961 lines
28 KiB

#include <STDInclude.hpp>
namespace Components
Dvar::Var QuickPatch::r_customAspectRatio;
void QuickPatch::UnlockStats()
if (Dedicated::IsEnabled()) return;
if (Game::CL_IsCgameInitialized())
Toast::Show("cardicon_locked", "^1Error", "Not allowed while ingame.", 3000);
Command::Execute("setPlayerData prestige 10");
Command::Execute("setPlayerData experience 2516000");
Command::Execute("setPlayerData iconUnlocked cardicon_prestige10_02 1");
// Unlock challenges
Game::StringTable* challengeTable = Game::DB_FindXAssetHeader(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_STRINGTABLE, "mp/allchallengestable.csv").stringTable;
if (challengeTable)
for (int i = 0; i < challengeTable->rowCount; ++i)
// Find challenge
const char* challenge = Game::TableLookup(challengeTable, i, 0);
int maxState = 0;
int maxProgress = 0;
// Find correct tier and progress
for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
int progress = atoi(Game::TableLookup(challengeTable, i, 6 + j * 2));
if (!progress) break;
maxState = j + 2;
maxProgress = progress;
Command::Execute(Utils::String::VA("setPlayerData challengeState %s %d", challenge, maxState));
Command::Execute(Utils::String::VA("setPlayerData challengeProgress %s %d", challenge, maxProgress));
int QuickPatch::MsgReadBitsCompressCheckSV(const char *from, char *to, int size)
static char buffer[0x8000];
if (size > 0x800) return 0;
size = Game::MSG_ReadBitsCompress(from, buffer, size);
if (size > 0x800) return 0;
std::memcpy(to, buffer, size);
return size;
int QuickPatch::MsgReadBitsCompressCheckCL(const char *from, char *to, int size)
static char buffer[0x100000];
if (size > 0x20000) return 0;
size = Game::MSG_ReadBitsCompress(from, buffer, size);
if (size > 0x20000) return 0;
std::memcpy(to, buffer, size);
return size;
int QuickPatch::SVCanReplaceServerCommand(Game::client_t* /*client*/, const char* /*cmd*/)
// This is a fix copied from V2. As I don't have time to investigate, let's simply trust them
return -1;
long QuickPatch::AtolAdjustPlayerLimit(const char* string)
return std::min(atol(string), 18l);
void QuickPatch::SelectStringTableEntryInDvarStub()
Command::ClientParams params;
if (params.size() >= 4)
const auto* dvarName = params[3];
const auto* dvar = Game::Dvar_FindVar(dvarName);
if (Command::Find(dvarName) ||
(dvar != nullptr && dvar->flags & (Game::DVAR_WRITEPROTECTED | Game::DVAR_CHEAT | Game::DVAR_READONLY)))
__declspec(naked) void QuickPatch::JavelinResetHookStub()
mov eax, 577A10h;
call eax;
pop edi;
mov dword ptr [esi+34h], 0;
pop esi;
pop ebx;
__declspec(naked) int QuickPatch::G_GetClientScore()
mov eax, [esp + 4] // index
mov ecx, ds : 1A831A8h // level: &g_clients
test ecx, ecx;
jz invalid_ptr;
imul eax, 366Ch
mov eax, [eax + ecx + 3134h]
xor eax, eax
bool QuickPatch::InvalidNameCheck(char* dest, const char* source, int size)
Utils::Hook::Call<void(char*, const char*, int)>(0x4D6F80)(dest, source, size); // I_strncpyz
for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++)
if (!dest[i]) break;
if (dest[i] > 125 || dest[i] < 32 || dest[i] == '%')
return false;
return true;
__declspec(naked) void QuickPatch::InvalidNameStub()
static const char* kick_reason = "Invalid name detected.";
call InvalidNameCheck;
test al, al
jnz returnSafe;
push 1;
push kick_reason;
push edi;
mov eax, 0x004D1600; // SV_DropClientInternal
call eax;
add esp, 12;
push 0x00401988;
Game::dvar_t* QuickPatch::g_antilag;
__declspec(naked) void QuickPatch::ClientEventsFireWeaponStub()
// check g_antilag dvar value
mov eax, g_antilag;
cmp byte ptr[eax + 16], 1;
// do antilag if 1
je fireWeapon
// do not do antilag if 0
mov eax, 0x1A83554 // level.time
mov ecx, [eax]
push edx
push ecx
push edi
mov eax, 0x4A4D50 // FireWeapon
call eax
add esp, 0Ch
pop edi
pop ecx
__declspec(naked) void QuickPatch::ClientEventsFireWeaponMeleeStub()
// check g_antilag dvar value
mov eax, g_antilag;
cmp byte ptr[eax + 16], 1;
// do antilag if 1
je fireWeaponMelee
// do not do antilag if 0
mov eax, 0x1A83554 // level.time
mov edx, [eax]
push edx
push edi
mov eax, 0x4F2470 // FireWeaponMelee
call eax
add esp, 8
pop edi
pop ecx
Game::dvar_t* QuickPatch::Dvar_RegisterAspectRatioDvar(const char* dvarName, const char** /*valueList*/, int defaultIndex, unsigned __int16 flags, const char* description)
static const char* r_aspectRatioEnum[] =
"wide 16:10",
"wide 16:9",
// register custom aspect ratio dvar
QuickPatch::r_customAspectRatio = Dvar::Register<float>("r_customAspectRatio",
