#pragma once #define PROTOCOL 0x95 #define NUM_CUSTOM_CLASSES 15 #define SEMANTIC_WATER_MAP 11 #define FX_ELEM_FIELD_COUNT 90 // This allows us to compile our structures in IDA, for easier reversing :3 #ifndef __cplusplus #define IDA #endif #ifndef IDA namespace Game { #endif typedef float vec_t; typedef vec_t vec2_t[2]; typedef vec_t vec3_t[3]; typedef vec_t vec4_t[4]; typedef unsigned int scr_entref_t; typedef void(__cdecl * scr_function_t)(scr_entref_t); enum XAssetType { ASSET_TYPE_PHYSPRESET = 0x0, ASSET_TYPE_PHYSCOLLMAP = 0x1, ASSET_TYPE_XANIMPARTS = 0x2, ASSET_TYPE_XMODEL_SURFS = 0x3, ASSET_TYPE_XMODEL = 0x4, ASSET_TYPE_MATERIAL = 0x5, ASSET_TYPE_PIXELSHADER = 0x6, ASSET_TYPE_VERTEXSHADER = 0x7, ASSET_TYPE_VERTEXDECL = 0x8, ASSET_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_SET = 0x9, ASSET_TYPE_IMAGE = 0xA, ASSET_TYPE_SOUND = 0xB, ASSET_TYPE_SOUND_CURVE = 0xC, ASSET_TYPE_LOADED_SOUND = 0xD, ASSET_TYPE_CLIPMAP_SP = 0xE, ASSET_TYPE_CLIPMAP_MP = 0xF, ASSET_TYPE_COMWORLD = 0x10, ASSET_TYPE_GAMEWORLD_SP = 0x11, ASSET_TYPE_GAMEWORLD_MP = 0x12, ASSET_TYPE_MAP_ENTS = 0x13, ASSET_TYPE_FXWORLD = 0x14, ASSET_TYPE_GFXWORLD = 0x15, ASSET_TYPE_LIGHT_DEF = 0x16, ASSET_TYPE_UI_MAP = 0x17, ASSET_TYPE_FONT = 0x18, ASSET_TYPE_MENULIST = 0x19, ASSET_TYPE_MENU = 0x1A, ASSET_TYPE_LOCALIZE_ENTRY = 0x1B, ASSET_TYPE_WEAPON = 0x1C, ASSET_TYPE_SNDDRIVER_GLOBALS = 0x1D, ASSET_TYPE_FX = 0x1E, ASSET_TYPE_IMPACT_FX = 0x1F, ASSET_TYPE_AITYPE = 0x20, ASSET_TYPE_MPTYPE = 0x21, ASSET_TYPE_CHARACTER = 0x22, ASSET_TYPE_XMODELALIAS = 0x23, ASSET_TYPE_RAWFILE = 0x24, ASSET_TYPE_STRINGTABLE = 0x25, ASSET_TYPE_LEADERBOARD = 0x26, ASSET_TYPE_STRUCTURED_DATA_DEF = 0x27, ASSET_TYPE_TRACER = 0x28, ASSET_TYPE_VEHICLE = 0x29, ASSET_TYPE_ADDON_MAP_ENTS = 0x2A, ASSET_TYPE_COUNT = 0x2B, ASSET_TYPE_STRING = 0x2B, ASSET_TYPE_ASSETLIST = 0x2C, ASSET_TYPE_INVALID = -1, }; typedef enum : unsigned int { DVAR_FLAG_NONE = 0x0, //no flags DVAR_FLAG_SAVED = 0x1, //saves in config_mp.cfg for clients DVAR_FLAG_LATCHED = 0x2, //no changing apart from initial value (although it might apply on a map reload, I think) DVAR_FLAG_CHEAT = 0x4, //cheat DVAR_FLAG_REPLICATED = 0x8, //on change, this is sent to all clients (if you are host) DVAR_FLAG_UNKNOWN10 = 0x10, //unknown DVAR_FLAG_UNKNOWN20 = 0x20, //unknown DVAR_FLAG_UNKNOWN40 = 0x40, //unknown DVAR_FLAG_UNKNOWN80 = 0x80, //unknown DVAR_FLAG_USERCREATED = 0x100, //a 'set' type command created it DVAR_FLAG_USERINFO = 0x200, //userinfo? DVAR_FLAG_SERVERINFO = 0x400, //in the getstatus oob DVAR_FLAG_WRITEPROTECTED = 0x800, //write protected DVAR_FLAG_UNKNOWN1000 = 0x1000, //unknown DVAR_FLAG_READONLY = 0x2000, //read only (same as 0x800?) DVAR_FLAG_UNKNOWN4000 = 0x4000, //unknown DVAR_FLAG_UNKNOWN8000 = 0x8000, //unknown DVAR_FLAG_UNKNOWN10000 = 0x10000, //unknown DVAR_FLAG_DEDISAVED = 0x1000000, //unknown DVAR_FLAG_NONEXISTENT = 0xFFFFFFFF //no such dvar } dvar_flag; enum ImageCategory : char { IMG_CATEGORY_UNKNOWN = 0x0, IMG_CATEGORY_AUTO_GENERATED = 0x1, IMG_CATEGORY_LIGHTMAP = 0x2, IMG_CATEGORY_LOAD_FROM_FILE = 0x3, IMG_CATEGORY_RAW = 0x4, IMG_CATEGORY_FIRST_UNMANAGED = 0x5, IMG_CATEGORY_WATER = 0x5, IMG_CATEGORY_RENDERTARGET = 0x6, IMG_CATEGORY_TEMP = 0x7, } ; enum DvarSetSource { DVAR_SOURCE_INTERNAL = 0x0, DVAR_SOURCE_EXTERNAL = 0x1, DVAR_SOURCE_SCRIPT = 0x2, DVAR_SOURCE_DEVGUI = 0x3, }; typedef enum : char { DVAR_TYPE_BOOL = 0x0, DVAR_TYPE_FLOAT = 0x1, DVAR_TYPE_FLOAT_2 = 0x2, DVAR_TYPE_FLOAT_3 = 0x3, DVAR_TYPE_FLOAT_4 = 0x4, DVAR_TYPE_INT = 0x5, DVAR_TYPE_ENUM = 0x6, DVAR_TYPE_STRING = 0x7, DVAR_TYPE_COLOR = 0x8, DVAR_TYPE_FLOAT_3_COLOR = 0x9, DVAR_TYPE_COUNT = 0xA, } dvar_type; typedef enum { CS_FREE = 0x0, CS_UNKNOWN1 = 0x1, CS_UNKNOWN2 = 0x2, CS_CONNECTED = 0x3, CS_CLIENTLOADING = 0x4, CS_ACTIVE = 0x5, } clientstate_t; struct FxEffectDef; struct pathnode_t; struct pathnode_tree_t; struct GfxPortal; struct Statement_s; struct MenuEventHandlerSet; struct menuDef_t; typedef struct cmd_function_s { cmd_function_s *next; const char *name; const char *autoCompleteDir; const char *autoCompleteExt; void(__cdecl *function)(); int flags; } cmd_function_t; #pragma pack(push, 4) struct kbutton_t { int down[2]; unsigned int downtime; unsigned int msec; bool active; bool wasPressed; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct __declspec(align(4)) PhysPreset { const char *name; int type; float mass; float bounce; float friction; float bulletForceScale; float explosiveForceScale; const char *sndAliasPrefix; float piecesSpreadFraction; float piecesUpwardVelocity; bool tempDefaultToCylinder; bool perSurfaceSndAlias; }; struct Bounds { float midPoint[3]; float halfSize[3]; }; struct cplane_s { float normal[3]; float dist; char type; char pad[3]; }; struct cbrushside_t { cplane_s *plane; unsigned __int16 materialNum; char firstAdjacentSideOffset; char edgeCount; }; struct cbrush_t { unsigned __int16 numsides; unsigned __int16 glassPieceIndex; cbrushside_t *sides; char *baseAdjacentSide; __int16 axialMaterialNum[2][3]; char firstAdjacentSideOffsets[2][3]; char edgeCount[2][3]; }; struct BrushWrapper { Bounds bounds; cbrush_t brush; int totalEdgeCount; cplane_s *planes; }; struct PhysGeomInfo { BrushWrapper *brushWrapper; int type; float orientation[3][3]; Bounds bounds; }; struct PhysMass { float centerOfMass[3]; float momentsOfInertia[3]; float productsOfInertia[3]; }; struct PhysCollmap { const char *name; unsigned int count; PhysGeomInfo *geoms; PhysMass mass; Bounds bounds; }; union XAnimIndices { char *_1; unsigned __int16 *_2; void *data; }; struct XAnimNotifyInfo { unsigned __int16 name; float time; }; union XAnimDynamicFrames { char(*_1)[3]; unsigned __int16(*_2)[3]; }; union XAnimDynamicIndices { char _1[1]; unsigned __int16 _2[1]; }; struct __declspec(align(4)) XAnimPartTransFrames { float mins[3]; float size[3]; XAnimDynamicFrames frames; XAnimDynamicIndices indices; }; union XAnimPartTransData { XAnimPartTransFrames frames; float frame0[3]; }; struct XAnimPartTrans { unsigned __int16 size; char smallTrans; XAnimPartTransData u; }; struct __declspec(align(4)) XAnimDeltaPartQuatDataFrames2 { __int16(*frames)[2]; XAnimDynamicIndices indices; }; union XAnimDeltaPartQuatData2 { XAnimDeltaPartQuatDataFrames2 frames; __int16 frame0[2]; }; struct XAnimDeltaPartQuat2 { unsigned __int16 size; XAnimDeltaPartQuatData2 u; }; struct __declspec(align(4)) XAnimDeltaPartQuatDataFrames { __int16(*frames)[4]; XAnimDynamicIndices indices; }; union XAnimDeltaPartQuatData { XAnimDeltaPartQuatDataFrames frames; __int16 frame0[4]; }; struct XAnimDeltaPartQuat { unsigned __int16 size; XAnimDeltaPartQuatData u; }; struct XAnimDeltaPart { XAnimPartTrans *trans; XAnimDeltaPartQuat2 *quat2; XAnimDeltaPartQuat *quat; }; struct XAnimParts { const char *name; unsigned __int16 dataByteCount; unsigned __int16 dataShortCount; unsigned __int16 dataIntCount; unsigned __int16 randomDataByteCount; unsigned __int16 randomDataIntCount; unsigned __int16 numframes; char flags; char boneCount[10]; char notifyCount; char assetType; bool isDefault; unsigned int randomDataShortCount; unsigned int indexCount; float framerate; float frequency; unsigned __int16 *names; char *dataByte; __int16 *dataShort; int *dataInt; __int16 *randomDataShort; char *randomDataByte; int *randomDataInt; XAnimIndices indices; XAnimNotifyInfo *notify; XAnimDeltaPart *deltaPart; }; struct XSurfaceVertexInfo { __int16 vertCount[4]; unsigned __int16 *vertsBlend; }; union GfxColor { unsigned int packed; char array[4]; }; union PackedTexCoords { unsigned int packed; }; union PackedUnitVec { unsigned int packed; char array[4]; }; struct GfxPackedVertex { float xyz[3]; float binormalSign; GfxColor color; PackedTexCoords texCoord; PackedUnitVec normal; PackedUnitVec tangent; }; struct XSurfaceCollisionAabb { unsigned __int16 mins[3]; unsigned __int16 maxs[3]; }; struct XSurfaceCollisionNode { XSurfaceCollisionAabb aabb; unsigned __int16 childBeginIndex; unsigned __int16 childCount; }; struct XSurfaceCollisionLeaf { unsigned __int16 triangleBeginIndex; }; struct XSurfaceCollisionTree { float trans[3]; float scale[3]; unsigned int nodeCount; XSurfaceCollisionNode *nodes; unsigned int leafCount; XSurfaceCollisionLeaf *leafs; }; struct XRigidVertList { unsigned __int16 boneOffset; unsigned __int16 vertCount; unsigned __int16 triOffset; unsigned __int16 triCount; XSurfaceCollisionTree *collisionTree; }; struct XSurface { char tileMode; bool deformed; unsigned __int16 vertCount; unsigned __int16 triCount; char zoneHandle; unsigned __int16 baseTriIndex; unsigned __int16 baseVertIndex; unsigned __int16 *triIndices; XSurfaceVertexInfo vertInfo; GfxPackedVertex *verts0; unsigned int vertListCount; XRigidVertList *vertList; int partBits[6]; }; struct XModelSurfs { const char *name; XSurface *surfs; unsigned __int16 numsurfs; int partBits[6]; }; struct DObjAnimMat { float quat[4]; float trans[3]; float transWeight; }; struct GfxDrawSurfFields { unsigned __int64 objectId : 16; unsigned __int64 reflectionProbeIndex : 8; unsigned __int64 hasGfxEntIndex : 1; unsigned __int64 customIndex : 5; unsigned __int64 materialSortedIndex : 12; unsigned __int64 prepass : 2; unsigned __int64 useHeroLighting : 1; unsigned __int64 sceneLightIndex : 8; unsigned __int64 surfType : 4; unsigned __int64 primarySortKey : 6; unsigned __int64 unused : 1; }; union GfxDrawSurf { GfxDrawSurfFields fields; unsigned __int64 packed; }; struct /*__declspec(align(4))*/ MaterialInfo { const char *name; char gameFlags; char sortKey; char textureAtlasRowCount; char textureAtlasColumnCount; GfxDrawSurf drawSurf; unsigned int surfaceTypeBits; unsigned __int16 hashIndex; }; struct MaterialStreamRouting { char source; char dest; }; struct MaterialVertexStreamRouting { MaterialStreamRouting data[13]; IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 *decl[16]; }; struct MaterialVertexDeclaration { const char *name; char streamCount; bool hasOptionalSource; MaterialVertexStreamRouting routing; }; struct GfxVertexShaderLoadDef { unsigned int *program; unsigned __int16 programSize; unsigned __int16 loadForRenderer; }; struct MaterialVertexShaderProgram { IDirect3DVertexShader9 *vs; GfxVertexShaderLoadDef loadDef; }; struct MaterialVertexShader { const char *name; MaterialVertexShaderProgram prog; }; struct GfxPixelShaderLoadDef { unsigned int *program; unsigned __int16 programSize; unsigned __int16 loadForRenderer; }; struct MaterialPixelShaderProgram { IDirect3DPixelShader9 *ps; GfxPixelShaderLoadDef loadDef; }; struct MaterialPixelShader { const char *name; MaterialPixelShaderProgram prog; }; struct MaterialArgumentCodeConst { unsigned __int16 index; char firstRow; char rowCount; }; union MaterialArgumentDef { const float *literalConst; MaterialArgumentCodeConst codeConst; unsigned int codeSampler; unsigned int nameHash; }; struct MaterialShaderArgument { unsigned __int16 type; unsigned __int16 dest; MaterialArgumentDef u; }; struct MaterialPass { MaterialVertexDeclaration *vertexDecl; MaterialVertexShader *vertexShader; MaterialPixelShader *pixelShader; char perPrimArgCount; char perObjArgCount; char stableArgCount; char customSamplerFlags; MaterialShaderArgument *args; }; struct MaterialTechnique { const char *name; unsigned __int16 flags; unsigned __int16 passCount; MaterialPass passArray[1]; }; struct MaterialTechniqueSet { const char *name; char worldVertFormat; bool hasBeenUploaded; char unused[1]; MaterialTechniqueSet *remappedTechniqueSet; MaterialTechnique *techniques[48]; }; struct GfxImageLoadDefIW3 { char levelCount; char flags; __int16 dimensions[3]; int format; int resourceSize; char data[1]; }; struct __declspec(align(4)) GfxImageLoadDef { char levelCount; char pad[3]; int flags; int format; int resourceSize; char data[1]; }; union GfxTexture { IDirect3DBaseTexture9 *basemap; IDirect3DTexture9 *map; IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 *volmap; IDirect3DCubeTexture9 *cubemap; GfxImageLoadDef *loadDef; }; struct Picmip { char platform[2]; }; struct CardMemory { int platform[2]; }; struct GfxImage { GfxTexture texture; char mapType; char semantic; char category; bool useSrgbReads; Picmip picmip; bool noPicmip; char track; CardMemory cardMemory; unsigned __int16 width; unsigned __int16 