395 lines
12 KiB
395 lines
12 KiB
#include "STDInclude.hpp"
#include "Shlwapi.h"
namespace Components
#pragma region Minidump class implementation
this->fileHandle = this->mapFileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (this->mapFileHandle != nullptr && this->mapFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
this->mapFileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (this->fileHandle != nullptr && this->fileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
this->fileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
std::string Minidump::ToString()
if (!this->EnsureFileMapping()) return nullptr;
auto pBuf = MapViewOfFile(this->mapFileHandle, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
if (!pBuf)
throw new std::runtime_error("Could not read minidump.");
size_t fileSize;
DWORD fileSizeHi;
fileSize = GetFileSize(this->fileHandle, &fileSizeHi);
#ifdef _WIN64
fileSize |= ((size_t)fileSizeHi << 32);
std::string retval = std::string(static_cast<const char*>(pBuf), fileSize * sizeof(const char));
return retval;
bool Minidump::GetStream(MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE type, PMINIDUMP_DIRECTORY* directoryPtr, PVOID* streamBeginningPtr, ULONG* streamSizePtr)
if (!this->EnsureFileMapping()) return false;
auto pBuf = MapViewOfFile(this->mapFileHandle, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
if (!pBuf)
throw new std::runtime_error("Could not read minidump.");
BOOL success = MiniDumpReadDumpStream(pBuf, type, directoryPtr, streamBeginningPtr, streamSizePtr);
if (success != TRUE)
return false;
return true;
inline bool Minidump::Check()
PVOID stream;
ULONG streamSize;
return Minidump::GetStream(ExceptionStream, &directory, &stream, &streamSize);*/
return Minidump::GetStream(ExceptionStream, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
Minidump* Minidump::Create(std::string path, LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS exceptionInfo, int type)
Minidump* minidump = Minidump::Initialize(path);
if (!minidump) return minidump;
// Do the dump generation
MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION ex = { GetCurrentThreadId(), exceptionInfo, FALSE };
if (!MiniDumpWriteDump(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcessId(), minidump->fileHandle, static_cast<MINIDUMP_TYPE>(type), &ex, nullptr, nullptr))
delete minidump;
return nullptr;
if (SetFilePointer(minidump->fileHandle, 0, nullptr, FILE_BEGIN) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER)
delete minidump;
return nullptr;
return minidump;
Minidump* Minidump::Open(std::string path)
return Minidump::Initialize(path, FILE_SHARE_READ);
bool Minidump::EnsureFileMapping()
if (this->mapFileHandle == nullptr || this->mapFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
this->mapFileHandle = CreateFileMappingA(this->fileHandle, nullptr, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, nullptr);
if (this->mapFileHandle == nullptr || this->mapFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
return false;
return true;
Minidump* Minidump::Initialize(std::string path, DWORD fileShare)
Minidump* minidump = new Minidump();
minidump->fileHandle = CreateFileA(path.data(),
nullptr, (fileShare & FILE_SHARE_WRITE) > 0 ? OPEN_ALWAYS : OPEN_EXISTING, NULL, nullptr);
if (minidump->fileHandle == nullptr || minidump->fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
delete minidump;
return nullptr;
return minidump;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region Minidump uploader class implementation
const std::string MinidumpUpload::queuedMinidumpsFolder = "minidumps\\";
const std::vector<std::string> MinidumpUpload::targetUrls =
const std::string MinidumpUpload::targetAddress = "BM-2cSksR7gyyFcNK7MaFoxGCjRJWxtoGckdj";
const unsigned int MinidumpUpload::maxSegmentSize = 200 * 1024; // 200 kB
#if !defined(DEBUG) || defined(FORCE_MINIDUMP_UPLOAD)
if (Loader::PerformingUnitTests() || ZoneBuilder::IsEnabled()) return;
this->uploadThread = std::thread([&]() { this->UploadQueuedMinidumps(); });
if (this->uploadThread.joinable())
bool MinidumpUpload::EnsureQueuedMinidumpsFolderExists()
BOOL success = CreateDirectoryA(MinidumpUpload::queuedMinidumpsFolder.data(), nullptr);
if (success != TRUE)
success = (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS);
return (success == TRUE);
Minidump* MinidumpUpload::CreateQueuedMinidump(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS exceptionInfo, int minidumpType)
// Note that most of the Path* functions are DEPRECATED and they have been replaced by Cch variants that only work on Windows 8+.
// If you plan to drop support for Windows 7, please upgrade these calls to prevent accidental buffer overflows!