16.0f / 9.0f, 4.0f / 3.0f, 63.0f / 9.0f, flags,
"Screen aspect ratio. Divide the width by the height in order to get the aspect ratio value. For example: 16 / 9 = 1,77");
// register enumeration dvar
return Game::Dvar_RegisterEnum(dvarName, r_aspectRatioEnum, defaultIndex, flags, description);
void QuickPatch::SetAspectRatio()
// set the aspect ratio
Utils::Hook::Set<float>(0x66E1C78, r_customAspectRatio.get<float>());
__declspec(naked) void QuickPatch::SetAspectRatioStub()
cmp eax, 4;
ja goToDefaultCase;
je useCustomRatio;
// execute switch statement code
push 0x005063FC;
push 0x005064FC;
// set custom resolution
call SetAspectRatio;
// set widescreen to 1
mov eax, 1;
// continue execution
push 0x00506495;
BOOL QuickPatch::IsDynClassnameStub(char* a1)
auto version = Zones::GetEntitiesZoneVersion();
if (version >= VERSION_LATEST_CODO)
for (auto i = 0; i < Game::spawnVars->numSpawnVars; i++)
char** kvPair = Game::spawnVars->spawnVars[i];
auto key = kvPair[0];
auto val = kvPair[1];
bool isSpecOps = strncmp(key, "script_specialops", 17) == 0;
bool isSpecOpsOnly = val[0] == '1' && val[1] == '\0';
if (isSpecOps && isSpecOpsOnly)
// This will prevent spawning of any entity that contains "script_specialops: '1'"
// It removes extra hitboxes / meshes on 461+ CODO multiplayer maps
return TRUE;
// Passthrough to the game's own IsDynClassname
return Utils::Hook::Call<BOOL(char*)>(0x444810)(a1);
void QuickPatch::CL_KeyEvent_OnEscape()
if (Game::Con_CancelAutoComplete())
if (TextRenderer::HandleFontIconAutocompleteKey(0, TextRenderer::FONT_ICON_ACI_CONSOLE, Game::K_ESCAPE))
// Close console
Game::Key_RemoveCatcher(0, ~Game::KEYCATCH_CONSOLE);
__declspec(naked) void QuickPatch::CL_KeyEvent_ConsoleEscape_Stub()
call CL_KeyEvent_OnEscape
// Exit CL_KeyEvent function
mov ebx, 0x4F66F2
jmp ebx
Game::dvar_t* QuickPatch::Dvar_RegisterUIBuildLocation(const char* dvarName,
float /*x*/, float /*y*/, float min, float max, int /*flags*/, const char* description)
return Game::Dvar_RegisterVec2(dvarName, -60.0f, 474.0f, min, max, Game::DVAR_READONLY, description);
// quitHard
Command::Add("quitHard", [](Command::Params*)
int data = false;
const Utils::Library ntdll("ntdll.dll");
ntdll.invokePascal<void>("RtlAdjustPrivilege", 19, true, false, &data);
ntdll.invokePascal<void>("NtRaiseHardError", 0xC000007B, 0, nullptr, nullptr, 6, &data);
// Filtering any mapents that is intended for Spec:Ops gamemode (CODO) and prevent them from spawning
Utils::Hook(0x5FBD6E, QuickPatch::IsDynClassnameStub, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick();
// Hook escape handling on open console to change behaviour to close the console instead of only canceling autocomplete
Utils::Hook(0x4F66A3, CL_KeyEvent_ConsoleEscape_Stub, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
// Intermission time dvar
Game::Dvar_RegisterFloat("scr_intermissionTime", 10, 0, 120, Game::dvar_flag::DVAR_NONE, "Time in seconds before match server loads the next map");
g_antilag = Game::Dvar_RegisterBool("g_antilag", true, Game::DVAR_CODINFO, "Perform antilag");
Utils::Hook(0x5D6D56, QuickPatch::ClientEventsFireWeaponStub, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
Utils::Hook(0x5D6D6A, QuickPatch::ClientEventsFireWeaponMeleeStub, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
// Disallow invalid player names
Utils::Hook(0x401983, QuickPatch::InvalidNameStub, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
// Javelin fix
Utils::Hook(0x578F52, QuickPatch::JavelinResetHookStub, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
// Add ultrawide support
Utils::Hook(0x51B13B, QuickPatch::Dvar_RegisterAspectRatioDvar, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick();
Utils::Hook(0x5063F3, QuickPatch::SetAspectRatioStub, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
// Make sure preDestroy is called when the game shuts down
// protocol version (workaround for hacks)
Utils::Hook::Set<int>(0x4FB501, PROTOCOL);
// protocol command
Utils::Hook::Set<int>(0x4D36A9, PROTOCOL);
Utils::Hook::Set<int>(0x4D36AE, PROTOCOL);
Utils::Hook::Set<int>(0x4D36B3, PROTOCOL);
// internal version is 99, most servers should accept it
Utils::Hook::Set<int>(0x463C61, 208);
// remove system pre-init stuff (improper quit, disk full)
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x411350, 0xC3);
// remove STEAMSTART checking for DRM IPC
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x451145, 5);
