303 lines
7.7 KiB
303 lines
7.7 KiB
#include "STDInclude.hpp"
namespace Components
Dvar::Var Colors::NewColors;
std::vector<DWORD> Colors::ColorTable;
DWORD Colors::HsvToRgb(Colors::HsvColor hsv)
DWORD rgb;
unsigned char region, p, q, t;
unsigned int h, s, v, remainder;
if (hsv.s == 0)
rgb = RGB(hsv.v, hsv.v, hsv.v);
return rgb;
// converting to 16 bit to prevent overflow
h = hsv.h;
s = hsv.s;
v = hsv.v;
region = static_cast<uint8_t>(h / 43);
remainder = (h - (region * 43)) * 6;
p = static_cast<uint8_t>((v * (255 - s)) >> 8);
q = static_cast<uint8_t>((v * (255 - ((s * remainder) >> 8))) >> 8);
t = static_cast<uint8_t>((v * (255 - ((s * (255 - remainder)) >> 8))) >> 8);
switch (region)
case 0:
rgb = RGB(v, t, p);
case 1:
rgb = RGB(q, v, p);
case 2:
rgb = RGB(p, v, t);
case 3:
rgb = RGB(p, q, v);
case 4:
rgb = RGB(t, p, v);
rgb = RGB(v, p, q);
return rgb;
void Colors::Strip(const char* in, char* out, int max)
if (!in || !out) return;
int current = 0;
while (*in != 0 && current < max)
char index = *(in + 1);
if (*in == '^' && (Colors::ColorIndex(index) != 7 || index == '7'))
*out = *in;
*out = '\0';
std::string Colors::Strip(const std::string& in)
char buffer[1000] = { 0 }; // Should be more than enough
Colors::Strip(in.data(), buffer, sizeof(buffer));
return std::string(buffer);
void Colors::UserInfoCopy(char* buffer, const char* name, size_t size)
Utils::Memory::Allocator allocator;
if (!Dvar::Var("sv_allowColoredNames").get<bool>())
Colors::Strip(name, buffer, size);
strncpy_s(buffer, size, name, _TRUNCATE);
__declspec(naked) void Colors::ClientUserinfoChanged()
mov eax, [esp + 4h] // length
//sub eax, 1
push eax
push ecx // name
push edx // buffer
call Colors::UserInfoCopy
add esp, 0Ch
char* Colors::GetClientName(int localClientNum, int index, char *buf, size_t size)
Game::CL_GetClientName(localClientNum, index, buf, size);
// Append clantag to username & remove the colors
strncpy_s(buf, size, Colors::Strip(ClanTags::GetUserClantag(index, buf)).data(), size);
return buf;
void Colors::PatchColorLimit(char limit)
Utils::Hook::Set<char>(0x535629, limit); // DrawText2d
Utils::Hook::Set<char>(0x4C1BE4, limit); // No idea :P
Utils::Hook::Set<char>(0x4863DD, limit); // No idea :P
Utils::Hook::Set<char>(0x486429, limit); // No idea :P
Utils::Hook::Set<char>(0x49A5A8, limit); // No idea :P
Utils::Hook::Set<char>(0x505721, limit); // R_TextWidth
Utils::Hook::Set<char>(0x505801, limit); // No idea :P
Utils::Hook::Set<char>(0x50597F, limit); // No idea :P
Utils::Hook::Set<char>(0x5815DB, limit); // No idea :P
Utils::Hook::Set<char>(0x592ED0, limit); // No idea :P
Utils::Hook::Set<char>(0x5A2E2E, limit); // No idea :P
Utils::Hook::Set<char>(0x5A2733, limit - '0'); // No idea :P
char Colors::Add(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
char index = '0' + static_cast<char>(Colors::ColorTable.size());
Colors::ColorTable.push_back(RGB(r, g, b));
return index;
unsigned int Colors::ColorIndex(char index)
char result = index - '0';
if (static_cast<unsigned int>(result) >= Colors::ColorTable.size() || result < 0) result = 7;
return result;
void Colors::LookupColor(DWORD* color, char index)
*color = RGB(255, 255, 255);
if (index == '8') // Color 8
*color = *reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(0x66E5F70);
else if (index == '9') // Color 9
*color = *reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(0x66E5F74);
else if (index == ':')
*color = Colors::HsvToRgb({ static_cast<uint8_t>((Game::Sys_Milliseconds() / 200) % 256), 255,255 });
else if (index == ';')
float fltColor[4];
Game::Dvar_GetUnpackedColorByName("sv_customTextColor", fltColor);
