2022-06-12 23:07:53 +02:00

483 lines
12 KiB

#include <STDInclude.hpp>
namespace Components
class MapDumper
MapDumper(Game::GfxWorld* world) : world_(world)
void dump()
if (!this->world_) return;
Logger::Print("Exporting '{}'...\n", this->world_->baseName);
struct Vertex
Game::vec3_t coordinate;
Game::vec2_t texture;
Game::vec3_t normal;
struct Face
int a{};
int b{};
int c{};
struct FaceList
std::vector<Face> indices{};
class File
File() {}
File(const std::string& file)
Utils::IO::WriteFile(file, {});
this->stream_ = std::ofstream(file, std::ofstream::out);
void append(const std::string& str)
this->stream_.write(str.data(), str.size());
std::ofstream stream_{};
Game::GfxWorld* world_{};
std::vector<Vertex> vertices_{};
std::unordered_map<Game::Material*, FaceList> faces_{};
std::vector<Game::Material*> facesOrder_{};
File object_{};
File material_{};
void transformAxes(Game::vec3_t& vec) const
std::swap(vec[0], vec[1]);
std::swap(vec[1], vec[2]);
void parseVertices()
Logger::Print("Parsing vertices...\n");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->world_->draw.vertexCount; ++i)
const auto* vertex = &this->world_->draw.vd.vertices[i];
Vertex v{};
v.coordinate[0] = vertex->xyz[0];
v.coordinate[1] = vertex->xyz[1];
v.coordinate[2] = vertex->xyz[2];
v.texture[0] = vertex->texCoord[0];
v.texture[1] = -vertex->texCoord[1];
Game::Vec3UnpackUnitVec(vertex->normal, &v.normal);
void parseFaces()
Logger::Print("Parsing faces...\n");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->world_->dpvs.staticSurfaceCount; ++i)
const auto* surface = &this->world_->dpvs.surfaces[i];
const unsigned int vertOffset = surface->tris.firstVertex + 1;
const unsigned int indexOffset = surface->tris.baseIndex;
// Fuck cube maps for now
if(this->findImage(surface->material, "colorMap")->mapType == 5) continue;
auto& f = this->getFaceList(surface->material);
for (unsigned short j = 0; j < surface->tris.triCount; ++j)
Face face{};
face.a = this->world_->draw.indices[indexOffset + j * 3 + 0] + vertOffset;
face.b = this->world_->draw.indices[indexOffset + j * 3 + 1] + vertOffset;
face.c = this->world_->draw.indices[indexOffset + j * 3 + 2] + vertOffset;
FaceList& getFaceList(Game::Material* material)
auto& faceList = this->faces_[material];
if (this->facesOrder_.size() < this->faces_.size())
return faceList;
void performWorldTransformation(const Game::GfxPackedPlacement& placement, Vertex& v) const
Game::MatrixVecMultiply(placement.axis, v.normal, v.normal);
Game::MatrixVecMultiply(placement.axis, v.coordinate, v.coordinate);
v.coordinate[0] = v.coordinate[0] * placement.scale + placement.origin[0];
v.coordinate[1] = v.coordinate[1] * placement.scale + placement.origin[1];
v.coordinate[2] = v.coordinate[2] * placement.scale + placement.origin[2];
std::vector<Vertex> parseSurfaceVertices(const Game::XSurface* surface, const Game::GfxPackedPlacement& placement)
std::vector<Vertex> vertices;
for (unsigned short j = 0; j < surface->vertCount; j++)
const auto *vertex = &surface->verts0[j];
Vertex v{};
v.coordinate[0] = vertex->xyz[0];
v.coordinate[1] = vertex->xyz[1];
v.coordinate[2] = vertex->xyz[2];
// Why...