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x45114C, 0xEB);
// LSP disabled
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x435950, 0xC3); // LSP HELLO
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x49C220, 0xC3); // We wanted to send a logging packet, but we haven't connected to LSP!
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x4BD900, 0xC3); // main LSP response func
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x682170, 0xC3); // Telling LSP that we're playing a private match
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x4FD448, 5); // Don't create lsp_socket
// Don't delete config files if corrupted
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x47DCB3, 0xEB);
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x4402B6, 0);
// hopefully allow alt-tab during game, used at least in alt-enter handling
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x45ACE0, 0xC301B0);
// fs_basegame
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x6431D1, BASEGAME);
// UI version string
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x43F73B, "IW4x: " VERSION);
// console version string
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x4B12BB, "IW4x " VERSION " (built " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ")");
// version string
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x60BD56, "IW4x (" VERSION ")");
// version string color
static Game::vec4_t buildLocColor = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f };
Utils::Hook::Set<float*>(0x43F710, buildLocColor);
// Shift ui version string to the left (ui_buildlocation)
Utils::Hook(0x6310A0, QuickPatch::Dvar_RegisterUIBuildLocation, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick();
// console title
if (ZoneBuilder::IsEnabled())
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x4289E8, "IW4x (" VERSION "): ZoneBuilder");
else if (Dedicated::IsEnabled())
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x4289E8, "IW4x (" VERSION "): Dedicated");
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x4289E8, "IW4x (" VERSION "): Console");
// window title
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x5076A0, "IW4x: Multiplayer");
// sv_hostname
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x4D378B, "IW4Host");
// shortversion
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x60BD91, SHORTVERSION);
// console logo
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x428A66, BASEGAME "/images/logo.bmp");
// splash logo
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x475F9E, BASEGAME "/images/splash.bmp");
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x4876C6, "Successfully read stats data\n");
// Numerical ping (cg_scoreboardPingText 1)
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x45888E, 1);
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x45888C, Game::dvar_flag::DVAR_CHEAT);
// increase font sizes for chat on higher resolutions
static float float13 = 13.0f;
static float float10 = 10.0f;
Utils::Hook::Set<float*>(0x5814AE, &float13);
Utils::Hook::Set<float*>(0x5814C8, &float10);
// Enable commandline arguments
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x464AE4, 0xEB);
// remove limit on IWD file loading
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x642BF3, 0xEB);
// dont run UPNP stuff on main thread
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x48A135, 0xC3);
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x48A151, 0xC3);
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x684080, 5); // Don't spam the console
// spawn upnp thread when UPNP_init returns
Utils::Hook::Hook(0x47982B, []()
// check natpmpstate
// state 4 is no more devices to query
while (Utils::Hook::Get<int>(0x66CE200) < 4)
}, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
// disable the IWNet IP detection (default 'got ipdetect' flag to 1)
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x649D6F0, 1);
// Fix stats sleeping
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x6832BA, 0xEB);
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x4BD190, 0xC3);
// remove 'impure stats' checking
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x4BB250, 0x33);
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x4BB251, 0xC0);
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x4BB252, 0xC3909090);
// default sv_pure to 0
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x4D3A74, 0);
// Force debug logging
