242 lines
5.4 KiB
242 lines
5.4 KiB
#include <STDInclude.hpp>
#ifdef ENABLE_BASE128
#include "base128.h"
namespace Utils
namespace String
const char *VA(const char *fmt, ...)
static VAProvider<4, 100> globalProvider;
static thread_local VAProvider<8, 256> provider;
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
const char* result;
if (Components::Loader::IsUninitializing()) result = globalProvider.get(fmt, ap);
else result = provider.get(fmt, ap);
return result;
std::string ToLower(std::string text)
std::transform(text.begin(), text.end(), text.begin(), [](const unsigned char input)
return static_cast<char>(std::tolower(input));
return text;
std::string ToUpper(std::string text)
std::transform(text.begin(), text.end(), text.begin(), [](const unsigned char input)
return static_cast<char>(std::toupper(input));
return text;
std::string DumpHex(const std::string& data, const std::string& separator)
std::string result;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
if (i > 0)
result.append(Utils::String::VA("%02X", data[i] & 0xFF));
return result;
std::string XOR(std::string str, char value)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i)
str[i] ^= value;
return str;
std::vector<std::string> Split(const std::string& str, const char delim)
std::stringstream ss(str);
std::string item;
std::vector<std::string> elems;
while (std::getline(ss, item, delim))
elems.push_back(item); // elems.push_back(std::move(item)); // if C++11 (based on comment from S1x)
return elems;
void Replace(std::string &string, const std::string& find, const std::string& replace)
size_t nPos = 0;
while ((nPos = string.find(find, nPos)) != std::string::npos)
string = string.replace(nPos, find.length(), replace);
nPos += replace.length();
bool StartsWith(const std::string& haystack, const std::string& needle)
return haystack.find(needle) == 0; // If the pos of the first found char is 0, string starts with 'needle'
bool EndsWith(const std::string& haystack, const std::string& needle)
if (needle.size() > haystack.size()) return false;
return std::equal(needle.rbegin(), needle.rend(), haystack.rbegin());
int IsSpace(int c)
if (c < -1) return 0;
return _isspace_l(c, nullptr);
// Trim from start
std::string& LTrim(std::string& str)
str.erase(str.begin(), std::find_if(str.begin(), str.end(), [](int val)
return !IsSpace(val);
return str;
// Trim from end
std::string& RTrim(std::string& str)
str.erase(std::find_if(str.rbegin(), str.rend(), [](int val)
return !IsSpace(val);
}).base(), str.end());
return str;
// Trim from both ends
std::string& Trim(std::string& str)
return LTrim(RTrim(str));
std::string Convert(const std::wstring& wstr)
std::string result;
for (const auto& chr : wstr)
return result;
std::wstring Convert(const std::string& str)
std::wstring result;
for (const auto& chr : str)
return result;
std::string FormatTimeSpan(int milliseconds)
int secondsTotal = milliseconds / 1000;
int seconds = secondsTotal % 60;
int minutesTotal = secondsTotal / 60;
int minutes = minutesTotal % 60;
int hoursTotal = minutesTotal / 60;
return Utils::String::VA("%02d:%02d:%02d", hoursTotal, minutes, seconds);
std::string FormatBandwidth(size_t bytes, int milliseconds)
static const char* sizes[] =
if (!milliseconds) return "0.00 B/s";
double bytesPerSecond = (1000.0 / milliseconds) * bytes;
int i;
for (i = 0; bytesPerSecond > 1000 && i < ARRAYSIZE(sizes); ++i) // 1024 or 1000?
bytesPerSecond /= 1000;
return Utils::String::VA("%.2f %s/s", static_cast<float>(bytesPerSecond), sizes[i]);
#ifdef ENABLE_BASE64
// Encodes a given string in Base64
std::string EncodeBase64(const char* input, const unsigned long inputSize)
unsigned long outlen = long(inputSize + (inputSize / 3.0) + 16);
unsigned char* outbuf = new unsigned char[outlen]; //Reserve output memory
base64_encode(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(const_cast<char*>(input)), inputSize, outbuf, &outlen);
std::string ret(reinterpret_cast<char*>(outbuf), outlen);
delete[] outbuf;
return ret;
// Encodes a given string in Base64
std::string EncodeBase64(const std::string& input)
return EncodeBase64(input.data(), input.size());
#ifdef ENABLE_BASE128
// Encodes a given string in Base128
std::string EncodeBase128(const std::string& input)
base128 encoder;
void* inbuffer = const_cast<char*>(input.data());
char* buffer = encoder.encode(inbuffer, input.size());
Interesting to see that the buffer returned by the encoder is not a standalone string copy
but instead is a pointer to the internal "encoded" field of the encoder. So if you deinitialize
the encoder that string will probably become garbage.
std::string retval(buffer);
return retval;