height; unsigned __int16 depth; bool delayLoadPixels; const char *name; }; struct WaterWritable { float floatTime; }; struct complex_s { float real; float imag; }; struct water_t { WaterWritable writable; complex_s *H0; float *wTerm; int M; int N; float Lx; float Lz; float gravity; float windvel; float winddir[2]; float amplitude; float codeConstant[4]; GfxImage *image; }; union MaterialTextureDefInfo { GfxImage *image; water_t *water; }; struct MaterialTextureDef { unsigned int nameHash; char nameStart; char nameEnd; char samplerState; char semantic; MaterialTextureDefInfo u; }; struct MaterialConstantDef { unsigned int nameHash; char name[12]; float literal[4]; }; struct GfxStateBits { unsigned int loadBits[2]; }; struct Material { MaterialInfo info; char stateBitsEntry[48]; char textureCount; char constantCount; char stateBitsCount; char stateFlags; char cameraRegion; MaterialTechniqueSet *techniqueSet; MaterialTextureDef *textureTable; MaterialConstantDef *constantTable; GfxStateBits *stateBitsTable; }; struct XModelLodInfo { float dist; unsigned __int16 numsurfs; unsigned __int16 surfIndex; XModelSurfs *modelSurfs; int partBits[6]; XSurface *surfs; char lod; char smcBaseIndexPlusOne; char smcSubIndexMask; char smcBucket; }; struct XModelCollTri_s { float plane[4]; float svec[4]; float tvec[4]; }; struct XModelCollSurf_s { XModelCollTri_s *collTris; int numCollTris; Bounds bounds; int boneIdx; int contents; int surfFlags; }; struct XBoneInfo { Bounds bounds; float radiusSquared; }; struct XModel { const char *name; char numBones; char numRootBones; unsigned char numsurfs; char lodRampType; float scale; unsigned int noScalePartBits[6]; unsigned __int16 *boneNames; char *parentList; __int16 *quats; float *trans; char *partClassification; DObjAnimMat *baseMat; Material **materialHandles; XModelLodInfo lodInfo[4]; char maxLoadedLod; char numLods; char collLod; char flags; XModelCollSurf_s *collSurfs; int numCollSurfs; int contents; XBoneInfo *boneInfo; float radius; Bounds bounds; int memUsage; bool bad; PhysPreset *physPreset; PhysCollmap *physCollmap; }; struct _AILSOUNDINFO { int format; const void *data_ptr; unsigned int data_len; unsigned int rate; int bits; int channels; unsigned int samples; unsigned int block_size; const void *initial_ptr; }; struct MssSound { _AILSOUNDINFO info; char *data; }; struct LoadedSound { const char *name; MssSound sound; }; struct StreamFileNameRaw { const char *dir; const char *name; }; union StreamFileInfo { StreamFileNameRaw raw; }; struct StreamFileName { StreamFileInfo info; }; struct StreamedSound { StreamFileName filename; }; union SoundFileRef { LoadedSound *loadSnd; StreamedSound streamSnd; }; enum snd_alias_type_t { SAT_UNKNOWN = 0x0, SAT_LOADED = 0x1, SAT_STREAMED = 0x2, SAT_VOICED = 0x3, SAT_COUNT = 0x4, }; struct SoundFile { char type; char exists; SoundFileRef u; }; union $C8D87EB0090687D323381DFB7A82089C { float slavePercentage; float masterPercentage; }; struct SndCurve { const char *filename; unsigned __int16 knotCount; float knots[16][2]; }; struct MSSSpeakerLevels { int speaker; int numLevels; float levels[2]; }; struct MSSChannelMap { unsigned int speakerCount; MSSSpeakerLevels speakers[6]; }; struct SpeakerMap { bool isDefault; const char *name; MSSChannelMap channelMaps[2][2]; }; const struct snd_alias_t { const char *aliasName; const char *subtitle; const char *secondaryAliasName; const char *chainAliasName; const char *mixerGroup; SoundFile *soundFile; int sequence; float volMin; float volMax; float pitchMin; float pitchMax; float distMin; float distMax; float velocityMin; int flags; $C8D87EB0090687D323381DFB7A82089C ___u15; float probability; float lfePercentage; float centerPercentage; int startDelay; SndCurve *volumeFalloffCurve; float envelopMin; float envelopMax; float envelopPercentage; SpeakerMap *speakerMap; }; struct snd_alias_list_t { const char *aliasName; snd_alias_t *head; unsigned int count; }; struct cStaticModel_s { XModel *xmodel; float origin[3]; float invScaledAxis[3][3]; Bounds absBounds; }; struct ClipMaterial { const char *name; int surfaceFlags; int contents; }; struct cNode_t { cplane_s *plane; __int16 children[2]; }; struct cLeaf_t { unsigned __int16 firstCollAabbIndex; unsigned __int16 collAabbCount; int brushContents; int terrainContents; Bounds bounds; int leafBrushNode; }; struct cLeafBrushNodeLeaf_t { unsigned __int16 *brushes; }; struct cLeafBrushNodeChildren_t { float dist; float range; unsigned __int16 childOffset[2]; }; union cLeafBrushNodeData_t { cLeafBrushNodeLeaf_t leaf; cLeafBrushNodeChildren_t children; }; struct cLeafBrushNode_s { char axis; __int16 leafBrushCount; int contents; cLeafBrushNodeData_t data; }; struct CollisionBorder { float distEq[3]; float zBase; float zSlope; float start; float length; }; struct CollisionPartition { char triCount; char borderCount; char firstVertSegment; int firstTri; CollisionBorder *borders; }; union CollisionAabbTreeIndex { int firstChildIndex; int partitionIndex; }; struct CollisionAabbTree { float midPoint[3]; unsigned __int16 materialIndex; unsigned __int16 childCount; float halfSize[3]; CollisionAabbTreeIndex u; }; struct cmodel_t { Bounds bounds; float radius; cLeaf_t leaf; }; struct TriggerModel { int contents; unsigned __int16 hullCount; unsigned __int16 firstHull; }; struct TriggerHull { Bounds bounds; int contents; unsigned __int16 slabCount; unsigned __int16 firstSlab; }; struct TriggerSlab { float dir[3]; float midPoint; float halfSize; }; struct MapTriggers { unsigned int count; TriggerModel *models; unsigned int hullCount; TriggerHull *hulls; unsigned int slabCount; TriggerSlab *slabs; }; struct /*__declspec(align(2))*/ Stage { const char *name; float origin[3]; unsigned __int16 triggerIndex; char sunPrimaryLightIndex; }; struct __declspec(align(4)) MapEnts { const char *name; char *entityString; int numEntityChars; MapTriggers trigger; Stage *stages; char stageCount; }; struct SModelAabbNode { Bounds bounds; unsigned __int16 firstChild; unsigned __int16 childCount; }; enum DynEntityType { DYNENT_TYPE_INVALID = 0x0, DYNENT_TYPE_CLUTTER = 0x1, DYNENT_TYPE_DESTRUCT = 0x2, DYNENT_TYPE_COUNT = 0x3, }; struct GfxPlacement { float quat[4]; float origin[3]; }; struct FxSpawnDefLooping { int intervalMsec; int count; }; struct FxIntRange { int base; int amplitude; }; struct FxSpawnDefOneShot { FxIntRange count; }; union FxSpawnDef { FxSpawnDefLooping looping; FxSpawnDefOneShot oneShot; }; struct FxFloatRange { float base; float amplitude; }; struct FxElemAtlas { char behavior; char index; char fps; char loopCount; char colIndexBits; char rowIndexBits; __int16 entryCount; }; struct FxElemVec3Range { float base[3]; float amplitude[3]; }; struct FxElemVelStateInFrame { FxElemVec3Range velocity; FxElemVec3Range totalDelta; }; const struct FxElemVelStateSample { FxElemVelStateInFrame local; FxElemVelStateInFrame world; }; struct FxElemVisualState { char color[4]; float rotationDelta; float rotationTotal; float size[2]; float scale; }; const struct FxElemVisStateSample { FxElemVisualState base; FxElemVisualState amplitude; }; struct FxElemMarkVisuals { Material *materials[2]; }; union FxEffectDefRef { FxEffectDef *handle; const char *name; }; union FxElemVisuals { const void *anonymous; Material *material; XModel *model; FxEffectDefRef effectDef; const char *soundName; }; union FxElemDefVisuals { FxElemMarkVisuals *markArray; FxElemVisuals *array; FxElemVisuals instance; }; struct FxTrailVertex { float pos[2]; float normal[2]; float texCoord; }; struct FxTrailDef { int scrollTimeMsec; int repeatDist; float invSplitDist; float invSplitArcDist; float invSplitTime; int vertCount; FxTrailVertex *verts; int indCount; unsigned __int16 *inds; }; struct FxSparkFountainDef { float gravity; float bounceFrac; float bounceRand; float sparkSpacing; float sparkLength; int sparkCount; float loopTime; float velMin; float velMax; float velConeFrac; float restSpeed; float boostTime; float boostFactor; }; union FxElemExtendedDefPtr { FxTrailDef *trailDef; FxSparkFountainDef *sparkFountainDef; void *unknownDef; }; const struct FxElemDef { int flags; FxSpawnDef spawn; FxFloatRange spawnRange; FxFloatRange fadeInRange; FxFloatRange fadeOutRange; float spawnFrustumCullRadius; FxIntRange spawnDelayMsec; FxIntRange lifeSpanMsec; FxFloatRange spawnOrigin[3]; FxFloatRange spawnOffsetRadius; FxFloatRange spawnOffsetHeight; FxFloatRange spawnAngles[3]; FxFloatRange angularVelocity[3]; FxFloatRange initialRotation; FxFloatRange gravity; FxFloatRange reflectionFactor; FxElemAtlas atlas; char elemType; char visualCount; char velIntervalCount; char visStateIntervalCount; FxElemVelStateSample *velSamples; FxElemVisStateSample *visSamples; FxElemDefVisuals visuals; Bounds collBounds; FxEffectDefRef effectOnImpact; FxEffectDefRef effectOnDeath; FxEffectDefRef effectEmitted; FxFloatRange emitDist; FxFloatRange emitDistVariance; FxElemExtendedDefPtr extended; char sortOrder; char lightingFrac; char useItemClip; char fadeInfo; }; struct FxEffectDef { const char *name; int flags; int totalSize; int msecLoopingLife; int elemDefCountLooping; int elemDefCountOneShot; int elemDefCountEmission; FxElemDef *elemDefs; }; struct DynEntityDef { DynEntityType type; GfxPlacement pose; XModel *xModel; unsigned __int16 brushModel; unsigned __int16 physicsBrushModel; FxEffectDef *destroyFx; PhysPreset *physPreset; int health; PhysMass mass; int contents; }; struct DynEntityPose { GfxPlacement pose; float radius; }; struct DynEntityClient { int physObjId; unsigned __int16 flags; unsigned __int16 lightingHandle; int health; }; struct DynEntityColl { unsigned __int16 sector; unsigned __int16 nextEntInSector; float linkMins[2]; float linkMaxs[2]; }; #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable: 4324) struct __declspec(align(64)) clipMap_t { const char *name; int isInUse; int planeCount; cplane_s *planes; unsigned int numStaticModels; cStaticModel_s *staticModelList; unsigned int numMaterials; ClipMaterial *materials; unsigned int numBrushSides; cbrushside_t *brushsides; unsigned int numBrushEdges; char *brushEdges; unsigned int numNodes; cNode_t *nodes; unsigned int numLeafs; cLeaf_t *leafs; unsigned int leafbrushNodesCount; cLeafBrushNode_s *leafbrushNodes; unsigned int numLeafBrushes; unsigned __int16 *leafbrushes; unsigned int numLeafSurfaces; unsigned int *leafsurfaces; unsigned int vertCount; float(*verts)[3]; int triCount; unsigned __int16 *triIndices; char *triEdgeIsWalkable; int borderCount; CollisionBorder *borders; int partitionCount; CollisionPartition *partitions; int aabbTreeCount; CollisionAabbTree *aabbTrees; unsigned int numSubModels; cmodel_t *cmodels; unsigned __int16 numBrushes; cbrush_t *brushes; Bounds *brushBounds; int *brushContents; MapEnts *mapEnts; unsigned __int16 smodelNodeCount; SModelAabbNode *smodelNodes; unsigned __int16 dynEntCount[2]; DynEntityDef *dynEntDefList[2]; DynEntityPose *dynEntPoseList[2]; DynEntityClient *dynEntClientList[2]; DynEntityColl *dynEntCollList[2]; unsigned int checksum; }; #pragma warning(pop) struct ComPrimaryLight { char type; char canUseShadowMap; char exponent; char unused; float color[3]; float dir[3]; float origin[3]; float radius; float cosHalfFovOuter; float cosHalfFovInner; float cosHalfFovExpanded; float rotationLimit; float translationLimit; const char *defName; }; struct ComWorld { const char *name; int isInUse; unsigned int primaryLightCount; ComPrimaryLight *primaryLights; }; enum nodeType { NODE_ERROR = 0x0, NODE_PATHNODE = 0x1, NODE_COVER_STAND = 0x2, NODE_COVER_CROUCH = 0x3, NODE_COVER_CROUCH_WINDOW = 0x4, NODE_COVER_PRONE = 0x5, NODE_COVER_RIGHT = 0x6, NODE_COVER_LEFT = 0x7, NODE_AMBUSH = 0x8, NODE_EXPOSED = 0x9, NODE_CONCEALMENT_STAND = 0xA, NODE_CONCEALMENT_CROUCH = 0xB, NODE_CONCEALMENT_PRONE = 0xC, NODE_DOOR = 0xD, NODE_DOOR_INTERIOR = 0xE, NODE_SCRIPTED = 0xF, NODE_NEGOTIATION_BEGIN = 0x10, NODE_NEGOTIATION_END = 0x11, NODE_TURRET = 0x12, NODE_GUARD = 0x13, NODE_NUMTYPES = 0x14, NODE_DONTLINK = 0x14, }; enum PathNodeErrorCode { PNERR_NONE = 0x0, PNERR_INSOLID = 0x1, PNERR_FLOATING = 0x2, PNERR_NOLINK = 0x3, PNERR_DUPLICATE = 0x4, PNERR_NOSTANCE = 0x5, PNERR_INVALIDDOOR = 0x6, PNERR_NOANGLES = 0x7, PNERR_BADPLACEMENT = 0x8, NUM_PATH_NODE_ERRORS = 