVAR_CHEAT | Game::DVAR_CODINFO, "Name appended to the copied console log");
Scheduler::Once(CL_InitDebugDvars, Scheduler::Pipeline::MAIN);
// Hook end of CG_DrawDebugOverlays (This is to ensure some checks are done before our hook is executed).
Utils::Hook(0x49CB0A, CG_DrawDebugOverlays_Hk, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
Utils::Hook::Set<void(*)()>(0x60BCEA, Com_Assert_f);
#ifdef _DEBUG
Command::Add("bug", Com_Bug_f);
Command::Add("bug_name_inc", Com_BugNameInc_f);