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x60AE4A, 1);
//Utils::Hook::Nop(0x60AE49, 8);
//Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x6FF53C, 0);
// remove activeAction execution (exploit in mods)
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x5A1D43, 0xEB);
// disable bind protection
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x4DACA2, 0xEB);
// require Windows 5
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x467ADF, 5);
Utils::Hook::Set<char>(0x6DF5D6, '5');
// disable 'ignoring asset' notices
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x5BB902, 5);
// disable migration_dvarErrors
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x60BDA7, 0);
// allow joining 'developer 1' servers
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x478BA2, 0xEB);
// fs_game fixes
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x4A5D74, 2); // remove fs_game profiles
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x4081FD, 0xEB); // defaultweapon
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x452C1D, 0xEB); // LoadObj weaponDefs
// filesystem init default_mp.cfg check
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x461A9E, 5);
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x461AAA, 5);
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x461AB4, 0xEB);
// vid_restart when ingame
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x4CA1FA, 6);
// Filter log (initially com_logFilter, but I don't see why that dvar is needed)
// Seems like it's needed for B3, so there is a separate handling for dedicated servers in Dedicated.cpp
if (!Dedicated::IsEnabled())
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x647466, 5); // 'dvar set' lines
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x5DF4F2, 5); // 'sending splash open' lines
// intro stuff
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x60BEE9, 5); // Don't show legals
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x60BEF6, 5); // Don't reset the intro dvar
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x60BED2, "unskippablecinematic IW_logo\n");
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x51C2A4, "%s\\" BASEGAME "\\video\\%s.bik");
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x51C2C2, 0x78A0AC);
// Redirect logs
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x5E44D8, "logs/games_mp.log");
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x60A90C, "logs/console_mp.log");
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x60A918, "logs/console_mp.log");
// Rename config
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x461B4B, CLIENT_CONFIG);
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x47DCBB, CLIENT_CONFIG);
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x6098F8, CLIENT_CONFIG);
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x60B279, CLIENT_CONFIG);
Utils::Hook::Set<const char*>(0x60BBD4, CLIENT_CONFIG);
// Disable profile system
// Utils::Hook::Nop(0x60BEB1, 5); // GamerProfile_InitAllProfiles - Causes an error, when calling a harrier killstreak.
// Utils::Hook::Nop(0x60BEB8, 5); // GamerProfile_LogInProfile
// Utils::Hook::Nop(0x4059EA, 5); // GamerProfile_RegisterCommands
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x4059EF, 5); // GamerProfile_RegisterDvars
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x47DF9A, 5); // GamerProfile_UpdateSystemDvars
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x5AF0D0, 0xC3); // GamerProfile_SaveProfile
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x4E6870, 0xC3); // GamerProfile_UpdateSystemVarsFromProfile
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x4C37F0, 0xC3); // GamerProfile_UpdateProfileAndSaveIfNeeded
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x633CA0, 0xC3); // GamerProfile_SetPercentCompleteMP
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x5AF1EC, 5); // Profile loading error
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x5AE212, 0xC3); // Profile reading
// GamerProfile_RegisterCommands
// Some random function used as nullsub :P
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x45B868, 0x5188FB); // profile_menuDvarsSetup
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x45B87E, 0x5188FB); // profile_menuDvarsFinish
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x45B894, 0x5188FB); // profile_toggleInvertedPitch
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x45B8AA, 0x5188FB); // profile_setViewSensitivity