0x9, }; union $23305223CFD097B6F79557BDD2047E6C { float minUseDistSq; PathNodeErrorCode error; }; struct pathlink_s { float fDist; unsigned __int16 nodeNum; char disconnectCount; char negotiationLink; char flags; char ubBadPlaceCount[3]; }; struct pathnode_constant_t { nodeType type; unsigned __int16 spawnflags; unsigned __int16 targetname; unsigned __int16 script_linkName; unsigned __int16 script_noteworthy; unsigned __int16 target; unsigned __int16 animscript; int animscriptfunc; float vOrigin[3]; float fAngle; float forward[2]; float fRadius; $23305223CFD097B6F79557BDD2047E6C ___u12; __int16 wOverlapNode[2]; unsigned __int16 totalLinkCount; pathlink_s *Links; }; struct pathnode_dynamic_t { void *pOwner; int iFreeTime; int iValidTime[3]; int dangerousNodeTime[3]; int inPlayerLOSTime; __int16 wLinkCount; __int16 wOverlapCount; __int16 turretEntNumber; char userCount; bool hasBadPlaceLink; }; union $73F238679C0419BE2C31C6559E8604FC { float nodeCost; int linkIndex; }; struct pathnode_transient_t { int iSearchFrame; pathnode_t *pNextOpen; pathnode_t *pPrevOpen; pathnode_t *pParent; float fCost; float fHeuristic; $73F238679C0419BE2C31C6559E8604FC ___u6; }; struct pathnode_t { pathnode_constant_t constant; pathnode_dynamic_t dynamic; pathnode_transient_t transient; }; struct pathbasenode_t { float vOrigin[3]; unsigned int type; }; struct pathnode_tree_nodes_t { int nodeCount; unsigned __int16 *nodes; }; union pathnode_tree_info_t { pathnode_tree_t *child[2]; pathnode_tree_nodes_t s; }; struct pathnode_tree_t { int axis; float dist; pathnode_tree_info_t u; }; struct PathData { unsigned int nodeCount; pathnode_t *nodes; pathbasenode_t *basenodes; unsigned int chainNodeCount; unsigned __int16 *chainNodeForNode; unsigned __int16 *nodeForChainNode; int visBytes; char *pathVis; int nodeTreeCount; pathnode_tree_t *nodeTree; }; struct VehicleTrackObstacle { float origin[2]; float radius; }; struct VehicleTrackSector { float startEdgeDir[2]; float startEdgeDist; float leftEdgeDir[2]; float leftEdgeDist; float rightEdgeDir[2]; float rightEdgeDist; float sectorLength; float sectorWidth; float totalPriorLength; float totalFollowingLength; VehicleTrackObstacle *obstacles; unsigned int obstacleCount; }; struct VehicleTrackSegment { const char *targetName; VehicleTrackSector *sectors; unsigned int sectorCount; VehicleTrackSegment **nextBranches; unsigned int nextBranchesCount; VehicleTrackSegment **prevBranches; unsigned int prevBranchesCount; float endEdgeDir[2]; float endEdgeDist; float totalLength; }; struct VehicleTrack { VehicleTrackSegment *segments; unsigned int segmentCount; }; struct /*__declspec(align(2))*/ G_GlassPiece { unsigned __int16 damageTaken; unsigned __int16 collapseTime; int lastStateChangeTime; char impactDir; char impactPos[2]; }; struct G_GlassName { char *nameStr; unsigned __int16 name; unsigned __int16 pieceCount; unsigned __int16 *pieceIndices; }; struct G_GlassData { G_GlassPiece *glassPieces; unsigned int pieceCount; unsigned __int16 damageToWeaken; unsigned __int16 damageToDestroy; unsigned int glassNameCount; G_GlassName *glassNames; char pad[108]; }; struct GameWorldSp { const char *name; PathData path; VehicleTrack vehicleTrack; G_GlassData *g_glassData; }; struct GameWorldMp { const char *name; G_GlassData *g_glassData; }; struct FxGlassDef { float halfThickness; float texVecs[2][2]; GfxColor color; Material *material; Material *materialShattered; PhysPreset *physPreset; }; struct FxSpatialFrame { float quat[4]; float origin[3]; }; struct $E43DBA5037697D705289B74D87E76C70 { FxSpatialFrame frame; float radius; }; union FxGlassPiecePlace { $E43DBA5037697D705289B74D87E76C70 __s0; unsigned int nextFree; }; struct FxGlassPieceState { float texCoordOrigin[2]; unsigned int supportMask; unsigned __int16 initIndex; unsigned __int16 geoDataStart; char defIndex; char pad[5]; char vertCount; char holeDataCount; char crackDataCount; char fanDataCount; unsigned __int16 flags; float areaX2; }; struct FxGlassPieceDynamics { int fallTime; int physObjId; int physJointId; float vel[3]; float avel[3]; }; struct FxGlassVertex { __int16 x; __int16 y; }; struct FxGlassHoleHeader { unsigned __int16 uniqueVertCount; char touchVert; char pad[1]; }; struct FxGlassCrackHeader { unsigned __int16 uniqueVertCount; char beginVertIndex; char endVertIndex; }; union FxGlassGeometryData { FxGlassVertex vert; FxGlassHoleHeader hole; FxGlassCrackHeader crack; char asBytes[4]; __int16 anonymous[2]; }; struct FxGlassInitPieceState { FxSpatialFrame frame; float radius; float texCoordOrigin[2]; unsigned int supportMask; float areaX2; char defIndex; char vertCount; char fanDataCount; char pad[1]; }; struct FxGlassSystem { int time; int prevTime; unsigned int defCount; unsigned int pieceLimit; unsigned int pieceWordCount; unsigned int initPieceCount; unsigned int cellCount; unsigned int activePieceCount; unsigned int firstFreePiece; unsigned int geoDataLimit; unsigned int geoDataCount; unsigned int initGeoDataCount; FxGlassDef *defs; FxGlassPiecePlace *piecePlaces; FxGlassPieceState *pieceStates; FxGlassPieceDynamics *pieceDynamics; FxGlassGeometryData *geoData; unsigned int *isInUse; unsigned int *cellBits; char *visData; float(*linkOrg)[3]; float *halfThickness; unsigned __int16 *lightingHandles; FxGlassInitPieceState *initPieceStates; FxGlassGeometryData *initGeoData; bool needToCompactData; char initCount; float effectChanceAccum; int lastPieceDeletionTime; }; struct FxWorld { const char *name; FxGlassSystem glassSys; }; struct __declspec(align(4)) GfxSky { int skySurfCount; int *skyStartSurfs; GfxImage *skyImage; char skySamplerState; }; struct GfxWorldDpvsPlanes { int cellCount; cplane_s *planes; unsigned __int16 *nodes; unsigned int *sceneEntCellBits; }; struct GfxCellTreeCount { int aabbTreeCount; }; struct GfxAabbTree { Bounds bounds; unsigned __int16 childCount; unsigned __int16 surfaceCount; unsigned __int16 startSurfIndex; unsigned __int16 surfaceCountNoDecal; unsigned __int16 startSurfIndexNoDecal; unsigned __int16 smodelIndexCount; unsigned __int16 *smodelIndexes; int childrenOffset; }; struct GfxCellTree { GfxAabbTree *aabbTree; }; struct GfxPortalWritable { bool isQueued; bool isAncestor; char recursionDepth; char hullPointCount; float(*hullPoints)[2]; GfxPortal *queuedParent; }; struct DpvsPlane { float coeffs[4]; }; struct GfxPortal { GfxPortalWritable writable; DpvsPlane plane; float(*vertices)[3]; unsigned __int16 cellIndex; char vertexCount; float hullAxis[2][3]; }; struct GfxCell { Bounds bounds; int portalCount; GfxPortal *portals; char reflectionProbeCount; char *reflectionProbes; }; struct GfxReflectionProbe { float origin[3]; }; struct GfxLightmapArray { GfxImage *primary; GfxImage *secondary; }; struct GfxWorldVertex { float xyz[3]; float binormalSign; GfxColor color; float texCoord[2]; float lmapCoord[2]; PackedUnitVec normal; PackedUnitVec tangent; }; struct GfxWorldVertexData { GfxWorldVertex *vertices; IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 *worldVb; }; struct GfxWorldVertexLayerData { char *data; IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 *layerVb; }; struct GfxWorldDraw { unsigned int reflectionProbeCount; GfxImage **reflectionProbes; GfxReflectionProbe *reflectionProbeOrigins; GfxTexture *reflectionProbeTextures; int lightmapCount; GfxLightmapArray *lightmaps; GfxTexture *lightmapPrimaryTextures; GfxTexture *lightmapSecondaryTextures; GfxImage *lightmapOverridePrimary; GfxImage *lightmapOverrideSecondary; unsigned int vertexCount; GfxWorldVertexData vd; unsigned int vertexLayerDataSize; GfxWorldVertexLayerData vld; unsigned int indexCount; unsigned __int16 *indices; }; struct GfxLightGridEntry { unsigned __int16 colorsIndex; char primaryLightIndex; char needsTrace; }; struct GfxLightGridColors { char rgb[56][3]; }; struct GfxLightGrid { bool hasLightRegions; unsigned int lastSunPrimaryLightIndex; unsigned __int16 mins[3]; unsigned __int16 maxs[3]; unsigned int rowAxis; unsigned int colAxis; unsigned __int16 *rowDataStart; unsigned int rawRowDataSize; char *rawRowData; unsigned int entryCount; GfxLightGridEntry *entries; unsigned int colorCount; GfxLightGridColors *colors; }; struct GfxBrushModelWritable { Bounds bounds; }; struct __declspec(align(4)) GfxBrushModel { GfxBrushModelWritable writable; Bounds bounds; float radius; unsigned __int16 surfaceCount; unsigned __int16 startSurfIndex; unsigned __int16 surfaceCountNoDecal; }; struct MaterialMemory { Material *material; int memory; }; struct sunflare_t { bool hasValidData; Material *spriteMaterial; Material *flareMaterial; float spriteSize; float flareMinSize; float flareMinDot; float flareMaxSize; float flareMaxDot; float flareMaxAlpha; int flareFadeInTime; int flareFadeOutTime; float blindMinDot; float blindMaxDot; float blindMaxDarken; int blindFadeInTime; int blindFadeOutTime; float glareMinDot; float glareMaxDot; float glareMaxLighten; int glareFadeInTime; int glareFadeOutTime; float sunFxPosition[3]; }; struct XModelDrawInfo { char hasGfxEntIndex; char lod; unsigned __int16 surfId; }; struct GfxSceneDynModel { XModelDrawInfo info; unsigned __int16 dynEntId; }; struct BModelDrawInfo { unsigned __int16 surfId; }; struct GfxSceneDynBrush { BModelDrawInfo info; unsigned __int16 dynEntId; }; struct GfxShadowGeometry { unsigned __int16 surfaceCount; unsigned __int16 smodelCount; unsigned __int16 *sortedSurfIndex; unsigned __int16 *smodelIndex; }; struct GfxLightRegionAxis { float dir[3]; float midPoint; float halfSize; }; struct GfxLightRegionHull { float kdopMidPoint[9]; float kdopHalfSize[9]; unsigned int axisCount; GfxLightRegionAxis *axis; }; struct GfxLightRegion { unsigned int hullCount; GfxLightRegionHull *hulls; }; struct GfxStaticModelInst { Bounds bounds; float lightingOrigin[3]; }; struct srfTriangles_t { unsigned int vertexLayerData; unsigned int firstVertex; unsigned __int16 vertexCount; unsigned __int16 triCount; unsigned int baseIndex; }; struct GfxSurfaceLightingAndFlagsFields { char lightmapIndex; char reflectionProbeIndex; char primaryLightIndex; char flags; }; union GfxSurfaceLightingAndFlags { GfxSurfaceLightingAndFlagsFields fields; unsigned int packed; }; struct GfxSurface { srfTriangles_t tris; Material *material; GfxSurfaceLightingAndFlags laf; }; struct GfxSurfaceBounds { Bounds bounds; }; struct GfxPackedPlacement { float origin[3]; float axis[3][3]; float scale; }; struct GfxStaticModelDrawInst { GfxPackedPlacement placement; XModel *model; unsigned __int16 cullDist; unsigned __int16 lightingHandle; char reflectionProbeIndex; char primaryLightIndex; char flags; char firstMtlSkinIndex; GfxColor groundLighting; unsigned __int16 cacheId[4]; }; struct GfxWorldDpvsStatic { unsigned int smodelCount; unsigned int staticSurfaceCount; unsigned int staticSurfaceCountNoDecal; unsigned int litOpaqueSurfsBegin; unsigned int litOpaqueSurfsEnd; unsigned int litTransSurfsBegin; unsigned int litTransSurfsEnd; unsigned int shadowCasterSurfsBegin; unsigned int shadowCasterSurfsEnd; unsigned int emissiveSurfsBegin; unsigned int emissiveSurfsEnd; unsigned int smodelVisDataCount; unsigned int surfaceVisDataCount; char *smodelVisData[3]; char *surfaceVisData[3]; unsigned __int16 *sortedSurfIndex; GfxStaticModelInst *smodelInsts; GfxSurface *surfaces; GfxSurfaceBounds *surfacesBounds; GfxStaticModelDrawInst *smodelDrawInsts; GfxDrawSurf *surfaceMaterials; unsigned int *surfaceCastsSunShadow; volatile int usageCount; }; struct GfxWorldDpvsDynamic { unsigned int dynEntClientWordCount[2]; unsigned int dynEntClientCount[2]; unsigned int *dynEntCellBits[2]; char *dynEntVisData[2][3]; }; struct GfxHeroOnlyLight { char type; char unused[3]; float color[3]; float dir[3]; float origin[3]; float radius; float cosHalfFovOuter; float cosHalfFovInner; int exponent; }; struct __declspec(align(4)) GfxWorld { const char *name; const char *baseName; int planeCount; int nodeCount; unsigned int surfaceCount; int skyCount; GfxSky *skies; unsigned int lastSunPrimaryLightIndex; unsigned int primaryLightCount; unsigned int sortKeyLitDecal; unsigned int sortKeyEffectDecal; unsigned int sortKeyEffectAuto; unsigned int sortKeyDistortion; GfxWorldDpvsPlanes dpvsPlanes; GfxCellTreeCount *aabbTreeCounts; GfxCellTree *aabbTrees; GfxCell *cells; GfxWorldDraw