Game::Vec2UnpackTexCoords(vertex->texCoord, &v.texture);
std::swap(v.texture[0], v.texture[1]);
v.texture[1] *= -1;
Game::Vec3UnpackUnitVec(vertex->normal, &v.normal);
this->performWorldTransformation(placement, v);
return vertices;
std::vector<Face> parseSurfaceFaces(const Game::XSurface* surface) const
std::vector<Face> faces;
for (unsigned short j = 0; j < surface->triCount; ++j)
Face face{};
face.a = surface->triIndices[j * 3 + 0];
face.b = surface->triIndices[j * 3 + 1];
face.c = surface->triIndices[j * 3 + 2];
return faces;
void removeVertex(const int index, std::vector<Face>& faces, std::vector<Vertex>& vertices) const
vertices.erase(vertices.begin() + index);
for (auto &face : faces)
if (face.a > index) --face.a;
if (face.b > index) --face.b;
if (face.c > index) --face.c;
void filterSurfaceVertices(std::vector<Face>& faces, std::vector<Vertex>& vertices) const
for (auto i = 0; i < int(vertices.size()); ++i)
auto referenced = false;
for (const auto &face : faces)
if (face.a == i || face.b == i || face.c == i)
referenced = true;
if (!referenced)
this->removeVertex(i--, faces, vertices);
void parseStaticModel(Game::GfxStaticModelDrawInst* model)
for (unsigned char i = 0; i < model->model->numsurfs; ++i)
const auto* lod = &model->model->lodInfo[model->model->numLods - 1];
const auto baseIndex = this->vertices_.size() + 1;
const auto surfIndex = lod->surfIndex;
assert(lod->modelSurfs->numsurfs <= model->model->numsurfs);
for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lod->modelSurfs->numsurfs; ++i)
// TODO: Something is still wrong about the models. Probably baseTriIndex and baseVertIndex might help
const auto* surface = &lod->modelSurfs->surfs[i];
auto faces = this->parseSurfaceFaces(surface);
auto vertices = this->parseSurfaceVertices(surface, model->placement);
this->filterSurfaceVertices(faces, vertices);
auto& f = this->getFaceList(model->model->materialHandles[i + surfIndex]);
for (const auto& vertex : vertices)
for (auto face : faces)
face.a += baseIndex;
face.b += baseIndex;
face.c += baseIndex;
void parseStaticModels()
Logger::Print("Parsing static models...\n");
for (unsigned i = 0u; i < this->world_->dpvs.smodelCount; ++i)
this->parseStaticModel(this->world_->dpvs.smodelDrawInsts + i);
void write()
this->object_ = File(Utils::String::VA("raw/mapdump/%s/%s.obj", this->world_->baseName, this->world_->baseName));
this->material_ = File(Utils::String::VA("raw/mapdump/%s/%s.mtl", this->world_->baseName, this->world_->baseName));
this->object_.append("# Generated by IW4x\n");
this->object_.append("# Credit to SE2Dev for his D3DBSP Tool\n");
this->object_.append(Utils::String::VA("o %s\n", this->world_->baseName));
this->object_.append(Utils::String::VA("mtllib %s.mtl\n\n", this->world_->baseName));
this->material_.append("# IW4x MTL File\n");
this->material_.append("# Credit to SE2Dev for his D3DBSP Tool\n");
Logger::Print("Writing files...\n");
this->object_ = {};
this->material_ = {};
void writeVertices()
Logger::Print("Writing vertices...\n");
this->object_.append("# Vertices\n");
for (const auto& vertex : this->vertices_)
this->object_.append(Utils::String::VA("v %.6f %.6f %.6f\n", vertex.coordinate[0], vertex.coordinate[1], vertex.coordinate[2]));
Logger::Print("Writing texture coordinates...\n");
this->object_.append("\n# Texture coordinates\n");
for (const auto& vertex : this->vertices_)
this->object_.append(Utils::String::VA("vt %.6f %.6f\n", vertex.texture[0], vertex.texture[1]));
Logger::Print("Writing normals...\n");
this->object_.append("\n# Normals\n");
for (const auto& vertex : this->vertices_)
this->object_.append(Utils::String::VA("vn %.6f %.6f %.6f\n", vertex.normal[0], vertex.normal[1], vertex.normal[2]));
Game::GfxImage* findImage(Game::Material* material, const std::string& type) const
Game::GfxImage* image = nullptr;
const auto hash = Game::R_HashString(type.data());
for (char l = 0; l < material->textureCount; ++l)
if (material->textureTable[l].nameHash == hash)
image = material->textureTable[l].u.image; // Hopefully our map
return image;
Game::GfxImage* extractImage(Game::Material* material, const std::string& type) const
auto* image = this->findImage(material, type);
if (!image)
return image;
// TODO: This is still wrong.