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x45B8C3, 0x5188FB); // profile_setButtonsConfig
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x45B8D9, 0x5188FB); // profile_setSticksConfig
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x45B8EF, 0x5188FB); // profile_toggleAutoAim
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x45B905, 0x5188FB); // profile_SetHasEverPlayed_MainMenu
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x45B91E, 0x5188FB); // profile_SetHasEverPlayed_SP
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x45B934, 0x5188FB); // profile_SetHasEverPlayed_SO
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x45B94A, 0x5188FB); // profile_SetHasEverPlayed_MP
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x45B960, 0x5188FB); // profile_setVolume
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x45B979, 0x5188FB); // profile_setGamma
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x45B98F, 0x5188FB); // profile_setBlacklevel
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x45B9A5, 0x5188FB); // profile_toggleCanSkipOffensiveMissions
// Patch SV_IsClientUsingOnlineStatsOffline
Utils::Hook::Set<DWORD>(0x46B710, 0x90C3C033);
// Fix mouse lag
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x4731F5, 8);
// Fix mouse pitch adjustments
Dvar::Register<bool>("ui_mousePitch", false, Game::DVAR_ARCHIVE, "");
UIScript::Add("updateui_mousePitch", [](UIScript::Token)
if (Dvar::Var("ui_mousePitch").get<bool>())
// Exploit fixes
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x412370, 0xC3); // SV_SteamAuthClient
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x5A8C70, 0xC3); // CL_HandleRelayPacket
Utils::Hook(0x414D92, QuickPatch::MsgReadBitsCompressCheckSV, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); // SV_ExecuteClientCommands
Utils::Hook(0x4A9F56, QuickPatch::MsgReadBitsCompressCheckCL, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); // CL_ParseServerMessage
Utils::Hook(0x407376, QuickPatch::SVCanReplaceServerCommand , HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); // SV_CanReplaceServerCommand
Utils::Hook(0x5B67ED, QuickPatch::AtolAdjustPlayerLimit , HOOK_CALL).install()->quick(); // PartyHost_HandleJoinPartyRequest
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x41698E, 5); // Disable Svcmd_EntityList_f
// Patch selectStringTableEntryInDvar
Utils::Hook::Set(0x405959, QuickPatch::SelectStringTableEntryInDvarStub);
// Patch G_GetClientScore for uninitialised game
Utils::Hook(0x469AC0, QuickPatch::G_GetClientScore, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
// Ignore call to print 'Offhand class mismatch when giving weapon...'
Utils::Hook(0x5D9047, 0x4BB9B0, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick();
Command::Add("unlockstats", [](Command::Params*)
Command::Add("dumptechsets", [](Command::Params* param)
if (param->size() != 2)
Logger::Print("usage: dumptechsets <fastfile> | all\n");
std::vector<std::string> fastfiles;
if (param->get(1) == "all"s)
for (std::string f : Utils::IO::ListFiles("zone/english"))
fastfiles.push_back(f.substr(7, f.length() - 10));
for (std::string f : Utils::IO::ListFiles("zone/dlc"))
fastfiles.push_back(f.substr(3, f.length() - 6));
for (std::string f : Utils::IO::ListFiles("zone/patch"))
fastfiles.push_back(f.substr(5, f.length() - 8));
int count = 0;
AssetHandler::OnLoad([](Game::XAssetType type, Game::XAssetHeader asset, const std::string& name, bool* /*restrict*/)
// they're basically the same right?
const char* formatString;
formatString = "userraw/shader_bin/%.ps";
formatString = "userraw/shader_bin/%.vs";
if (Utils::IO::FileExists(Utils::String::VA(formatString, name.data()))) return;
Utils::Stream buffer(0x1000);
Game::MaterialPixelShader* dest = buffer.dest<Game::MaterialPixelShader>();
if (asset.pixelShader->prog.loadDef.program)
buffer.saveArray(asset.pixelShader->prog.loadDef.program, asset.pixelShader->prog.loadDef.programSize);
Utils::IO::WriteFile(Utils::String::VA(formatString, name.data()), buffer.toBuffer());
static std::map<const void*, unsigned int> pointerMap;
// Check if the given pointer has already been mapped
std::function<bool(const void*)> hasPointer = [](const void* pointer)
return (pointerMap.find(pointer) != pointerMap.end());
// Get stored offset for given file pointer
std::function<unsigned int(const void*)> getPointer = [hasPointer](const void* pointer)