*color = RGB(fltColor[0] * 255, fltColor[1] * 255, fltColor[2] * 255);
int clrIndex = Colors::ColorIndex(index);
// Use native colors
if (clrIndex <= 7 && !Colors::NewColors.get<bool>())
*color = reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(0x78DC70)[index - 48];
*color = Colors::ColorTable[clrIndex];
char* Colors::CleanStrStub(char* string)
Colors::Strip(string, string, strlen(string) + 1);
return string;
__declspec(naked) void Colors::LookupColorStub()
push [esp + 24h] // Index
push esi // Color ref
call Colors::LookupColor
add esp, 8h
// Patches team overhead normally
signed int __cdecl Colors::Dvar_GetUnpackedColorByName(const char* name, float* color) {
if (Dvar::Var("r_colorBlindTeams").get<bool>()) {
auto str = std::string(name);
if (str.compare("g_TeamColor_EnemyTeam") == 0) {
// A dark red
color[0] = 0.659f;
color[1] = 0.088f;
color[2] = 0.145f;
return 0;
else if (str.compare("g_TeamColor_MyTeam") == 0) {
// A bright yellow
color[0] = 1.f;
color[1] = 0.859f;
color[2] = 0.125f;
return 0;
return Utils::Hook::Call<signed int(const char*, float*)>(0x406530)(name, color);
// Add a colorblind mode for team colors
Dvar::Register<bool>("r_colorBlindTeams", false, Game::dvar_flag::DVAR_FLAG_SAVED, "Use color-blindness-friendly colors for ingame team names");
Utils::Hook(0x4C09BE, Colors::Dvar_GetUnpackedColorByName, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick();
Utils::Hook(0x583661, Colors::Dvar_GetUnpackedColorByName, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick();
Utils::Hook(0x5836A5, Colors::Dvar_GetUnpackedColorByName, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick();
Utils::Hook(0x4264FC, Colors::Dvar_GetUnpackedColorByName, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick();
Utils::Hook(0x4264E5, Colors::Dvar_GetUnpackedColorByName, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick();
// Disable SV_UpdateUserinfo_f, to block changing the name ingame
Utils::Hook::Set<BYTE>(0x6258D0, 0xC3);
// Allow colored names ingame
Utils::Hook(0x5D8B40, Colors::ClientUserinfoChanged, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
// Though, don't apply that to overhead names.
Utils::Hook(0x581932, Colors::GetClientName, HOOK_CALL).install()->quick();
// Patch RB_LookupColor
Utils::Hook(0x534CD0, Colors::LookupColorStub, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
// Patch ColorIndex
Utils::Hook(0x417770, Colors::ColorIndex, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
// Patch I_CleanStr
Utils::Hook(0x4AD470, Colors::CleanStrStub, HOOK_JUMP).install()->quick();
// Register dvar
Colors::NewColors = Dvar::Register<bool>("cg_newColors", true, Game::dvar_flag::DVAR_FLAG_SAVED, "Use Warfare<72> color code style.");
Game::Dvar_RegisterColor("sv_customTextColor", 1, 0.7f, 0, 1, Game::dvar_flag::DVAR_FLAG_REPLICATED, "Color for the extended color code.");
Dvar::Register<bool>("sv_allowColoredNames", true, Game::dvar_flag::DVAR_FLAG_NONE, "Allow colored names on the server");
// Add our colors
Colors::Add(0, 0, 0); // 0 - Black
Colors::Add(255, 49, 49); // 1 - Red
Colors::Add(134, 192, 0); // 2 - Green
Colors::Add(255, 173, 34); // 3 - Yellow
Colors::Add(0, 135, 193); // 4 - Blue
Colors::Add(32, 197, 255); // 5 - Light Blue
Colors::Add(151, 80, 221); // 6 - Pink
Colors::Add(255, 255, 255); // 7 - White
Colors::Add(0, 0, 0); // 8 - Team color (axis?)
Colors::Add(0, 0, 0); // 9 - Team color (allies?)
// Custom colors
Colors::Add(0, 0, 0); // 10 - Rainbow (:)
Colors::Add(0, 0, 0); // 11 - Server color (;) - using that color in infostrings (e.g. your name) fails, ';' is an illegal character!