if (image->mapType == 5 && false)
for (auto i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
IDirect3DSurface9* surface = nullptr;
image->texture.cubemap->GetCubeMapSurface(D3DCUBEMAP_FACES(i), 0, &surface);
if (surface)
std::string _name = Utils::String::VA("raw/mapdump/%s/textures/%s_%i.png", this->world_->baseName, image->name, i);
D3DXSaveSurfaceToFileA(_name.data(), D3DXIFF_PNG, surface, nullptr, nullptr);
std::string _name = Utils::String::VA("raw/mapdump/%s/textures/%s.png", this->world_->baseName, image->name);
D3DXSaveTextureToFileA(_name.data(), D3DXIFF_PNG, image->texture.map, nullptr);
return image;
void writeMaterial(Game::Material* material)
std::string name = material->info.name;
const auto pos = name.find_last_of('/');
if (pos != std::string::npos)
name = name.substr(pos + 1);
this->object_.append(Utils::String::VA("usemtl %s\n", name.data()));
this->object_.append("s off\n");
auto* colorMap = this->extractImage(material, "colorMap");
auto* normalMap = this->extractImage(material, "normalMap");
auto* specularMap = this->extractImage(material, "specularMap");
this->material_.append(Utils::String::VA("\nnewmtl %s\n", name.data()));
this->material_.append("Ka 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000\n");
this->material_.append("Kd 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000\n");
this->material_.append("illum 1\n");
this->material_.append(Utils::String::VA("map_Ka textures/%s.png\n", colorMap->name));
this->material_.append(Utils::String::VA("map_Kd textures/%s.png\n", colorMap->name));
if (specularMap)
this->material_.append(Utils::String::VA("map_Ks textures/%s.png\n", specularMap->name));
if (normalMap)
this->material_.append(Utils::String::VA("bump textures/%s.png\n", normalMap->name));
void writeFaces()
Logger::Print("Writing faces...\n");
Utils::IO::CreateDir(Utils::String::VA("raw/mapdump/%s/textures", this->world_->baseName));
this->material_.append(Utils::String::VA("# Material count: %d\n", this->faces_.size()));
this->object_.append("# Faces\n");
for (const auto& material : this->facesOrder_)
const auto& faces = this->getFaceList(material);
for (const auto& index : faces.indices)
const int a = index.a;
const int b = index.b;
const int c = index.c;
this->object_.append(Utils::String::VA("f %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d\n", a, a, a, b, b, b, c, c, c));
Command::Add("dumpmap", [](Command::Params*)
if (Dedicated::IsEnabled() || ZoneBuilder::IsEnabled())
Logger::Print("DirectX needs to be enabled, please start a client to use this command!\n");
Game::GfxWorld* world = nullptr;
Game::DB_EnumXAssets(Game::XAssetType::ASSET_TYPE_GFXWORLD, [](Game::XAssetHeader header, void* world)
*reinterpret_cast<Game::GfxWorld**>(world) = header.gfxWorld;
}, &world, false);
if (world)
MapDumper dumper(world);
Logger::Print("Map '{}' exported!\n", world->baseName);
Logger::Print("No map loaded, unable to dump anything!\n");