2023-05-12 22:35:31 +01:00

417 lines
11 KiB

#include <STDInclude.hpp>
namespace Components
// Packet interception
std::unordered_map<std::string, Network::networkCallback> Network::CL_Callbacks;
std::unordered_map<std::string, Network::networkRawCallback> Network::CL_RawCallbacks;
ZeroMemory(&this->address, sizeof(Game::netadr_t));
Network::Address::Address(const std::string& addrString)
ZeroMemory(&this->address, sizeof(Game::netadr_t));
Game::NET_StringToAdr(addrString.data(), &this->address);
Network::Address::Address(sockaddr* addr)
ZeroMemory(&this->address, sizeof(Game::netadr_t));
Game::SockadrToNetadr(addr, &this->address);
bool Network::Address::operator==(const Address& obj) const
return Game::NET_CompareAdr(this->address, obj.address);
void Network::Address::setPort(unsigned short port)
this->address.port = ::htons(port);
unsigned short Network::Address::getPort() const
return ntohs(this->address.port);
void Network::Address::setIP(DWORD ip)
this->address.ip.full = ip;
void Network::Address::setIP(Game::netIP_t ip)
this->address.ip = ip;
Game::netIP_t Network::Address::getIP() const
return this->address.ip;
void Network::Address::setType(Game::netadrtype_t type)
this->address.type = type;
Game::netadrtype_t Network::Address::getType() const
return this->address.type;
sockaddr Network::Address::getSockAddr()
sockaddr addr;
return addr;
void Network::Address::toSockAddr(sockaddr* addr)
if (addr)
Game::NetadrToSockadr(&this->address, addr);
void Network::Address::toSockAddr(sockaddr_in* addr)
const Game::netadr_t* Network::Address::get() const noexcept
return &this->address;
const char* Network::Address::getCString() const
return Game::NET_AdrToString(this->address);
std::string Network::Address::getString() const
return std::string{ this->getCString() };
bool Network::Address::isLocal() const noexcept
// According to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network
// 10.X.X.X
if (this->getIP().bytes[0] == 10) return true;
// 192.168.X.X
if (this->getIP().bytes[0] == 192 && this->getIP().bytes[1] == 168) return true;
// 172.16.X.X - 172.31.X.X
if (this->getIP().bytes[0] == 172 && (this->getIP().bytes[1] >= 16) && (this->getIP().bytes[1] < 32)) return true;
if (this->getIP().full == 0x0100007F) return true;
// TODO: Maybe check for matching localIPs and subnet mask
return false;
bool Network::Address::isSelf() const noexcept
if (Game::NET_IsLocalAddress(this->address)) return true; // Loopback
if (this->getPort() != GetPort()) return false; // Port not equal
for (int i = 0; i < *Game::numIP; ++i)
if (this->getIP().full == Game::localIP[i].full)
return true;
return false;
bool Network::Address::isLoopback() const noexcept
if (this->getIP().full == 0x100007f) //
return true;
return Game::NET_IsLocalAddress(this->address);
bool Network::Address::isValid() const noexcept
return (this->getType() != Game::NA_BAD && this->getType() >= Game::NA_BOT && this->getType() <= Game::NA_IP);
void Network::Send(Game::netsrc_t type, const Address& target, const std::string& data)
// Do not use NET_OutOfBandPrint. It only supports non-binary data!
std::string rawData;
rawData.append("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", 4);
SendRaw(type, target, rawData);
void Network::Send(const Address& target, const std::string& data)
Send(Game::netsrc_t::NS_CLIENT1, target, data);
void Network::SendRaw(Game::netsrc_t type, const Address& target, const std::string& data)
if (!target.isValid()) return;
// NET_OutOfBandData doesn't seem to work properly. Do not use it
Game::Sys_SendPacket(type, data.size(), data.data(), *target.get());
void Network::SendRaw(const Address& target, const std::string& data)
SendRaw(Game::NS_CLIENT1, target, data);
void Network::SendCommand(Game::netsrc_t type, const Address& target, const std::string& command, const std::string& data)
// Use space as separator (possible separators are '\n', ' ').
// Though, our handler only needs exactly 1 char as separator and doesn't care which char it is.
// EDIT: Most 3rd party tools expect a line break, so let's use that instead!