if (!EnsureQueuedMinidumpsFolderExists()) return nullptr;
// Current executable name
char exeFileName[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileNameA(nullptr, exeFileName, MAX_PATH);
// Generate filename
char filenameFriendlyTime[MAX_PATH];
__time64_t time;
tm ltime;
_localtime64_s(<ime, &time);
strftime(filenameFriendlyTime, sizeof(filenameFriendlyTime) - 1, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", <ime);
// Combine with queuedMinidumpsFolder
char filename[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
PathCombineA(filename, MinidumpUpload::queuedMinidumpsFolder.data(), Utils::String::VA("%s-" VERSION "-%s.dmp", exeFileName, filenameFriendlyTime));
// Generate the dump
return Minidump::Create(filename, exceptionInfo, minidumpType);
bool MinidumpUpload::UploadQueuedMinidumps()
// Preload public key for our target that will receive minidumps
Logger::Print("About to send request for public key for minidump upload address.\n");
if (!BitMessage::RequestPublicKey(MinidumpUpload::targetAddress))
Logger::Error("Failed to request public key for minidump collection address.\n");
Logger::Print("Waiting for public key for minidump upload address.\n");
if (!BitMessage::WaitForPublicKey(MinidumpUpload::targetAddress))
Logger::Error("Failed to fetch public key for minidump collection address.\n");
// Check if folder exists
if (!PathIsDirectoryA(MinidumpUpload::queuedMinidumpsFolder.data()))
// Nothing to upload
Logger::Print("No minidumps to upload.\n");
return PathFileExistsA(MinidumpUpload::queuedMinidumpsFolder.data()) == FALSE;
// Walk through directory and search for valid minidumps
HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFileA(Utils::String::VA("%s\\*.dmp", MinidumpUpload::queuedMinidumpsFolder.data()), &ffd);
if ((ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) continue; // ignore directory
char fullPath[MAX_PATH_SIZE];
PathCombineA(fullPath, MinidumpUpload::queuedMinidumpsFolder.data(), ffd.cFileName);
// Only upload if less than 5MB
if(Utils::IO::FileSize(fullPath) > (5 * 1024 * 1024)) continue;
// Try to open this minidump
Logger::Print("Trying to upload %s...\n", fullPath);
auto minidump = Minidump::Open(fullPath);
if (!minidump)
Logger::Print("Couldn't open minidump.\n");
continue; // file can't be opened
// Upload!
if (!MinidumpUpload::Upload(minidump))
Logger::Print("Couldn't upload minidump.\n");
continue; // couldn't upload that minidump, keep for another attempt
delete minidump;
// Delete minidump if possible
} while (FindNextFileA(hFind, &ffd));
Logger::Print("All minidumps uploaded.\n");
return true;
bool MinidumpUpload::Upload(Minidump* minidump)
// Checking if we can extract any information from minidump first, just to be sure that this is valid.
if (!minidump->Check())
return false;
auto id = Utils::String::GenerateUUIDString();
std::map<std::string, std::string> extraHeaders = {
{"Hash-SHA512", Utils::Cryptography::SHA512::Compute(minidump->ToString(), true)},
{"Compression", "deflate"},
{"ID", id},
std::string compressedMinidump = minidump->ToString();
Logger::Print("Compressing minidump %s (currently %d bytes)...\n", id.data(), compressedMinidump.size());
compressedMinidump = Utils::Compression::ZLib::Compress(compressedMinidump);
#ifndef DISABLE_BASE128
Logger::Print("Encoding minidump %s (currently %d bytes)...\n", id.data(), compressedMinidump.size());
extraHeaders["Encoding"] = "base128";
compressedMinidump = Utils::String::EncodeBase128(compressedMinidump);
Logger::Print("Minidump %s now prepared for uploading (currently %d bytes)...\n", id.data(), compressedMinidump.size());
for (auto& targetUrl : targetUrls)
Utils::WebIO webio("Firefucks", targetUrl);
std::string buffer = MinidumpUpload::Encode(compressedMinidump, extraHeaders);
std::string result = webio.postFile(buffer, "files[]", "minidump.dmpx");
std::string errors;
json11::Json object = json11::Json::parse(result, errors);
if (!object.is_object()) continue;
json11::Json success = object["success"];
if (!success.is_bool() || !success.bool_value()) return false;
json11::Json files = object["files"];
if (!files.is_array()) continue;
for (auto file : files.array_items())
json11::Json url = file["url"];
json11::Json hash = file["hash"];
if (hash.is_string() && url.is_string())
if (Utils::String::ToLower(Utils::Cryptography::SHA1::Compute(buffer, true)) == Utils::String::ToLower(hash.string_value()))
MessageBoxA(0, url.string_value().data(), 0, 0);
return true;
return false;
// BitMessage has a max msg size that is somewhere around 220 KB, split it up as necessary!
auto totalParts = compressedMinidump.size() / MinidumpUpload::maxSegmentSize + 1;
extraHeaders.insert({ "Parts", Utils::String::VA("%d", totalParts) });
for (size_t offset = 0; offset < compressedMinidump.size(); offset += MinidumpUpload::maxSegmentSize)
auto extraPartHeaders = extraHeaders;
auto part = compressedMinidump.substr(offset, std::min(MinidumpUpload::maxSegmentSize, compressedMinidump.size() - offset));
auto partNum = offset / MinidumpUpload::maxSegmentSize + 1;
extraPartHeaders.insert({ "Part", Utils::String::VA("%d", partNum) });
Logger::Print("Uploading minidump %s (part %d out of %d, %d bytes)...\n", id.data(), partNum, totalParts, part.size());
BitMessage::SendMsg(MinidumpUpload::targetAddress, MinidumpUpload::Encode(part, extraPartHeaders));
return true;
std::string MinidumpUpload::Encode(std::string data, std::map<std::string, std::string> extraHeaders)
std::string marker = "MINIDUMP";
std::stringstream output;
if (extraHeaders.find("Encoding") == extraHeaders.end())
extraHeaders["Encoding"] = "raw";
extraHeaders["Version"] = VERSION;
output << "-----BEGIN " << marker << "-----\n";
// Insert extra headers
for (auto& header : extraHeaders)
output << header.first << ": " << header.second << "\n";
output << "\n"
<< data << "\n"
<< "-----END " << marker << "-----\n";
return output.str();
#pragma endregion