if (hasPointer(pointer))
return pointerMap[pointer];
return 0U;
std::function<void(const void*, unsigned int)> storePointer = [hasPointer](const void* ptr, unsigned int offset)
if (hasPointer(ptr)) return;
pointerMap[ptr] = offset;
Utils::Stream buffer(0x1000);
Game::MaterialTechniqueSet* dest = buffer.dest<Game::MaterialTechniqueSet>();
if (asset.techniqueSet->name)
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(Game::MaterialTechniqueSet::techniques); ++i)
Game::MaterialTechnique* technique = asset.techniqueSet->techniques[i];
if (technique)
dest->techniques[i] = reinterpret_cast<Game::MaterialTechnique*>(getPointer(technique));
if (!dest->techniques)
// Size-check is obsolete, as the structure is dynamic
//storePointer(technique, buffer->);
Game::MaterialTechnique* destTechnique = buffer.dest<Game::MaterialTechnique>();
buffer.save(technique, 8);
// Save_MaterialPassArray
Game::MaterialPass* destPasses = buffer.dest<Game::MaterialPass>();
buffer.saveArray(technique->passArray, technique->passCount);
for (short j = 0; j < technique->passCount; ++j)
AssertSize(Game::MaterialPass, 20);
Game::MaterialPass* destPass = &destPasses[j];
Game::MaterialPass* pass = &technique->passArray[j];
if (pass->vertexDecl)
if (pass->args)
buffer.saveArray(pass->args, pass->perPrimArgCount + pass->perObjArgCount + pass->stableArgCount);
if (technique->name)
for (std::string fastfile : fastfiles)
if (!Game::DB_IsZoneLoaded(fastfile.data()))
Game::XZoneInfo info;
info.name = fastfile.data();
info.allocFlags = 0x20;
info.freeFlags = 0;
Game::DB_LoadXAssets(&info, 1, true);
// unload the fastfiles so we don't run out of memory or asset pools
if (count % 5)
Game::XZoneInfo info;
info.name = nullptr;
info.allocFlags = 0x0;
info.freeFlags = 0x20;
Game::DB_LoadXAssets(&info, 1, true);
#ifdef DEBUG
AssetHandler::OnLoad([](Game::XAssetType type, Game::XAssetHeader asset, const std::string& /*name*/, bool* /*restrict*/)
if (type == Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_GFXWORLD)
std::string buffer;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < asset.gfxWorld->dpvs.staticSurfaceCount; ++i)
buffer.append(Utils::String::VA("%s\n", asset.gfxWorld->dpvs.surfaces[asset.gfxWorld->dpvs.sortedSurfIndex[i]].material->info.name));
Utils::IO::WriteFile("userraw/logs/matlog.txt", buffer);
// Dvars
Dvar::Register<bool>("ui_streamFriendly", false, Game::DVAR_ARCHIVE, "Stream friendly UI");
// Debug patches
#ifdef DEBUG
// ui_debugMode 1
//Utils::Hook::Set<bool>(0x6312E0, true);
// fs_debug 1
Utils::Hook::Set<bool>(0x643172, true);
// developer 2
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x4FA425, 2);
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x51B087, 2);
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x60AE13, 2);
// developer_Script 1
Utils::Hook::Set<bool>(0x60AE2B, true);
// Disable cheat protection for dvars
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x647682, 0xEB);
// Constantly draw the mini console
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x412A45, 0xEB);
if (*reinterpret_cast<Game::Font_s**>(0x62E4BAC))
Game::Con_DrawMiniConsole(0, 2, 4, (Game::CL_IsCgameInitialized() ? 1.0f : 0.4f));
}, true);
// Remove missing tag message
Utils::Hook::Nop(0x4EBF1A, 5);
if (Flags::HasFlag("nointro"))
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x60BECF, 0xEB);
bool QuickPatch::unitTest()
uint32_t randIntCount = 4'000'000;
printf("Generating %d random integers...", randIntCount);
auto startTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < randIntCount; ++i)
auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - startTime).count();
Logger::Print("took %llims\n", duration);
printf("Testing ZLib compression...");
std::string test = Utils::String::VA("%c", Utils::Cryptography::Rand::GenerateInt());
for (int i = 0; i < 21; ++i)
std::string compressed = Utils::Compression::ZLib::Compress(test);
std::string decompressed = Utils::Compression::ZLib::Decompress(compressed);
if (test != decompressed)
printf("Compressing %d bytes and decompressing failed!\n", test.size());
return false;
auto size = test.size();
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < size; ++j)
test.append(Utils::String::VA("%c", Utils::Cryptography::Rand::GenerateInt()));
printf("Testing trimming...");
std::string trim1 = " 1 ";
std::string trim2 = " 1";
std::string trim3 = "1 ";
if (trim1 != "1") return false;
if (trim2 != "1") return false;
if (trim3 != "1") return false;
return true;