std::string packet;
Send(type, target, packet);
void Network::SendCommand(const Address& target, const std::string& command, const std::string& data)
SendCommand(Game::NS_CLIENT1, target, command, data);
void Network::Broadcast(unsigned short port, const std::string& data)
Address target;
Send(Game::netsrc_t::NS_CLIENT1, target, data);
void Network::BroadcastRange(unsigned int min, unsigned int max, const std::string& data)
for (unsigned int i = min; i < max; ++i)
Broadcast(static_cast<unsigned short>(i & 0xFFFF), data);
void Network::BroadcastAll(const std::string& data)
BroadcastRange(100, 65536, data);
std::uint16_t Network::GetPort()
assert((*Game::port)->current.unsignedInt <= std::numeric_limits<std::uint16_t>::max());
return static_cast<std::uint16_t>((*Game::port)->current.unsignedInt);
__declspec(naked) void Network::PacketErrorCheck()
cmp eax, 2746h
jz returnIgnore
jz returnIgnore
push 465325h
push 4654C6h
void Network::OnClientPacket(const std::string& command, const networkCallback& callback)
CL_Callbacks[Utils::String::ToLower(command)] = callback;
void Network::OnClientPacketRaw(const std::string& command, const networkRawCallback& callback)
CL_RawCallbacks[Utils::String::ToLower(command)] = callback;
bool Network::CL_HandleCommand(Game::netadr_t* address, const char* command, Game::msg_t* message)
const auto command_ = Utils::String::ToLower(command);
const auto offset = command_.size() + 5;
if (static_cast<std::size_t>(message->cursize) < offset)
return false;
if (const auto rawHandler = CL_RawCallbacks.find(command_); rawHandler != CL_RawCallbacks.end())
rawHandler->second(address, message);
return true;
const auto handler = CL_Callbacks.find(command_);
if (handler == CL_Callbacks.end())
// Normal handler was not found, return
return false;
const std::string data{ reinterpret_cast<char*>(message->data) + offset, message->cursize - offset };
auto target = Address{ address };
handler->second(target, data);
return true;
__declspec(naked) void Network::CL_HandleCommandStub()
lea eax, [esp + 0xC54] // address
push ebp // msg_t
push edi // command name
push eax // netadr_t pointer
call CL_HandleCommand
add esp, 0xC
test al, al
jz unhandled
// Exit CL_DispatchConnectionlessPacket
push 0x5A9E0E
// Proceed
push 0x5AA719
AssertSize(Game::netadr_t, 20);
// Maximum size in NET_OutOfBandPrint
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint32_t>(0x4AEF08, 0x1FFFC);
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint32_t>(0x4AEFA3, 0x1FFFC);
// Increase max port binding attempts from 10 to 100
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x4FD48A, 100);
// Increase cl_maxpackets dvar limit
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x4050A1, 125);
// Increase snaps (disabled for unknown reasons)
//Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x405357, 40);
// Set default value of snaps and cl_maxpackets dvar
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x40535B, 30);
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x4050A5, 125);
// Parse port as short in Net_AddrToString
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x4698E3, "%u.%u.%u.%u:%hu");
// Prevent recvfrom error spam
Utils::Hook(0x46531A, PacketErrorCheck, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
// Handle client packets
Utils::Hook(0x5AA703, CL_HandleCommandStub, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
// Disable unused OOB packets handlers just to be sure
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x5AA5B6, 0xEB); // CL_SteamServerAuth
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x5AA69F, 0xEB); // echo
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x5AAA82, 0xEB); // SP
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x5A9F77, 0xEB); // CL_WeNowCantHearSomeone
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x5A9F18, 0xEB); // CL_VoiceConnectionTestPacket
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x5A9FF3, 0xEB); // CL_HandleRelayPacket
// For security reasons check the sender of the 'print' OOB
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x5AA729, 0xEB);
// Com_GetProtocol
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint32_t>(0x4FB501, PROTOCOL);
// Set the default, min and max of the protocol dvar
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint32_t>(0x4D36A9, PROTOCOL);
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint32_t>(0x4D36AE, PROTOCOL);
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint32_t>(0x4D36B3, PROTOCOL);
// Internal version is 99, most servers should accept it
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint32_t>(0x463C61, 208); // getBuildNumberAsInt
// LSP disabled
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x435950, 0xC3); // LSP HELLO
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x49C220, 0xC3); // We wanted to send a logging packet, but we haven't connected to LSP!
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x4BD900, 0xC3); // main LSP response func
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x682170, 0xC3); // Telling LSP that we're playing a private match
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x4FD448, 5); // Don't create lsp_socket
// Do not run UPNP stuff at all
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x48A135, 0xC3);
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x48A135 + 1, 4);
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x48A151, 0xC3);
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x48A151 + 1, 4);
// Don't spam the console
Utils::Hook(0x684080, Game::Com_DPrintf, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick();
// Disable the IWNet IP detection (default 'got ipdetect' flag to 1)
Utils::Hook::Set<std::uint8_t>(0x649D6F0, 1);
OnClientPacket("resolveAddress", []([[maybe_unused]] const Address& address, [[maybe_unused]] const std::string& data)
SendRaw(address, address.getString());
OnClientPacketRaw("print", [](Game::netadr_t* address, Game::msg_t* msg)
auto* clc = Game::CL_GetLocalClientConnection(0);
if (!Game::NET_CompareBaseAdr(clc->serverAddress, *address))
Logger::Debug("Ignoring stray 'print' network message from '{}'", Game::NET_AdrToString(*address));
char printBuf[2048]{};
const auto* s = Game::MSG_ReadBigString(msg);
Game::I_strncpyz(clc->serverMessage, s, sizeof(clc->serverMessage));
Game::Com_sprintf(printBuf, sizeof(printBuf), "%s", s);
Game::Com_PrintMessage(Game::CON_CHANNEL_CLIENT, printBuf, false);