draw; GfxLightGrid lightGrid; int modelCount; GfxBrushModel *models; Bounds bounds; unsigned int checksum; int materialMemoryCount; MaterialMemory *materialMemory; sunflare_t sun; float outdoorLookupMatrix[4][4]; GfxImage *outdoorImage; unsigned int *cellCasterBits; unsigned int *cellHasSunLitSurfsBits; GfxSceneDynModel *sceneDynModel; GfxSceneDynBrush *sceneDynBrush; unsigned int *primaryLightEntityShadowVis; unsigned int *primaryLightDynEntShadowVis[2]; char *nonSunPrimaryLightForModelDynEnt; GfxShadowGeometry *shadowGeom; GfxLightRegion *lightRegion; GfxWorldDpvsStatic dpvs; GfxWorldDpvsDynamic dpvsDyn; unsigned int mapVtxChecksum; unsigned int heroOnlyLightCount; GfxHeroOnlyLight *heroOnlyLights; char fogTypesAllowed; }; struct __declspec(align(4)) GfxLightImage { GfxImage *image; char samplerState; }; struct GfxLightDef { const char *name; GfxLightImage attenuation; int lmapLookupStart; }; struct Glyph { unsigned __int16 letter; char x0; char y0; char dx; char pixelWidth; char pixelHeight; float s0; float t0; float s1; float t1; }; struct Font_s { const char *fontName; int pixelHeight; int glyphCount; Material *material; Material *glowMaterial; Glyph *glyphs; }; struct __declspec(align(4)) rectDef_s { float x; float y; float w; float h; char horzAlign; char vertAlign; }; struct windowDef_t { const char *name; rectDef_s rect; rectDef_s rectClient; const char *group; int style; int border; int ownerDraw; int ownerDrawFlags; float borderSize; int staticFlags; int dynamicFlags[1]; int nextTime; float foreColor[4]; float backColor[4]; float borderColor[4]; float outlineColor[4]; float disableColor[4]; Material *background; }; enum expDataType { VAL_INT = 0x0, VAL_FLOAT = 0x1, VAL_STRING = 0x2, NUM_INTERNAL_DATATYPES = 0x3, VAL_FUNCTION = 0x3, NUM_DATATYPES = 0x4, }; struct ExpressionString { const char *string; }; union operandInternalDataUnion { int intVal; float floatVal; ExpressionString stringVal; Statement_s *function; }; struct Operand { expDataType dataType; operandInternalDataUnion internals; }; // This enum is unknown enum operationEnum { BLUB }; union entryInternalData { operationEnum op; Operand operand; }; struct expressionEntry { int type; entryInternalData data; }; struct UIFunctionList { int totalFunctions; Statement_s **functions; }; union DvarValue { bool enabled; int integer; unsigned int unsignedInt; float value; float vector[4]; const char *string; unsigned char color[4]; }; struct $BFBB53559BEAC4289F32B924847E59CB { int stringCount; const char **strings; }; struct $9CA192F9DB66A3CB7E01DE78A0DEA53D { int min; int max; }; struct $251C2428A496074035CACA7AAF3D55BD { float min; float max; }; union DvarLimits { $BFBB53559BEAC4289F32B924847E59CB enumeration; $9CA192F9DB66A3CB7E01DE78A0DEA53D integer; $251C2428A496074035CACA7AAF3D55BD value; $251C2428A496074035CACA7AAF3D55BD vector; }; struct dvar_t { const char *name; const char *description; unsigned int flags; dvar_type type; bool modified; DvarValue current; DvarValue latched; DvarValue reset; DvarLimits domain; bool(__cdecl *domainFunc)(dvar_t *, DvarValue); dvar_t *hashNext; }; struct StaticDvar { dvar_t *dvar; char *dvarName; }; struct StaticDvarList { int numStaticDvars; StaticDvar **staticDvars; }; struct StringList { int totalStrings; const char **strings; }; struct ExpressionSupportingData { UIFunctionList uifunctions; StaticDvarList staticDvarList; StringList uiStrings; }; struct Statement_s { int numEntries; expressionEntry *entries; ExpressionSupportingData *supportingData; int lastExecuteTime; Operand lastResult; }; struct ConditionalScript { MenuEventHandlerSet *eventHandlerSet; Statement_s *eventExpression; }; struct SetLocalVarData { const char *localVarName; Statement_s *expression; }; union EventData { const char *unconditionalScript; ConditionalScript *conditionalScript; MenuEventHandlerSet *elseScript; SetLocalVarData *setLocalVarData; }; struct __declspec(align(4)) MenuEventHandler { EventData eventData; char eventType; }; struct MenuEventHandlerSet { int eventHandlerCount; MenuEventHandler **eventHandlers; }; struct ItemKeyHandler { int key; MenuEventHandlerSet *action; ItemKeyHandler *next; }; struct columnInfo_s { int pos; int width; int maxChars; int alignment; }; struct listBoxDef_s { int mousePos; int startPos[1]; int endPos[1]; int drawPadding; float elementWidth; float elementHeight; int elementStyle; int numColumns; columnInfo_s columnInfo[16]; MenuEventHandlerSet *onDoubleClick; int notselectable; int noScrollBars; int usePaging; float selectBorder[4]; Material *selectIcon; }; struct editFieldDef_s { float minVal; float maxVal; float defVal; float range; int maxChars; int maxCharsGotoNext; int maxPaintChars; int paintOffset; }; struct multiDef_s { const char *dvarList[32]; const char *dvarStr[32]; float dvarValue[32]; int count; int strDef; }; struct newsTickerDef_s { int feedId; int speed; int spacing; int lastTime; int start; int end; float x; }; struct textScrollDef_s { int startTime; }; union itemDefData_t { listBoxDef_s *listBox; editFieldDef_s *editField; multiDef_s *multi; const char *enumDvarName; newsTickerDef_s *ticker; textScrollDef_s *scroll; void *data; }; struct ItemFloatExpression { int target; Statement_s *expression; }; struct itemDef_s { windowDef_t window; rectDef_s textRect[1]; int type; int dataType; int alignment; int fontEnum; int textAlignMode; float textalignx; float textaligny; float textscale; int textStyle; int gameMsgWindowIndex; int gameMsgWindowMode; const char *text; int itemFlags; menuDef_t *parent; MenuEventHandlerSet *mouseEnterText; MenuEventHandlerSet *mouseExitText; MenuEventHandlerSet *mouseEnter; MenuEventHandlerSet *mouseExit; MenuEventHandlerSet *action; MenuEventHandlerSet *accept; MenuEventHandlerSet *onFocus; MenuEventHandlerSet *leaveFocus; const char *dvar; const char *dvarTest; ItemKeyHandler *onKey; const char *enableDvar; const char *localVar; int dvarFlags; snd_alias_list_t *focusSound; float special; int cursorPos[1]; itemDefData_t typeData; int imageTrack; int floatExpressionCount; ItemFloatExpression *floatExpressions; Statement_s *visibleExp; Statement_s *disabledExp; Statement_s *textExp; Statement_s *materialExp; float glowColor[4]; bool decayActive; int fxBirthTime; int fxLetterTime; int fxDecayStartTime; int fxDecayDuration; int lastSoundPlayedTime; }; struct menuTransition { int transitionType; int targetField; int startTime; float startVal; float endVal; float time; int endTriggerType; }; struct menuDef_t { windowDef_t window; const char *font; int fullScreen; int itemCount; int fontIndex; int cursorItem[1]; int fadeCycle; float fadeClamp; float fadeAmount; float fadeInAmount; float blurRadius; MenuEventHandlerSet *onOpen; MenuEventHandlerSet *onCloseRequest; MenuEventHandlerSet *onClose; MenuEventHandlerSet *onESC; ItemKeyHandler *onKey; Statement_s *visibleExp; const char *allowedBinding; const char *soundName; int imageTrack; float focusColor[4]; Statement_s *rectXExp; Statement_s *rectYExp; Statement_s *rectWExp; Statement_s *rectHExp; Statement_s *openSoundExp; Statement_s *closeSoundExp; itemDef_s **items; menuTransition scaleTransition[1]; menuTransition alphaTransition[1]; menuTransition xTransition[1]; menuTransition yTransition[1]; ExpressionSupportingData *expressionData; }; struct MenuList { const char *name; int menuCount; menuDef_t **menus; }; struct LocalizeEntry { const char *value; const char *name; }; enum weapType_t { WEAPTYPE_BULLET = 0x0, WEAPTYPE_GRENADE = 0x1, WEAPTYPE_PROJECTILE = 0x2, WEAPTYPE_RIOTSHIELD = 0x3, WEAPTYPE_NUM = 0x4, }; enum weapClass_t { WEAPCLASS_RIFLE = 0x0, WEAPCLASS_SNIPER = 0x1, WEAPCLASS_MG = 0x2, WEAPCLASS_SMG = 0x3, WEAPCLASS_SPREAD = 0x4, WEAPCLASS_PISTOL = 0x5, WEAPCLASS_GRENADE = 0x6, WEAPCLASS_ROCKETLAUNCHER = 0x7, WEAPCLASS_TURRET = 0x8, WEAPCLASS_THROWINGKNIFE = 0x9, WEAPCLASS_NON_PLAYER = 0xA, WEAPCLASS_ITEM = 0xB, WEAPCLASS_NUM = 0xC, }; enum PenetrateType { PENETRATE_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, PENETRATE_TYPE_SMALL = 0x1, PENETRATE_TYPE_MEDIUM = 0x2, PENETRATE_TYPE_LARGE = 0x3, PENETRATE_TYPE_COUNT = 0x4, }; enum weapInventoryType_t { WEAPINVENTORY_PRIMARY = 0x0, WEAPINVENTORY_OFFHAND = 0x1, WEAPINVENTORY_ITEM = 0x2, WEAPINVENTORY_ALTMODE = 0x3, WEAPINVENTORY_EXCLUSIVE = 0x4, WEAPINVENTORY_SCAVENGER = 0x5, WEAPINVENTORYCOUNT = 0x6, }; enum weapFireType_t { WEAPON_FIRETYPE_FULLAUTO = 0x0, WEAPON_FIRETYPE_SINGLESHOT = 0x1, WEAPON_FIRETYPE_BURSTFIRE2 = 0x2, WEAPON_FIRETYPE_BURSTFIRE3 = 0x3, WEAPON_FIRETYPE_BURSTFIRE4 = 0x4, WEAPON_FIRETYPE_DOUBLEBARREL = 0x5, WEAPON_FIRETYPECOUNT = 0x6, WEAPON_FIRETYPE_BURSTFIRE_FIRST = 0x2, WEAPON_FIRETYPE_BURSTFIRE_LAST = 0x4, }; enum OffhandClass { OFFHAND_CLASS_NONE = 0x0, OFFHAND_CLASS_FRAG_GRENADE = 0x1, OFFHAND_CLASS_SMOKE_GRENADE = 0x2, OFFHAND_CLASS_FLASH_GRENADE = 0x3, OFFHAND_CLASS_THROWINGKNIFE = 0x4, OFFHAND_CLASS_OTHER = 0x5, OFFHAND_CLASS_COUNT = 0x6, }; enum weapStance_t { WEAPSTANCE_STAND = 0x0, WEAPSTANCE_DUCK = 0x1, WEAPSTANCE_PRONE = 0x2, WEAPSTANCE_NUM = 0x3, }; enum activeReticleType_t { VEH_ACTIVE_RETICLE_NONE = 0x0, VEH_ACTIVE_RETICLE_PIP_ON_A_STICK = 0x1, VEH_ACTIVE_RETICLE_BOUNCING_DIAMOND = 0x2, VEH_ACTIVE_RETICLE_COUNT = 0x3, }; enum weaponIconRatioType_t { WEAPON_ICON_RATIO_1TO1 = 0x0, WEAPON_ICON_RATIO_2TO1 = 0x1, WEAPON_ICON_RATIO_4TO1 = 0x2, WEAPON_ICON_RATIO_COUNT = 0x3, }; enum ammoCounterClipType_t { AMMO_COUNTER_CLIP_NONE = 0x0, AMMO_COUNTER_CLIP_MAGAZINE = 0x1, AMMO_COUNTER_CLIP_SHORTMAGAZINE = 0x2, AMMO_COUNTER_CLIP_SHOTGUN = 0x3, AMMO_COUNTER_CLIP_ROCKET = 0x4, AMMO_COUNTER_CLIP_BELTFED = 0x5, AMMO_COUNTER_CLIP_ALTWEAPON = 0x6, AMMO_COUNTER_CLIP_COUNT = 0x7, }; enum weapOverlayReticle_t { WEAPOVERLAYRETICLE_NONE = 0x0, WEAPOVERLAYRETICLE_CROSSHAIR = 0x1, WEAPOVERLAYRETICLE_NUM = 0x2, }; enum WeapOverlayInteface_t { WEAPOVERLAYINTERFACE_NONE = 0x0, WEAPOVERLAYINTERFACE_JAVELIN = 0x1, WEAPOVERLAYINTERFACE_TURRETSCOPE = 0x2, WEAPOVERLAYINTERFACECOUNT = 0x3, }; enum weapProjExposion_t { WEAPPROJEXP_GRENADE = 0x0, WEAPPROJEXP_ROCKET = 0x1, WEAPPROJEXP_FLASHBANG = 0x2, WEAPPROJEXP_NONE = 0x3, WEAPPROJEXP_DUD = 0x4, WEAPPROJEXP_SMOKE = 0x5, WEAPPROJEXP_HEAVY = 0x6, WEAPPROJEXP_NUM = 0x7, }; enum WeapStickinessType { WEAPSTICKINESS_NONE = 0x0, WEAPSTICKINESS_ALL = 0x1, WEAPSTICKINESS_ALL_ORIENT = 0x2, WEAPSTICKINESS_GROUND = 0x3, WEAPSTICKINESS_GROUND_WITH_YAW = 0x4, WEAPSTICKINESS_KNIFE = 0x5, WEAPSTICKINESS_COUNT = 0x6, }; enum guidedMissileType_t { MISSILE_GUIDANCE_NONE = 0x0, MISSILE_GUIDANCE_SIDEWINDER = 0x1, MISSILE_GUIDANCE_HELLFIRE = 0x2, MISSILE_GUIDANCE_JAVELIN = 0x3, MISSILE_GUIDANCE_COUNT = 0x4, }; struct TracerDef { const char *name; Material *material; unsigned int drawInterval; float speed; float beamLength; float beamWidth; float screwRadius; float screwDist; float colors[5][4]; }; struct __declspec(align(4)) WeaponDef { const char *szOverlayName; XModel **gunXModel; XModel *handXModel; const char **szXAnimsRightHanded; const char **szXAnimsLeftHanded; const char *szModeName; unsigned __int16 *notetrackSoundMapKeys; unsigned __int16 *notetrackSoundMapValues; unsigned __int16 *notetrackRumbleMapKeys; unsigned __int16 *notetrackRumbleMapValues; int playerAnimType; weapType_t weapType; weapClass_t weapClass; PenetrateType penetrateType; weapInventoryType_t inventoryType; weapFireType_t fireType; OffhandClass offhandClass; weapStance_t stance; FxEffectDef *viewFlashEffect; FxEffectDef *worldFlashEffect; snd_alias_list_t *pickupSound; snd_alias_list_t *pickupSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *ammoPickupSound; snd_alias_list_t *ammoPickupSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *projectileSound; snd_alias_list_t *pullbackSound; snd_alias_list_t *pullbackSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *fireSound; snd_alias_list_t *fireSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *fireSoundPlayerAkimbo; snd_alias_list_t *fireLoopSound; snd_alias_list_t *fireLoopSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *fireStopSound; snd_alias_list_t *fireStopSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *fireLastSound; snd_alias_list_t *fireLastSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *emptyFireSound; snd_alias_list_t *emptyFireSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *meleeSwipeSound; snd_alias_list_t *meleeSwipeSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *meleeHitSound; snd_alias_list_t *meleeMissSound; snd_alias_list_t *rechamberSound; snd_alias_list_t *rechamberSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *reloadSound; snd_alias_list_t *reloadSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *reloadEmptySound; snd_alias_list_t *reloadEmptySoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *reloadStartSound; snd_alias_list_t *reloadStartSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *reloadEndSound; snd_alias_list_t *reloadEndSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *detonateSound; snd_alias_list_t *detonateSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *nightVisionWearSound; snd_alias_list_t *nightVisionWearSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *nightVisionRemoveSound; snd_alias_list_t *nightVisionRemoveSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *altSwitchSound; snd_alias_list_t *altSwitchSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *raiseSound; snd_alias_list_t *raiseSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *firstRaiseSound; snd_alias_list_t *firstRaiseSoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *putawaySound; snd_alias_list_t *putawaySoundPlayer; snd_alias_list_t *scanSound; snd_alias_list_t **bounceSound; FxEffectDef *viewShellEjectEffect; FxEffectDef *worldShellEjectEffect; FxEffectDef *viewLastShotEjectEffect; FxEffectDef *worldLastShotEjectEffect; Material *reticleCenter; Material *reticleSide; int iReticleCenterSize; int iReticleSideSize; int iReticleMinOfs; activeReticleType_t activeReticleType; float vStandMove[3]; float vStandRot[3]; float strafeMove[3]; float strafeRot[3]; float vDuckedOfs[3]; float vDuckedMove[3]; float vDuckedRot[3]; float vProneOfs[3]; float vProneMove[3]; float vProneRot[3]; float fPosMoveRate; float fPosProneMoveRate; float fStandMoveMinSpeed; float fDuckedMoveMinSpeed; float fProneMoveMinSpeed; float fPosRotRate; float fPosProneRotRate; float fStandRotMinSpeed; float fDuckedRotMinSpeed; float fProneRotMinSpeed; XModel **worldModel; XModel *worldClipModel; XModel *rocketModel; XModel *knifeModel; XModel *worldKnifeModel; Material *hudIcon; weaponIconRatioType_t hudIconRatio; Material *pickupIcon; weaponIconRatioType_t pickupIconRatio; Material *ammoCounterIcon; weaponIconRatioType_t ammoCounterIconRatio; ammoCounterClipType_t ammoCounterClip; int iStartAmmo; const char *szAmmoName; int iAmmoIndex; const char *szClipName; int iClipIndex; int iMaxAmmo; int shotCount; const char *szSharedAmmoCapName; int iSharedAmmoCapIndex; int iSharedAmmoCap; int damage; int playerDamage; int iMeleeDamage; int iDamageType; int iFireDelay; int iMeleeDelay; int meleeChargeDelay; int iDetonateDelay; int iRechamberTime; int rechamberTimeOneHanded; int iRechamberBoltTime; int iHoldFireTime; int iDetonateTime; int iMeleeTime; int meleeChargeTime; int iReloadTime; int reloadShowRocketTime; int iReloadEmptyTime; int iReloadAddTime; int iReloadStartTime; int iReloadStartAddTime; int iReloadEndTime; int iDropTime; int iRaiseTime; int iAltDropTime; int quickDropTime; int quickRaiseTime; int iBreachRaiseTime; int iEmptyRaiseTime; int iEmptyDropTime; int sprintInTime; int sprintLoopTime; int sprintOutTime; int stunnedTimeBegin; int stunnedTimeLoop; int stunnedTimeEnd; int nightVisionWearTime; int nightVisionWearTimeFadeOutEnd; int nightVisionWearTimePowerUp; int nightVisionRemoveTime; int nightVisionRemoveTimePowerDown; int nightVisionRemoveTimeFadeInStart; int fuseTime; int aiFuseTime; float autoAimRange; float aimAssistRange; float aimAssistRangeAds; float aimPadding; float enemyCrosshairRange; float moveSpeedScale; float adsMoveSpeedScale; float sprintDurationScale; float fAdsZoomInFrac; float fAdsZoomOutFrac; Material *overlayMaterial; Material *overlayMaterialLowRes; Material *overlayMaterialEMP; Material *overlayMaterialEMPLowRes; weapOverlayReticle_t overlayReticle; WeapOverlayInteface_t overlayInterface; float overlayWidth; float overlayHeight; float overlayWidthSplitscreen; float overlayHeightSplitscreen; float fAdsBobFactor; float fAdsViewBobMult; float fHipSpreadStandMin; float fHipSpreadDuckedMin; float fHipSpreadProneMin; float hipSpreadStandMax; float hipSpreadDuckedMax; float hipSpreadProneMax; float fHipSpreadDecayRate; float fHipSpreadFireAdd; float fHipSpreadTurnAdd; float fHipSpreadMoveAdd; float fHipSpreadDuckedDecay; float fHipSpreadProneDecay; float fHipReticleSidePos; float fAdsIdleAmount; float fHipIdleAmount; float adsIdleSpeed; float hipIdleSpeed; float fIdleCrouchFactor; float fIdleProneFactor; float fGunMaxPitch; float fGunMaxYaw; float swayMaxAngle; float swayLerpSpeed; float swayPitchScale; float swayYawScale; float swayHorizScale; float swayVertScale; float swayShellShockScale; float adsSwayMaxAngle; float adsSwayLerpSpeed; float adsSwayPitchScale; float adsSwayYawScale; float adsSwayHorizScale; float adsSwayVertScale; float adsViewErrorMin; float adsViewErrorMax; PhysCollmap *physCollmap; float dualWieldViewModelOffset; weaponIconRatioType_t killIconRatio; int iReloadAmmoAdd; int iReloadStartAdd; int ammoDropStockMin; int ammoDropClipPercentMin; int ammoDropClipPercentMax; int iExplosionRadius; int iExplosionRadiusMin; int iExplosionInnerDamage; int iExplosionOuterDamage; float damageConeAngle; float bulletExplDmgMult; float bulletExplRadiusMult; int iProjectileSpeed; int iProjectileSpeedUp; int iProjectileSpeedForward; int iProjectileActivateDist; float projLifetime; float timeToAccelerate; float projectileCurvature; XModel *projectileModel; weapProjExposion_t projExplosion; FxEffectDef *projExplosionEffect; FxEffectDef *projDudEffect; snd_alias_list_t *projExplosionSound; snd_alias_list_t *projDudSound; WeapStickinessType stickiness; float lowAmmoWarningThreshold; float ricochetChance; float *parallelBounce; float *perpendicularBounce; FxEffectDef *projTrailEffect; FxEffectDef *projBeaconEffect; float vProjectileColor[3]; guidedMissileType_t guidedMissileType; float maxSteeringAccel; int projIgnitionDelay; FxEffectDef *projIgnitionEffect; snd_alias_list_t *projIgnitionSound; float fAdsAimPitch; float fAdsCrosshairInFrac; float fAdsCrosshairOutFrac; int adsGunKickReducedKickBullets; float adsGunKickReducedKickPercent; float fAdsGunKickPitchMin; float fAdsGunKickPitchMax; float fAdsGunKickYawMin; float fAdsGunKickYawMax; float fAdsGunKickAccel; float fAdsGunKickSpeedMax; float fAdsGunKickSpeedDecay; float fAdsGunKickStaticDecay; float fAdsViewKickPitchMin; float fAdsViewKickPitchMax; float fAdsViewKickYawMin; float fAdsViewKickYawMax; float fAdsViewScatterMin; float fAdsViewScatterMax; float fAdsSpread; int hipGunKickReducedKickBullets; float hipGunKickReducedKickPercent; float fHipGunKickPitchMin; float fHipGunKickPitchMax; float fHipGunKickYawMin; float fHipGunKickYawMax; float fHipGunKickAccel; float fHipGunKickSpeedMax; float fHipGunKickSpeedDecay; float fHipGunKickStaticDecay; float fHipViewKickPitchMin; float fHipViewKickPitchMax; float fHipViewKickYawMin; float fHipViewKickYawMax; float fHipViewScatterMin; float fHipViewScatterMax; float fightDist; float maxDist; const char *accuracyGraphName[2]; float(*originalAccuracyGraphKnots[2])[2]; unsigned __int16 originalAccuracyGraphKnotCount[2]; int iPositionReloadTransTime; float leftArc; float rightArc; float topArc; float bottomArc; float accuracy; float aiSpread; float playerSpread; float minTurnSpeed[2]; float maxTurnSpeed[2]; float pitchConvergenceTime; float yawConvergenceTime; float suppressTime; float maxRange; float fAnimHorRotateInc; float fPlayerPositionDist; const char *szUseHintString; const char *dropHintString; int iUseHintStringIndex; int dropHintStringIndex; float horizViewJitter; float vertViewJitter; float scanSpeed; float scanAccel; int scanPauseTime; const char *szScript; float fOOPosAnimLength[2]; int minDamage; int minPlayerDamage; float fMaxDamageRange; float fMinDamageRange; float destabilizationRateTime; float destabilizationCurvatureMax; int destabilizeDistance; float *locationDamageMultipliers; const char *fireRumble; const char *meleeImpactRumble; TracerDef *tracerType; float turretScopeZoomRate; float turretScopeZoomMin; float turretScopeZoomMax; float turretOverheatUpRate; float turretOverheatDownRate; float turretOverheatPenalty; snd_alias_list_t *turretOverheatSound; FxEffectDef *turretOverheatEffect; const char *turretBarrelSpinRumble; float turretBarrelSpinSpeed; float turretBarrelSpinUpTime; float turretBarrelSpinDownTime; snd_alias_list_t *turretBarrelSpinMaxSnd; snd_alias_list_t *turretBarrelSpinUpSnd[4]; snd_alias_list_t *turretBarrelSpinDownSnd[4]; snd_alias_list_t *missileConeSoundAlias; snd_alias_list_t *missileConeSoundAliasAtBase; float missileConeSoundRadiusAtTop; float missileConeSoundRadiusAtBase; float missileConeSoundHeight; float missileConeSoundOriginOffset; float missileConeSoundVolumescaleAtCore; float missileConeSoundVolumescaleAtEdge; float missileConeSoundVolumescaleCoreSize; float missileConeSoundPitchAtTop; float missileConeSoundPitchAtBottom; float missileConeSoundPitchTopSize; float missileConeSoundPitchBottomSize; float missileConeSoundCrossfadeTopSize; float missileConeSoundCrossfadeBottomSize; bool sharedAmmo; bool lockonSupported; bool requireLockonToFire; bool bigExplosion; bool noAdsWhenMagEmpty; bool avoidDropCleanup; bool inheritsPerks; bool crosshairColorChange; bool bRifleBullet; bool armorPiercing; bool bBoltAction; bool aimDownSight; bool bRechamberWhileAds; bool bBulletExplosiveDamage; bool bCookOffHold; bool bClipOnly; bool noAmmoPickup; bool adsFireOnly; bool cancelAutoHolsterWhenEmpty; bool disableSwitchToWhenEmpty; bool suppressAmmoReserveDisplay; bool laserSightDuringNightvision; bool markableViewmodel; bool noDualWield; bool flipKillIcon; bool bNoPartialReload; bool bSegmentedReload; bool blocksProne; bool silenced; bool isRollingGrenade; bool projExplosionEffectForceNormalUp; bool bProjImpactExplode; bool stickToPlayers; bool hasDetonator; bool disableFiring; bool timedDetonation; bool rotate; bool holdButtonToThrow; bool freezeMovementWhenFiring; bool thermalScope; bool altModeSameWeapon; bool turretBarrelSpinEnabled; bool missileConeSoundEnabled; bool missileConeSoundPitchshiftEnabled; bool missileConeSoundCrossfadeEnabled; bool offhandHoldIsCancelable; }; enum ImpactType { IMPACT_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, IMPACT_TYPE_BULLET_SMALL = 0x1, IMPACT_TYPE_BULLET_LARGE = 0x2, IMPACT_TYPE_BULLET_AP = 0x3, IMPACT_TYPE_BULLET_EXPLODE = 0x4, IMPACT_TYPE_SHOTGUN = 0x5, IMPACT_TYPE_SHOTGUN_EXPLODE = 0x6, IMPACT_TYPE_GRENADE_BOUNCE = 0x7, IMPACT_TYPE_GRENADE_EXPLODE = 0x8, IMPACT_TYPE_ROCKET_EXPLODE = 0x9, IMPACT_TYPE_PROJECTILE_DUD = 0xA, IMPACT_TYPE_COUNT = 0xB, }; struct /*__declspec(align(2))*/ WeaponCompleteDef { const char *szInternalName; WeaponDef *weapDef; const char *szDisplayName; unsigned __int16 *hideTags; const char **szXAnims; float fAdsZoomFov; int iAdsTransInTime; int iAdsTransOutTime; int iClipSize; ImpactType impactType; int iFireTime; weaponIconRatioType_t dpadIconRatio; float penetrateMultiplier; float fAdsViewKickCenterSpeed; float fHipViewKickCenterSpeed; const char *szAltWeaponName; unsigned int altWeaponIndex; int iAltRaiseTime; Material *killIcon; Material *dpadIcon; int fireAnimLength; int iFirstRaiseTime; int ammoDropStockMax; float adsDofStart; float adsDofEnd; unsigned __int16 accuracyGraphKnotCount[2]; float(*accuracyGraphKnots[2])[2]; bool motionTracker; bool enhanced; bool dpadIconShowsAmmo; }; struct SndDriverGlobals { const char *name; }; struct FxImpactEntry { FxEffectDef *nonflesh[31]; FxEffectDef *flesh[4]; }; struct FxImpactTable { const char *name; FxImpactEntry *table; }; struct RawFile { const char *name; int compressedLen; int len; const char *buffer; }; struct StringTableCell { const char *string; int hash; }; struct StringTable { const char *name; int columnCount; int rowCount; StringTableCell *values; }; enum LbColType { LBCOL_TYPE_NUMBER = 0x0, LBCOL_TYPE_TIME = 0x1, LBCOL_TYPE_LEVELXP = 0x2, LBCOL_TYPE_PRESTIGE = 0x3, LBCOL_TYPE_BIGNUMBER = 0x4, LBCOL_TYPE_PERCENT = 0x5, LBCOL_TYPE_COUNT = 0x6, }; enum LbAggType { LBAGG_TYPE_MIN = 0x0, LBAGG_TYPE_MAX = 0x1, LBAGG_TYPE_SUM = 0x2, LBAGG_TYPE_LAST = 0x3, LBAGG_TYPE_COUNT = 0x4, }; struct LbColumnDef { const char *name; int id; int propertyId; bool hidden; const char *statName; LbColType type; int precision; LbAggType agg; }; struct LeaderboardDef { const char *name; int id; int columnCount; int xpColId; int prestigeColId; LbColumnDef *columns; }; struct __declspec(align(4)) StructuredDataEnumEntry { const char *string; unsigned __int16 index; }; struct StructuredDataEnum { int entryCount; int reservedEntryCount; StructuredDataEnumEntry *entries; }; enum StructuredDataTypeCategory { DATA_INT = 0x0, DATA_BYTE = 0x1, DATA_BOOL = 0x2, DATA_STRING = 0x3, DATA_ENUM = 0x4, DATA_STRUCT = 0x5, DATA_INDEXED_ARRAY = 0x6, DATA_ENUM_ARRAY = 0x7, DATA_FLOAT = 0x8, DATA_SHORT = 0x9, DATA_COUNT = 0xA, }; union StructuredDataTypeUnion { unsigned int stringDataLength; int enumIndex; int structIndex; int indexedArrayIndex; int enumedArrayIndex; }; struct StructuredDataType { StructuredDataTypeCategory type; StructuredDataTypeUnion u; }; struct StructuredDataStructProperty { const char *name; StructuredDataType type; unsigned int offset; }; struct StructuredDataStruct { int propertyCount; StructuredDataStructProperty *properties; int size; unsigned int bitOffset; }; struct StructuredDataIndexedArray { int arraySize; StructuredDataType elementType; unsigned int elementSize; }; struct StructuredDataEnumedArray { int enumIndex; StructuredDataType elementType; unsigned int elementSize; }; struct StructuredDataDef { int version; unsigned int formatChecksum; int enumCount; StructuredDataEnum *enums; int structCount; StructuredDataStruct *structs; int indexedArrayCount; StructuredDataIndexedArray *indexedArrays; int enumedArrayCount; StructuredDataEnumedArray *enumedArrays; StructuredDataType rootType; unsigned int size; }; struct StructuredDataDefSet { const char *name; unsigned int defCount; StructuredDataDef *defs; }; struct StructuredDataBuffer { char *data; unsigned int size; }; enum VehicleType { VEH_WHEELS_4 = 0x0, VEH_TANK = 0x1, VEH_PLANE = 0x2, VEH_BOAT = 0x3, VEH_ARTILLERY = 0x4, VEH_HELICOPTER = 0x5, VEH_SNOWMOBILE = 0x6, VEH_TYPE_COUNT = 0x7, }; enum VehicleAxleType { VEH_AXLE_FRONT = 0x0, VEH_AXLE_REAR = 0x1, VEH_AXLE_ALL = 0x2, VEH_AXLE_COUNT = 0x3, }; struct VehiclePhysDef { int physicsEnabled; const char *physPresetName; PhysPreset *physPreset; const char *accelGraphName; VehicleAxleType steeringAxle; VehicleAxleType powerAxle; VehicleAxleType brakingAxle; float topSpeed; float reverseSpeed; float maxVelocity; float maxPitch; float maxRoll; float suspensionTravelFront; float suspensionTravelRear; float suspensionStrengthFront; float suspensionDampingFront; float suspensionStrengthRear; float suspensionDampingRear; float frictionBraking; float frictionCoasting; float frictionTopSpeed; float frictionSide; float frictionSideRear; float velocityDependentSlip; float rollStability; float rollResistance; float pitchResistance; float yawResistance; float uprightStrengthPitch; float uprightStrengthRoll; float targetAirPitch; float airYawTorque; float airPitchTorque; float minimumMomentumForCollision; float collisionLaunchForceScale; float wreckedMassScale; float wreckedBodyFriction; float minimumJoltForNotify; float slipThresholdFront; float slipThresholdRear; float slipFricScaleFront; float slipFricScaleRear; float slipFricRateFront; float slipFricRateRear; float slipYawTorque; }; struct VehicleDef { const char *name; VehicleType type; const char *useHintString; int health; int quadBarrel; float texScrollScale; float topSpeed; float accel; float rotRate; float rotAccel; float maxBodyPitch; float maxBodyRoll; float fakeBodyAccelPitch; float fakeBodyAccelRoll; float fakeBodyVelPitch; float fakeBodyVelRoll; float fakeBodySideVelPitch; float fakeBodyPitchStrength; float fakeBodyRollStrength; float fakeBodyPitchDampening; float fakeBodyRollDampening; float fakeBodyBoatRockingAmplitude; float fakeBodyBoatRockingPeriod; float fakeBodyBoatRockingRotationPeriod; float fakeBodyBoatRockingFadeoutSpeed; float boatBouncingMinForce; float boatBouncingMaxForce; float boatBouncingRate; float boatBouncingFadeinSpeed; float boatBouncingFadeoutSteeringAngle; float collisionDamage; float collisionSpeed; float killcamOffset[3]; int playerProtected; int bulletDamage; int armorPiercingDamage; int grenadeDamage; int projectileDamage; int projectileSplashDamage; int heavyExplosiveDamage; VehiclePhysDef vehPhysDef; float boostDuration; float boostRechargeTime; float boostAcceleration; float suspensionTravel; float maxSteeringAngle; float steeringLerp; float minSteeringScale; float minSteeringSpeed; int camLookEnabled; float camLerp; float camPitchInfluence; float camRollInfluence; float camFovIncrease; float camFovOffset; float camFovSpeed; const char *turretWeaponName; WeaponCompleteDef *turretWeapon; float turretHorizSpanLeft; float turretHorizSpanRight; float turretVertSpanUp; float turretVertSpanDown; float turretRotRate; snd_alias_list_t *turretSpinSnd; snd_alias_list_t *turretStopSnd; int trophyEnabled; float trophyRadius; float trophyInactiveRadius; int trophyAmmoCount; float trophyReloadTime; unsigned __int16 trophyTags[4]; Material *compassFriendlyIcon; Material *compassEnemyIcon; int compassIconWidth; int compassIconHeight; snd_alias_list_t *idleLowSnd; snd_alias_list_t *idleHighSnd; snd_alias_list_t *engineLowSnd; snd_alias_list_t *engineHighSnd; float engineSndSpeed; snd_alias_list_t *engineStartUpSnd; int engineStartUpLength; snd_alias_list_t *engineShutdownSnd; snd_alias_list_t *engineIdleSnd; snd_alias_list_t *engineSustainSnd; snd_alias_list_t *engineRampUpSnd; int engineRampUpLength; snd_alias_list_t *engineRampDownSnd; int engineRampDownLength; snd_alias_list_t *suspensionSoftSnd; float suspensionSoftCompression; snd_alias_list_t *suspensionHardSnd; float suspensionHardCompression; snd_alias_list_t *collisionSnd; float collisionBlendSpeed; snd_alias_list_t *speedSnd; float speedSndBlendSpeed; const char *surfaceSndPrefix; snd_alias_list_t *surfaceSnds[31]; float surfaceSndBlendSpeed; float slideVolume; float slideBlendSpeed; float inAirPitch; }; struct AddonMapEnts { const char *name; char *entityString; int numEntityChars; MapTriggers trigger; }; union XAssetHeader { void *data; PhysPreset *physPreset; PhysCollmap *physCollmap; XAnimParts *parts; XModelSurfs *modelSurfs; XModel *model; Material *material; MaterialPixelShader *pixelShader; MaterialVertexShader *vertexShader; MaterialVertexDeclaration *vertexDecl; MaterialTechniqueSet *techniqueSet; GfxImage *image; snd_alias_list_t *sound; SndCurve *sndCurve; LoadedSound *loadSnd; clipMap_t *clipMap; ComWorld *comWorld; GameWorldSp *gameWorldSp; GameWorldMp *gameWorldMp; MapEnts *mapEnts; FxWorld *fxWorld; GfxWorld *gfxWorld; GfxLightDef *lightDef; Font_s *font; MenuList *menuList; menuDef_t *menu; LocalizeEntry *localize; WeaponCompleteDef *weapon; SndDriverGlobals *sndDriverGlobals; FxEffectDef *fx; FxImpactTable *impactFx; RawFile *rawfile; StringTable *stringTable; LeaderboardDef *leaderboardDef; StructuredDataDefSet *structuredDataDefSet; TracerDef *tracerDef; VehicleDef *vehDef; AddonMapEnts *addonMapEnts; }; struct XAsset { XAssetType type; XAssetHeader header; }; struct XBlock { char *data; unsigned int size; }; struct XAssetEntry { XAsset asset; char zoneIndex; volatile char inuse; unsigned __int16 nextHash; unsigned __int16 nextOverride; unsigned __int16 usageFrame; }; enum XFileLanguage : unsigned char { XLANG_NONE = 0x00, XLANG_ENGLISH = 0x01, XLANG_FRENCH = 0x02, XLANG_GERMAN = 0x03, XLANG_ITALIAN = 0x04, XLANG_SPANISH = 0x05, XLANG_BRITISH = 0x06, XLANG_RUSSIAN = 0x07, XLANG_POLISH = 0x08, XLANG_KOREAN = 0x09, XLANG_TAIWANESE = 0x0A, XLANG_JAPANESE = 0x0B, XLANG_CHINESE = 0x0C, XLANG_THAI = 0x0D, XLANG_LEET = 0x0E, // Wat? XLANG_CZECH = 0x0F, }; #pragma pack(push, 1) struct XFileHeader { unsigned __int64 magic; unsigned int version; XFileLanguage language; DWORD highDateTime; DWORD lowDateTime; }; #pragma pack(pop) enum XFILE_BLOCK_TYPES { XFILE_BLOCK_TEMP = 0x0, XFILE_BLOCK_PHYSICAL = 0x1, XFILE_BLOCK_RUNTIME = 0x2, XFILE_BLOCK_VIRTUAL = 0x3, XFILE_BLOCK_LARGE = 0x4, // Those are probably incorrect XFILE_BLOCK_CALLBACK, XFILE_BLOCK_VERTEX, XFILE_BLOCK_INDEX, MAX_XFILE_COUNT, XFILE_BLOCK_INVALID = -1 }; struct XFile { unsigned int size; unsigned int externalSize; unsigned int blockSize[MAX_XFILE_COUNT]; }; struct ScriptStringList { int count; const char **strings; }; struct XAssetList { ScriptStringList stringList; int assetCount; XAsset *assets; }; struct ZoneHeader { XFile xFile; XAssetList assetList; }; struct XZoneMemory { XBlock blocks[MAX_XFILE_COUNT]; char *lockedVertexData; char *lockedIndexData; void *vertexBuffer; void *indexBuffer; }; struct XZone { int unk; char name[64]; int flags; int allocType; XZoneMemory mem; int fileSize; char modZone; }; struct XNKID { char ab[8]; }; struct XNADDR { in_addr ina; in_addr inaOnline; unsigned __int16 wPortOnline; char abEnet[6]; char abOnline[20]; }; struct XNKEY { char ab[16]; }; struct _XSESSION_INFO { XNKID sessionID; XNADDR hostAddress; XNKEY keyExchangeKey; }; struct mapArena_t { char uiName[32]; char mapName[16]; char description[32]; char mapimage[32]; char keys[32][16]; char values[32][64]; char pad[144]; }; struct newMapArena_t { char uiName[32]; char oldMapName[16]; char description[32]; char mapimage[32]; char keys[32][16]; char values[32][64]; char other[144]; char mapName[32]; }; struct gameTypeName_t { char gameType[12]; char uiName[32]; }; typedef struct party_s { unsigned char pad1[544]; int privateSlots; int publicSlots; } party_t; typedef struct PartyData_s { DWORD unk; } PartyData_t; struct fileInIwd_s { unsigned int pos; char *name; fileInIwd_s *next; }; struct iwd_t { char iwdFilename[256]; char iwdBasename[256]; char iwdGamename[256]; char *handle; int checksum; int pure_checksum; volatile int hasOpenFile; int numfiles; char referenced; unsigned int hashSize; fileInIwd_s **hashTable; fileInIwd_s *buildBuffer; }; #ifdef IDA typedef void _iobuf; #endif union qfile_gus { _iobuf *o; char *z; }; struct qfile_us { qfile_gus file; int iwdIsClone; }; struct fileHandleData_t { qfile_us handleFiles; int handleSync; int fileSize; int zipFilePos; iwd_t *zipFile; int streamed; char name[256]; }; typedef struct { char path[256]; // c:\quake3 char gamedir[256]; // baseq3 } directory_t; typedef struct searchpath_s { searchpath_s* next; iwd_t *iwd; directory_t* dir; int bLocalized; int ignore; int ignorePureCheck; int language; } searchpath_t; struct SafeArea { int fontHeight; int textHeight; int textWidth; float left; float top; float right; float bottom; }; #pragma pack(push, 4) struct SpawnVar { bool spawnVarsValid; int numSpawnVars; char *spawnVars[64][2]; int numSpawnVarChars; char spawnVarChars[2048]; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 4) struct usercmd_s { int serverTime; int buttons; int angles[3]; unsigned __int16 weapon; unsigned __int16 primaryWeaponForAltMode; unsigned __int16 offHandIndex; char forwardmove; char rightmove; float meleeChargeYaw; char meleeChargeDist; char selectedLoc[2]; char selectedLocAngle; char remoteControlAngles[2]; }; #pragma pack(pop) typedef char mapname_t[40]; struct traceWork_t { /*TraceExtents*/int extents; float delta[3]; float deltaLen; float deltaLenSq; float delta2DLen; float delta2DLenSq; float size[3]; Bounds bounds; int contents; bool isPoint; bool axialCullOnly; float radius; float offset[3]; float radiusOffset[3]; float boundingRadius; /*TraceThreadInfo*/ int threadInfo; /*CM_WorldTraceCallbacks*/ void *callbacks; }; struct gameState_t { int stringOffsets[4139]; char stringData[131072]; int dataCount; } gameState; struct VariableStackBuffer { const char *pos; unsigned __int16 size; unsigned __int16 bufLen; unsigned __int16 localId; char time; char buf[1]; }; enum VariableType { VAR_UNDEFINED = 0x0, VAR_BEGIN_REF = 0x1, VAR_POINTER = 0x1, VAR_STRING = 0x2, VAR_ISTRING = 0x3, VAR_VECTOR = 0x4, VAR_END_REF = 0x5, VAR_FLOAT = 0x5, VAR_INTEGER = 0x6, VAR_CODEPOS = 0x7, VAR_PRECODEPOS = 0x8, VAR_FUNCTION = 0x9, VAR_BUILTIN_FUNCTION = 0xA, VAR_BUILTIN_METHOD = 0xB, VAR_STACK = 0xC, VAR_ANIMATION = 0xD, VAR_PRE_ANIMATION = 0xE, VAR_THREAD = 0xF, VAR_NOTIFY_THREAD = 0x10, VAR_TIME_THREAD = 0x11, VAR_CHILD_THREAD = 0x12, VAR_OBJECT = 0x13, VAR_DEAD_ENTITY = 0x14, VAR_ENTITY = 0x15, VAR_ARRAY = 0x16, VAR_DEAD_THREAD = 0x17, VAR_COUNT = 0x18, VAR_FREE = 0x18, VAR_THREAD_LIST = 0x19, VAR_ENDON_LIST = 0x1A, VAR_TOTAL_COUNT = 0x1B, }; union VariableUnion { int intValue; unsigned int uintValue; float floatValue; unsigned int stringValue; const float *vectorValue; const char *codePosValue; unsigned int pointerValue; VariableStackBuffer *stackValue; unsigned int entityOffset; }; struct VariableValue { VariableUnion u; int type; }; struct ScriptContainer { VariableValue* stack; char unk1; char unk2; char unk3; char pad; DWORD unk4; int numParam; }; enum UILocalVarType { UILOCALVAR_INT = 0x0, UILOCALVAR_FLOAT = 0x1, UILOCALVAR_STRING = 0x2, }; union $B42A88463653BDCDFC5664844B4491DA { int integer; float value; const char *string; }; struct UILocalVar { UILocalVarType type; const char *name; $B42A88463653BDCDFC5664844B4491DA u; }; struct UILocalVarContext { UILocalVar table[256]; }; struct $1942E78D15753E2013144570239460A8 { float x; float y; int lastMoveTime; }; struct UiContext { int localClientNum; float bias; int realTime; int frameTime; $1942E78D15753E2013144570239460A8 cursor; int isCursorVisible; int paintFull; int screenWidth; int screenHeight; float screenAspect; float FPS; float blurRadiusOut; menuDef_t *Menus[640]; int menuCount; menuDef_t *menuStack[16]; int openMenuCount; UILocalVarContext localVars; }; struct msg_t { int overflowed; int readOnly; char *data; char *splitData; int maxsize; int cursize; int splitSize; int readcount; int bit; int lastEntityRef; }; struct XZoneInfo { const char *name; int allocFlags; int freeFlags; }; enum FsListBehavior_e { FS_LIST_PURE_ONLY = 0x0, FS_LIST_ALL = 0x1, }; enum netsrc_t { NS_CLIENT1 = 0x0, NS_SERVER = 0x1, NS_MAXCLIENTS = 0x1, NS_PACKET = 0x2, }; enum netadrtype_t { NA_BOT = 0x0, NA_BAD = 0x1, NA_LOOPBACK = 0x2, NA_BROADCAST = 0x3, NA_IP = 0x4, NA_IPX = 0x5, NA_BROADCAST_IPX = 0x6, }; typedef union { unsigned char bytes[4]; DWORD full; } netIP_t; struct netadr_t { netadrtype_t type; //char ip[4]; netIP_t ip; unsigned __int16 port; char ipx[10]; }; struct FxEditorElemAtlas { int behavior; int index; int fps; int loopCount; int colIndexBits; int rowIndexBits; int entryCount; }; struct FxCurve { int dimensionCount; int keyCount; float keys[1]; }; union $81775853B5F1E1C6748A82ED93FC367C { FxElemVisuals visuals[32]; FxElemMarkVisuals markVisuals[16]; }; struct FxEditorTrailDef { FxTrailVertex verts[64]; int vertCount; unsigned __int16 inds[128]; int indCount; }; struct FxEditorElemDef { char name[48]; int editorFlags; int flags; FxFloatRange spawnRange; FxFloatRange fadeInRange; FxFloatRange fadeOutRange; float spawnFrustumCullRadius; FxSpawnDefLooping spawnLooping; FxSpawnDefOneShot spawnOneShot; FxIntRange spawnDelayMsec; FxIntRange lifeSpanMsec; FxFloatRange spawnOrigin[3]; FxFloatRange spawnOffsetRadius; FxFloatRange spawnOffsetHeight; FxFloatRange spawnAngles[3]; FxFloatRange angularVelocity[3]; FxFloatRange initialRotation; FxFloatRange gravity; FxFloatRange elasticity; FxEditorElemAtlas atlas; float velScale[2][3]; FxCurve *velShape[2][3][2]; float rotationScale; FxCurve *rotationShape[2]; float sizeScale[2]; FxCurve *sizeShape[2][2]; float scaleScale; FxCurve *scaleShape[2]; FxCurve *color[2]; FxCurve *alpha[2]; float lightingFrac; float decalFadeInTime; float collOffset[3]; float collRadius; FxEffectDef *effectOnImpact; FxEffectDef *effectOnDeath; int sortOrder; FxEffectDef *emission; FxFloatRange emitDist; FxFloatRange emitDistVariance; char elemType; int visualCount; $81775853B5F1E1C6748A82ED93FC367C ___u42; int trailSplitDist; int trailSplitArcDist; int trailSplitTime; int trailRepeatDist; float trailScrollTime; FxEditorTrailDef trailDef; float sparkFountainGravity; float sparkFountainBounceFrac; float sparkFountainBounceRand; float sparkFountainSparkSpacing; float sparkFountainSparkLength; int sparkFountainSparkCount; float sparkFountainLoopTime; float sparkFountainVelMin; float sparkFountainVelMax; float sparkFountainVelConeAngle; float sparkFountainRestSpeed; float sparkFountainBoostTime; float sparkFountainBoostFactor; }; struct FxEditorEffectDef { char name[64]; int elemCount; FxEditorElemDef elems[32]; }; struct FxElemField { const char *keyName; bool(__cdecl *handler)(const char **, FxEditorElemDef *); }; enum $18B36A54AD92993D0728595D3504B7CB { FX_ELEM_TYPE_SPRITE_BILLBOARD = 0x0, FX_ELEM_TYPE_SPRITE_ORIENTED = 0x1, FX_ELEM_TYPE_TAIL = 0x2, FX_ELEM_TYPE_TRAIL = 0x3, FX_ELEM_TYPE_CLOUD = 0x4, FX_ELEM_TYPE_SPARK_CLOUD = 0x5, FX_ELEM_TYPE_SPARK_FOUNTAIN = 0x6, FX_ELEM_TYPE_MODEL = 0x7, FX_ELEM_TYPE_OMNI_LIGHT = 0x8, FX_ELEM_TYPE_SPOT_LIGHT = 0x9, FX_ELEM_TYPE_SOUND = 0xA, FX_ELEM_TYPE_DECAL = 0xB, FX_ELEM_TYPE_RUNNER = 0xC, FX_ELEM_TYPE_COUNT = 0xD, FX_ELEM_TYPE_LAST_SPRITE = 0x3, FX_ELEM_TYPE_LAST_DRAWN = 0x9, }; struct infoParm_t { char *name; int clearSolid; int surfaceFlags; int contents; int toolFlags; }; struct GfxImageFileHeader { char tag[3]; char version; unsigned int flags; char format; char unused; __int16 dimensions[3]; int fileSizeForPicmip[4]; }; enum $1FA877C9772E9F0892A93F52A91453E9 { MAPTYPE_NONE = 0x0, MAPTYPE_INVALID1 = 0x1, MAPTYPE_1D = 0x2, MAPTYPE_2D = 0x3, MAPTYPE_3D = 0x4, MAPTYPE_CUBE = 0x5, MAPTYPE_COUNT = 0x6, }; enum GfxImageFileFormat { IMG_FORMAT_INVALID = 0x0, IMG_FORMAT_BITMAP_RGBA = 0x1, IMG_FORMAT_BITMAP_RGB = 0x2, IMG_FORMAT_BITMAP_LUMINANCE_ALPHA = 0x3, IMG_FORMAT_BITMAP_LUMINANCE = 0x4, IMG_FORMAT_BITMAP_ALPHA = 0x5, IMG_FORMAT_WAVELET_RGBA = 0x6, IMG_FORMAT_WAVELET_RGB = 0x7, IMG_FORMAT_WAVELET_LUMINANCE_ALPHA = 0x8, IMG_FORMAT_WAVELET_LUMINANCE = 0x9, IMG_FORMAT_WAVELET_ALPHA = 0xA, IMG_FORMAT_DXT1 = 0xB, IMG_FORMAT_DXT3 = 0xC, IMG_FORMAT_DXT5 = 0xD, IMG_FORMAT_DXN = 0xE, IMG_FORMAT_DXT3A_AS_LUMINANCE = 0xF, IMG_FORMAT_DXT5A_AS_LUMINANCE = 0x10, IMG_FORMAT_DXT3A_AS_ALPHA = 0x11, IMG_FORMAT_DXT5A_AS_ALPHA = 0x12, IMG_FORMAT_DXT1_AS_LUMINANCE_ALPHA = 0x13, IMG_FORMAT_DXN_AS_LUMINANCE_ALPHA = 0x14, IMG_FORMAT_DXT1_AS_LUMINANCE = 0x15, IMG_FORMAT_DXT1_AS_ALPHA = 0x16, IMG_FORMAT_COUNT = 0x17, }; enum $25EF9448C800B18F0C83DB367159AFD6 { PART_TYPE_NO_QUAT = 0x0, PART_TYPE_HALF_QUAT = 0x1, PART_TYPE_FULL_QUAT = 0x2, PART_TYPE_HALF_QUAT_NO_SIZE = 0x3, PART_TYPE_FULL_QUAT_NO_SIZE = 0x4, PART_TYPE_SMALL_TRANS = 0x5, PART_TYPE_TRANS = 0x6, PART_TYPE_TRANS_NO_SIZE = 0x7, PART_TYPE_NO_TRANS = 0x8, PART_TYPE_ALL = 0x9, PART_TYPE_COUNT = 0xA, }; enum $EDD38D6A57EF43793B1F773859FC039A { FS_SEEK_CUR = 0x0, FS_SEEK_END = 0x1, FS_SEEK_SET = 0x2, }; #pragma region CUSTOM enum itemTextStyle { ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL = 0, // normal text ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED = 3, // drop shadow ( need a color for this ) ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE = 6, // drop shadow ( need a color for this ) ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_BORDERED = 7, // border (stroke) ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_BORDEREDMORE = 8, // more border :P ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_MONOSPACE = 128, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_MONOSPACESHADOWED = 132, }; enum $53C66D4FC2874B6934A17E4ED449BCEB { // DB_ZONE_COMMON = 0x1, // DB_ZONE_UI = 0x2, // DB_ZONE_GAME = 0x4, // DB_ZONE_LOAD = 0x8, // DB_ZONE_DEV = 0x10, // DB_ZONE_TRANSIENT = 0x20, DB_ZONE_CODE_LOC = 0x0, DB_ZONE_COMMON_LOC = 0x1, DB_ZONE_CODE = 0x2, DB_ZONE_COMMON = 0x4, DB_ZONE_GAME = 0x8, DB_ZONE_MOD = 0x10, DB_ZONE_LOAD = 0x20, DB_ZONE_DEV = 0x40 }; enum playerFlag { PLAYER_FLAG_NOCLIP = 1 << 0, PLAYER_FLAG_UFO = 1 << 1, PLAYER_FLAG_FROZEN = 1 << 2, }; typedef struct gclient_s { unsigned char pad[12764]; unsigned int team; char pad2[436]; int flags; char pad3[724]; } gclient_t; struct LerpEntityState { char pad[0x70]; }; struct clientLinkInfo_t { __int16 parentId; char tagName; char flags; }; struct entityState_s { int number; int eType; LerpEntityState lerp; int time2; int otherEntityNum; int attackerEntityNum; int groundEntityNum; int loopSound; int surfType; union { int brushModel; int triggerModel; int item; int xmodel; int primaryLight; } index; int clientNum; int iHeadIcon; int iHeadIconTeam; int solid; unsigned int eventParm; int eventSequence; int events[4]; unsigned int eventParms[4]; unsigned __int16 weapon; int legsAnim; int torsoAnim; int un1; int un2; clientLinkInfo_t clientLinkInfo; unsigned int partBits[6]; int clientMask[1]; }; struct EntHandle { unsigned __int16 number; unsigned __int16 infoIndex; }; struct entityShared_t { char isLinked; char modelType; char svFlags; char isInUse; Bounds box; int contents; Bounds absBox; float currentOrigin[3]; float currentAngles[3]; EntHandle ownerNum; int eventTime; }; enum EntHandler { ENT_HANDLER_NULL = 0x0, ENT_HANDLER_TRIGGER_MULTIPLE = 0x1, ENT_HANDLER_TRIGGER_HURT = 0x2, ENT_HANDLER_TRIGGER_HURT_TOUCH = 0x3, ENT_HANDLER_TRIGGER_DAMAGE = 0x4, ENT_HANDLER_SCRIPT_MOVER = 0x5, ENT_HANDLER_SCRIPT_MODEL = 0x6, ENT_HANDLER_GRENADE = 0x7, ENT_HANDLER_TIMED_OBJECT = 0x8, ENT_HANDLER_ROCKET = 0x9, ENT_HANDLER_CLIENT = 0xA, ENT_HANDLER_CLIENT_SPECTATOR = 0xB, ENT_HANDLER_CLIENT_DEAD = 0xC, ENT_HANDLER_PLAYER_CLONE = 0xD, ENT_HANDLER_TURRET_INIT = 0xE, ENT_HANDLER_TURRET = 0xF, ENT_HANDLER_DROPPED_ITEM = 0x10, ENT_HANDLER_ITEM_INIT = 0x11, ENT_HANDLER_ITEM = 0x12, ENT_HANDLER_PRIMARY_LIGHT = 0x13, ENT_HANDLER_PLAYER_BLOCK = 0x14, ENT_HANDLER_VEHICLE = 0x15, ENT_HANDLER_COUNT }; typedef struct gentity_s { entityState_s s; entityShared_t r; gclient_t* client; // 344 void /*Turret*/* turret; void /*Vehicle*/* vehicle; int physObjId; unsigned __int16 model; char physicsObject; char takedamage; char active; char handler; char team; bool freeAfterEvent; __int16 padding_short; short classname; unsigned __int16 script_classname; unsigned __int16 script_linkName; unsigned __int16 target; unsigned __int16 targetname; unsigned int attachIgnoreCollision; int spawnflags; int flags; int eventTime; int clipmask; int processedFrame; EntHandle parent; int nextthink; int health; int maxHealth; int damage; int count; EntHandle missileTargetEnt; EntHandle remoteControlledOwner; gentity_s* tagChildren; unsigned __int16 attachModelNames[19]; unsigned __int16 attachTagNames[19]; int useCount; gentity_s* nextFree; int birthTime; char pad[100]; } gentity_t; #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct client_s { // 0 clientstate_t state; // 4 char _pad[4]; // 8 int deltaMessage; // 12 char __pad[12]; // 24 int outgoingSequence; // 28 char pad[12]; // 40 netadr_t addr; // 60 char pad1[1568]; // 1628 char connectInfoString[1024]; // 2652 char pad2[133192]; // 135844 char name[16]; // 135860 char pad3[12]; // 135872 int snapNum; // 135876 int pad4; // 135880 short ping; // 135882 //char pad5[142390]; char pad5[133158]; // 269040 int isBot; // 269044 char pad6[9228]; // 278272 unsigned __int64 steamid; // 278280 char pad7[403592]; } client_t; #pragma pack(pop) struct CModelAllocData { void* mainArray; void* vertexBuffer; void* indexBuffer; }; struct CModelSectionHeader { int size; int offset; int fixupStart; int fixupCount; void* buffer; }; enum CModelSection { SECTION_MAIN = 0, SECTION_INDEX = 1, SECTION_VERTEX = 2, SECTION_FIXUP = 3, }; struct CModelHeader { int version; unsigned int signature; CModelSectionHeader sectionHeader[4]; }; typedef struct punctuation_s { char *p; //punctuation character(s) int n; //punctuation indication struct punctuation_s *next; //next punctuation } punctuation_t; #define MAX_TOKEN 1024 #define MAX_TOKENLENGTH 1024 typedef struct token_s { char string[MAX_TOKEN]; //available token int type; //last read token type int subtype; //last read token sub type unsigned long int intvalue; //integer value long double floatvalue; //floating point value char *whitespace_p; //start of white space before token char *endwhitespace_p; //start of white space before token int line; //line the token was on int linescrossed; //lines crossed in white space struct token_s *next; //next token in chain } token_t; typedef struct script_s { char filename[64]; //file name of the script char *buffer; //buffer containing the script char *script_p; //current pointer in the script char *end_p; //pointer to the end of the script char *lastscript_p; //script pointer before reading token char *whitespace_p; //begin of the white space char *endwhitespace_p; //end of the white space int length; //length of the script in bytes int line; //current line in script int lastline; //line before reading token int tokenavailable; //set by UnreadLastToken int flags; //several script flags punctuation_t *punctuations; //the punctuations used in the script punctuation_t **punctuationtable; token_t token; //available token struct script_s *next; //next script in a chain } script_t; typedef struct define_s { char *name; //define name int flags; //define flags int builtin; // > 0 if builtin define int numparms; //number of define parameters token_t *parms; //define parameters token_t *tokens; //macro tokens (possibly containing parm tokens) struct define_s *next; //next defined macro in a list struct define_s *hashnext; //next define in the hash chain } define_t; typedef struct indent_s { int type; //indent type int skip; //true if skipping current indent script_t *script; //script the indent was in struct indent_s *next; //next indent on the indent stack } indent_t; typedef struct source_s { char filename[64]; //file name of the script char includepath[64]; //path to include files punctuation_t *punctuations; //punctuations to use script_t *scriptstack; //stack with scripts of the source token_t *tokens; //tokens to read first define_t *defines; //list with macro definitions define_t **definehash; //hash chain with defines indent_t *indentstack; //stack with indents int skip; // > 0 if skipping conditional code token_t token; //last read token } source_t; typedef struct pc_token_s { int type; int subtype; int intvalue; float floatvalue; char string[MAX_TOKENLENGTH]; } pc_token_t; typedef struct keywordHash_s { char *keyword; bool(*func)(menuDef_t *item, int handle); //struct keywordHash_s *next; } keywordHash_t; enum MaterialTechniqueType { TECHNIQUE_DEPTH_PREPASS = 0x0, TECHNIQUE_BUILD_FLOAT_Z = 0x1, TECHNIQUE_BUILD_SHADOWMAP_DEPTH = 0x2, TECHNIQUE_BUILD_SHADOWMAP_COLOR = 0x3, TECHNIQUE_UNLIT = 0x4, TECHNIQUE_EMISSIVE = 0x5, TECHNIQUE_EMISSIVE_DFOG = 0x6, TECHNIQUE_EMISSIVE_SHADOW = 0x7, TECHNIQUE_EMISSIVE_SHADOW_DFOG = 0x8, TECHNIQUE_LIT_BEGIN = 0x9, TECHNIQUE_LIT = 0x9, TECHNIQUE_LIT_DFOG = 0xA, TECHNIQUE_LIT_SUN = 0xB, TECHNIQUE_LIT_SUN_DFOG = 0xC, TECHNIQUE_LIT_SUN_SHADOW = 0xD, TECHNIQUE_LIT_SUN_SHADOW_DFOG = 0xE, TECHNIQUE_LIT_SPOT = 0xF, TECHNIQUE_LIT_SPOT_DFOG = 0x10, TECHNIQUE_LIT_SPOT_SHADOW = 0x11, TECHNIQUE_LIT_SPOT_SHADOW_DFOG = 0x12, TECHNIQUE_LIT_OMNI = 0x13, TECHNIQUE_LIT_OMNI_DFOG = 0x14, TECHNIQUE_LIT_OMNI_SHADOW = 0x15, TECHNIQUE_LIT_OMNI_SHADOW_DFOG = 0x16, TECHNIQUE_LIT_INSTANCED = 0x17, TECHNIQUE_LIT_INSTANCED_DFOG = 0x18, TECHNIQUE_LIT_INSTANCED_SUN = 0x19, TECHNIQUE_LIT_INSTANCED_SUN_DFOG = 0x1A, TECHNIQUE_LIT_INSTANCED_SUN_SHADOW = 0x1B, TECHNIQUE_LIT_INSTANCED_SUN_SHADOW_DFOG = 0x1C, TECHNIQUE_LIT_INSTANCED_SPOT = 0x1D, TECHNIQUE_LIT_INSTANCED_SPOT_DFOG = 0x1E, TECHNIQUE_LIT_INSTANCED_SPOT_SHADOW = 0x1F, TECHNIQUE_LIT_INSTANCED_SPOT_SHADOW_DFOG = 0x20, TECHNIQUE_LIT_INSTANCED_OMNI = 0x21, TECHNIQUE_LIT_INSTANCED_OMNI_DFOG = 0x22, TECHNIQUE_LIT_INSTANCED_OMNI_SHADOW = 0x23, TECHNIQUE_LIT_INSTANCED_OMNI_SHADOW_DFOG = 0x24, TECHNIQUE_LIT_END = 0x25, TECHNIQUE_LIGHT_SPOT = 0x25, TECHNIQUE_LIGHT_OMNI = 0x26, TECHNIQUE_LIGHT_SPOT_SHADOW = 0x27, TECHNIQUE_FAKELIGHT_NORMAL = 0x28, TECHNIQUE_FAKELIGHT_VIEW = 0x29, TECHNIQUE_SUNLIGHT_PREVIEW = 0x2A, TECHNIQUE_CASE_TEXTURE = 0x2B, TECHNIQUE_WIREFRAME_SOLID = 0x2C, TECHNIQUE_WIREFRAME_SHADED = 0x2D, TECHNIQUE_DEBUG_BUMPMAP = 0x2E, TECHNIQUE_DEBUG_BUMPMAP_INSTANCED = 0x2F, TECHNIQUE_COUNT = 0x30, TECHNIQUE_TOTAL_COUNT = 0x31, TECHNIQUE_NONE = 0x32, }; enum MaterialVertexDeclType { VERTDECL_GENERIC = 0x0, VERTDECL_PACKED = 0x1, VERTDECL_WORLD = 0x2, VERTDECL_WORLD_T1N0 = 0x3, VERTDECL_WORLD_T1N1 = 0x4, VERTDECL_WORLD_T2N0 = 0x5, VERTDECL_WORLD_T2N1 = 0x6, VERTDECL_WORLD_T2N2 = 0x7, VERTDECL_WORLD_T3N0 = 0x8, VERTDECL_WORLD_T3N1 = 0x9, VERTDECL_WORLD_T3N2 = 0xA, VERTDECL_WORLD_T4N0 = 0xB, VERTDECL_WORLD_T4N1 = 0xC, VERTDECL_WORLD_T4N2 = 0xD, VERTDECL_POS_TEX = 0xE, VERTDECL_STATICMODELCACHE = 0xF, VERTDECL_COUNT = 0x10, }; struct $A6DFE8F2BEFD3E7315B44D22E582538B { unsigned int stride; IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 *vb; unsigned int offset; }; struct GfxCmdBufPrimState { IDirect3DDevice9 *device; IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 *indexBuffer; MaterialVertexDeclType vertDeclType; $A6DFE8F2BEFD3E7315B44D22E582538B streams[2]; IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 *vertexDecl; }; enum GfxDepthRangeType { GFX_DEPTH_RANGE_SCENE = 0x0, GFX_DEPTH_RANGE_VIEWMODEL = 0x2, GFX_DEPTH_RANGE_FULL = 0xFFFFFFFF, }; struct GfxViewport { int x; int y; int width; int height; }; enum GfxRenderTargetId { R_RENDERTARGET_SAVED_SCREEN = 0x0, R_RENDERTARGET_FRAME_BUFFER = 0x1, R_RENDERTARGET_SCENE = 0x2, R_RENDERTARGET_RESOLVED_POST_SUN = 0x3, R_RENDERTARGET_RESOLVED_SCENE = 0x4, R_RENDERTARGET_FLOAT_Z = 0x5, R_RENDERTARGET_PINGPONG_0 = 0x6, R_RENDERTARGET_PINGPONG_1 = 0x7, R_RENDERTARGET_POST_EFFECT_0 = 0x8, R_RENDERTARGET_POST_EFFECT_1 = 0x9, R_RENDERTARGET_SHADOWMAP_LARGE = 0xA, R_RENDERTARGET_SHADOWMAP_SMALL = 0xB, R_RENDERTARGET_COUNT = 0xC, R_RENDERTARGET_NONE = 0xD, }; struct /*__declspec(align(16))*/ GfxCmdBufState { char refSamplerState[16]; unsigned int samplerState[16]; GfxTexture *samplerTexture[16]; GfxCmdBufPrimState prim; Material *material; MaterialTechniqueType techType; MaterialTechnique *technique; MaterialPass *pass; unsigned int passIndex; GfxDepthRangeType depthRangeType; float depthRangeNear; float depthRangeFar; unsigned __int64 vertexShaderConstState[64]; unsigned __int64 pixelShaderConstState[256]; char alphaRef; unsigned int refStateBits[2]; unsigned int activeStateBits[2]; MaterialPixelShader *pixelShader; MaterialVertexShader *vertexShader; unsigned int scissorX; unsigned int scissorY; unsigned int scissorW; unsigned int scissorH; unsigned int pixPrimarySortKey; unsigned int pixSceneLightIndex; Material *pixMaterial; MaterialTechnique *pixTechnique; int pixCombine; GfxViewport viewport; GfxRenderTargetId renderTargetId; Material *origMaterial; MaterialTechniqueType origTechType; }; struct GfxCmdBufContext { /*GfxCmdBufSourceState*/ void *source; GfxCmdBufState *state; }; struct GfxDrawGroupSetupFields { unsigned __int16 materialSortedIndex : 15; unsigned __int16 useHeroLighting : 1; char sceneLightIndex; char surfType; }; union GfxDrawGroupSetup { GfxDrawGroupSetupFields fields; unsigned int packed; }; struct GfxMarkSurfLightingFields { char lmapIndex; char reflectionProbeIndex; unsigned __int16 modelIndex; }; union GfxMarkSurfLighting { GfxMarkSurfLightingFields fields; unsigned int packed; }; struct GfxMarkSurf { GfxDrawGroupSetup drawGroup; unsigned __int16* indices; unsigned __int16 triCount; char modelType; char pad; GfxMarkSurfLighting lighting; }; struct GfxCodeSurf { GfxDrawGroupSetup drawGroup; unsigned int triCount; unsigned __int16* indices; unsigned __int16 argOffset; unsigned __int16 argCount; }; struct __declspec(align(4)) GfxGlassSurf { GfxDrawGroupSetup drawGroup; char pad; char reflectionProbeIndex; unsigned __int16 triCount; unsigned __int16* indices; unsigned __int16 lightingHandle; }; struct GfxCloudSurfFields { unsigned __int16 materialSortedIndex; char cloudDataIndex; char surfType; }; union GfxCloudSurf { GfxCloudSurfFields fields; unsigned int packed; }; struct GfxSparkSurfFields { unsigned __int16 materialSortedIndex; unsigned __int16 sparkDataIndex; }; union GfxSparkSurf { GfxSparkSurfFields fields; unsigned int packed; }; struct GfxSceneDef { int time; float floatTime; float viewOffset[3]; GfxImage* sunShadowImage; float sunShadowPixelAdjust[4]; }; struct GfxLight { char type; char canUseShadowMap; char unused[2]; float color[3]; float dir[3]; float origin[3]; float radius; float cosHalfFovOuter; float cosHalfFovInner; int exponent; unsigned int spotShadowIndex; GfxLightDef* def; }; struct GfxVisibleLight { char pad[0x2004]; }; struct GfxEntity { unsigned int renderFxFlags; float materialTime; }; struct GfxSkinnedXModelSurfs { void* firstSurf; }; struct GfxSceneEntityCull { volatile unsigned int state; Bounds bounds; GfxSkinnedXModelSurfs skinnedSurfs; }; union GfxSceneEntityInfo { void/*cpose_t*/* pose; unsigned __int16* cachedLightingHandle; }; struct DSkelPartBits { int anim[6]; int control[6]; int worldCtrl[6]; int skel[6]; }; struct DSkel { DSkelPartBits partBits; int timeStamp; /*DObjAnimMat*/void* mat; }; struct DObj { /*XAnimTree_s*/ void* tree; unsigned __int16 duplicateParts; unsigned __int16 entnum; char duplicatePartsSize; char numModels; char numBones; char flags; unsigned int ignoreCollision; volatile int locked; DSkel skel; float radius; unsigned int hidePartBits[6]; XModel** models; }; struct GfxSceneEntity { float lightingOrigin[3]; GfxPlacement placement; GfxSceneEntityCull cull; char lods[32]; unsigned __int32 gfxEntIndex : 7; unsigned __int32 entnum : 12; unsigned __int32 renderFxFlags : 13; DObj* obj; GfxSceneEntityInfo info; char reflectionProbeIndex; }; struct GfxScaledPlacement { GfxPlacement base; float scale; }; struct GfxSceneModel { XModelDrawInfo info; XModel* model; DObj* obj; GfxScaledPlacement placement; unsigned __int32 gfxEntIndex : 7; unsigned __int32 entnum : 12; unsigned __int32 renderFxFlags : 13; float radius; unsigned __int16* cachedLightingHandle; float lightingOrigin[3]; char reflectionProbeIndex; char lod; }; struct __declspec(align(4)) GfxSceneBrush { BModelDrawInfo info; unsigned __int16 entnum; GfxBrushModel* bmodel; GfxPlacement placement; char reflectionProbeIndex; }; union GfxSceneGlass { struct { bool rendered; char reflectionProbeIndex; unsigned __int16 lightingHandle; }; unsigned int packed; }; union GfxEntCellRefInfo { float radius; GfxBrushModel* bmodel; }; struct GfxSceneDpvs { unsigned int localClientNum; char* entVisData[7]; unsigned __int16* sceneXModelIndex; unsigned __int16* sceneDObjIndex; GfxEntCellRefInfo* entInfo[4]; }; struct __declspec(align(64)) GfxScene { GfxCodeSurf codeEmissiveSurfs[2048]; GfxCodeSurf codeTransSurfs[640]; GfxMarkSurf markSurfs[1536]; GfxGlassSurf glassSurfs[768]; GfxCloudSurf cloudSurfs[256]; GfxDrawSurf drawSurfsDepthHack[32]; GfxDrawSurf drawSurfsLitOpaque[8192]; GfxDrawSurf drawSurfsLitTrans[2048]; GfxDrawSurf drawSurfsEmissive[8192]; GfxDrawSurf drawSurfsSunShadow0[4096]; GfxDrawSurf drawSurfsSunShadow1[8192]; GfxDrawSurf drawSurfsSpotShadow0[896]; GfxDrawSurf drawSurfsSpotShadow1[896]; GfxDrawSurf drawSurfsSpotShadow2[896]; GfxDrawSurf drawSurfsSpotShadow3[896]; unsigned int sceneLightIsUsed[32]; unsigned int cachedSceneLightIsUsed[4][32]; GfxSparkSurf sparkSurfs[64]; unsigned int drawSurfLimit[10]; volatile int drawSurfCount[10]; GfxDrawSurf* drawSurfs[10]; volatile int codeSurfUser[2]; volatile int markMeshGuard; unsigned int codeEmissiveSurfCount; unsigned int codeTransSurfCount; unsigned int markSurfCount; unsigned int glassSurfCount; GfxSceneDef def; unsigned int addedLightCount; GfxLight addedLight[32]; bool isAddedLightCulled[32]; float dynamicSpotLightNearPlaneOffset; float dynamicSpotLightLength; GfxVisibleLight visLight[4]; GfxVisibleLight visLightShadow[1]; unsigned int* entOverflowedDrawBuf; volatile int gfxEntCount; GfxEntity gfxEnts[128]; int sceneDObjCount; int preClientSceneDObjCount; int sceneDObjCountAtMark; GfxSceneEntity sceneDObj[520]; char sceneDObjVisData[7][512]; int sceneDObjMarkableViewmodelIndex; unsigned int sceneDObjFirstViewmodelIndex; unsigned int sceneDObjViewmodelCount; volatile int sceneModelCount; int sceneModelCountAtMark; int sceneDObjModelCount; GfxSceneModel sceneModel[1024]; char sceneModelVisData[7][1024]; volatile int sceneBrushCount; int sceneBrushCountAtMark; GfxSceneBrush sceneBrush[512]; char sceneBrushVisData[3][512]; GfxSceneGlass sceneGlass[1024]; unsigned int sceneDynModelCount; unsigned int sceneDynBrushCount; int gfxEntCountAtMark; GfxSceneDpvs dpvs; int updateSound; int allowAddDObj; }; #pragma endregion #ifndef IDA } #endif